Moodle in English: Server requirements for 5000 users | (2024)

Server requirements for 5000 users

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Moodle in English: Server requirements for 5000 users | (1)

Server requirements for 5000 users

by Panagiotis Iliopoulos -

Number of replies: 12

Hi everyone,

I wanted to ask what would be the most optimized server, from hardware's aspectI mean.

And what would be the best solution for the connection, upload and download | mean.

Thanks all for all your help.

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Moodle in English: Server requirements for 5000 users | (2)

In reply to Panagiotis Iliopoulos

Re: Server requirements for 5000 users

by Michael Penney -

5000 synchronus (as in same quiz or chat) or 5000 users who will login at various times?

For 5000 asynchronus users a nice system would be dual 2-3ghz with 3GB RAM, some lunuxen or bsd OS, 60GB plus HD, tape backup, UPS or other emergency power source. I think Dell sells 1Us like this for ~$1000-$1500?

Are you planning to grow or is 5000 your estimated max?

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Moodle in English: Server requirements for 5000 users | (3)

In reply to Michael Penney

Re: Server requirements for 5000 users

by Panagiotis Iliopoulos -

Hi Michael,

First of all thanks for your reply, the 5000, is as you well put it, my estimated max and of course we are talking for 5000 asynchronous users, foolish of me I didn't mention that in my post.

As far as synchronized users a rough number would be 500 max.

Another thing I wanted to ask is this, yesterday as I was reading through the posts in this forum I read about "php accelerators", I want to ask what are these "php accelerators", what do they do and last, with my number of users, synchronized or unsynchronized,will I need one?

Thank you all


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Moodle in English: Server requirements for 5000 users | (4)

In reply to Panagiotis Iliopoulos

Re: Server requirements for 5000 users

by Joan Codina Filba -

As you mayknow php is an interpreted language. This means that every time you request apage, the correspondig php file must be read, parsed, and executed to produce html. But not only thepage requested but also all pages that the php code includes.
The Php interpreter does this in two steps, first parses the file to generate akind of byte-codes (an intermediate language ) and this code is then executed.
An accelerator is a cache of this intermediate code of the files requested bythe server, so files don't need to parsed every time they are requested.
We have done some tests and the speed is 30 times faster.
Moodle pages are complex include many other huge php pages (like config.php,and the ones in ./lib) apply the filters...
When I write a new course, usually I do it at home with a local installation ofMoodle (is much easy to copy files instead of download them, and addingactivities is much faster) and with only one user, using the accelerator youcan notice the difference for every page request.

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Moodle in English: Server requirements for 5000 users | (5)

In reply to Joan Codina Filba

Re: Server requirements for 5000 users

by Genner Cerna -

I would suggest going on Dual processor and a lots and lots of Ram.

Unlike we had, its a pain on the ass running P4 with single processor 2gb of ram. PHP eats up the CPU till it dies, even running on accelerators. By the way we had 4,000 students. 150 students log at the same time kills the dedicated server.

Why settle for less if you had the money, go for the best harwares you can affort... Perhaps you could even host our Moodle. Moodle in English: Server requirements for 5000 users | (6)

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Moodle in English: Server requirements for 5000 users | (7)

In reply to Genner Cerna

Re: Server requirements for 5000 users

by Panagiotis Iliopoulos -

Thanks Genner and Joan,

The research for the best hardware is on the road

I have a friend who is a "hardware wiz" on the job Moodle in English: Server requirements for 5000 users | (8)

We are going for a dual processor and possibly a 3 or 4 Gb of RAM. The money are of no concern, we are lucky on this one.

Also thanks for the info on how php works and what accelerators do, I'll get on that and look for the best one I can find.

Best regards Panayiotis.

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Moodle in English: Server requirements for 5000 users | (9)

In reply to Genner Cerna

Re: Server requirements for 5000 users

by Visvanath Ratnaweera -

Moodle in English: Server requirements for 5000 users | (10) Moodle in English: Server requirements for 5000 users | (11)

> its a pain on the ass running P4 with single processor 2gb of ram. PHP eats up the CPU till it dies, even running on accelerators. By the way we had 4,000 students. 150 students log at the same time kills the dedicated server.

Doesn't sound very encouraging, specially for places where the money _is_ an issue Moodle in English: Server requirements for 5000 users | (12)

Could you tell us more about the P4/2GB setup, operating system, database, Moodle version, etc. ?

I wonder whether a scheme of benchmarking is available. Will start a new thread on that.

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Moodle in English: Server requirements for 5000 users | (13)

In reply to Genner Cerna

Re: Server requirements for 5000 users

by Dayron D -

I've not seen it mentioned much, but wouldn't fast, SCSI drives also kick perfomance up a bit?

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Moodle in English: Server requirements for 5000 users | (14)

In reply to Genner Cerna

Re: Server requirements for 5000 users

by Samuli Karevaara -

I might be completely (!!) wrong, but when Martin upgraded the servers I seem to remember that runs on a server with figures in the same ballpark, and seem to handle 500K pageloads per day, albeit sometimes a bit slowly, but anyway.

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Moodle in English: Server requirements for 5000 users | (15)

In reply to Panagiotis Iliopoulos

Re: Server requirements for 5000 users

by Samuli Karevaara -

(Disclaimer: I'm not a sysadmin. So adjust the facts accordingly Moodle in English: Server requirements for 5000 users | (16) )

We have a similar user base: 8000 users alltogether but many of them inactive, around 4000 logged in during the last months.

Our server is a dual Xeon 3,2 GHz with 4 GB of ram. It's a hyperthreaded server so we get four virtual processors and together with enough ram this makes it a very efficient in web server use. OS is (Novell) Suse Enterprise Linux.

We have a SAN system for the (high-speed SCSI) disks and the server has an "optic-fibre-card" connecting it to the SAN (this is one part where I'm lost with the acronyms and terms Moodle in English: Server requirements for 5000 users | (17) )

Currently we get 100-200K page loads per day as we're just gaining speed, and this doesn't put much load on the server. I estimate that with this setup we can go up to a million page loads per day (Moodle pages, meaning lots of PHP on each page) even without PHP accelerators. The next steps up would be using a PHP accelerator and a separate DB server.

The bandwidth is another thing to consider too! We have a gigabit connection (AFAIK), but I believe 100 Mbit/s is just fine for your numbers too. With 10 Mbit/s you might want to limit the max size of the uploaded files to 1 or 2 megs each.

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Moodle in English: Server requirements for 5000 users | (18)

In reply to Panagiotis Iliopoulos

Re: Server requirements for 5000 users

by Visvanath Ratnaweera -

Moodle in English: Server requirements for 5000 users | (19) Moodle in English: Server requirements for 5000 users | (20)

In case you haven't seen it already

and if the network bandwidth an issue

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Moodle in English: Server requirements for 5000 users | (21)

In reply to Panagiotis Iliopoulos

Re: Server requirements for 5000 users

by Chris Ainsworth -

Over the past several months there have been a lot of people asking about "ideal server specs" for2000 plus students.When we get up to the 4-5000 studentnumbers has anyone seriously looked at the "risk implications" of singular serverinstalls.There hasbeenlittle conversation or consideration of implementing a "dual server" master/slave, main/backupconfigurations, ormore strategically a small cluster environment.

In a 5,000plus on-line student environment there are far more significant issues to be considered that "just the ideal hardware solution". These other "significant issues" will have a direct impact on your hardware selection and management of your environment.

1) The first question I will ask, is are you expecting your environment to be accessible 24/7/365?

If "yes" do you have technical support "on site" 24/7/365?

If "no" do you have technical support "on-site" during the hours your server is"on-line". Does your institution expect "technical support" for their IT environment during business hours? If the answer is yes, then in a risk management argument, your "on-line environment" requires technical support during its business hours.

2) What is the reputation of the on-line environment worth to your institution if the environment is not accessible for a given period of time?

Will students just complain or will they move to another institution? This is an important question when many of an institutions clients (students) are not form a local catchment area

Will the reputation of your institution be affected by downtime of your environment?

These are just the very tip of the iceberg in planning for an online environment and well before one considers the hardware in which to deploy the environment. If you are the manager responsible for deploying the physical environment, then these are a couple of the key questions that should be at the top of the discussion agenda and have solid answers provided. If you can get these key questions answered, then you have the beginnings of a business case to gain the funding to build a solid on-line environment that is sustainable.

From a personal perspective, anyone who is deploying a system for 5000 plus students and who does not have a 2 server strategy, is taking on a huge personal responsibility of that institutions / organisations reputation on their own shoulders something I would want to be paid really well for if I was to accept it. An ideal solution though is a small cluster environment, that provides high scalability and high availability, something that we reviewed, workshopped and demonstrated at the Aussie Moodle conference in July. The strategy works and is a affordable if your institutes reputation is of primary concern.

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Moodle in English: Server requirements for 5000 users | (22)

In reply to Chris Ainsworth

Re: Server requirements for 5000 users

by Martín Langhoff -

There has been little conversation or consideration of implementing a "dual server" master/slave, main/backup configurations, or more strategically a small cluster environment.

Are you sure of that? Moodle in English: Server requirements for 5000 users | (23)

I dare you to search for "server cluster" in this forum using the excellent search functionality has. Or to search for "Moodle server cluster" on Google. Open challenge. Hit that Search button with force... and please post the 'top picks' of what you find.

Edit: removed 2-server comments -- I was obviously misreading. And the correct strings to search for would be "Moodle High Availability HA". Which gives great hits on Google too Moodle in English: Server requirements for 5000 users | (24)

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  • ◀︎ Migrate Moodle from Windows XP to RedHat 9.2
  • Cannot use .PHP extensions ▶︎
Moodle in English: Server requirements for 5000 users | (2024)


What are the server requirements for 5000 users in Moodle? ›

For 5000 asynchronus users a nice system would be dual 2-3ghz with 3GB RAM, some lunuxen or bsd OS, 60GB plus HD, tape backup, UPS or other emergency power source.

What is the minimum requirement for Moodle? ›

Disk space: 200MB for the Moodle code, plus as much as you need to store content. 5GB is probably a realistic minimum. Processor: 1 GHz (min), 2 GHz dual core or more recommended.

How much RAM does Moodle need? ›

What Are the System Requirements for Using Moodle?
Session-BasedDedicated BronzeDedicated Gold
Grid-powered RAM and vCPU2 GB RAM and 2 vCPUs8 GB RAM and 4 vCPUs
1 user only1 user onlyIdeal for 6 or more users
5 GB SSD disk space40 GB SSD disk space65 GB SSD disk space
Daily data backupsDaily data backupsDaily data backups
3 more rows

What is the maximum number of users in Moodle? ›

Maximum users per page

You can choose here the maximum number of users to be displayed when searching in courses, groups, cohorts etc. The default is 100 but if your Moodle site is very large you can increase the number here.

What PHP version is required for Moodle? ›

PHP Versions
  • Moodle 3.0.1 and later support PHP 7, however. ...
  • Moodle 3.4 and Moodle 3.5 require PHP 7.0 or PHP 7.1 or PHP 7.2.
  • Moodle 3.6 requires PHP 7.0 or later.
  • Moodle 3.7 requires PHP 7.1 or later.
  • Moodle 3.9 requires PHP 7.2 to 7.4.
  • Moodle 3.11 and 4.0 requires PHP 7.3 to 8.0.
  • Moodle 4.1 (LTS) requires PHP 7.4 to 8.1.
Feb 2, 2024

What is the difference between Moodle cloud and Moodle server? ›

Moodle LMS is free, open-source software. MoodleCloud is a hosting service provided by Moodle, where you can get an affordable, ready-to-go hosted MoodleCloud site.

Can I use Moodle without a server? ›

Moodle requires a web server (such as Apache or Nginx), a database (such as MySQL or PostgreSQL), and PHP.

How many users can Moodle support? ›

Re: Number of users we can add with self hosted moodle

There is no limit to the number of accounts you can have. There are no limits to the use of Moodle. It is full open-source. If you host it yourself you get the same as everybody else (everything).

What is the limitation of Moodle? ›

However, regardless of its user-friendly layout and thorough documentation, Moodle has its drawbacks. Its crowded interface, constrained theme options, limited media and content support, and narrow connection with external tools and systems are some of them.

Which operating system is best for Moodle? ›

Re: Best Operating System for Moodle

If you have a free choice then Linux will be much easier to configure and gives you more bang for your hardware. However, the overriding consideration if often what you can support. Server Linuxes these days are generally 64 bit.

What do I need to run Moodle? ›

Basic Requirements

You will need a working web server (e.g. Apache, Nginx, OpenLiteSpeed), a database (e.g. MySQL, MariaDB or PostgreSQL) and have PHP configured. See the release notes in the dev docs for software requirements. Moodle requires a number of PHP extensions.

How many users are on Moodle? ›

Take a look at our Moodle Statistics which gives you the latest numbers from registered Moodle sites. Right now, worldwide there are: 200 million users from 242 countries.

What is the maximum size for Moodle? ›

For example, if your Moodle course limit was 200MB, a Moodle assignment would also have a maximum size of 200MB. Increasing the course limit allows activity limits to be increased too. Moodle course limits can't exceed the maximum site-wide limit on Moodle. This is currently set at 1GB.

How do I enroll bulk users in Moodle? ›

In your course, click on the Administration menu gear at the top right of your course page. Open the Users section and click User bulk enrollment. On the user bulk enrollment page, enter the existing Moodle user email addresses you wish to enroll, one email address per line, in the text box.

What is the SMTP session limit for Moodle? ›

For outgoing messages the default SMTP session limit is "1". We use AWS and can send 14 messages every second up to 50K per day. Sending messages to only 600 students takes so long that our login session times out.

How many users can a server handle? ›

A Single CPU core will commonly handle an average of 220 to 250 concurrent connections simultaneously. If for instance, a website runs on a server that has a single CPU with 2 CPU cores, approximately 500 visitors may access and search the website at the same time.

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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

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