More Texas districts shift schedules to four-day school weeks (2024)

This article appeared in the Winter 2022-23 issue of The Classroom Teacher.

Athens Independent School District’s four-day school week played a major role in Elizabeth VanOrden’s decision to accept a job as the head choir director at Athens High School in 2021.

“A four-day work week is easier pacing for myself and my students,” she said, adding that it builds consistency, which helps student thrive. “I have a solid hour with my students every class period. And for those weekends when I have extracurricular responsibilities (like Saturday TMEA All-State Choir auditions), I still have a day where I can take care of home responsibilities.”

The shorter work week was also a welcome benefit for Julie Behnke, who joined Athens ISD in August 2019 after relocating from California. The fourth-grade teacher at Bel Air Elementary said she uses her Fridays without students to finish lesson plans at home, grade papers and enter grades.

With more teachers leaving the profession or considering different careers, attracting and retaining educators has become a greater challenge for many districts. This is especially true in small, rural Texas districts that are often unable to compete with higher salaries and other amenities offered by larger schools.

Several TCTA members in four-day districts said the shorter week has been a big boost to student and staff morale, but how it will impact student performance and other factors tied into school district accountability ratings is still an open question.

At least 27 districts made the switch to four-day school weeks beginning with the 2022-23 school year, more than doubling the number of four-day districts in Texas. Nationwide, four-day school weeks are used in over 1,600 schools across 24 states, according to a 2021 study published in Education Finance and Policy.

Mineral Wells ISD voted to make the switch in May after it began losing teachers to neighboring districts that already offered four-day school weeks.

“Last year we were on a nine-period day from 8:09 to 4:10,” said Mark Beaty, who teaches U.S. History and AP Government at Mineral Wells High School. “We now go from 8:10 to 4:20 (just 10 minutes longer) on an eight-period day.”

He said the 12 extra minutes per class has really helped. “I can teach a lesson and start an assignment and help them (or make them get started) instead of just assigning a homework lesson that many would not do.”

The longtime Mineral Wells ISD teacher said his biggest fear was that students would “get behind,” but so far that hasn’t happened.

“I think attendance has been better this year and the failure rate each six weeks has not increased,” Beaty said. “Of course, the big test will be how our STAAR scores are in the spring, but I am not feeling any more apprehensive than usual about them.”

Joyce LaMont likes having a weekday to run errands and schedule appointments. Despite a longer workday and occasional Fridays for professional development at Lamar Elementary in Mineral Wells ISD, she said, “Morale among teachers is higher, students are rested and ready to learn.”

Teacher retention issues prompted Athens ISD to make the switch to four-day weeks beginning in the 2019-20 school year. Knowing there would be some community pushback, Athens officials surveyed parents, staff and community members before beginning a three-year pilot program with a Monday-Thursday schedule.

On Fridays, free pick-up lunches are available for low-income students, and at least one of the city’s largest employers, Biomerics, added a Monday-Thursday option to make things easier for working parents and caregivers.

Superintendent Janie Sims recently told KERA that every group polled at the end of the pilot program overwhelmingly liked the four-day week, so the district extended it for the foreseeable future. Several TCTA members in Athens ISD said they liked the three-day weekends that allow them to spend more time with family, though some said adjusting to the four-day week took a little time.

“I feel more relaxed and energized for the next week,” said Chera Gandy, who teaches at Central Athens Elementary.

Freedom to choose

Districts like Mineral Wells and Athens have the freedom to implement four-day school weeks because Texas only requires that schools be open a minimum of 75,600 minutes over a school year. Many of the districts opting for four-day school weeks extended the length of the instructional day to ensure this time requirement is met.

The Texas Education Agency does not track four-day districts, but TCTA is aware of at least 42 operating under the model during the 2022-23 school year (see the blue box at the top of pages 12 and 13). How that works varies by district.

The first district in Texas to implement the four-day school week was Olfen ISD in the 2016-17 school year. The small district in West Texas operates with a modified schedule that makes some Fridays optional for students.

Pewitt CISD started a four-day school week this year, giving students Fridays off.

“Sometimes it’s hard to get everything you’ve planned for a unit in the four-day week, especially if there’s a lot of reteaching needed,” said Belinda Abston, who teaches at Pewitt Elementary. But she said, “It’s great to have three Fridays off almost every month. Teachers worked two Fridays in August, and we’ll work two Fridays in March and April. I have time to get things done and regroup.”

Having Fridays without students is also a plus for Sharon Atkins in Jasper ISD, which also started four-day school weeks this year to help retain and attract teachers. “Fridays are traditionally excitable days (for students), and this is a good day to have off,” she said. Jasper ISD teachers are required to work one Friday a month for professional development.

Impact on academics

While the shorter work week is a plus for educators, its impact on student performance has been mixed so far. Athens ISD has seen improvement in test scores over the past three years, but recent studies in Oregon and Oklahoma found that four-day weeks negatively impacted students’ academic performance.

Paul Thompson, an associate professor of economics at Oregon State University, said his research shows shorter school weeks can be especially hard on younger students. Examining student test scores in reading and math over 15 years, he found math scores dropped 6% and reading scores 4% because of reduced instructional time in the four-day districts he studied. For a four-day week to be effective, he said, students need as much instructional time as they would get in a traditional five-day model.

“If time in school doesn’t change between whether you go four days a week or five days a week, the composition of the time doesn’t really seem to matter all that much for achievement,” Thompson told the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

While Texas districts await more data on student performance, for now, the four-day school weeks are popular, especially with teachers who felt overworked during and since the pandemic.

“I used to spend Saturday on schoolwork and Sunday on housework. Now I have a day to enjoy my family,” said Shawna Poage, who teaches at Corrigan-Camden Elementary. Corrigan-Camden ISD started four-day weeks in 2020-21. “I don’t think I could ever go back to five days a week.”

Cynthia Wise in DeKalb ISD agrees.

“I like having the extra time to do things that I usually would not be able to do,” she said. “I feel more refreshed on Mondays. I believe that I get more work done.”

At a Glance: Texas districts with four-day school weeks


  • Apple Springs ISD: Started 2021-22 school year. Mondays off, school days 7:45 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Athens ISD: Started 2019-20. Fridays off. School day is 7:10 a.m. to 3:55 p.m.
  • Corrigan-Camden ISD: Started 2020-21 school year. Fridays off. Elementary school hours from 7:25 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. Junior high and high school hours from 7:40 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • DeKalb ISD: Started 2022-23. Fridays off. Earliest start at 7:45 a.m., latest bell is 4:15 p.m.
  • Devers ISD: Started 2019-20. Fridays off. 7:25 a.m. to 3:35 p.m.
  • Hardin ISD: Hybrid schedule started 2022-23. 5-day weeks in August, September, January and May. Fridays off rest of the year. School day is 7:40 a.m. to 3:45 p.m.
  • Hubbard ISD: Started 2022-23. Fridays off.
  • Hull-Daisetta ISD: Started 2022-23. Fridays off.
  • Jasper ISD: Started 2022-23. Fridays off.
  • Latexo ISD: Flex Fridays started 2020-21. Elementary school day from 7:50 a.m. to 4:10 p.m. and junior high and high school 7:55 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.
  • Liberty ISD: Started 2021-22. Fridays off. 7:30 a.m. to 3:40 p.m. school days.
  • Malta ISD: Started 2022-23. Fridays off. 7:25 a.m. to 3:45 p.m.
  • New Boston ISD: Started 2022-23. Fridays off.
  • New Summerfield ISD: Started 2022-23. Fridays off. 7:45 a.m. to 4 p.m. school days.
  • Pewitt CISD: Started 2022-23. Fridays off.
  • Sulphur Bluff ISD: Started 2022-23. Fridays off. 7:55 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. school days.
  • Timpson ISD: Started 2022-23. Fridays off.


  • Chico ISD: Started 2022-23.
  • Gordon ISD: Started 2019-20. Fridays off. School day 8 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.
  • Gorman ISD: Started 2022-23. Fridays off. School day from 7:55 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Graford ISD: Started 2022-23. Fridays off. 7:45 a.m. to 4 p.m. school days.
  • Merkel ISD: Started 2022-23. Mondays off.
  • Mineral Wells ISD: Started 2022-23. Fridays off.
  • Montague ISD: Started 2022-23. Fridays off. School day 7:45 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Moran ISD: Started 2022-23. Fridays off. 7:50 a.m. to 4:17 p.m. school days.
  • Palo Pinto ISD: Started 2022-23. Fridays off. School days are 40 minutes longer, from 7:35 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Perrin-Whitt CISD: Started 2022-23. Fridays off.
  • Petrolia CISD: Started 2021-22. Most Fridays off. Elementary school day from 7:40 a.m. to 4 p.m. and junior high and high school from 7:45 a.m. to 4:05 p.m.
  • Prairie Valley ISD: Started 2021-22. Flex Mondays. School days on Tuesdays through Fridays are extended by 40 minutes. School day begins at 7:40 a.m. and ends at 3:40 p.m.
  • Tioga ISD: Started 2022-23. Mondays off. School day is 28 minutes longer and the school year will be three weeks longer.
  • Woodson ISD: Started 2019-20. Fridays off. School starts at 7:45 a.m. and ends at 4:12 p.m.


  • Channing ISD: Started 2022-23. Fridays off. School days from 7:30 a.m. to 4:10 p.m.
  • Follett ISD: Started 2022-23. Hybrid schedule with most Fridays off. School days from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Groom ISD: Started hybrid schedule in 2022-23, with Mondays or Fridays off throughout the year.
  • Happy ISD: Hybrid schedule with Fridays or Mondays off started 2022-23. School days are 7:40 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Kelton ISD: Started 2020-21. Fridays off. 7:50 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. school day.
  • Silverton ISD: Started 2021-22. Fridays off. 7:45 a.m. to 4 p.m. school days.
  • Spring Creek ISD: Started 2018-19. Fridays off. 7:45 a.m. to 4 p.m. school days.


  • Santa Rosa ISD: Started 2022-23. Fridays off.


  • Olfen ISD: Started 2016-17. Some Fridays optional. School day from 7:55 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Winters ISD: Started 2022-23. Fridays off.


  • Rochelle ISD: Started 2020-21. Fridays off; at least one Friday a month is a teacher workday.
More Texas districts shift schedules to four-day school weeks (2024)


Are Texas school districts switching to 4-day school weeks? ›

AUSTIN (KXAN) — At least 107 school districts across Texas have now switched to four-day school weeks, often in a bid to prevent teacher turnover. At least 21 other districts offer a hybrid schedule, with four-day weeks for part of the year.

Why should schools switch to a 4-day week? ›

A four-day school week makes this ratio more even (4:3) and could reinvigorate students and increase their learning capability. A study by the Life School of Dallas has shown that a four-day school week helps with mental health and wellbeing, which can lead to potentially higher test scores.

Why more schools are considering a 4-day week despite some drawbacks? ›

More than 2,100 public schools in 25 states have switched to a four-day school week, often in hopes of recruiting teachers, saving money and boosting student attendance, researchers estimate.

What is the 4-day work week in Texas? ›

The 4-day workweek concept in Texas primarily revolves around the education sector, specifically within public schools. It shifts the traditional five-day school week to a condensed four-day schedule, meaning schools are in session from Monday to Thursday, with Friday being a day off.

What are the benefits of the 4 day school week in Texas? ›

Benefits of a Friday “off”

“School districts that adopt the four-day week can be more intentional about scheduling professional development on Friday for teachers, sports and other extracurriculars for students and being mindful about needed time off,” Sterrett said.

How many states have 4 day school weeks? ›

Key Takeaways. Twenty-four states have at least one school district using a four-day school week schedule, an increase of over 600% since 1999. Approximately 850 of the nation's school districts use a four-day schedule, up from 650 in 2020.

What are the pros and cons of a 4-day work week? ›

Pros of a 4-day work week can include cost savings, increased productivity, and employee retention. Some disadvantages, however, can include scheduling challenges, reduced productivity, and added stress.

Is a 4-day school week better than 5 days? ›

Proponents of the schedule claim that it improves school climate and student behavior, but the evidence is mixed. In support of the claim, research shows the four-day week significantly reduces high school bullying and fighting incident rates and increases the amount of sleep elementary students get.

Do 4-day school weeks improve attendance? ›

The researchers found that student attendance may have improved slightly at the four-day schools, but the difference was not statistically meaningful.

What are the negative effects of a 4-day school week? ›


Is the four day school week detrimental to student success? ›

The study provided conclusive evidence that students in the four-day week did not performed as well, over time, when compared to students in the traditional five-day week settings.

How would a 4-day school week affect students mental health? ›

Some pros include better mental health, more time for teachers to work on grades, and letting schools save money. If students have a day off in the middle of the week, they have more time to relax, and not get overwhelmed by school.

Why are Texas schools going to 4 day week? ›

With a record number of teachers leaving during the 2021-2022 school year, according to a KXAN investigation, districts like Rockdale ISD cite quality teacher recruitment and retention as one of the driving reasons for a four-day school week. The four-day school week offers a competitive advantage in the hiring market.

What Texas districts are going to 4 day weeks? ›

At least 15 other districts offer a hybrid schedule, with four-day weeks for part of the year. Districts which have recently made the switch for either the 2024-25 or 2025-26 school year include Chisum ISD, Decatur ISD, Hillsboro ISD, North Lamar ISD, Paris ISD and S&S CISD.

Is it illegal to work 7 days a week in Texas? ›

Under state law, an employer may not require any employee to work seven consecutive days in a retail establishment and may not deny an employee at least 24 consecutive hours off for rest or worship in each seven-day period. The time off must be in addition to any regular periods of rest allowed during each work day.

Is nisd going to 4 days a week? ›

However, officials with NISD said there are no plans for a reduced week for at least the next two years. The district said the survey is a way for the superintendent, who started in 2022, to learn more about the community. They want to hear from families about the possibility of a four-day work week.

Will San Antonio have a 4-day school week? ›

SAN ANTONIO – Another San Antonio-area school district is going to a four-day school week. The Bandera Independent School District Board of Trustees approved the change in the district's 2024-2025 calendar earlier this week. Students and teachers will have Fridays off, with the exception of some teacher workdays.

Will hisd have a 4-day school week? ›

The decision to transition to a 4-day school week in HISD was made in response to a shortage of teachers and the need to reduce transportation costs.

Does a 4-day school week improve test scores? ›

While the mean test scores for five-day week schools exceeded those of four-day week schools in 11 of the 12 test comparisons, the differences were slight, with only one area revealing a statistically significant difference.

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