MRI vs CT Scan: What’s the Difference? - Ezra (2024)

When it comes to health screenings, the differences between an MRI vs CT scan might not be clear. While CT scans and MRIs each create detailed images of the body, the key difference is that CT uses X-rays while MRI uses powerful magnets and radio waves.

Here, we’ll explore the distinctions between MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and CT (computed tomography) scans, highlighting their applications, benefits, and considerations. We’ll also provide insight into how these imaging techniques provide valuable information for different medical conditions as well as for full-body health screening.

MRI vs CT Scan and Other Imaging Types

Medical imaging techniques visualize the body’s internal structures without invasive procedures to help in the diagnosis of various diseases. Among the most common medical imaging techniques include X-ray, positron emission tomography (PET), computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and ultrasound.

Here’s a brief look at these techniques and how they are commonly used:

  • X-ray: This form of electromagnetic radiation can detect bone fractures, pneumonia, and dental problems
  • PET: PET scans are largely used in cancer staging but they can also be used to verify cellular activity in neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases
  • CT: These types of scans can detect internal injuries, blood clots, and tumors
  • MRI: These scans can detect and evaluate soft tissue injuries, tumors, and diseases like multiple sclerosis
  • Ultrasound: This type of imaging is used for detecting and monitoring pregnancy, heart problems, and blood clots

MRI vs CT Scan: Benefits and Uses

While MRI and CT scans are both valuable medical imaging techniques, each has its distinct strengths and use cases. Here’s a closer look at the preferred uses of each imaging method.

When Is an MRI Useful?

There are a variety of situations when it’s useful to have an MRI. Here are just a couple of examples of what an MRI shows:

Soft tissues and organs: MRI has excellent contrast resolution, allowing for clear images of different types of tissues. This is beneficial for identifying abnormalities in most organs and soft tissues. MRIs provide detailed pictures of the brain, spinal cord, muscles, and joints, making them superior for evaluating neurological disorders, soft tissue injuries, and joint abnormalities.

Functional imaging: MRI is particularly valuable for functional imaging, including blood flow and brain activity studies. Functional MRI (fMRI) is widely used for neurological research and clinical applications.

One major advantage of MRI is that it does not use ionizing radiation. (More on this in a bit.) This makes it a safer option for imaging, especially when repeated scans are necessary over time.

When Is a CT Scan Useful?

Depending on the information the healthcare provider is trying to ascertain, a CT scan is useful. Here are a few examples:

Bones and calcifications: CT scans are highly effective in imaging bony structures. They provide excellent detail of the skeletal system, making them ideal for diagnosing bone fractures, tumors in bones, and other structural abnormalities.

Acute bleeding: CT scans are the go-to method for quickly assessing active internal bleeding, such as in cases of trauma or acute stroke. They can rapidly provide images to help evaluate the extent and location of bleeding.

Lung and chest imaging: CT scans more effectively image the lungs and chest area. They’re commonly used to diagnose and monitor lung diseases like pneumonia, emphysema, and cancer.

Cancer diagnosis and monitoring: Oncologists often prefer CT scans for diagnosing several types of cancer, including lung cancer, liver cancer, and pancreatic cancer. The scan provides detailed information about the size and location of the tumor, as well as whether the cancer has spread.

What to Expect When You Go for an MRI

MRI vs CT Scan: What’s the Difference? - Ezra (1)

MRI machines use powerful magnets and radio waves to create detailed images of the body's organs and tissues. MRI is particularly useful for imaging soft tissues like the brain, spinal cord, muscles, and ligaments. MRI does not use ionizing radiation, a key advantage over CT scans, especially for patients requiring multiple scans.

MRI scanners are large machines shaped like elongated donuts. They create a strong magnetic field and use radio frequencies that excite the water molecules in your body. The radio waves are sent to a receiver that produces an image revealing the possible presence of abnormalities in bones and soft tissues.

Patients with claustrophobia may have difficulty lying still in the machine for extended periods. If you have claustrophobia or get anxious in tight spaces, tell your technologist.

MRI scans can last from 15 minutes to an hour. If you’re bothered by loud noises, you can ask your radiologic technologist for earplugs or headphones — some facilities may offer the option to listen to your favorite music, podcast, or audiobook.

What to Expect When You Go for a CT Scan

MRI vs CT Scan: What’s the Difference? - Ezra (2)

Also called a CAT scan, a CT scan can target specific areas of the body or do a full-body scan. A CT scanner is similar to an MRI machine in shape but it’s shorter and therefore more open. During the scan, you will need to lie still on a table that slides through the machine.

CT scans use multiple X-rays that pass through your body at different angles. The machine then constructs a 3D image based on variations in exposure caused by different body parts. The X-ray apparatus inside the CT scanner can detect hundreds of degrees of tissue density changes, enabling detailed images of internal organs.

What Is Ionizing Radiation and Is It Harmful?

Ionizing radiation is a type of radiation that has enough energy to remove tightly bound electrons from atoms, creating ions. This process of ionization gives ionizing radiation its name.

Ionizing radiation can damage the cells and DNA in the body. This damage can disrupt the normal functioning of cells, potentially leading to health issues. Most of the time, the cell repairs the damage, but if the DNA is damaged severely or incorrectly repaired, this can lead to mutations, which may eventually cause cancer.

One of the most significant risks associated with ionizing radiation is the potential to develop cancer. The risk is dose-dependent. In other words, higher doses and repeated exposures increase the risk. This is why medical professionals carefully consider the necessity of procedures like X-rays or CT scans, which use ionizing radiation.

For people aged 50 to 80 who have smoked for at least 20 years, the American Cancer Society recommends a yearly screening for lung cancer with a low-dose CT scan (LDCT). A pack-year consists of smoking one pack (or about 20 cigarettes) per day for a year. When someone smokes two packs daily for 10 years, they accumulate a 20-pack-year history.

For health screening, people at high risk for developing lung cancer should only have a low-dose CT scan to minimize exposure to ionizing radiation. A patient will receive approximately five times less radiation than a standard chest CT scan.

While ionizing radiation can be harmful, its use in medicine is carefully regulated to minimize risks. The benefits of these procedures often outweigh the risks, especially when used to diagnose serious conditions. However, using ionizing radiation judiciously is always important to protect against unnecessary exposure.

MRI vs CT Scan: Which Is Better for Elective Full-Body Screening?

MRI vs CT Scan: What’s the Difference? - Ezra (3)

For diagnostic purposes, you can rely on your doctor to recommend the imaging modality needed to confirm or “rule out” diseases. If you’re considering an elective full-body scan and want to know which is better, an MRI vs CT scan, it helps to understand the potential risks and benefits. While both imaging techniques are advanced, a full-body MRI scan is the best choice for several reasons.

Superior Soft Tissue Contrast

Full-body MRIs excel in providing detailed images of soft tissues, including organs and the vascular system. This makes them particularly adept at identifying abnormalities such as tumors and inflammation that might not be as visible in a CT scan.

Better for Early Detection

MRI scans can detect certain conditions at an earlier stage compared to CT scans. For instance, they are more sensitive in identifying early signs of demyelinating diseases and certain cancers, allowing for earlier intervention and improving chances for successful treatment.

No Ionizing Radiation

MRI does not utilize ionizing radiation, thus making it safer for multiple scans and annual screenings compared to CT scans, where you are limited to the amount of ionized radiation.

Are MRI Scans Safe?

The short answer is yes, an MRI scan is safe and non-invasive. While an MRI scan can take longer than a CT scan, sometimes up to an hour or more, it does not expose you to any potentially harmful ionizing radiation.

It’s also worth noting that because MRI machines use powerful magnets, they cannot be used in patients with certain types of metal implants, such as some pacemakers, cochlear implants, or metal fragments in the body. As such, you should always let the technologist know beforehand if you have any implants.

Why Is a Full-Body MRI Screening Important?

When it comes to diagnostic testing, your doctor will always suggest the appropriate test for your suspected condition. You may also have periodic screenings as a proactive measure to monitor your health. After all, the chances of surviving cancer increases when it's diagnosed in stage I, where the cancer has not spread throughout the body.

Guidelines recommend screening for early detection of breast cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, and cervical cancer. While most other types of cancer do not currently have recommendations for screening, that doesn't mean you can't take other measures to stay healthy.

Take Charge of Your Health and Schedule an MRI Full-Body Screening

When it comes to a CT scan vs MRI scan, both are helpful options for specific diagnostic imaging. However, MRI screenings offer a safer imaging option for elective health screenings as they provide superior soft tissue contrast and involve no harmful radiation exposure.

The Ezra Full Body MRI scan screens for cancer and other abnormalities in up to 13 different organs, including the brain, spine, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas, among others.

Usually, doctors will only order a diagnostic test like a specialized MRI scan if you exhibit symptoms of a specific illness. At Ezra, you can get a referral for an MRI screening scan, which is ideal for when you’re asymptomatic (meaning you have no symptoms).

As a proactive measure, you can repeat your full-body screening annually for greater peace of mind and control over your health and well-being. Remember that a full-body MRI does not replace diagnostic imaging, but it can be a helpful tool in taking charge of your health.

MRI vs CT Scan: What’s the Difference? - Ezra (2024)


MRI vs CT Scan: What’s the Difference? - Ezra? ›

CT: These types of scans can detect internal injuries, blood clots, and tumors. MRI: These scans can detect and evaluate soft tissue injuries, tumors, and diseases like multiple sclerosis. Ultrasound: This type of imaging is used for detecting and monitoring pregnancy, heart problems, and blood clots.

What is the difference between a CT scan and MRI? ›

Both MRIs and CT scans are medical imaging methods that are used to create images of the internal body to help diagnose a range of different medical conditions. The main difference between these two diagnostic imaging techniques is that an MRI uses strong magnetic fields to take images, while a CT scan uses X-rays.

Why do doctors choose CT over MRI? ›

Generally, CT scans are better at spatial resolution, while MRIs are better at contrast resolution. That means CT scans are good at showing us where the edges of things are — where this structure ends and that other one begins.

Which is better for determining brain issues MRI or CT? ›

In the case of brain imaging, MRI provides highly accurate and detailed images of the human brain, allowing healthcare professionals to assess its anatomy and detect any abnormalities. Unlike X-rays or CT scans, MRI does not use ionizing radiation, making it a safer option for repeated imaging.

What is the distinguishing difference between CT and MRI quizlet? ›

MRI take higher detailed images of soft tissue. CT take produce higher detailed images of bone structure. The dye/contrast used in CT scans contain iodine; MRI does not.

What can an MRI do that a CT scan Cannot? ›

Magnetic resonance imaging produces clearer images compared to a CT scan. In instances when doctors need a view of soft tissues, an MRI is a better option than x-rays or CTs. MRIs can create better pictures of organs and soft tissues, such as torn ligaments and herniated discs, compared to CT images.

What are two major disadvantages of MRI scans? ›

Disadvantages of MRI

The time needed for MRI is longer than that needed for CT. Also, MRI is usually less likely to be immediately available than CT. Thus, CT may be better in emergencies, such as serious injuries and stroke. MRI is also more expensive than CT.

What does not show up on a CT scan? ›

An MRI shows certain diseases that a CT scan can't. For instance, uterine, prostate, and certain liver cancers are hard to see on a CT scan. Also, an MRI is used to diagnose injuries to the soft tissues or joints and injury to organs like the heart, brain, and digestive organs.

What if MRI shows nothing but still in pain? ›

The fact that an injury isn't showing on an MRI or CT scan doesn't mean the pain is all in your head; it simply suggests that the source of your pain may not be easily detectable through these imaging methods. One reason for this discrepancy could be the sensitivity of the imaging technology.

What does MRI show that CT doesn't brain? ›

Where MRI really excels is showing certain diseases that a CT scan cannot detect. Some cancers, such as prostate cancer, uterine cancer, and certain liver cancers, are pretty much invisible or very hard to detect on a CT scan. Metastases to the bone and brain also show up better on an MRI.

What is the most accurate brain imaging? ›

MEG is the most advanced and accurate functional brain imaging technique currently available. It is also non-invasive, painless and quiet.

What is the best scan for brain problems? ›

Currently, MRI is the most sensitive imaging test of your head (particularly, your brain), as compared to other imaging techniques, such as CT (computed tomography) scans or X-rays.

What cancers can an MRI detect? ›

MRI scans are particularly good for: brain tumours. primary bone tumours. soft tissue sarcomas.

Do CT and MRI use the same contrast? ›

For a CT scan with contrast, your technologist will often use an iodine-based material or a material containing barium sulfate, a type of powder. If you're having an MRI scan with contrast, your technologist will use a contrast dye containing the element gadolinium.

Which MRI zone is most powerful? ›

Zone IV should also be clearly labeled as being potentially hazardous because of the presence of very strong magnetic fields. As part of the Zone IV site restriction, all MR installations should provide for visual observation by Level 2 MR Personnel to access pathways into Zone IV.

Does a CT scan use less radiation than an MRI? ›

Protons in the body react to the energy and create highly detailed pictures of the body's structures, including soft tissues, nerves and blood vessels. Unlike X-rays and CT scans, MRIs don't use any ionizing radiation.

Why would a doctor order an MRI? ›

Conditions an MRI can help diagnose

Soft tissue injury, including muscles, tendons, ligaments, and cartilage. Compressed nerves. Spinal cord injuries. Brain tumors.

What can CT scans detect? ›

In addition, CT is widely used to help diagnose circulatory (blood) system diseases and conditions, such as coronary artery disease (atherosclerosis), blood vessel aneurysms, and blood clots; spinal conditions; kidney and bladder stones; abscesses; inflammatory diseases, such as ulcerative colitis and sinusitis; and ...

What is an MRI scan used to diagnose? ›

Summary. The MRI scan is a medical imaging procedure that uses a magnetic field and radio waves to take pictures of your body's interior. It is used to investigate or diagnose conditions that affect soft tissue such as tumours or brain disorders.

Why is it so hard to get an MRI? ›

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is meant for use under a medical practitioner's supervision, this means that in order for a patient to be screened using an MRI, they need to have a medical order.

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