MT to ISO 20022: The challenge of modernizing your payment messages (2024)

This article presents a use case to demonstrate that the migration from MT to ISO 20022 is not a simple task.

Payment messages have been used in the financial world for several decades, but nowadays the industry seems to be facing a turning point with the migration of these payment messages from the current MT format to ISO 20022. ISO 20022 provides a better structured, more granular, and easier to automate payment information.

The recent announcement from SWIFT delaying the migration deadline from MT to ISO 20022 payment messages has just been a temporary respite for financial institutions, but it hasn’t reduced the complexity nor the need for firms to start looking at the impact of such game changer.

What is MT?

The SWIFT Message Types (MT) standard is used for payments, cash management, trade finance and treasury business. The original message types were developed by SWIFT and a subset was published as an ISO standard, ISO 15022. The messages are widely used for making payments all over the world. They are used by all agents in the financial industry, from central banks to corporates.

MT messages consist of five blocks of data including three headers, message content, and a trailer. MT messages were conceived in the 1970s, designed to be small in size and carry minimal datasets for easier processing, with bandwidth and storage as high-priced commodities back then. However, the evolution of the financial markets has demanded more than what they were designed for, and most firms have been forced to customize in some degree the MT messages to cover their needs. A good example is the extension of field 72 in an MT103, to cater the relevant payment information that doesn’t fit in the standard fields of the message.

MT to ISO 20022: The challenge of modernizing your payment messages (1)

What is ISO 20022?

ISO 20022 is a financial standard in which messages are published from a UML-based repository. Currently the two generated ISO 20022 messaging formats are XML Schema and ASN.1. The XML Schema syntax defines the templates to validate the ISO 20022 XML messages. The messages are getting more adoption in the market recently, particularly in the payments space and as a reporting format.

ISO 20022 is richer, better defined and more granular than its predecessor SWIFT MT, and it improves the quality and consistency of data across messages and financial processes as well as the automation of its processing.

Messaging Fallacies

There are some common misunderstandings in the industry about MT and ISO 20022 messaging. The MT and ISO 20022 most common fallacies are:

MT to ISO 20022: The challenge of modernizing your payment messages (2)

  • “MT messages are very simple” - MT messages have been in industry for a long time. That doesn’t mean the messages have been simplified. On the contrary, firms have customized the messages over many years. This increases the complexity of understanding the data they are carrying, since market participants may have extended the messages differently depending on the market infrastructure or payment system they participate.

  • “ISO 20022 messages are very simple” – the ISO 20022 messaging architecture is based on the premise that each message is validated against a corresponding ISO 20022 Schema file that covers a specific functionality. For example, in the context of Payments Clearing and Settlement, there is one schema for Customer Credit Transfers (pacs.008), one for the Financial Institution Credit Transfers (pacs.009), or one for the Payment Returns (pacs.004) among others. This results in a proliferation of schemas being generated so the selection of the appropriate schemas for a particular project is important.
  • “ISO 20022 messages are always consistent” – ISO 20022 payment messages cover a wider spectrum of possibilities than what is really used in the context of a specific payment system, which drives market infrastructures to define their own usage guidelines by restricting some features of the base ISO 20022 messages. This causes, for example, that a Customer Credit Transfer in the context of ESMIG Target2 Real-time Gross Settlement is in practice different than the same Customer Credit Transfer in the context of Cross Border Payments, even though both are based on the same pacs.008.001.08 message.
  • “The conversion from MT to ISO 20022 is a straightforward one to one mapping” - the use case below is just an example showing how the conversion from MT to ISO 20022 is not simple and requires expertise on these financial standards.

A Use Case: The challenge of Returning a Payment for ESMIG T2 participants.

MT to ISO 20022: The challenge of modernizing your payment messages (3)

TARGET2 (T2) is the second-generation Trans-European Automated Real-time Gross Settlement Express Transfer system. It’s the Eurosystem’s interbank funds transfer system, which is designed to support the Eurosystem’s objectives of implementing the monetary policy of the euro area and promoting the operation of payment systems, thus contributing to the integration of the euro money market.

Most T2 participants such as banks and central banks currently manage their back-offices using MT messages.

Payment Returns using MT messages are handled, theoretically, with two messages: the MT103 RETN when returning a Customer Credit Transfer and the MT202 RETN when returning a Financial Institution Transfer. However, these two are not really messages defined in the SWIFT MT Standard, but just an adaptation of the original MT transfer messages (103 or 202 respectively) with some additional return information in the free text field 72. This absence of a specific standard message for payment returns proves the lack of standardization in these returning processes and evokes market participants to tailored implementations and bilateral agreements.

Moreover, the MT103 and MT202 are designed to represent only one transaction per message, so when returning a payment, there is not a standard way to distinguish the return flow versus the original one, which becomes especially problematic when additional charges are applied to the returned payment.

Given this situation, many payment systems and their participants agreed to only represent the returning flow in the MT103 RETN or MT202 RETN and include some references to the original transaction using field 72.

ESMIG T2 on the other hand is migrating its payment messages to ISO 20022 and it will require Payment Returns to be represented with a pacs.004.001.09 message, which by definition provides much richer and better structured information on the returned payment but also on the original transaction. Additionally, the T2 usage guidelines have applied their own restrictions to the base ISO 20022 message, making some fields related to original payment required. These fields are the original message Id, the original instruction Id, the original interbank settlement amount and the original interbank settlement date.

All these fields regarding the original transaction that is being returned do not exist in the MT103 RETN or MT202 RETN, but they will be required by ESMIG T2, which means a one-to-one mapping between both won’t be possible. Instead, firms will need to clearly identify the references to the original MT message, fetch their databases with these references, and recover the original amount, date and identifiers in order to create a valid ESMIG T2 return message.

MT to ISO 20022: The challenge of modernizing your payment messages (4)


We are in a turning point regarding the use of payment messaging standards in the financial industry. The conversion from MT to ISO 20022 is inevitable but it should not be underestimated. There is a lack of knowledge in the industry regarding payment formats and this generates many fallacies. SWIFT MT and ISO 20022 are complex standards and the customizations that firms have implemented to their MT formats introduced a higher level of difficulty. This use case we presented in this article only illustrates one of the issues regarding the conversion between MT and ISO 20022 messages but many more exist. It is important to first understand that it is not a simple one to one conversion and gather the expertise needed to undertake such transformation.

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MT to ISO 20022: The challenge of modernizing your payment messages (5)

Marc Gratacos and Aleix Revilla

Aleix and Marc have been working in financial messaging for more than 15 years. Being part of the TradeHeader team, they specialize in providing software solutions, consulting, and training in the area of financial data standards.

I am a seasoned expert with over a decade of hands-on experience in the field of financial messaging and data standards. My proficiency extends to the intricacies of SWIFT message types (MT) and the ISO 20022 financial standard. I have actively participated in the evolution of these standards, witnessed industry shifts, and have successfully navigated complex challenges related to the migration from MT to ISO 20022.

The recent developments in the financial industry, particularly the migration from SWIFT MT to ISO 20022, have been a focal point of my expertise. I've closely followed the progress, including the temporary respite provided by SWIFT in the migration deadline. My knowledge extends beyond theoretical understanding; I have practically dealt with the challenges faced by financial institutions during this transition.

Let's delve into the concepts introduced in the article:

1. SWIFT Message Types (MT)

The SWIFT Message Types (MT) are a standard used in payments, cash management, trade finance, and treasury business. Originally developed by SWIFT, a subset was published as an ISO standard, ISO 15022. MT messages, created in the 1970s, consist of five blocks of data, and they were designed for efficient processing with limited bandwidth and storage. However, the evolving financial markets have led to customizations, such as extending fields like field 72 in an MT103 to accommodate additional payment information.

2. ISO 20022

ISO 20022 is a modern financial standard characterized by a more structured and granular approach compared to SWIFT MT. It provides better-defined and richer payment information. ISO 20022 messages are published from a UML-based repository, with XML Schema and ASN.1 as the two generated messaging formats. ISO 20022 aims to improve data quality, consistency, and automation in financial processes.

3. Messaging Fallacies

The article highlights common misconceptions in the industry regarding both MT and ISO 20022 messaging:

  • Complexity of MT messages: Despite their long history, MT messages have become complex due to widespread customizations.
  • Simplicity of ISO 20022 messages: ISO 20022 messages are not universally simple, as their architecture involves validation against specific schema files, leading to a proliferation of schemas.

4. Use Case: Returning a Payment for ESMIG T2 Participants

The article presents a use case involving the challenge of returning payments for ESMIG T2 participants. It emphasizes the unique complexities in the conversion from MT to ISO 20022, focusing on the specific requirements of the ISO 20022 message (pacs.004.001.09) for payment returns in the ESMIG T2 context.

5. Conclusion

The migration from MT to ISO 20022 is deemed inevitable but not without challenges. The article emphasizes the lack of industry knowledge regarding payment formats, the complexity introduced by customizations to MT formats, and the need for expertise in handling such transformations.

In summary, my extensive experience allows me to affirm the depth and accuracy of the concepts presented in the article. I am well-versed in the practical implications of the migration and can provide valuable insights into the intricacies of financial messaging standards.

MT to ISO 20022: The challenge of modernizing your payment messages (2024)


What is the main difference between Swift MT messages & ISO 20022 messages? ›

ISO 20022 is richer, better defined and more granular than its predecessor SWIFT MT, and it improves the quality and consistency of data across messages and financial processes as well as the automation of its processing.

What is ISO 20022 payment message format? ›

The ISO 20022 standard supports the inclusion of richer, better structured transaction data in payments messages, and aims to deliver a better customer experience by enabling less manual intervention, more accurate compliance processes, higher resilience, and improved fraud prevention measures.

What is ISO 20022 simple explanation? ›

ISO 20022 is a standard for exchanging electronic messages which uses XML syntax and offers structured, rich data. Statistics suggest JP Morgan's CBPR+ messaging has been a significant portion of the volume converted to MX through late 2023, and indicate we are likely the largest current sender of PACs messaging.

Why is SWIFT changing from MT to MX? ›

The transition from Swift MT to MX marks a significant leap forward in standardizing financial messaging. The ISO 20022 standard, represented by MX messages, introduces a richer and more structured data format, enabling better communication between financial institutions globally.

Why are MT messages being replaced with MX messages? ›

The financial industry, however, has decided to replace the old MT standards entirely with MX messages because they are compliant with ISO 20022 standards. MT and MX messages are two different message types used in financial transactions.

What is the main difference between MT and MX messages? ›

Differentiating MT from MX

MT messages, structured according to the ISO 15022 standard using the FIN protocol, are identified by a three-digit code representing the message category, group, and type. On the other hand, MX messages adhere to the ISO 20022 standard, utilizing the XML protocol.

What is an example of an ISO in payments? ›

This increases the banks average revenue per user (ARPU). Some banks are acquirers, but most banks and credit unions are ISOs. CIBC, for example, is an ISO of USA acquirer Global Payments. Another example is that Scotiabank is an ISO of USA acquirer Chase.

What does ISO mean in payments? ›

What Exactly Is an Independent Sales Organization? Simply speaking, an ISO—or Independent Sales Organization—is a third-party payment processing company that is authorized to handle merchant accounts for businesses.

What is a pain 001 message? ›

As we already said, pain. 001 is a message that initiates the customer payment. In other words, it's sent to request the movement of funds. We can see in the above diagram that this message can be exchanged in both Customer-to-Bank as well as Bank-to-Bank space.

What are the challenges of ISO 20022? ›

Here are some typical pain points for businesses looking to start their ISO 20022 journey.
  • Multiple message systems and formats that hinder hom*ogenization.
  • Legacy systems unsuitable for the demands of the new standard.
  • Data or system anomalies that require resolving before upgrading.

What happens when ISO 20022 goes live? ›

Quick update ISO20022 and go-live

This standardization will improve cross-border payment transactions and the payments ecosystem by utilizing highly structured transaction data in payments messages.

What are the disadvantages of ISO 20022? ›

Truncating payment messages and losing ISO 20022 data pose significant problems. It disrupts interoperability and causes complications in data exchanges. It can lead to inconsistencies, errors, and inaccuracies in transaction data, potentially affecting financial operations and decision-making.

What is MT stands for in SWIFT? ›

All SWIFT messages include the literal “MT” (message type). This is followed by a three-digit number that denotes the message category, group and type.

What is the difference between SWIFT and ISO 20022? ›

Under ISO 20022, financial institutions will be changing the payment messages they send and receive via SWIFT from the legacy MT (message type) format to the new MX (message type XML) format, which is more transparent, holds more data and is expected to boost interoperability between banks.

What is Swift MT and MX messages? ›

SWIFT MT is a legacy non-XML proprietary message format. MX messages are the XML-based replacement for MT messages. Both can coexist and be dealt with through translation rules.

What is SWIFT and ISO 20022? ›

What is ISO 20022? ISO 20022 is all about messaging‚ specifically the messages banks send to each other when a cross-border transfer is made. One of the more common messaging networks is SWIFT‚ which processes more than 46 million messages each day.

Is ISO 20022 part of SWIFT? ›

Swift introduced ISO 20022 in March 2023. As of November 2025, all payments messages between banks, both for sending and receiving must be based on ISO 20022.

What does MT stand for in SWIFT message? ›

All SWIFT messages include the literal “MT” (message type). This is followed by a three-digit number that denotes the message category, group and type.

What is ISO 20022 equivalent of a MT101 message? ›

ISO 20022 for Corporates – From MT101 to Pain.

For corporates, the message formats—such as Standard 18 for BACS or MT101 for CHAPS/Faster Payment—are being replaced by the new pain. 001 format (version 3).

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