Multiple playthrough endings (2024)

60 Seconds! Reatomized introduces endings with criteria spanning multiple playthroughs. The player can only take an action towards that ending once per run.


  • 1 Tank/Ice cream truck
  • 2 Find the vehicle
  • 3 Events
    • 3.1 Mysterious Vehicle Down The Street:
      • 3.1.1 Send Ted/Dolores:
      • 3.1.2 Send Mary Jane/Timmy:
      • 3.1.3 Send Nobody:
    • 3.2 Reinforce The Vehicle:
      • 3.2.1 Use Flashlight:
      • 3.2.2 Use Gas Mask:
      • 3.2.3 Use Axe:
      • 3.2.4 Use Nothing:
    • 3.3 Armed The Vehicle:
      • 3.3.1 Use Map:
      • 3.3.2 Use Padlock:
      • 3.3.3 Use Nothing:
    • 3.4 Decorated The Vehicle:
      • 3.4.1 Use Rifle:
      • 3.4.2 Use Suitcase:
      • 3.4.3 Use Bug Spray:
      • 3.4.4 Use Nothing:
    • 3.5 Put Wheels On The Vehicle:
      • 3.5.1 Use Harmonica:
      • 3.5.2 Use Boy Scout Handbook:
      • 3.5.3 Use Nothing
    • 3.6 Start the vehicle:
      • 3.6.1 Use 5 Soup:
      • 3.6.2 Use Nothing:
  • 4 All Vehicle Combinations
    • 4.1 Ice Cream Truck (Outside):
    • 4.2 Ice Cream Truck (Drawing):
    • 4.3 Tank (Outside):
    • 4.4 Tank (Drawing):
  • 5 Achievements
    • 5.1 Stay Frosty:
    • 5.2 Panzer:

Tank/Ice cream truck[]

You have to go to scavenge. After you scavenge, there is a chance for an event where the family member you sent has found a tank or an ice cream truck. (Not to be confused with the event where you can send a family member to check out a tank). You will be presented with the option to use an item. The item you chose (if you even chose one in the first place) will in some way be used to find an accessory for your vehicle. In the next run, there is a chance that the next stage event will appear, but there is also a chance for it to not appear. Those events will keep coming until all parts are installed. The parts come in this order: armor, weapon, decoration, wheels, and 5 soup cans as fuel. After you give it the fuel, you ride away in your vehicle, which results in a survival ending. The vehicle is now gone, and if you want to have it again, then you will have to encounter and build it again. Below are listed all the items that you can use, and what they will give to your vehicle.

  • Multiple playthrough endings (1)

Multiple playthrough endings (2)

Find the vehicle[]

When someone come back from an expedition, one of this text can appear:

When the vehicle is reset:

  1. This last expedition got us thinking. Maybe we could just... drive aways from this nightmare somehow? Of course, most of the automobiles available are completely burnt out, if we found a solid base and scavenge enough parts, perhaps we could build a vehicle on our own. We'd better keep an eye out for those on future expeditions.
  2. We window-shopped nearby parking lots for a vehicle that wasn't completly burnt out. Unfortunately, we found nothing of value. Maybe future expeditions will be more lucky.

When the vehicle is work-in-progress:

  1. We spotted some sort of vehicle just down the street, but couldn't get a good enough look at it in the dark. Maybe future expeditions will prove more fruitful.
  2. The vehicle down the street looked like someone's work-in-progress. We observed it from afar. Who could the owner be? We've kept our distance from the time being, but we may want to take a closer look in the future. This could potentially be our ticket out of here...

When you do an expedition after got the two texts, you can have one of the following events depending of where you are in this ending


Mysterious Vehicle Down The Street:[]

Our last expedition brought news of a vehicle parked just down the street. It sure looked... unique, but we never get close enought to get a good look. We're almost certain it's not a bandit trap. Perhaps we sould send someone over to check it out?

Multiple playthrough endings (3)

Send Ted/Dolores:[]

  • A shocking discovey: it was a rusty tank! It was a little crispy around the edges, and it also missing wheels and some other crutial parts, but the seat were fairly comfortable. Wouldn't it be amazing to just drive away and leave this radioactive hell behind us? +Drawing of the Tank added

Send Mary Jane/Timmy:[]

  • A shocking discovey: it was a dirty ice cream truck! It was a little crispy around the edges, and it also missing wheels and some other crutial parts, but the seat were fairly comfortable. Wouldn't it be amazing to just drive away and leave this radioactive hell behind us? +Drawing of the Ice Cream Truck added

Send Nobody:[]

  • It might very well be a trap set up by some bloodthirsty thugs. We're not about to just fall into their hands willingly. Let's let this go for now, the owner of the vehicle is bound to appear eventually.

Reinforce The Vehicle:[]

During our last expeditions, we finally approached that nearby vehicle. It was an ice cream truck/a tank, missing wheels and a few other crucial components. The outside was rusty and a little burnt up. If we hope to ever drive away from here, we sould scavenge for something to reinforce it. Anything we should grab for this little supply run?

Multiple playthrough endings (4)

Use Flashlight:[]

  • Armed with a flashlight, we braved the darkness of an almost-intact basem*nt a few houses down the street. There was a lots of cobwebs, and an impressive collection of barbecues. We grabbed some grills to install on our vehicle for protection. It smelled wonderful, too! Oh, the flashlight didn't make it. Shame. -Flashlight +Add Metal Grills on vehicle

Use Gas Mask:[]

  • The gas mask proved useful while exploring a very stinky werehouse nearby. We found some sheet metal next to some cartons filled with milk and rotten eggs. The sheets were install as armor on our post-apocalyptic vehicle. Unfortunately, the mask's filter was totaly used up. -Gas Mask +Add Sheet Metal on the vehicle

Use Axe:[]

  • We chopped some wood into pointed sticks and attached those to the vehicle. Sharp, efficient, and also helpful in collecting trash along the way. This was a fun project! We accidently chopped up the axe handle as well. Not sure how, but it's all part of the installation now. -Axe +Add Wooden Spikes on the vehicle +Increase everyone's sanity

Use Nothing:[]

  • We're just not ready to risk our necks or precious supplies on this dead end. Even if we fixed up the vehicle, who would drive it, without a license or registration plate? Madness.

Armed The Vehicle:[]

We finally got a good look at the vehicle down the street - an ice cream truck/tank! No wheels, but it was reinforced with metal grills /sheet metal/wooden spikes. But where were the weapons?! That kind of vehicle needs a weapon! Let's get out there with some equipment and find something fitting.

Multiple playthrough endings (5)

Use Map:[]

  • Looking at the map give us an idea. We visited a centuries-old battlefield on the outskirts of town and pushed an antique cannon all the way back to the vehicle we found. The map somehow got all torn up in the process, but our project looked truly majestic. -Map | The trip was very tiring, and result in some injuries. There are a few more experiences more horrifying than having a connon drop on one's foot. +Everyone get tired + Someone get hurt +Add Cannon on the vehicle

Use Padlock:[]

  • We broke our padlock's key while lockpicking a bandit safe nearby. Inside were some yo-yos without strings and a heavy machine gun! We installed it carfully on the vehicle we found. We locked the emprty cache with our padlock, so the bastards wouldn't be able to access it anymore. -Padlock +Add Machine Gun on the vehicle

Use Nothing:[]

  • If we found a weapon, we would keep it to defend the shelter. Danger lurks around every corner in the wasteland, and it's becoming more and more barbaric! Tughs all fighting each other with a baseball bats and rolling pins. Anybody seen those bandits near the museum? They've got curved swords. Curved. Sword.

Decorated The Vehicle:[]

Our previous expeditions reported a strange vehicle nearby, and the last trip to the surface confirmed this discovery. It's an armored and weaponized ice cream truck/tank! No wheels, no gas, just wasting away out there. How about we turn it into an art project?

Multiple playthrough endings (6)

Use Rifle:[]

  • We stormed the local decorations store, shouting battle cries and shooting wildly, at least until the rifle jamed. We found all the American flags and banner we could ever ask for. This vehicle could lead a 4th of July parade or something! If it had wheels, that is. -Rifle +Add American Flags and Banners on the vehicle

Use Suitcase:[]

  • Art in the current era sould be practical. We picked up different objects that best represented the wasteland life. In the end, the suitcase was filled with skulls, bones, stinky ragss and empty soup cans. The vehicle sure looks menacing with these decorations. The suitcase got all nasty from the skeletons and whatnot, so we got rid of it. -Suitcase +Someone can get sick +Add Human Bones on the vehicle

Use Bug Spray:[]

  • Who would have thought an expired bug spray can could produce such vibrant colours? The vehicle was sprayed, smeared with different liquids, and scribbled on. We might just be the pioneers of wasteland culture. So electric, so bohemian! -Bug Spray +Add Graffiti on the vehicle

Use Nothing:[]

  • The only art we care about is the Art of Survival. One of it's main rules is: "ye shall not waste resources, especially for entertainment purposes. Unless bowling is somehow inclued. We miss bowling".

Put Wheels On The Vehicle:[]

The vehicle that was spotted on earlier expeditions turned out not to be a shameless bandit trap. For now. It was an ice cream truck/tank, armored with metal grills/metal pieces/wooden spikes, with an actual antique cannon/deadly heavy machine gun fitted on top! And all covered with American flags/skulls and bones/colorful graffiti. It was missing wheels, but we're certain we could make it functional again with the proper equipment...

Multiple playthrough endings (7)

Use Harmonica:[]

  • The harmonica was sacrified for the greater good. Using the metal plates, we painstakingly unscrewed weels from various cars all around the neighbourhood and fitted them onto our makeshift vehicle. If only we could drive this thing out of here... alas, no gas -Harmonica +Add Wheels on the vehicle

Use Boy Scout Handbook:[]

  • The scoutbook had a whole chapter on alternative mean of transportation. Using instuction from the book, we removed a caterpillar track from a destroyed bulldozer nearby and fitted it onto the other vehicle. We're not sure if it work yet but it sure looks... intense. This operation took all day. And was incredibly tiring for everyone involved. And a bit destructive, too. The scoutbook fell and got buried under the vehicle. -Boy Scout Handbook +Everyone get tired +Add Caterpillar Track on the vehicle

Use Nothing[]

  • It's a pipe dream. For now, anyway. Plus, does anyone even still remember how to change out a wheel? It's something of a dying art here in the wasteland.

Start the vehicle:[]

It wasn't a hallucination. There really was an ice cream truck/a tank down the street. The vehicle was armored with metal grills/sheet metal/wooden spikes, decorate with American flags and banners/bloody skulls and bones/insane graffiti and fitted with a real cannon/heavy machine gun! It even had wheels/a caterpillar track. All this magnificent beast need is a driver... and some fuel.

Multiple playthrough endings (8)

Use 5 Soup:[]

  • Our dream have finally come true. No more waiting for rescue, no more rotting in this tiny bunker. We're out of here. So long, suckers! Whoever find this shelter can keep it. We are embarking on the post-apocalyptic journey of our lifes! We don't know where we'll end up. Anymore would be fine, as long as it's far away from this hellhole. -5 Soup (Win)

Use Nothing:[]

  • We're not sure if the soup would work as fuel, and even if we were, we cannot spare the supplies right now. Beside, who knows? Maybe a better opportunity will come along. Perhaps someone will fix up the trains. Then we could really travel in comfort, instead of being seen in this piece of junk. How embarrassing.

All Vehicle Combinations[]

There is a total of 72 unique customizations for the vehicle (36 for the ice cream truck and 36 for the tank)

Ice Cream Truck (Outside):[]



XXXXXXWheelsCaterpillar Track


American Flags

and Banners

Human BonesGraffitiAmericans Flags

and Banners

Human BonesGraffiti
CannonMetal Grills

Multiple playthrough endings (9)

Multiple playthrough endings (10)

Multiple playthrough endings (11)

Multiple playthrough endings (12)

Multiple playthrough endings (13)

Multiple playthrough endings (14)

Sheet Metal

Multiple playthrough endings (15)

Multiple playthrough endings (16)

Multiple playthrough endings (17)

Multiple playthrough endings (18)

Multiple playthrough endings (19)

Multiple playthrough endings (20)

Wooden Spikes

Multiple playthrough endings (21)

Multiple playthrough endings (22)

Multiple playthrough endings (23)

Multiple playthrough endings (24)

Multiple playthrough endings (25)

Multiple playthrough endings (26)

Machine GunMetal Grills

Multiple playthrough endings (27)

Multiple playthrough endings (28)

Multiple playthrough endings (29)

Multiple playthrough endings (30)

Multiple playthrough endings (31)

Multiple playthrough endings (32)

Sheet Metal

Multiple playthrough endings (33)

Multiple playthrough endings (34)

Multiple playthrough endings (35)

Multiple playthrough endings (36)

Multiple playthrough endings (37)

Multiple playthrough endings (38)

Wooden Spikes

Multiple playthrough endings (39)

Multiple playthrough endings (40)

Multiple playthrough endings (41)

Multiple playthrough endings (42)

Multiple playthrough endings (43)

Multiple playthrough endings (44)

Ice Cream Truck (Drawing):[]



XXXXXWheelsCaterpillar Track


American Flags

and Banners

Human BonesGraffitiAmerican Flags

and Banners

Human BonesGraffiti
CannonMetal Grills

Multiple playthrough endings (45)

Multiple playthrough endings (46)

Multiple playthrough endings (47)

Multiple playthrough endings (48)

Multiple playthrough endings (49)

Multiple playthrough endings (50)

Sheet Metal

Multiple playthrough endings (51)

Multiple playthrough endings (52)

Multiple playthrough endings (53)

Multiple playthrough endings (54)

Multiple playthrough endings (55)

Multiple playthrough endings (56)

Wooden Spikes

Multiple playthrough endings (57)

Multiple playthrough endings (58)

Multiple playthrough endings (59)

Multiple playthrough endings (60)

Multiple playthrough endings (61)

Multiple playthrough endings (62)

Machine GunMetal Grills

Multiple playthrough endings (63)

Multiple playthrough endings (64)

Multiple playthrough endings (65)

Multiple playthrough endings (66)

Multiple playthrough endings (67)

Multiple playthrough endings (68)

Sheet Metal

Multiple playthrough endings (69)

Multiple playthrough endings (70)

Multiple playthrough endings (71)

Multiple playthrough endings (72)

Multiple playthrough endings (73)

Multiple playthrough endings (74)

Wooden Spikes

Multiple playthrough endings (75)

Multiple playthrough endings (76)

Multiple playthrough endings (77)

Multiple playthrough endings (78)

Multiple playthrough endings (79)

Multiple playthrough endings (80)

Tank (Outside):[]



XXXXXWheelsCaterpillar Track


American Flags

and Banners

Human BonesGraffitiAmerican Flags

and Banners

Human BonesGraffiti
CannonMetal Grills

Multiple playthrough endings (81)

Multiple playthrough endings (82)

Multiple playthrough endings (83)

Multiple playthrough endings (84)

Multiple playthrough endings (85)

Multiple playthrough endings (86)

Sheet Metal

Multiple playthrough endings (87)

Multiple playthrough endings (88)

Multiple playthrough endings (89)

Multiple playthrough endings (90)

Multiple playthrough endings (91)

Multiple playthrough endings (92)

Wooden Spikes

Multiple playthrough endings (93)

Multiple playthrough endings (94)

Multiple playthrough endings (95)

Multiple playthrough endings (96)

Multiple playthrough endings (97)

Multiple playthrough endings (98)

Machine GunMetal Grills

Multiple playthrough endings (99)

Multiple playthrough endings (100)

Multiple playthrough endings (101)

Multiple playthrough endings (102)

Multiple playthrough endings (103)

Multiple playthrough endings (104)

Sheet Metal

Multiple playthrough endings (105)

Multiple playthrough endings (106)

Multiple playthrough endings (107)

Multiple playthrough endings (108)

Multiple playthrough endings (109)

Multiple playthrough endings (110)

Wooden Spikes

Multiple playthrough endings (111)

Multiple playthrough endings (112)

Multiple playthrough endings (113)

Multiple playthrough endings (114)

Multiple playthrough endings (115)

Multiple playthrough endings (116)

Tank (Drawing):[]



XXXXXWheelsCaterpillar Track


American Flags

and Banners

Human BonesGraffitiAmerican Flags

and Banners

Human BonesGraffiti
CannonMetal Grills

Multiple playthrough endings (117)

Multiple playthrough endings (118)

Multiple playthrough endings (119)

Multiple playthrough endings (120)

Multiple playthrough endings (121)

Multiple playthrough endings (122)

Sheet Metal

Multiple playthrough endings (123)

Multiple playthrough endings (124)

Multiple playthrough endings (125)

Multiple playthrough endings (126)

Multiple playthrough endings (127)

Multiple playthrough endings (128)

Wooden Spikes

Multiple playthrough endings (129)

Multiple playthrough endings (130)

Multiple playthrough endings (131)

Multiple playthrough endings (132)

Multiple playthrough endings (133)

Multiple playthrough endings (134)

Machine GunMetal Grills

Multiple playthrough endings (135)

Multiple playthrough endings (136)

Multiple playthrough endings (137)

Multiple playthrough endings (138)

Multiple playthrough endings (139)

Multiple playthrough endings (140)

Sheet Metal

Multiple playthrough endings (141)

Multiple playthrough endings (142)

Multiple playthrough endings (143)

Multiple playthrough endings (144)

Multiple playthrough endings (145)

Multiple playthrough endings (146)

Wooden Spikes

Multiple playthrough endings (147)

Multiple playthrough endings (148)

Multiple playthrough endings (149)

Multiple playthrough endings (150)

Multiple playthrough endings (151)

Multiple playthrough endings (152)


Stay Frosty:[]

Multiple playthrough endings (153)

The achievement "Stay Frosty" can be unlocked by finishing a game with the Ice Cream Truck


Multiple playthrough endings (154)

The achievement "Panzer" can be unlocked by finishing a game with the Tank

For more information about the achievements, go on this page

Multiple playthrough endings (2024)
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Author: Mr. See Jast

Last Updated:

Views: 5899

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (75 voted)

Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Mr. See Jast

Birthday: 1999-07-30

Address: 8409 Megan Mountain, New Mathew, MT 44997-8193

Phone: +5023589614038

Job: Chief Executive

Hobby: Leather crafting, Flag Football, Candle making, Flying, Poi, Gunsmithing, Swimming

Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.