Mushroom Spawn: Best Practices for Successful Cultivation | Mushroom Manual (2024)

Mushroom spawn serves as the planting material for the cultivation of various mushroom species, playing a crucial role in the overall production process. The quality of the spawn significantly influences the success of mushroom farming, as it determines the mycelium’s ability to grow and colonize the substrate. Spawn production involves the inoculation of pasteurized substrate with mushroom mycelium and the careful management of growing conditions to promote strong, healthy mycelial growth.

There are diverse methods and techniques used in spawn production, as advancements in modern mushroom culture technology continuously evolve. A better understanding of these methods ensures successful mushroom farming practices for both commercial growers and hobbyists alike. Furthermore, innovative technologies such as machine learning have recently been applied to the classification of mushroom spawn quality, providing new possibilities for optimizing the production process.

As the demand for mushrooms as a sustainable and nutritious food source continues to increase, improvements in spawn production are proving invaluable for the industry. By striving to enhance the quality of spawns, growers and researchers contribute to the efficiency and sustainability of mushroom cultivation, ultimately promoting a healthier and more environmentally friendly food system.

Table of Contents

Mushroom Spawn Basics

Mushroom spawn is the starting material for mushroom cultivation. It consists of a carrier substrate, such as sawdust or grain, which has been colonized by mushroom mycelium. The spawn is used to inoculate bulk substrates to produce mushrooms.


Mycelium is the vegetative part of a fungus, consisting of a network of thread-like structures called hyphae. In the context of mushroom cultivation, mycelium refers to the fungal network that grows and colonizes a substrate. Mushroom mycelium is usually cultivated in a controlled environment, such as a laboratory, to ensure its purity and prevent contamination. Once the mycelium has colonized the substrate, it acts as a primary source of nutrients for the growing mushrooms.

Types of Spawn

There are several types of mushroom spawn available, with the most common being grain spawn and sawdust spawn. Each type has specific advantages and applications, depending on the desired mushroom species and cultivation method.

Grain Spawn: Grain spawn is made by inoculating sterilized grains, such as rye, wheat, or millet, with mushroom mycelium. This type of spawn is commonly used among small-scale cultivators because it is easy to prepare and colonizes substrates quickly. In addition, the small size of the grains allows for uniform distribution throughout the substrate, ensuring faster and more reliable colonization. However, grain spawn can be more susceptible to contamination due to its high nutrient content.

Sawdust Spawn: Sawdust spawn consists of sterilized hardwood sawdust colonized by mushroom mycelium. This type of spawn is popular for cultivating wood-decomposing mushrooms, such as shiitake and oyster mushrooms. Sawdust spawn has a lower risk of contamination compared to grain spawn, as it contains fewer readily available nutrients for competing organisms. It also offers better moisture retention, which is crucial for the growth of many wood-decomposing species.

In conclusion, understanding the basics of mushroom spawn is essential for successful mushroom cultivation. Selecting the appropriate type of spawn and ensuring a high-quality, contaminant-free product can significantly impact the yield and quality of the harvested mushrooms.

Spawn Production

Laboratory Conditions

To produce high-quality mushroom spawn, it is crucial to maintain optimal laboratory conditions. The first step in the process involves creating a sterile environment in which the selected mushroom strains can be propagated on the chosen nutrient medium. Ensuring proper temperature, humidity, and adequate lighting is vital for the healthy growth of mycelium.

Maintaining a consistent temperature between 20°C to 25°C is ideal for most species. A higher rate of humidity, around 60% to 70%, is required to promote mycelial growth. Adequate airflow is also necessary to prevent the buildup of carbon dioxide and contaminants. Furthermore, exposing the culture to a suitable light source, such as a cool-white fluorescent lamp or indirect natural light, for 12 to 14 hours per day can encourage growth.

Preventing Contamination

Contamination is a significant concern in spawn production, as it can lead to the loss of entire batches or poor-quality end products. To minimize this risk, it is essential to practice strict hygiene and follow these guidelines:

  • Always work in a clean, designated area, preferably a well-ventilated laminar flow hood or a sterile laboratory space.
  • Regularly sterilize equipment and work surfaces with suitable disinfectants, such as a 70% ethanol solution or a 10% bleach solution.
  • Use proper personal protective equipment (PPE), including lab coats, gloves, and masks, while working with cultures and substrates.
  • Autoclave or pressure cook substrates to eliminate any potential contaminants before inoculating them with mushroom mycelium.

To further prevent contamination, close attention must be paid to handling practices at each stage of the spawn production process:

  1. Transfer colonized mycelium from the original culture to sterile grain substrates or other suitable spawn substrates.
  2. Seal spawn bags or containers with breathable filters to allow gas exchange while keeping out contaminants.
  3. Regularly inspect the progress of mycelial growth, looking for signs of contamination, such as mold, off-odors, or unusual colors.
  4. If contamination is detected in any batch or bag, isolate and dispose of it promptly to prevent cross-contamination.

By following these guidelines and maintaining a controlled laboratory environment, successful and consistent mushroom spawn production can be achieved.

Types of Mushroom Spawn

There are several types of mushroom spawns used by growers to propagate mushrooms efficiently. Three common types of mushroom spawns are sawdust spawn, grain spawn, and plug spawn. Each of these spawn types has distinct characteristics and applications, making them suited for different growing conditions and mushroom species.

Sawdust Spawn

Sawdust spawn is made by combining sterilized sawdust with mushroom mycelium. It is often used for growing mushrooms on wood logs or straw, as the sawdust effectively transfers the mycelium to such substrates. This spawn type has several advantages, such as providing a high surface area for mycelial growth and offering increased yields when used in larger-scale production.

When using sawdust spawn, growers can expect a more rapid colonization of the substrate and shorter time to inoculation. However, it may be less efficient than other types for some strains or growing conditions, and sawdust spawn can be more liable to contamination if not handled properly.

Grain Spawn

Grain spawn consists of sterilized grain, such as rye, millet, or wheat, which is inoculated with mushroom mycelium. It is particularly suitable for small-scale mushroom cultivation, as it provides faster colonization times and requires simpler equipment or processes. Grain spawn yields good results when used with various mushroom species, and it is quite versatile, as it can be utilized with bulk substrates, such as straw or compost.

The main drawback of grain spawn is that it has lower inoculation points than sawdust or plug spawns, which means it may need to be used in greater quantities to achieve similar results. Additionally, some mushroom strains may perform better with other spawn types.

Plug Spawn

Plug spawn is made from small, sterilized wooden dowels that are inoculated with mushroom mycelium. This type of spawn is especially useful when inoculating hardwood logs or stumps for growing mushrooms outdoors. The plugs help promote mycelial growth directly into the wood, providing better access to nutrients and better results overall.

To use plug spawn, growers drill holes into the logs or stumps and then insert the inoculated plugs, which effectively spreads the mycelium throughout the substrate. The main advantage of plug spawn is its high inoculation rate and suitability for long-term outdoor mushroom cultivation. However, it might not be as suitable for some mushroom species or indoor growing conditions due to its specific methodology and the need for outdoor wood logs or stumps.

Mushroom Cultivation

Mushroom cultivation is a process that requires careful consideration of factors such as growing substrates, inoculation methods, and incubation conditions. In this section, we will discuss each of these aspects in detail.

Growing Substrates

The choice of growth substrate plays a significant role in the success of mushroom cultivation, as different mushroom species have preferred substrates. Some common substrates include:

  • Rye: Rye is a popular grain used as a substrate, especially for the initial stage of growth called the spawn run, where mycelium colonizes the substrate.
  • Millet: Millet is another grain option for growing mushrooms, often used as a certified organic choice.
  • Supplemented sawdust: Mixing hardwood sawdust with nutrients, such as soybean or wheat bran, is a suitable substrate for many mushroom species, including oyster mushrooms.
  • Hardwood logs: Wood-based substrates, such as oak or beech logs, are ideal for growing mushrooms with lignin-degrading enzymes.
  • Coffee grounds: A sustainable option, repurposed coffee grounds can be used as a substrate for certain mushroom species.

Inoculation Process

The inoculation process involves introducing a mushroom culture to the prepared substrate. Key steps in this process involve ensuring cleanliness to avoid contamination and selecting suitable inoculation points. For different mushroom species and substrates, there are various methods of inoculation, such as using plug spawn or grain spawn. The choice of inoculation method will depend on the type of mushroom species being cultivated and the equipment available to the cultivator.

Incubation and Growth

Once inoculation is completed, the substrate is left to incubate in a controlled environment, allowing the mycelium to colonize the substrate. Factors such as temperature, humidity, and CO2 levels must be monitored throughout the process to ensure optimal growth conditions for the specific mushroom species.

During the incubation period, it is essential to be vigilant about monitoring for signs of contamination or damages that could affect the quality of the final product. For example, pests or pathogenic molds may contaminate the spawn, leading to reduced yields or crop failure.

It is crucial to understand the warranties, merchantability, and fitness of the mushroom cultures and equipment used in the process. Cultivators have a responsibility to use these resources lawfully and ethically for the best results.

In conclusion, successful mushroom cultivation depends on factors such as appropriate substrates, effective inoculation methods, and proper incubation conditions. Understanding the nuances of cultivating specific mushroom species is essential for both novice and experienced cultivators alike.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to make mushroom spawn?

To make mushroom spawn, you need a sterile medium (usually grains like rye, wheat, or millet) and mushroom mycelium. First, prepare your grain by cooking and draining it. Then, sterilize the grain in a pressure cooker to remove any contaminants. Once cooled, inoculate it with a spore syringe or agar cultures, and mix well to distribute the mycelium. Store the inoculated grain in a sterile container and maintain proper temperature, humidity, and air exchange to promote mycelium growth.

Mushroom spawn vs spores?

Mushroom spawn consists of the grain medium inoculated with mushroom mycelium. It is a living, growing fungal tissue that colonizes a substrate, eventually producing mushrooms. In contrast, spores are tiny reproductive cells released from mushrooms, functioning as “seeds” for new mycelium growth. Mushroom spawn is typically more accessible for beginners and ensures a faster, more reliable mushroom cultivation process compared to spores.

What is spawn made of?

Spawn is made of a grain substrate (like millet, rye, or wheat) which is sterilized and then inoculated with mushroom mycelium. It serves as a nutrient source and environment for the mycelium to grow before being transferred to a fruiting substrate. The spawn helps establish a healthy, vigorous mycelium network, increasing the chances of successful mushroom fruiting.

Spawn lifespan?

Mushroom spawn has a shelf life typically ranging from 1-3 months, depending on the species and storage conditions. To maximize its lifespan, store the spawn in a cool, dark place, ideally at temperatures around 2-4°C (35-40°F). Avoid exposing it to extreme temperatures, moisture, or direct sunlight, as these factors can shorten the spawn’s lifespan or lead to contamination.

Spawn uses?

Mushroom spawn is used in the process of mushroom cultivation. It is primarily utilized to inoculate a bulk substrate, such as straw, sawdust, or wood chips, eventually leading to mushroom fruiting. Mushroom spawn can also be used for outdoor beds, log inoculation, or container growing. It helps to establish a healthy, vigorous network of mycelium, increasing the chances of successful mushroom fruiting.

Best grain for spawn?

Choosing the best grain for spawn often depends on personal preference and the mushroom species being cultivated. Popular grains for spawn production include rye, wheat, millet, and even popcorn. Rye is a popular choice due to its consistent size and nutrient content, making it an ideal environment for mycelium growth. However, it’s essential to test different grain types to determine which works best for your specific cultivation needs.

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Mushroom Spawn: Best Practices for Successful Cultivation | Mushroom Manual (2024)


What are the best conditions for mushroom spawn? ›

The optimal temperature for most mushroom varieties during incubation ranges between 75-80°F (24-27°C). Time needed for full colonization generally varies from 2 to 4 weeks, depending on the strain and environmental conditions.

What is the spawn method in mushroom cultivation? ›

In the spawn-production process, mycelium from a mushroom culture is placed onto steam-sterilized grain, and in time the mycelium completely grows through the grain.

How is spawn preparation for mushroom cultivation? ›

Spawn (Mushroom Seeding)

Preparation of spawn: Half cooked grains, air dried, mixed with calcium carbonate powder at 2% level, fill the grains in empty glucose drip bottles, plug with cotton and sterilize in cooker for 2 hours. Put the pure culture of the fungus (Procured from agriculture departments/agrl.

What is the mushroom good agricultural practices program? ›

The Mushroom Good Agricultural Practices program offers guidance on the growing, harvesting, and shipping of fresh mushrooms, developed by the American Mushroom Institute and Penn State University.

What speeds up mushroom growth? ›

Gypsum is a mineral that helps speed up the mushroom growing process in small amounts. A teaspoon of gypsum is added to the supplemented sawdust mix, which also includes hardwood sawdust pellets, wheat bran and water.

How do you increase mushroom yield? ›

If you want to grow more mushrooms simply give yourself more of the three “S's”: spores, substrate, and space. Having more substrate rich with inoculated mycelium will increase organic mass and potentially increase your mushroom production. Keep in mind that you'll need more surface area to accommodate it all.

What is the best temperature to colonize mycelium? ›

Colonization occurs after inoculation. This is when the mycelium will start to take over the grain that was inoculated with spores. This period usually lasts between 3 to 6 weeks depending on strain and environmental conditions. Ideal conditions for this phase are in a dark place and temperature between 72 F – 80 F.

How do you know when mycelium is fully colonized? ›

You can tell when mycelium is fully colonized when the entire substrate (such as a jar or a bag) is covered with a dense, white, and fuzzy network of mycelial threads. There should be no visible uncolonized areas or contaminants, and the mycelium should appear healthy and vigorous.

What is the best grain for Cubensis? ›

What Is the Best Grain for Mushroom Spawn?
  • Rye Grain. Rye grain has fantastic water retention capabilities. ...
  • Wheat Berries. Wheat berries are also a great choice. ...
  • Popcorn Spawn. ...
  • Wild Bird Seed. ...
  • Milo-Grain Sorghum. ...
  • The Power of Millet. ...
  • Working with Rye.
Feb 9, 2023

How long can I store mushroom spawn? ›

Even in your fridge's ideal conditions, mushroom spawn won't last forever. Spawn usually live for 2-4 months in cold storage. Be sure to use the spawn within that time so your mushrooms grow properly. The sooner you use the spawn, the more likely it is to grow mushrooms successfully.

Should mushroom spawn be refrigerated? ›

Keep spawn at room temperature if you will be using it in the next few days. For longer storage, refrigerate the spawn for up to 3 months. If you use a partial bag of spawn, store the remaining spawn in its original bag, folding the top down from the filter patch and clipping to secure.

How do I become a successful mushroom farmer? ›

Mushrooms need light to grow, but not very much. Temperatures must be maintained between 55-65F for optimal results, conditions must be moist but not wet; mushrooms also produce CO2, so they require lots of fresh air; make sure to install proper ventilation.

How much do mushroom cultivators make? ›

Mushroom Grower Salary
Annual SalaryHourly Wage
Top Earners$72,500$35
75th Percentile$52,000$25
25th Percentile$30,500$15

How do mushroom farmers make money? ›

The direct to consumer sale of your mushrooms – Common methods include the sale of mushrooms to the local market via local farmers' markets. As some farms grow, they establish their own company store and offer other related gourmet items for sale in their store as well.

What is the best temperature for mushroom mycelium? ›

Mycelium grew best during spawn-running when the temperature was kept at 75° F. (23·9° C.)

What temperature kills mushroom spawn? ›

As the spawn grows it generates heat, and if the compost temperature increases to above 80° to 85°F, depending on the cultivar, the heat may kill or damage the mycelium and eliminate the possibility of maximum crop productivity and/or mushroom quality.

What does mycelium grow best in? ›

A mycelium is a network of fungal threads or hyphae. Mycelia often grow underground but can also thrive in other places such as rotting tree trunks. A single spore can develop into a mycelium.


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