💰 My 2024 Vietnam Trip Cost: A Budget Breakdown (2024)

Vietnam, a country famous for its emerald bays and rice paddies, can be visited with abudget of $30 to $65 a day.

My nearly two-week trip to Vietnam cost a total of $1,251. In this post, I share:

  • 💰 Expected travel costs
  • 💡 Budgeting tips
  • 💵 How much cash to bring
  • ✈️ My trip’s costs by category
  • 📍 My trip’s costs by destination

Planning a trip? Here’s what to know about Vietnam.

  • Is Vietnam Expensive?
    • How Much Is a Trip?
      • Vietnam vs. Thailand Costs
      • About My Trip
      • Total Trip Cost: $1,251
        • Cost Breakdown
        • Daily Budget: $89
        • Flight: $183
        • Accommodation: $150
        • Food: $72
          • Transportation: $110
          • Entertainment: $488
          • Miscellaneous: $247
        • Destination Cost Breakdown
          • Hanoi: $202
          • Hoi An: $370
          • Cat Ba Island: $146
        • Do You Need Cash in Vietnam?
          • Withdrawing Cash
          • How Much Cash To Bring
          • Cash-Only Places
          • Tipping Etiquette

        Lists By Lukiih is readers-supported. When you buy with my affiliate link, I may earn a small commission. Thanks!

        Is Vietnam Expensive To Travel To?

        Vietnam ranks asone of the most affordabledestinations in Asia. It has a relatively low cost of living, a wide range of accommodation options, free attractions, and a competitive tourism market.

        Along with Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia, Vietnam is often considered aninexpensive destinationin Southeast Asia.

        💰 Trip Daily Budget for Destinations in Asia

        For comparison, I visited these countries in Asia within a year of visiting Vietnam, and here’s how much I spent per day at each one:

        DestinationMy Budget
        🇯🇵 Japan$145
        🇰🇭 Cambodia$123*
        🇸🇬 Singapore$122
        🇹🇼 Taiwan$102
        🇻🇳 Vietnam$89
        🇹🇭 Thailand$77

        *My Cambodia daily budget is high because I splurged on accommodation.

        See all my daily budgets.

        How Much Is a Trip to Vietnam?

        This section covers estimated trip costs depending on your travel style. I share my actual travel expenses further below.

        🎒 Budget Traveler – Vietnam Trip Cost

        Budget travelers can expect to spend approximately $30 per day or $420 for two weeks of travel in Vietnam, excluding flights.

        Here’s a quick overview of my expenses by travel category:

        CategoryCost per Day
        🍜 Food$8
        🏍️ Transportation$4
        ⛰️ Entertainment$10

        Traveling Vietnam on a Budget

        To travel on a budget to Vietnam, here are some things you’ll need to do:

        • 🏠 Accommodation – Stay at a dorm-style hostel for as low as $5 a night. For an additional $10 per night, you can stay at a mid-range hotel, as accommodation prices are very cheap in Vietnam.
        • 🏍️ Transportation – Take Vietnam’s “sleeper buses” that travel at night to get around the country, as those are generally the cheapest mode of transportation.

        Vietnam doesn’t have public transportation outside Ho Chi Minh City, but the country has a comprehensive bus network.

        • 🍜 Food –Eat street food and local restaurants for $2 or less per meal. Tourist restaurants have an upcharge, and the food is not guaranteed to be more authentic or fresher.

        Tap water is generallyunsafe to drinkin Vietnam, so you can also stock up on drinks and water at convenience stores instead of paying for them at restaurants or touristy places.

        • ⛰️ Entertainment Skip some of Vietnam’s guided tours, as paying for them will significantly increase your budget.
        • ☀️ Travel Season – For the best deals, avoid traveling to Vietnam during the peak season and aim to visit sometime between April and June or September and November.
        • 📍 Destination – Visit budget-friendly areas of Vietnam. Some of the most budget-friendly tourist areas include Hoi An, Nha Trang, the Mekong Delta, and Cat Ba Island near Lan Ha Bay.

        💰 Mid-Range Budget Traveler – Vietnam Trip Cost

        A mid-range budget traveler, such as myself, can expect to spend approximately $65 per day or $910 for two weeks of travel in Vietnam, excluding flights. I break down my trip expenses by travel category below.

        Is Vietnam or Thailand More Affordable To Travel To?

        People often compare Thailand to Vietnam, as they areSoutheast Asia’s most popular and affordable destinations.

        Vietnam is, on average,slightly more affordableto travel to than Thailand. However, affordability and cost of living vary by region within each country. Still, Thailand is a more developed country, and Vietnam’s cost of living is lower than Thailand’s.

        For tourists, Vietnam’s cost per day is, on average, lower than Thailand’s. Below is a rough daily budget comparison for a mid-range budget traveler.

        🏠 Accommodation$15$20
        🍜 Food$10$15
        🏍️ Transportation$10$10
        ⭐ Entertainment$30$35

        For a two-week trip, you can expect to spendroughly$910in Vietnam and$1,120in Thailand.

        You’ll see below that my daily budget in Vietnam is higher because I did relatively expensive activities (e.g., deep water soloing and getting tailored clothes in Hoi An).

        💰 My 2024 Vietnam Trip Cost: A Budget Breakdown (1)

        About My Vietnam Trip

        To give context to the expenses below, here’s what you need to know about my trip:

        • 🗓️12 days – I spent almost two weeks in Vietnam, visiting six places:
          • Hanoi: 1 day
          • Ninh Binh: 1 day
          • Lan Ha Bay: 2 days
          • Ha Giang: 3 days
          • Hoi An: 3 days
          • Da Nang: 2 day

        Comparing the two major cities in Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City in southern Vietnam is, on average, roughly 10% more expensive than Hanoi City in northern Vietnam.

        • ☀️ High season –I visited Vietnam in November, which is considered the high season.

        Vietnam has two peak seasons: one from March to early May and the other from October to December.

        • ✌️ Group travel – I traveled with one other person, so we were able to split some costs, such as housing.
        • 💰 Mid-range budget – I consider myself a mid-range budget traveler, and these expenses reflect that. I don’t aim to travel on a budget, but I’m thoughtful about how and where I spend.
        • 🍀 Self-funded – My trips areself-funded,so I paid for everything listed below. None of my excursions or experiences are sponsored.
        • 💵 US dollars – All costs listed in this post are per person and in US dollars, converted from Vietnam’s local currency, the Vietnamese Dong.

        The exchange rate was $1 USD = 24,300 VND at the time of writing.

        💰 My 2024 Vietnam Trip Cost: A Budget Breakdown (2)

        Vietnam Trip’s Total Cost: $1,251

        My nearly two-week trip to Vietnam cost a total of $1,251, including flights.

        See the highlights of my trip in these northern Vietnam and central Vietnam itineraries.

        💰 Cost Breakdown for Vietnam

        Here’s a quick overview of my expenses by travel category:

        VietnamCost% of TotalDaily Budget

        🗓️ Daily Budget in Vietnam: $89

        My Vietnam trip cost $89 per day, excluding my flights from Taiwan and to Thailand. My daily budget is on the higher end because I did relatively expensive activities.

        Daily Budget
        Excluding flights$89
        Including flights$104

        A mid-range budget traveler can expect to spend $65 per day in Vietnam. This generally means staying at $15 per night accommodations, eating a mix of street and restaurant food, and going on several non-private guided tours.

        ✈️ Flight Cost to Vietnam: $183

        I usually take round-trip flights from the United States, but I flew into Vietnam from Taiwan and out to Thailand for this trip. Here are my flight costs:

        Taiwan → Vietnam$101
        Vietnam → Thailand$82

        A round-trip flight between the US and Vietnam that costs under $750 is considered cheap; international flights typically cost over $850.

        Be aware ofbag weight limitson low-cost airlines that hop around Asia. I flew AirAsia and VietJet Air, and both had a combined carry-on and checked-bag limit of 7kg (about 15 lbs). If you pass this limit, you’ll have to pay an extra checked bag fee. I paid $14 per bag, but some fees were as high as $45.

        🏠 Accommodation Cost in Vietnam: $150

        My average cost of accommodation in Vietnam was $12 per day. I was able to split accommodations with one other person at all times.

        (This totaldoesn’t includeovernight stays on the three-day Ha Giang Loop; those are included in the tour price underentertainment.)

        Here are the accommodations I stayed at and how much I paid for each:

        AccommodationTotal CostCost per Night
        Hanoi hotel and Airbnb$77$19
        Hoi An hotel$52$13
        Cát Bà Island hotel$21$21

        Accommodations in Vietnam are incredibly affordable. You can stay at mid-range hotels for as low as $20 per night. Even luxury hotels, which start at$100 per night, are relatively inexpensive.

        💰 My 2024 Vietnam Trip Cost: A Budget Breakdown (3)

        🍜 Food Cost in Vietnam: $72

        My average cost of food in Vietnam was $6 per day.

        The food capital of Vietnam is Hoi An, a small town that serves regional food not found elsewhere.

        Cheapest Meals in Vietnam

        Here are the most affordable meals I ate during my trip:

        Chicken and rice dishLocal Restaurant (Hoi An)$1.50
        Rose dumplingsWhite Rose Restaurant (Hoi An)$1.80
        Rice bowls (“xoi gia”)Xôi Gia Truyền Bà Thu (Hanoi)$2
        💰 My 2024 Vietnam Trip Cost: A Budget Breakdown (4)

        Food in Vietnam is extremely affordable. Many of my meals, which included a drink, were $2 or less, especially at local restaurants. Restaurants that target tourists will charge more.

        Most Expensive Meals in Vietnam

        Here are the most expensive meals I ate during my trip:

        Noodles and vegetablesNostalife (Hoi An)$6.50
        Dumplings and noodlesTaste of Asia (Hanoi Airport)$6
        Noodle dishYummy 1 (Cát Bà Island)$5
        💰 My 2024 Vietnam Trip Cost: A Budget Breakdown (5)

        I recommend going on an authentic food tour early on your Vietnam trip to discover authentic local food and restaurants that you can try throughout your trip.

        🏍️ Transportation Cost in Vietnam: $110

        My average cost of transportation in Vietnam was $9 per day.

        My average cost of transportation is high because I tooka domestic flightfrom northern to central Vietnam. Had I not taken any domestic flights, my average cost of transportation would have been$6 per day.

        Here are the transportation methods I took and how much I paid for each:

        TransportationTotal Cost
        Domestic flight (Hanoi → Da Nang)$34
        Grab rides$34
        Round-trip bus ride to Lan Ha Bay$28
        Private car hire for Da Nang day trip$14
        💰 My 2024 Vietnam Trip Cost: A Budget Breakdown (6)

        Grab rides are almost always more affordable than flagging down a taxi or tuk-tuk. Pro tip: use Grab prices as a baseline for negotiating with taxis or tuk-tuks when they’re more conveniently available.

        ⛰️ Entertainment Costs in Vietnam: $488

        My average cost of entertainment in Vietnam was $41 per day. This total includes a 5% to 15% tip at certain places.

        A typical mid-range traveler in Vietnam can expect to spend about$30 a day on entertainment.

        Here are all the activities and attractions I paid for and how much each cost:

        Ha Giang Loop tour$228
        Deep water solo (Ha Long Bay)$78
        Ninh Bình day tour$63
        Cooking class (Hoi An)$31
        Old Quarter street food tour (Hanoi)$28
        Bamboo Circus show (Hoi An)$25
        Massages (three sessions)$25
        Water Puppet Show (Hanoi)$6
        Vietnam Military Museum (Hanoi)$2
        Ngoc Son Temple (Hanoi)$1
        Temple of Literature (Hanoi)$1

        These Hoi An and Hanoi guides share details on the activities I did in Vietnam.

        💰 My 2024 Vietnam Trip Cost: A Budget Breakdown (7)

        👗 Miscellaneous Cost in Vietnam: $247

        My average cost of miscellaneous spending in Vietnam was $21 per day.

        Tailored clothes in Hoi An$190
        Laundry services (two loads)$8

        United States citizens traveling to Vietnam are required to get a tourist visa. The visa costs $25 and takes three business days to process. You can apply online here.

        💰 My 2024 Vietnam Trip Cost: A Budget Breakdown (8)

        Cost Breakdown by Destination in Vietnam

        Below are my trip expense breakdowns for Hanoi, Hoi An, and Cat Ba Island. Hanoi is often featured in first-timers’ travel itineraries.

        🏍️ Hanoi Trip’s Total Cost: $202

        During my three-day trip to Hanoi, I averaged $67 in daily travel expenses.

        I went to a few Hanoi attractions with small entrance fees and paid for an Old Quarter street food tour, which I highly recommend doing at the beginning of your Vietnam trip so you can get familiar with authentic food.

        CategoryTotal CostDaily Budget
        🏠 Accommodation$77$26
        🍜 Food$39$13
        🏍️ Transportation$21$7
        ⛰️ Entertainment$65$21
        💰 My 2024 Vietnam Trip Cost: A Budget Breakdown (9)

        Hanoi is at the center of northern Vietnam, so even if you don’t spend much time there, you will likely fly there to access other parts of Vietnam. It’s a bustling city where you can spend a lot or a little on accommodation and food.

        Here are the things to do and skip in Hanoi.

        👗 Hoi An Trip’s Total Cost: $370

        During my three-day trip to Hoi An, I averaged$123 in daily travel expenses.

        I stayed at a nice hotel that I was able to split with someone else. My expenses in Hoi An are exceptionally high because I bought custom-tailored clothes.

        CategoryTotal CostDaily Budget
        🏠 Accommodation$52$13
        🍜 Food$24$6
        🏍️ Transportation$13$3
        ⛰️ Entertainment$281$70
        💰 My 2024 Vietnam Trip Cost: A Budget Breakdown (10)

        Hoi An is one of the most well-known places in central Vietnam and is known as Vietnam’s food capital. Even though it’s a fairly tourist-oriented town, you’ll be able to find plenty of Vietnamese food for cheap if you look for it. This Hoi An travel guide shares an itinerary and great things to do there

        🚤 Cat Ba Island Trip’s Total Cost: $146

        During my two-day trip to Cat Ba Island, I averaged $73 in daily travel expenses.

        Although Cat Ba Island is its own destination, I mainly traveled there to deep water solo (rock climb above water). I stayed at a no-frills mid-range hotel, which I was able to split with one other person.

        CategoryTotal CostDaily Budget
        🏠 Accommodation$21$11
        🍜 Food$10$5
        🏍️ Transportation$28$14
        ⛰️ Entertainment$87$43
        💰 My 2024 Vietnam Trip Cost: A Budget Breakdown (11)

        Cát Bà Island is a well-known tourist area in Vietnam, so you can expect prices to be high here. I visited during the island’s low season and thought the prices were comparable to other places in Vietnam.

        Do You Need Cash in Vietnam?

        Vietnam’s economy islargely based oncash transactions, especially in non-tourist areas, so bring some cash. I needed to use cash almost everywhere when I visited.

        Below are tips on bringing and using cash in Vietnam.

        💵 1. Withdraw cash in Vietnamese dong.

        Vietnam’s currency is the Vietnamese Dong (VND), and the US dollar is not widely accepted.

        ATMs are readily available in many tourist places in Vietnam, but if your debit card doesn’t reimburse your ATM fees, you’ll want to withdraw a higher amount less frequently to save on fees.

        🏧 2. Carry about $30 to $40 worth of cash per day in Vietnam.

        On a typical day, a mid-range budget traveler in Vietnam will needat least $30 in cashto cover food, transportation, and attractions.A daily cash expense breakdown can look like this:

        • $10 at restaurants and cafes
        • $15 for tipping and entrance fees
        • $5 for transportation and other miscellaneous spending

        I keep my cash in my crossbody bag, but if you want extra protection against pickpocketing, carry it in a hidden money belt instead.

        💳 3. Some places in Vietnam take credit cards.

        Being able to use a credit card in Vietnam is the exception, but below are some places thataccepted credit cardsduring my trip:

        • High-production shows – The Bamboo Circus in Hoi An accepted cards, but not the Water Puppet Show in Hanoi.
        • High-cost tailoring services in Hoi An –However, these places typically had a 3% credit card fee.
        • Grab app rides– You can also tip through the app, so you don’t need cash for these.

        💰 4. Tipping is not customary in Vietnam.

        Tipping isoften appreciatedin Vietnam, but it’s optional. Tipping is most often expected from tourists and businesses that serve visitors.

        • Tour – Tour guides will gladly accept 10% to 15% tips, especially those serving Americans.
        • Dining –Tipping is not expected when eating street food, but upscale restaurants may add a 10% service charge. For many restaurants, rounding your bill up and leaving some change is sufficient as a tip.
        • Drivers – You can round up the change for drivers. Getting around Vietnam with Grab was so cheap that I just tipped drivers $1 regardless.

        See other essential travel tips for Vietnam before visiting.

        2024 Vietnam Trip Planner

        To make your travel planning easier, download the trip planner below and use it as a starting point. The planner has country-specific travel information, an itinerary, a packing list, and a map with key places pinned.

        The trip planner is built on Notion, which I use for all my travel planning (I genuinely love this tool). If you don’t have Notion, creating an account is free.

        💰 My 2024 Vietnam Trip Cost: A Budget Breakdown (12)

        Thoughts? Questions? Leave a comment below.

        Vietnam Travel Guides

        • 🇻🇳 Vietnam Travel Tips: 11 Practical Things To Know
        • 🍜Hanoi Guide: 14 Great Things To Do, Eat and Skip
        • 🏮Hoi An Guide: 11 Great Things To Do + 3-Day Itinerary
        • 💰 My 2024 Vietnam Trip Cost: A Budget Breakdown

        🧋 Support Lukiih

        Lists by Lukiih is a humble website that I fund with my own savings. If you find my tips helpful, I appreciate you saying thanks with a bubble tea!

        💰 My 2024 Vietnam Trip Cost: A Budget Breakdown (2024)
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        Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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        Author information

        Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

        Birthday: 1993-07-01

        Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

        Phone: +22014484519944

        Job: Banking Officer

        Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

        Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.