My classic gluten free yule log recipe - The Gluten Free Blogger (2024)

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If there's one absolute classic you should try this Christmas, it's making a gluten free yule log.

There are plenty of them in the shops at the moment but they really are a treat to make.

With lashing of chocolate frosting a dusting of icing and sparkle, this is the perfect Christmas bake and a wonderful centrepiece.

Also known as a chocolate roulade or Bûche de Noël, I think a yule log is the perfect thing to make on Christmas Eve.

If you've got kids it's something they can take real pride in and decorate ready for the big day - and it's just as much fun for big kids too!

My classic gluten free yule log recipe - The Gluten Free Blogger (1)

Making a gluten free Yule log

To begin your gluten free yule log, you need to make a light and airy sponge.

I tested this recipe a couple of times and found the best way was to separate the eggs.

I whisked the egg whites, kind of like a meringue, to make them really fluffy. I then whisked the egg yolks before combining the two.

The batter is super bubbly and light - and this makes the sponge nice and easy to work with!

I also used a little xantham gum in my recipe. If you're a regular round here you'll notice I use this in most of my bakes.

I find it helps with the texture and makes it behave a little more like it's got the stretchy gluten in it!

Once the sponge is baked, you roll it up and leave it to cool, ready for the magic to happen.

My classic gluten free yule log recipe - The Gluten Free Blogger (2)

Decorating your gluten free Yule log

Decorating the gluten free yule log really is the magical part too!

As you start to slather the frosting on, it just transforms before your eyes.

Don't worry about being too neat either - I find this adds more to the bark-like effect.

Plus if the sponge tears or breaks when re-rolling, you can just cover it up and no one will ever know.

I like to finish my yule log off simply, with a sprinkle of icing sugar and some edible glitter.

I found these cute holly leaf decorations in Sainsbury's too, which added a little pop of colour.

Feel free to go crazy with all the decorations you like - I've love to see your gluten free yule log designs!

My classic gluten free yule log recipe - The Gluten Free Blogger (3)

My gluten free yule log recipe

So here it is, my classic gluten free yule log recipe!

Definitely a lot more fun than finding one in the supermarket.

I reckon this would serve up about 10-12 big fat slices for everyone to enjoy!

My classic gluten free yule log recipe - The Gluten Free Blogger (4)

Gluten free chocolate yule log

This gluten free yule log recipe is an absolute classic. A light gluten free sponge, rolled and smothered in a rich chocolate frosting. It's a beauty!


For the chocolate sponge:

  • 6 large free range eggs
  • 150 g caster sugar
  • 50 g cocoa powder
  • 50 g gluten free plain flour
  • ¼ tsp xantham gum

For the frosting:

  • 300 g icing sugar
  • 300 g unsalted butter, (at room temperature)
  • 300 g dark chocolate

To decorate:

  • 1 tbsp icing sugar
  • edible gold glitter, (optional but I love it!)
  • edible holly icing, (I used the Sainsbury's one)


  1. Preheat the oven to 180'C/Gas 4. Line a Swiss Roll tin with baking paper, leaving a good amount overlapping the edges. Set aside.

First make the sponge:

  1. Separate the eggs, putting the egg whites in one bowl and yolks in another. Using an electric whisk, whip the egg whites until they start to stiffen. Then sprinkle 50g of the caster sugar in, continuing to whisk while you do. Stop whisking when the mixture forms stiff, glossy peaks.
  2. In the other bowl, add the rest of the caster sugar to the egg yolks and whisk until they start to go pale and thick. Sift in the flour, cocoa and xantham gum, and fold in gently using a spatula.
  3. Divide the egg white mixture into 3-4 and add a portion at a time to the egg yolk mixture, folding in gently. Be careful not to knock too much of the air out of it.
  4. Once mixed, spread the mixture onto the lined baking tray, and bake in the middle of the oven for around 20 minutes, until the sides start to shrink away from the edge of the tray. Remove from the oven.
  5. Lay a piece of baking paper out on the worktop. Sprinkle a little icing sugar over the top and then turn the hot sponge straight out onto it. Remove the piece of baking paper from the bottom of the sponge.
  6. Score a line around 2-inches from the edge of the longest edge, and then carefully roll the sponge up with the baking paper inside, starting at this edge. Once completely rolled, rest with the rolled side down to keep it in shape and cool completely on a wire rack.

Next make the frosting:

  1. Melt the dark chocolate (in a microwave or in a bowl over hot water) and then set aside to cool. Add the butter to a large bowl and beat with an electric mix until pale. Sieve in the icing sugar and beat again until smooth.
  2. Once the chocolate has cooled to room temperature, add it to the butter and icing sugar and beat until smooth and combined.

To assemble:

  1. Carefully unroll the sponge and spread the inside with a thick layer of the frosting. Roll back up. If you want a branch like mine, cut off around ¼ of the roll at an angle, and then place the angled end alongside the edge of the main 'trunk'. The end of the roll should be on the bottom.
  2. Using a spatula or knife, spread the frosting all over the log - don't forget the ends too! Then use a fork to create a bark-like effect. Sprinkle with a dusting of icing sugar and some glitter to finish!


TIP: Use a tea towel to help you roll up the sponge to avoid burning your fingers!

Need some more gluten free Christmas inspiration?

If this recipe has got you feeling festive, I have plenty more inspiration for you! Check out theChristmas section of my blog, or why not give these recipes a whirl?

  • Gluten free salted caramel and rum mince pies
  • Gluten free 3-ingredient Christmas pudding truffles
  • Gluten free ‘tear and share’ brie and cranberry bread
  • Lemon meringue yule log by my lovely friend Laura at My Gluten Free Guide.

Oh – and don’t forget to check out my10 things that happen to gluten free people in the build up to Christmasfor a giggle too. How many can you relate to!?

If you do make this recipe please let me know! I’d love to see your photos using #theglutenfreeblogger,share them inmy Facebook groupor tag me onInstagram.

If you have any recipe suggestions, please let me know in the comments what you’d like to see next!

Oh – anddon’t forget to sign up for my e-newsletterwhere you’ll know about all my latest posts and finds!

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My classic gluten free yule log recipe - The Gluten Free Blogger (5)

My classic gluten free yule log recipe - The Gluten Free Blogger (2024)
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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.