Networking for games - UWP applications (2024)

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Learn how to develop and incorporate networking features into your DirectX game.

Concepts at a glance

A variety of networking features can be used in your DirectX game, whether it is a simple standalone game to massively multi-player games. The simplest use of networking would be to store user names and game scores on a central network server.

Networking APIs are needed in multi-player games that use the infrastructure (client-server or internet peer-to-peer) model and also by ad hoc (local peer-to-peer) games. For server-based multi-player games, a central game server usually handles most of the game operations and the client game app is used for input, displaying graphics, playing audio, and other features. The speed and latency of network transfers is a concern for a satisfactory game experience.

For peer-to-peer games, each player's app handles the input and graphics. In most cases, the game players are located in close proximity so that network latency should be lower but is still a concern. How to discovery peers and establish a connection becomes a concern.

For single-player games, a central Web server or service is often used to store user names, game scores, and other miscellaneous information. In these games, the speed and latency of networking transfers is less of a concern since it doesn't directly affect game operation.

Network conditions can change at any time, so any game that uses networking APIs needs to handle network exceptions that may occur. To learn more about handling network exceptions, see Networking basics.

Firewalls and web proxies are common and can affect the ability to use networking features. A game that uses networking needs to be prepared to properly handle firewalls and proxies.

For mobile devices, it is important to monitor available network resources and behave accordingly when on metered networks where roaming or data costs can be significant.

Network isolation is part of the app security model used by Windows. Windows actively discovers network boundaries and enforces network access restrictions for network isolation. Apps must declare network isolation capabilities in order to define the scope of network access. Without declaring these capabilities, your app will not have access to network resources. To learn more about how Windows enforces network isolation for apps, see How to configure network isolation capabilities.

Design considerations

A variety of networking APIs can be used in DirectX games. So, it is important to pick the right API. Windows supports a variety of networking APIs that your app can use to communicate with other computers and devices over either the Internet or private networks. Your first step is to figure out what networking features your app needs.

These are the more popular network APIs for games.

  • TCP and sockets - Provides a reliable connection. Use TCP for game operations that don’t need security. TCP allows the server to easily scale, so it is commonly used in games that use the infrastructure (client-server or internet peer-to-peer) model. TCP can also be used by ad hoc (local peer-to-peer) games over Wi-Fi Direct and Bluetooth. TCP is commonly used for game object movement, character interaction, text chat, and other operations. The StreamSocket class provides a TCP socket that can be used in Microsoft Store games. The StreamSocket class is used with related classes in the Windows::Networking::Sockets namespace.
  • TCP and sockets using SSL - Provides a reliable connection that prevents eavesdropping. Use TCP connections with SSL for game operations that need security. The encryption and overhead of SSL adds a cost in latency and performance, so it is only used when security is needed. TCP with SSL is commonly used for login, purchasing and trading assets, game character creation and management. The StreamSocket class provides a TCP socket that supports SSL.
  • UDP and sockets - Provides unreliable network transfers with low overhead. UDP is used for game operations that require low latency and can tolerate some packet loss. This is often used for fighting games, shooting and tracers, network audio, and voice chat. The DatagramSocket class provides a UDP socket that can be used in Microsoft Store games. The DatagramSocket class is used with related classes in the Windows::Networking::Sockets namespace.
  • HTTP Client - Provides a reliable connection to HTTP servers. The most common networking scenario is to access a web site to retrieve or store information. A simple example would be a game that uses a website to store user information and game scores. When used with SSL for security, an HTTP client can be used for login, purchasing, trading assets, game character creation, and management. The HttpClient class provides a modern HTTP client API for use in Microsoft Store games. The HttpClient class is used with related classes in the Windows::Web::Http namespace.

Handling network exceptions in your DirectX game

When a network exception occurs in your DirectX game, this indicates a significant problem or failure. Exceptions can occur for many reasons when using networking APIs. Often, the exception can result from changes in network connectivity or other networking issues with the remote host or server.

Some causes of exceptions when using networking APIs include the following:

  • Input from the user for a hostname or a URI contains errors and is not valid.
  • Name resolutions failures when looking up a hostname or a URi.
  • Loss or change in network connectivity.
  • Network connection failures using sockets or the HTTP client APIs.
  • Network server or remote endpoint errors.
  • Miscellaneous networking errors.

Exceptions from network errors (for example, loss or change of connectivity, connection failures, and server failures) can happen at any time. These errors result in exceptions being thrown. If an exception is not handled by your app, it can cause your entire app to be terminated by the runtime.

You must write code to handle exceptions when you call most asynchronous network methods. Sometimes, when an exception occurs, a network method can be retried as a way to resolve the problem. Other times, your app may need to plan to continue without network connectivity using previously cached data.

Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps generally throw a single exception. Your exception handler can retrieve more detailed information about the cause of the exception to better understand the failure and make appropriate decisions.

When an exception occurs in a DirectX game that is a UWP app, the HRESULT value for the cause of the error can be retrieved. The Winerror.h include file contains a large list of possible HRESULT values that includes network errors.

The networking APIs support different methods for retrieving this detailed information about the cause of an exception.

  • A method to retrieve the HRESULT value of the error that caused the exception. The possible list of potential HRESULT values is large and unspecified. The HRESULT value can be retrieved when using any of the networking APIs.
  • A helper method that converts the HRESULT value to an enumeration value. The list of possible enumeration values is specified and relatively small. A helper method is available for the socket classes in the Windows::Networking::Sockets.

Exceptions in Windows.Networking.Sockets

The constructor for the HostName class used with sockets can throw an exception if the string passed is not a valid hostname (contains characters that are not allowed in a host name). If an app gets input from the user for the HostName for a peer connection for gaming, the constructor should be in a try/catch block. If an exception is thrown, the app can notify the user and request a new hostname.

Add code to validate a string for a hostname from the user

// Define some variables at the class level.Windows::Networking::HostName^ remoteHost;bool isHostnameFromUser = false;bool isHostnameValid = false;///...// If the value of 'remoteHostname' is set by the user in a control as input // and is therefore untrusted input and could contain errors. // If we can't create a valid hostname, we notify the user in statusText // about the incorrect input.String ^hostString = remoteHostname;try { remoteHost = ref new Windows::Networking:Host(hostString); isHostnameValid = true;}catch (InvalidArgumentException ^ex){ statusText->Text = "You entered a bad hostname, please re-enter a valid hostname."; return;}isHostnameFromUser = true;// ... Continue with code to execute with a valid hostname.

The Windows.Networking.Sockets namespace has convenient helper methods and enumerations for handling errors when using sockets. This can be useful for handling specific network exceptions differently in your app.

An error encountered on DatagramSocket, StreamSocket, or StreamSocketListener operation results in an exception being thrown. The cause of the exception is an error value represented as an HRESULT value. The SocketError.GetStatus method is used to convert a network error from a socket operation to a SocketErrorStatus enumeration value. Most of the SocketErrorStatus enumeration values correspond to an error returned by the native Windows sockets operation. An app can filter on specific SocketErrorStatus enumeration values to modify app behavior depending on the cause of the exception.

For parameter validation errors, an app can also use the HRESULT from the exception to learn more detailed information about the error that caused the exception. Possible HRESULT values are listed in the Winerror.h header file. For most parameter validation errors, the HRESULT returned is E_INVALIDARG.

Add code to handle exceptions when trying to make a stream socket connection

using namespace Windows::Networking;using namespace Windows::Networking::Sockets; // Define some more variables at the class level. bool isSocketConnected = false bool retrySocketConnect = false; // The number of times we have tried to connect the socket. unsigned int retryConnectCount = 0; // The maximum number of times to retry a connect operation. unsigned int maxRetryConnectCount = 5; ///... // We pass in a valid remoteHost and serviceName parameter. // The hostname can contain a name or an IP address. // The servicename can contain a string or a TCP port number. StreamSocket ^ socket = ref new StreamSocket(); SocketErrorStatus errorStatus; HResult hr; // Save the socket, so any subsequent steps can use it. CoreApplication::Properties->Insert("clientSocket", socket); // Connect to the remote server. create_task(socket->ConnectAsync( remoteHost, serviceName, SocketProtectionLevel::PlainSocket)).then([this] (task<void> previousTask) { try { // Try getting all exceptions from the continuation chain above this point. previousTask.get(); isSocketConnected = true; // Mark the socket as connected. We do not really care about the value of the property, but the mere // existence of it means that we are connected. CoreApplication::Properties->Insert("connected", nullptr); } catch (Exception^ ex) { hr = ex.HResult; errorStatus = SocketStatus::GetStatus(hr); if (errorStatus != Unknown) { switch (errorStatus) { case HostNotFound: // If the hostname is from the user, this may indicate a bad input. // Set a flag to ask the user to re-enter the hostname. isHostnameValid = false; return; break; case ConnectionRefused: // The server might be temporarily busy. retrySocketConnect = true; return; break; case NetworkIsUnreachable: // This could be a connectivity issue. retrySocketConnect = true; break; case UnreachableHost: // This could be a connectivity issue. retrySocketConnect = true; break; case NetworkIsDown: // This could be a connectivity issue. retrySocketConnect = true; break; // Handle other errors. default: // The connection failed and no options are available. // Try to use cached data if it is available. // You may want to tell the user that the connect failed. break; } } else { // Received an Hresult that is not mapped to an enum. // This could be a connectivity issue. retrySocketConnect = true; } } }); }

Exceptions in Windows.Web.Http

The constructor for the Windows::Foundation::Uri class used with Windows::Web::Http::HttpClient can throw an exception if the string passed is not a valid URI (contains characters that are not allowed in a URI). In C++, there is no method to try and parse a string to a URI. If an app gets input from the user for the Windows::Foundation::Uri, the constructor should be in a try/catch block. If an exception is thrown, the app can notify the user and request a new URI.

Your app should also check that the scheme in the URI is HTTP or HTTPS since these are the only schemes supported by the Windows::Web::Http::HttpClient.

Add code to validate a string for a URI from the user

 // Define some variables at the class level. Windows::Foundation::Uri^ resourceUri; bool isUriFromUser = false; bool isUriValid = false; ///... // If the value of 'inputUri' is set by the user in a control as input // and is therefore untrusted input and could contain errors. // If we can't create a valid hostname, we notify the user in statusText // about the incorrect input. String ^uriString = inputUri; try { isUriValid = false; resourceUri = ref new Windows::Foundation:Uri(uriString); if (resourceUri->SchemeName != "http" && resourceUri->SchemeName != "https") { statusText->Text = "Only 'http' and 'https' schemes supported. Please re-enter URI"; return; } isUriValid = true; } catch (InvalidArgumentException ^ex) { statusText->Text = "You entered a bad URI, please re-enter Uri to continue."; return; } isUriFromUser = true; // ... Continue with code to execute with a valid URI.

The Windows::Web::Http namespace lacks a convenience function. So, an app using HttpClient and other classes in this namespace needs to use the HRESULT value.

In apps using C++, the Platform::Exception represents an error during app execution when an exception occurs. The Platform::Exception::HResult property returns the HRESULT assigned to the specific exception. The Platform::Exception::Message property returns the system-provided string that is associated with the HRESULT value. Possible HRESULT values are listed in the Winerror.h header file. An app can filter on specific HRESULT values to modify app behavior depending on the cause of the exception.

For most parameter validation errors, the HRESULT returned is E_INVALIDARG. For some illegal method calls, the HRESULT returned is E_ILLEGAL_METHOD_CALL.

Add code to handle exceptions when trying to use HttpClient to connect to an HTTP server

using namespace Windows::Foundation;using namespace Windows::Web::Http; // Define some more variables at the class level. bool isHttpClientConnected = false bool retryHttpClient = false; // The number of times we have tried to connect the socket unsigned int retryConnectCount = 0; // The maximum number of times to retry a connect operation. unsigned int maxRetryConnectCount = 5; ///... // We pass in a valid resourceUri parameter. // The URI must contain a scheme and a name or an IP address. HttpClient ^ httpClient = ref new HttpClient(); HResult hr; // Save the httpClient, so any subsequent steps can use it. CoreApplication::Properties->Insert("httpClient", httpClient); // Send a GET request to the HTTP server. create_task(httpClient->GetAsync(resourceUri)).then([this] (task<void> previousTask) { try { // Try getting all exceptions from the continuation chain above this point. previousTask.get(); isHttpClientConnected = true; // Mark the HttClient as connected. We do not really care about the value of the property, but the mere // existence of it means that we are connected. CoreApplication::Properties->Insert("connected", nullptr); } catch (Exception^ ex) { hr = ex.HResult; switch (errorStatus) { case WININET_E_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED: // If the Uri is from the user, this may indicate a bad input. // Set a flag to ask user to re-enter the Uri. isUriValid = false; return; break; case WININET_E_CANNOT_CONNECT: // The server might be temporarily busy. retryHttpClientConnect = true; return; break; case WININET_E_CONNECTION_ABORTED: // This could be a connectivity issue. retryHttpClientConnect = true; break; case WININET_E_CONNECTION_RESET: // This could be a connectivity issue. retryHttpClientConnect = true; break; case INET_E_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND: // The server cannot locate the resource specified in the uri. // If the Uri is from user, this may indicate a bad input. // Set a flag to ask the user to re-enter the Uri isUriValid = false; return; break; // Handle other errors. default: // The connection failed and no options are available. // Try to use cached data if it is available. // You may want to tell the user that the connect failed. break; } else { // Received an Hresult that is not mapped to an enum. // This could be a connectivity issue. retrySocketConnect = true; } } });

Other resources

  • Connecting with a datagram socket
  • Connecting to a network resource with a stream socket
  • Connecting to network services
  • Connecting to web services
  • Networking basics
  • How to configure network isolation capabilities
  • How to enable loopback and debug network isolation


  • DatagramSocket
  • HttpClient
  • StreamSocket
  • Windows::Web::Http namespace
  • Windows::Networking::Sockets namespace

Sample apps

Networking for games - UWP applications (2024)


Is Microsoft discontinuing UWP? ›

UWP itself is basically discontinued by MS, in its documentation they recommend you move over to using the Windows App SDK, instead of UWP. Might be worth looking into that and seeing if you can just package a Windows GM game into a . msix package.

How to disable UWP app suspension? ›

To disable this feature, you can follow these steps:
  1. Click on the Start menu and select Settings.
  2. Click on System.
  3. Click on Focus Assist.
  4. Under the "Automatic rules" section, toggle off "When I'm playing a game".
  5. Under the "Priority only" section, toggle off "During these times".
Apr 24, 2023

Are UWP apps safe? ›

UWP apps that require secure authentication beyond a user Id and password combination can use certificates for authentication. Certificate authentication provides a high level of trust when authenticating a user. In some cases, a group of services will want to authenticate a user for multiple apps.

What are the limitations of UWP? ›

Reception. Games developed for UWP are subject to technical restrictions, including incompatibility with multi-video card setups, difficulties modding the game, overlays for gameplay-oriented chat clients, or key binding managers.

Does UWP have a future? ›

Microsoft continues to baby-step around the obvious, but it has officially deprecated the Universal Windows Platform (UWP) as it pushes the desktop-focused Windows App SDK (formerly called Project Reunion) and WinUI 3 as the future of Windows application development.

Why are UWP apps so slow? ›

On your computer, perhaps many apps are running in the background. As a result, system resources like RAM, CPU, and GPU are not enough to load UWP apps, causing the issue of UWP app slow. To get rid of the trouble, go to disable these programs that run in the background.

What replaced UWP? ›

WinUI 3 and the Windows App SDK are new technologies and, when compared to UWP, there are some features that aren't supported. This topic provides information on which features are supported before you attempt migration.

Is Netflix a UWP app? ›

Because Netflix is a UWP app thus WWAHost.exe is used for networking.

How do I delete unwanted UWP apps? ›

Execute Remove-appxpackage in PowerShell
  1. To remove an app from a single user account, run this command Get-AppxPackage PackageFullName | Remove-AppxPackage.
  2. To uninstall an app from all user accounts, the command should include –AllUsers and it is Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers PackageFullName | Remove-AppxPackage.
Sep 14, 2023

Is Microsoft Store a UWP app? ›

Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps (formerly named Windows Store apps, Metro-style apps and Modern apps) are applications that can be used across all compatible Microsoft Windows devices. They are primarily purchased and downloaded via the Microsoft Store, Microsoft's digital application storefront.

How do I know if an app is UWP? ›

As with basic apps, a fully-trusted UWP app can be identified by its pinned item on the modern Start menu or task bar Right-click, select the app and observe that both Open and Run as administrator are present.

Where is UWP app data stored? ›

App folders. When a UWP app is installed, several folders are created under c:\users<user name>\AppData\Local\Packages<app package identifier>\ to store, among other things, the app's local, roaming, and temporary files.

Why did Microsoft abandon UWP? ›

The biggest reason is that the Windows App SDK is backward compatible. The application works from Windows 11 all the way down to Windows 10, version 1809 (10.0; Build 17763), which is also known as the Windows 10 October 2018 update.

Does Xbox use UWP? ›

The Universal Windows Platform (UWP) on Xbox development environment consists of a development PC connected to an Xbox One console through a local network.

Is UWP still relevant? ›

Put another way, UWP is dead. Not literally—it's still the only way to create WinCore apps that run across Windows 10, HoloLens, Surface Hub, and IoT—but effectively.

What is the successor to UWP? ›

WinUI 3 and the Windows App SDK are new technologies and, when compared to UWP, there are some features that aren't supported. This topic provides information on which features are supported before you attempt migration.

Is UWP irrelevant for .NET core? ›

UWP does NOT run on the . NET Core App runtime like a . NET Console does, if that makes sense.

Is Microsoft abandoning access? ›

There is no end of life or support for Microsoft Access as of today.

Will WordPad be removed from Windows 10? ›

[Update - March 2024]: WordPad will be removed from all editions of Windows starting in Windows 11, version 24H2 and Windows Server 2025. If you're a developer and need information about the affected binaries, see Resources for deprecated features. Microsoft's implementation of AllJoyn, which included the Windows.

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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

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Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.