New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe guide: Soda Jungle Star Coins (2024)

In this guide, we’ll show you the locations of every Star Coin in New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe’s Soda Jungle world.

Soda Jungle Airship — The Mighty Cannonship

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Star Coin 1: The first Star Coin is easy to see, down a rope ladder near the beginning of the level. Move quickly so you don’t get crushed by the moving ship.

Star Coin 2: The second Star Coin is just before the checkpoint and requires a bit of timing — repeated jumps on the screw platform below it, plus a jump on a flying cannonball to boost you up to the Star Coin.

Star Coin 3: In the second area of the ship (the one filled with water), you’ll see the final Star Coin surrounded by bricks. Avoid the Bull’s-Eye Bills, break the bricks, and collect your prize.

Soda Jungle 1 — Jungle of the Giants

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Star Coin 1: You’ll see the first Star Coin at the bottom of a series of three platforms, seemingly blocked off by bricks you can’t break. At the top of the platforms is a giant Koopa Troopa. Knock it out and send its shell flying — it will break the bricks, giving you access to the Star Coin.

Star Coin 2: Past the checkpoint, you’ll come to a small platform with an arrow signpost on it. Next to this is a giant Koopa Troopa on a regular-sized pipe. Take out the Koopa Troopa, then take the pipe to a room where you’ll see bricks, giant Goombas, a P Switch, and the Star Coin. Hit the switch so the Goombas fall to the ground, then jump on them to boost yourself up to the Star Coin. If you’re having trouble reaching it, leave a few coins in place to turn back into bricks once the P Switch wears off, then use the bricks as a platform to reach the Star Coin.

Star Coin 3: The final Star Coin requires speed and timing. Near the end of the level, you’ll see a Koopa Troopa walking on top of lots of bricks. Take it out and knock the shell into the bricks. This will open up several question blocks, one of which contains a Starman. As soon as you get the Starman, start running as fast as you can to the end of the level. You’ll come to Koopa Troopas on raised bricks — it’ll require some big jumps, but if you reach them all and take them all out with your Starman, you can jump to the final Star Coin and the end of the level.

Soda Jungle 2 — Bridge Over Poisoned Water

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Star Coin 1: You’ll see the first Star Coin above a rolling log near the water. Keep jumping as you approach it so you don’t fall in.

Star Coin 2: Very soon after collecting the first Star Coin, you’ll see a pipe high above a large log. You’ll find some hidden coin blocks if you jump up from the very center of the log, then more coin blocks jumping up from those, and a third lone coin block above those. This will get you into the pipe, which will take you to an area with coins and the Star Coin. Hit the nearby bricks to find a P Switch that you can use to turn the coins to bricks and reach the Star Coin.

Star Coin 3: You’ll come to an area where bricks pop up out of the water to make a platform for you. Walk along this platform until you see the Star Coin emerge from the water. It won’t stay long, so snag it while you can … but if you do miss it, it comes back when the bricks do.

Soda Jungle 3 — Bramball Woods

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Star Coin 1: You’ll see the first Star Coin early in the level, among some brick columns that pop up. Take out the Bramball guarding it, then slide down to snag it and wall jump back up.

Star Coin 2: Almost immediately after you get the first Star Coin, you’ll come to two platforms next to a wall with that telltale “there’s something hidden here” indentation. Get onto the lower platform to reach the hidden room, which contains your second Star Coin.

Star Coin 3: The final Star Coin is visible beneath two rows of Donut Blocks. Drop down and work your way over to claim it.

Soda Jungle Tower — Snake-Block Tower

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Star Coin 1: The first Star Coin is right in the path of the large snake block. A quick jump, and it’s yours.

Star Coin 2: After the red coin challenge, your large snake block will be joined with a smaller version. Stay with the small snake block, and it will take you to the second Star Coin.

Star Coin 3: In the second room, your large snake block will again be joined with a small snake block. When the two separate, take the smaller snake block to the third Star Coin, then quickly jump back to the large snake block. (A Super Acorn glide jump is helpful here.)

Soda Jungle Ghost House — Which-Way Labyrinth

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Star Coin 1: To get the first Star Coin, in the main room with five doors, take the top right door. You’ll find yourself in a room with a platform that slowly sinks and three Broozers trying to attack you. (Unlike normal Boos, these you can stun and even kill them. Jumping on them three times takes them out.) Let the platform sink a bit, and you’ll see the Star Coin on the left. Let the Broozer in the room with the Star Coin break out so you can access the area, then head in and grab it. The sinking platform will rise up when you’re not standing on it, blocking off the way you came in, but you can leave the Star Coin chamber by jumping straight up to a hidden platform.

Star Coin 2: In the main room with five doors, take the lower right door. You’ll be in dark space full of Scaredy Rats. Grab Glowing Baby Yoshi from the nearby question block — he’s not essential, but he’ll make dealing with the Scaredy Rats much easier. Work your way to the end of the room, and you’ll see a door. Instead of taking this door, head past it and jump against the wall to access a hidden area. It will lead you to a different door, which takes you to a room filled with staircases. Work your way to the very top of the room, where you’ll see a door — don’t take that one, either. Instead, staind against the wall to the left of the door and jump straight up — you will hit a hidden coin block that you can then stand on to get over the wall and access yet another hidden door. In this room, you will see coins, blocks, and a P Switch — hit that switch, clean up all the coins, and collect your Star Coin.

Star Coin 3: The path to the third Star Coin is also the way to this level’s secret exit. In the main room with five doors, take the lower left door. You’ll find yourself in a room with a floor that rises as long as you’re standing on it. Grab Glowing Baby Yoshi from the first question block to make avoiding the swarming Boos easier. When the floor reaches the door at the top of the room, keep going and move to the left — you’ll go up through a hidden area in the ceiling and reach a platform. (Make sure you jump to the platform instead of letting the floor rise to it — you want to get off the floor so it sinks and doesn’t crush you.) There’s a door on this platform — be ready, because when you come out, you’ll only have a second or two before the floor collapses under you. Move to the right side of the room, and when you reach the third collapsing floor, walk into the wall to reach a hidden area with the final Star Coin.

Soda Jungle 4 — Painted Swampland

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Star Coin 1: Look for a yellow pipe among all the green pipes. Wait out the Piranha Plant, and take the yellow pipe to a room filled with circling Boos and the Star Coin. Time your jump and grab it.

Star Coin 2: The second Star Coin is just before the checkpoint. It’s easy to see above three green pipes, but the pipes all sink, so move fast to jump up to it.

Star Coin 3: The final Star Coin is also easy to see, above some blue pipes with Boos circling. Take your time and wait for the gap in the Boos’ circle to line up with the movement of the pipe.

Soda Jungle 5 — Deepsea Ruins

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Star Coin 1: In the first area, while you are still above water, you will see two Stone-Eyes facing each other. The Star Coin is in the water beneath them.

Star Coin 2: After the checkpoint, you’ll be in an underwater area where you need to move up. The Star Coin is on the right side of the room, guarded by circling Boos.

Star Coin 3: At the top of the room, a Stone-Eye will fall over, giving you a platform to jump to a pipe. Instead of taking it, jump to the other side of the Stone-Eye, where you’ll find both the final Star Coin and a pipe taking you to the level’s secret exit.

Soda Jungle 6 — Seesaw Bridge

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Star Coin 1: After the random power-up block, look for a pipe sticking up out of the water, seemingly into the ground. It turns out there’s a hidden area you can access to take the pipe. The area with the star Coin is tricky, but you can do it. Jump onto the edge of the rotating seesaw platform to reach it.

Star Coin 2: You’ll see this Star Coin halfway submerged in the poisoned waters. To collect it, knock out the nearby red Koopa Troopa and launch its shell off the seesaw platform.

Star Coin 3: You’ll see a series of three pipes, the last of which has a question block over it. Take this last pipe to a room where you’ll immediately hit a P Switch. Jump to hit many hidden coin blocks below the Star Coin, then head all the way to the left and jump on top of the blocks before the P Switch runs out. Use the blocks you’ve hit to reach the Star Coin.

Soda Jungle 7 — Wiggler Stampede

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Star Coin 1: You’ll see the first Star Coin next to a giant Wiggler stomping through the poisoned water. Jump on its back and ride it to the Star Coin.

Star Coin 2: Just after the first Star Coin, you’ll see another giant Wiggler stomping around in the muck. Above it is a platform and a series of three bricks. Jump on the Wiggler and use it to boost you up — first to hit the center brick, witch will turn into a vine; then to jump up to the platform. Climb the vine, and you will be taken to an area with many coins and question blocks, some of which contain other vines. Climb these to reach the Star Coin.

Star Coin 3: After the checkpoint, you will have to ride a giant Wiggler for quite some time. The final Star Coin is part of this sequence — you can find it between two platforms, and you can jump down to it as the Wiggler emerges from the water.

Soda Jungle Castle — Iggy’s Volcanic Castle

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Star Coin 1: You’ll see the first Star Coin under a platform between waves of lava. The easiest way to get it is to freeze a Dry Bones with your Ice Flower power and send the block of ice sliding into the Star Coin. If you don’t have the Ice Flower power-up, you can reach it yourself with carefully timed jumps.

Star Coin 2: You’ll see two green pipes and a yellow pipe in the ceiling. Jump on a Dry Bones to boost you into the second green pipe. You’ll find yourself in a room with a couple of Dry Bones, some coins, and a POW Block. Use the POW Block to bring down the Star Coin.

Star Coin 3: Just before the doors at the end of the level, look for a green pipe that’s almost entirely submerged by lava. When the lava is at its lowest point, jump down and take it to a room where several Super Dry Bones are parading around in the lava. Bounce off their heads to collect the Star Coin.

Soda Jungle — Flight of the Para-Beetles

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Star Coin 1: This first Star Coin will appear soon after you leave the ground behind. To get to it, jump onto one of the Para-Beetles flying below it and let the Para-Beetle fly up into it.

Star Coin 2: The second Star Coin will show up soon after the first platform mid-level. The best strategy here may be to fly a Para-Beetle above the incoming King Bill, then jump down to a Heavy Para-Beetle, which will sink to the coin.

Star Coin 3: The final Star Coin will require some patience and timing. Toward the end of the level, you must use four Para-Beetles to avoid a King Bill and reach a pipe. Instead of landing on top of the red pipe and taking the green pipe, you must fly a Para-Beetle next to the red pipe so you can enter it. To control the Para-Beetle’s height, keep jumping when it is at the height you want, so it will lower a bit. Enter the red pipe, and the Star Coin and the end of the level await.

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  • Guides
New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe guide: Soda Jungle Star Coins (2024)
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