New Zealanders in Australia: a quick guide (2024)

Updated 13 February 2020

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Susan Loveand Michael Klapdor
Social Policy Section

Under various arrangements since the1920s, there has been a free flow of people between Australia and New Zealand.Historically, migration flows across the Tasman have been large in both directions,but since the 1970s more New Zealanders than Australians have chosen to crossthe Tasman to live. As at 30 June 2018, there were an estimated568,000 New Zealand-born people living in Australia, forming 2.3 per cent ofthe population and representing our fourth-largest migrant community.

Under the Trans-Tasman Travel Arrangement introduced in1973, Australian and New Zealand citizens are able to enter each other’scountry to visit, live and work indefinitely, without the need to apply forprior authority. New Zealand is the only country in the world that has such anarrangement with Australia. There are no caps on the numbers of New Zealanderswho may enter under the arrangement, and the only limitations on entry relateto health and character requirements.

Background on the Trans-Tasman Travel Arrangement and theCloser Economic Relations agenda is summarised in the 2012 joint report of the AustralianProductivity Commission and New Zealand Productivity Commission, Strengtheningtrans-Tasman economic relations.

This quick guide outlines the visa requirements andconditions for New Zealanders living in Australia, including under the SpecialCategory Visa and the pathway to permanent residence introduced in 2017. Itsummarises some of the issues around the visa cancellation and removal fromAustralia of New Zealand citizens, which has become a high-profile issue inrecent years. It also provides an overview of the services to which NewZealanders living in Australia are entitled including restrictions onentitlement to services. It compares this with the services to whichAustralians living in New Zealand are entitled.

The Special Category Visa

Since 1 September 1994, all non-citizens in Australia havebeen required to hold a valid visa. As a result, the SpecialCategory Visa (SCV, subclass 444) was introduced specifically for NewZealand citizens. This visa is issued on arrival and there is no need to applyprior to entering Australia. To obtain an SCV, a New Zealand citizen mustpresent a valid New Zealand passport and an incoming passenger card toimmigration officials upon arrival in Australia. Exceptions apply, such as if aperson is assessed as a ‘behaviourconcern non-citizen’, meaning they have a prior criminal convictionresulting in a sentence of at least one year, or have previously been removedor deported from Australia or another country. New Zealand citizens withcriminal convictions may be able to apply for a visa in advance. The AustralianHigh Commission in New Zealand offers advice in this regard.

Around 1.9 million SCVs were grantedin each of the previous three financial years up to 2018–19. As at September2019, there were an estimated685,000 New Zealand citizens present in Australia on SCVs (although many ofthese would have been short-term visitors, and not resident in Australia).

Although it allows New Zealand citizens to stay inAustralia indefinitely, the SCV is classed as a temporary visa, and temporaryvisa holders do not have the same rights and benefits as Australian citizens orpermanent residents. To access such rights, temporary migrants, including thosefrom New Zealand, must obtain permanent visas. In contrast, on entering NewZealand, all Australian citizens and permanent residents are automaticallygranted residence visas, and may apply for permanent residence after havingheld a residence visa continuously for two years.

Prior to 2001, New Zealand citizens in Australia on SCVscould access social security and obtain Australian citizenship without firstbecoming permanent residents. In February 2001, Australia entered into a newbilateral social security arrangement with New Zealand and amended citizenshiplaws for New Zealand citizens. Under these changes, all New Zealand citizenswho arrived in Australia after 26 February 2001 and who want to access certainsocial security payments, obtain citizenship or sponsor family members forpermanent residence may only do so after applying for, and being granted,permanent residence through the migration program. That is, there was no NewZealand-specific avenue to permanent residence, with New Zealand citizenssubject to the same visa application requirements as all other nationalities.

Transitional arrangements were put in place for New Zealandersin Australia at the time of the amendments. This means that New Zealanders whowere already in Australia as SCV holders on 26February 2001 may continueto apply for citizenship, sponsor family members for permanent residence andaccess social security payments without being granted permanent visas. Theseindividuals are regarded as ‘protected SCV holders’.

The pathway to permanent residence

On 19 February 2016, then Prime Minster Malcolm Turnbull announcedthat Australia would provide a pathway to permanent residence, and eventuallycitizenship, for certain New Zealanders living in Australia, as of 1 July 2017.The announcement was an outcome of the AnnualLeaders Meeting between the Australian and New Zealand Prime Ministers, andwas welcomed by then New Zealand Prime Minister John Key.

The pathwayis available through the NewZealand stream of the Skilled Independent (subclass 189) visa as part ofthe General Skilled Migration program. It is aimed at New Zealand citizens onSCVs who have demonstrated a commitment and contribution to Australia, asevidenced through the eligibility criteria:

  • arrived in Australia on or before 19 February 2016
  • have been usually resident in Australia for the five years immediately prior to visa application
  • can demonstrate, through income tax returns (Notice of Assessment) for each of the four completed financial years prior to application, a taxable income at or above the minimum income threshold. The threshold is set by legislative instrument and is equivalent to the Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold (TSMIT, currently set at $53,900, which is the minimum salary for temporary skilled visa positions, including the Temporary Skill Shortage visa), and
  • satisfy mandatory health, character and security checks.

Some limited exemptions apply to the income threshold, incases of parental or carer’s leave, Family Court determinations regarding theprimary care of a child, or injury compensation.

In 2017–18, in the first year of its operation, there were4,820visa grants through the pathway. The Department of Home Affairs had estimatedprior to the launch of the initiative that between 60,000 and 70,000 NewZealanders in Australia would meet the eligibility criteria.

The New Zealand Government has welcomed the pathway, and promotesit to its citizens in Australia. However, the pathway has been criticisedby some commentatorsas being unnecessarily restrictive and discriminatory. Criticism largelyfocuses on:

  • the eligibility ‘cut-off’ date of 19 February 2016, excluding future arrivals from the pathway, and
  • the income threshold and the limited exemptions which apply, excluding New Zealanders on lower incomes or who cannot demonstrate they meet the criteria, potentially affecting vulnerable sectors of the population.

There is no informationavailable as yet regarding Government analysis of the outcomes of the pathwayor considerations on adjusting the settings.

Visa cancellation and removal ofNew Zealand citizens

The visa cancellation and removal of New Zealand citizensfrom Australia has become an issue of media and political sensitivity overrecent years. New Zealand political leaders, including PrimeMinister Jacinda Ardern, continue to label the issue as ‘corrosive’ to the trans-Tasmanrelationship. Prime Minister Morrison maintains a responsethat the policy is not targeted at New Zealanders in particular and is part ofAustralia’s strong stance on criminality and visa compliance.

In December 2014, the Australian Government introduced legislativeamendments including to section 501 of the Migration Act 1958 whichincreased visa cancellation and refusal powers on character grounds. A keyprovision was the introduction of mandatory visa cancellation in cases where aperson has been sentenced to twelve months or more of imprisonment, or beenconvicted of sexual offences involving a child.

The new measures resulted in a significant increase in thenumber of visa cancellations under section501: Department of Home Affairsstatisticsshow the total numbers were up 660 per cent in 2014–15 compared to the previousyear, a further 69 per cent in 2015–16 and a further 31 per cent in 2016–17. TheNew Zealand Government arguesthat its citizens are disproportionately affected by this measure. Visacancellation statistics on the Department of Home Affairs website show thatfrom 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019, there were 435 character cancellations of NewZealand citizens under section 501 out of a total of 943 cancellations for thatyear.

The reportof the Joint Standing Committee on Migration’s inquiryinto review processes associated with visa cancellations made on criminalgrounds summarises key arguments submitted by the New Zealand HighCommission and advocacy groups including OzKiwi in considering the applicationof the measures on New Zealand citizens. These include that:

  • New Zealanders may have spent a significant proportion of their lives in Australia—in some cases the entirety—and have no significant ties to New Zealand or support there once removed from Australia
  • they may be separated from family members, potentially infringing upon the rights of the child and creating vulnerability in family circ*mstances and
  • they may be at increased likelihood of re-offending once returned to New Zealand, with the view expressed by some that Australia is failing to take responsibility for rehabilitating criminals of long-term residence in Australia.

There were also arguments that although New Zealand citizensin Australia pay tax, they do not have the same access to services asAustralian citizens or permanent residents (see also the sections below), andare therefore more vulnerable to hardship and potentially to committing offences.

The New Zealand High Commission’s submissionto the inquiry compared Australia’s system with New Zealand’s, which takes intoaccount the length of time an individual has lived in New Zealand and therelative seriousness of the crime, as represented by the length of the prisonsentence. If an Australian convicted of a crime in New Zealand has lived therefor ‘more than 10 years, they will effectively not be deported regardless oftheir criminality’.

The Committee’s report included a recommendation thatspecific provisions be made regarding character cancellation of New Zealandcitizens to account for their ‘historic special immigration status’. This wouldnot apply if a criminal conviction was for a serious violent or sexual offence.At the time of writing, the Government has not yet responded to the report’srecommendations.

What are New Zealanders inAustralia entitled to?

Social Security

Eligibility for Australia’s social security system isbased primarily on residency and financial means. It is a basic qualificationor claim requirement for almost all pensions, allowances and benefits that personsmust be Australian residents.

To be considered an Australian resident, a person must residein Australia and be:

  • an Australian citizen
  • the holder of a permanent visa, or
  • a Special Category Visa (SCV) holder who is considered a ‘protected’ SCV holder.

(Note that a Billbefore the Parliament at the time of writing will include holders of aprovisional skilled regional visa as Australian residents for social securitypurposes.)

ProtectedSCV holders are those SCV holders who:

  • were in Australia on 26 February 2001
  • were in Australia as an SCV holder for a period of, or periods totalling, 12 months during the two years immediately before 26 February 2001
  • commenced or recommenced residing in Australia within three months from 26 February 2001, or
  • were residing in Australia on 26 February 2001 but were temporarily absent.

New Zealand citizens who have arrived in Australia since 26February 2001 on SCVs are considered ‘non-protected SCV holders’ and haverestricted eligibility to social security benefits (see below).

Waiting periods—generalrequirements

For some social security payments there are additionalresidency-related requirements. To be eligible for allowance payments such asNewstart Allowance and Youth Allowance, as well as payments such as the ParentingPayment and Carer Payment, individuals must have resided in Australia asAustralian residents for four years. Newstart Allowance will be replaced by JobSeekerPayment on 20 March 2020 and the same waiting period will apply.

For pensions, including the Age Pension and DisabilitySupport Pension, persons must have been Australian residents for ten years ormore (including at least five of those years in one continuous period) beforethey become eligible. The Disability Support Pension can be accessedimmediately if the impairment causing inability to work (one of the eligibilitycriteria) occurred while a person was an Australian resident.

A two-year newly arrived resident’s waiting period appliesto the Carer Payment, Parental Leave Pay and Dad and Partner Pay.

A one-year newly arrived resident’s waiting period appliesto the Carer Allowance and Family Tax Benefit Part A (no waiting period appliesto Family Tax Benefit Part B or to Child Care Subsidy).

Waiting periods for manypayments were recently extended as a result of amendments in the Social Servicesand Other Legislation Amendment (Promoting Sustainable Welfare) Act 2018,with effect from 1 January 2019.

SCV holders (both protected or non-protected), or former SCVholders, are not required to serve the newly arrived resident’s waiting periodfor Family Tax Benefit Part A, Parental Leave Pay or Dad and Partner Pay.Savings provisions in the Social Services and Other Legislation Amendment(Promoting Sustainable Welfare) Act 2018 mean that the waiting periods forthese payments do not apply to a person who has held a special category visa onany day before the day their eligibility for the payment is assessed. Thismeans that former SCV holders who have transferred to another visa are notsubject to the newly arrived residents waiting period for these payments.

Entitlements for protected SCVholders and permanent visa holders

New Zealand citizens who are protected SCV holders orholders of permanent visas have the same social security entitlements as otherAustralian residents. This means that they have the same eligibility asAustralian citizens, provided they have served any applicable waiting period.Protected SCV holders are not required to serve the extended newly arrivedresidents waiting period that has applied to most payments since 1January2019. Instead, they are required to have served the previous waiting periodrequired—two years for most working age payments.

Entitlements for non-protected SCVholders

New Zealand citizens who are non-protected SCV holders (thosewho arrived after 26 February 2001) who intend to live in Australia permanentlyare only eligible for certain payments under certain conditions.

Family assistance payments

Non-protected SCV holders are eligible for all familyassistance payments under the same conditions as Australian citizens. Thesepayments include:

If they are renting privately and receiving FTB, SCV holdersmay be eligible for RentAssistance.

Allowance payments

SCV holders who arrived in Australia on New Zealand passportsand have lived in Australia continuously for at least ten years since 26 February2001 can access a once onlypayment of Newstart Allowance, Sickness Allowance or Youth Allowance for amaximum continuous period of six months. The six-month period does not startuntil any relevant waiting and/or preclusion/ exclusion periods have beenserved and payments commence. Transfer between payments is not permitted underthis residence exemption. For example, a person in receipt of NewstartAllowance by virtue of this exemption would not be able to transfer to SicknessAllowance. They may be subject to waiting periods on the same grounds as otherapplicants, for example where they have received a redundancy payment or havemore than $5,000 (single) or $10,000 (couple) in liquid assets.

Where SCV holders move on to permanent entry visas (forexample a spouse visa or the New Zealand pathway stream of the SkilledIndependent visa), they are considered under the same conditions as citizens ofother countries. In general terms, this means they are subject to the relevant newlyarrived residents waiting period from the date the permanent visa is granted.

Newstart Allowance and Sickness Allowance will be replacedby JobSeeker Payment on 20March2020. A once only payment ofJobSeeker Payment will be available to SCV holders under the same conditionsdescribed above.

Pensions and Carer Payment

Under Australia’s internationalsocial security agreement with New Zealand, New Zealandcitizens living in Australia can apply for the Australian AgePension (if they have reached pensionage), DisabilitySupport Pension (DSP, if they are severely disabled) and CarerPayment (if they are caring for a partner on DSP) irrespective of whetherthey are protected or non-protected SCV holders. There are certain residencyand other qualifications applying to these payments. Reciprocalarrangements apply in relation to certain New Zealand payments.

Disaster payments

Non-protected SCV holders are not generally eligible toreceive the Australian Government Disaster Recovery Payment or the DisasterRecovery Allowance. However, it has been the practice for ex-gratia payments ofequivalent value to be made to New Zealanders for major disasters.

Health Care Cards and the CommonwealthSeniors Health Card

Non-protected SCV holders are entitled to a Low-IncomeHealth Care Card if they have resided in Australia for four years and meetthe income test. This card provides access to discounted medicines under thePharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) and access to concessions provided bystate and territory governments and some private businesses. Non-protected SCVholders who are receiving the maximum rate of Family Tax Benefit Part A areautomatically entitled to a Health Care Card and do not need to serve a waitingperiod. Non-protected SCV holders who have a Family TaxBenefit child (that is, a child who meets the care and other childeligibility requirements for FTB) can be eligible for a Low-Income Health CareCard withoutserving the waiting period even if they do not actually receive Family TaxBenefit.

Non-protected SCV holders who are over age pension age, notin receipt of pension payments and who have resided in Australia for four yearsmay qualify for a CommonwealthSeniors Health Card (CSHC). The card provides access to discountedmedicines under the PBS, transport and other concessions. Where the individualhas been a CSHC cardholder continuously from 19 September 2016, they may alsoreceive the Energy Supplement payment worth $366.60 per annum for a singleperson and $551.20 for a couple (combined).

Health care

The Australian health system comprises both publicallyfunded and privately funded health care. The public system includes Medicare,public hospitals and the PBS,while the private system includes private hospital treatment and treatments notcovered by Medicare, which can be covered through private health insurance. Formore information, see the Parliamentary Library publication Healthin Australia: A Quick Guide.

Generally speaking, in order to be entitled to Medicare aperson must be an Australian citizen or permanent resident. However, NewZealanders who are residing in Australia are also eligiblefor Medicare and can be issued with aMedicare card upon presentation of documentation proving residence. Since NewZealand citizens who are lawfully residing in Australia are entitled toMedicare, they must also pay the Medicare levy and the Medicarelevy surcharge (if their income is abovethe base income threshold and they do not have an appropriate level of privatepatient hospital cover).

Under Australia’s ReciprocalHealth Care Agreement with New Zealand,New Zealand residents visiting Australia are also entitled to services aspublic patients in a public hospital for medically necessary treatment and someprescription medicines under the PBS. They are also eligible for the PrivateHealth Insurance Rebate if they purchase eligible health cover during theirstay and meet the income test.

National Disability InsuranceScheme

The National DisabilityInsurance Scheme (NDIS) providesindividualised support for eligible people with permanent and significantdisability, their families and carers, as well as associated referral servicesand activities.

The NDIS has similar residencerequirements as those applying toAustralia’s social security system. To access the NDIS, a person must be anAustralian citizen, hold a permanent visa or be a protected SCV holder. Thismeans that New Zealand citizens who arrived in Australia after 26February2001 may not access the NDIS.

The NDIS is partially funded through an increasein the Medicare levy from 1.5 per centto 2.0 per cent of taxable income. As noted above, New Zealanders residing inAustralia are required to pay the Medicare levy. This has led to the complaint that while New Zealanders residing in Australiaas non-protected SCV holders are responsible for partially funding the NDISthrough the Medicare levy, they are not entitled to access its services.


School education

In Australia, school education is funded by both federal andstate and territory governments, but enrolment matters fall under thejurisdiction of state and territory governments. Government schooling is freefor Australian citizens and permanent residents. New Zealand citizens areregarded as local students and therefore entitled to free public schooling inall states and territories (for example, see information on enrolment ingovernment schools in the AustralianCapital Territory and SouthAustralia). New Zealand citizens are also eligible for Australian Government per student recurrentfunding which is paid to both government and non-government schools.

Tertiary education

All New Zealand citizens are considereddomestic students for the purpose of taking up Commonwealth supported placesin universities. New Zealand citizens are also considered domestic students forthe purposes of higher degrees by research and therefore eligible for ResearchTraining Programscholarships. In the vocational education and training (VET) sector,New Zealand citizens have access to government-subsidised places in some statesand territories.

Higher Education Loan Program(HELP)

The Australian Government provides financial assistance totertiary education students (university and VET) through the HigherEducation Loan Program (HELP) and student income support. NewZealanders are eligible providing they:

  • hold an SCV
  • first entered Australia as a dependent minor aged under 18 years of age
  • have been ordinarily resident in Australia for the previous ten years (that is, physically present in Australia for at least eight out of the past ten years) and for 18 months of the last two years at the time of application, and
  • meet other HELP eligibility criteria.

An interesting consequence of these eligibility criteria isthat New Zealand citizens may only access HELP loans ifthey hold an SCV. If they hold any other type of visa (for example apermanent skilled or family visa), they are no longer eligible for HELP. Thismeans that New Zealanders who take up permanent residence as a means ofpursuing Australian citizenship become temporarily ineligible for HELP, butbecome eligible again once they become an Australian citizen.

Student income support

Protected SCV holders are able to access student incomesupport payments, such as Youth Allowance and Austudy, under the sameconditions as Australian citizens and permanent residents. Non-protected SCVholders who have resided in Australia for at least ten years since 26February2001 can qualify for a one-off Youth Allowance payment for up to six months ifthey meet other Youth Allowance qualification requirements.

What are Australians in New Zealandentitled to?

TheNew Zealand Government has a webpageof information for Australian citizens considering moving to New Zealandincluding an overview of rights and entitlements. Australian citizens aregranted an AustralianResident Visa on arrival, subject to character and entry conditions(Australian permanent residents are also eligible for this visa but must have aNew Zealand ElectronicTravel Authority prior to travel). Like the SCV, it allows indefinite staywith work and study rights, and expires if the holder leaves New Zealand, butunlike the SCV, it is a resident class visa (under the Immigration Act 2009(NZ)), not a temporary entry visa.

Holders of an Australian Resident Visa may apply for NewZealand citizenship after five years’ residence, as per requirements formost other nationalities.

Social security

Holders of resident class visas are considered permanentresidents for the purposes of New Zealand social security payments.Claimants for New Zealand social security benefits must be considered ‘ordinarilyresident’ in New Zealand at the time they make a claim: this is defined assomeone ‘who is normally and lawfully in New Zealand and intends to stay here.That is, they consider New Zealand to be their home’.

The following are the mainsocial security benefits available in New Zealand and the main eligibilitycriteria relevant to Australian citizens:

  • Jobseeker Support (for the unemployed and those unable to work due to a health condition or disability aged 18 years or over or, if they have dependent children, 20 years or over): Australian citizens and permanent residents may be eligible for Jobseeker Support if they have been continuously resident in New Zealand for at least two years and if they fulfil other eligibility criteria. Recipients must reapply after 52 weeks.
  • Sole Parent Support (for singles aged 19 years or over with a dependent child in their care under the age of 14): Australian citizens and permanent residents may be eligible if they have been continuously resident in New Zealand for at least two years and if they fulfil other eligibility criteria.
  • Supported Living Payment (for people with disabilities or their carers): Australian citizens and permanent residents may be eligible for the Supported Living Payment if they have been continuously resident in New Zealand for at least two years and if they fulfil other eligibility criteria.
  • New Zealand Superannuation (that is, the age pension): Australian citizens or former residents (including New Zealanders returning after living in Australia) may be eligible for the age pension if they meet eligibility criteria. Generally, eligibility is based upon residency in New Zealand for not less than ten years since the age of 20, including five years or more since the age of 50. Under the social security agreement between Australia and New Zealand, periods of residence in Australia may be recognised for the purposes of eligibility for New Zealand Superannuation. New Zealand Superannuation is not income or assets tested, but receipt of an Australian pension may affect payment rates.
  • Youth Payment (for people aged 16 or 17 years old undertaking full-time education or training): Australian citizens and permanent residents may be eligible for the Youth Payment if they have been continuously resident in New Zealand for at least two years and if they fulfil other eligibility criteria.
  • Young Parent Payment (for parents aged 16–19 years old undertaking full-time education or would be available to but meets an exemption criteria): Australian citizens and permanent residents may be eligible for the Youth Payment if they have been continuously resident in New Zealand for at least two years and if they fulfil other eligibility criteria.
  • Student Allowances (for full-time students aged 18–65 at start of study at approved education providers): eligibility requires a claimant to be a New Zealand citizen or entitled to reside indefinitely in New Zealand (which includes Australian citizens and permanent residents). From 1 January 2014, claimants must have lived in New Zealand for at least three years (prior to 2014, a two-year residency requirement applied). Residency periods do not need to be continuous but can be added together to meet the three-year requirement.
  • Emergency Benefit may be provided to Australian citizens residing in New Zealand, if those citizens have no other means of supporting themselves and are ineligible for another benefit (in a similar way to Special Benefit in Australia).

Reciprocal arrangementsunder the Australia–New Zealand socialsecurity agreement apply in relation to certain New Zealand payments,including New Zealand Superannuation, Veterans Pension and Supported LivingPayment.

Extra or supplementary benefits are payable to eligiblerecipients of the above payments and the same residency criteria apply.

Childcare Subsidy

Australian citizens and permanent residents can access the ChildcareSubsidy, an income tested child care fee assistance payment, if they meetthe relevant eligibility requirements. There are no residency periodrequirements.

Tax credits

The Workingfor Families Tax Credit program consists of four tax credits:

  • In-work tax credit: an income and work-tested tax credit for those with dependent children
  • Minimum family tax credit: an income and work-tested tax credit for families with a low income after tax—intended to ensure families have a minimum basic income
  • Family tax credit: payable in respect of each dependent child in the family and
  • Best Start: paid for newborns up to the age of one, or up to the age of three where family income is below a certain threshold.

Australian citizens and permanent residents qualifyfor Working for Families Tax Credits if they are considered a New Zealand taxresident. A NewZealand tax resident is someone who:

  • is in New Zealand for more than 183 days in any 12-month period and hasn’t become a non-resident or
  • has a ‘permanent place of abode’ in New Zealand or
  • is away from New Zealand in the service of the New Zealand government.

Recipients of the social security benefits listed in theprevious section can be paid their family tax credit or best start tax creditswith their benefits (via the Ministry of Social Development). Tax credits arenormally paid via Inland Revenue.

Health care

Access to healthcare forAustralians in New Zealand is generally equivalent to New Zealanders’entitlements in Australia. Under the ReciprocalHealth Care Agreement (RHCA), Australian citizens and permanent residentstemporarily in New Zealand may access necessary public hospital treatment,pharmaceuticals and maternity services on the same terms as New Zealandcitizens. Publicly funded health care beyond that provided for under the RHCAis available to Australians who are resident in New Zealand for two years ormore, or who can demonstrate an intention to reside in New Zealand for twoyears or more.


Australian citizens in New Zealand are classified as domesticstudents and do not require student visas. Australian citizens and NewZealand permanent residents need to have lived in NewZealand for at least three years before they are eligible for tertiary studentallowances and student loans.

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New Zealanders in Australia: a quick guide (1)

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New Zealanders in Australia: a quick guide (2024)
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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.