Next.js vs Express: which framework to choose (2024)

There are different JavaScript frameworks that you can use for your project, but it isn't always easy to know which one will suit your needs. Many developers use React because it is easy to learn and fast-growing. Angular is not as popular but has more features than React does. Vue is a newer framework gaining popularity quickly because of its ease of use and performance benefits over other mobile app development frameworks. What about Next.js and ExpressJS?

Let's review Next.js and ExpressJS and how they are being used to see how each framework stacks up against one another regarding performance, ease-of-use features, and user experience in mobile applications.

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What's a framework?

Frameworks are the building blocks of any application. The more frameworks you have, the easier it is to build your application. One can define a framework as a set of guidelines, typically written in software code, that provide general instructions for solving a problem or accomplishing a task. Frameworks offer consistency and predictability across an application and its various components.

Frameworks are software libraries that help developers build applications on top of them. They provide standard functionality like routing, emulating, and data management. Frameworks also make it easier for developers to organize code into logical chunks and reuse code across projects. The choice of framework depends mainly on the type of application you want to build and how much control you want over design decisions.

What you need to know about Next.js

Next.js vs Express: which framework to choose (3)

Next.js is a JavaScript framework for web and mobile application development. It's written using React, so it has many features built-in that make developing easier. Features like hot reloading (which lets you see changes without refreshing the page) and the one-command installer make it an excellent choice for developers who want to get started quickly. With this framework, you don't need to worry about maintaining your server because Next runs on Node.js and supports serverless architecture.

Next.js started as an open-source project in 2016. Since then, many companies have adopted it. Nike, Nestle, and Bloomberg are some of the many. It strives to make it easy to use React in both server-side and client-side applications but without the need to configure everything.

Next comes with all the features you need to build a modern web app, including:

  • routing
  • code splitting
  • HER (hot module replacement)
  • SSR (server-side rendering)
  • full ES6 support
  • asynchronous/await out of the box
  • TypeScript support out of the box

and much more.

How different is Next.js from other frameworks

Next has many of the same features as other frameworks, but some unique aspects that set it apart from others. The main difference between Next and other frameworks is that it uses React components instead of templates. This makes the code easier to read and maintain by separating the UI code from the application logic code.

The next main difference between Next and other frameworks is how it handles updates to data on the page. Unlike other frameworks, which typically update the whole page when data changes, Next only updates what needs to be updated. It speeds up application performance and reduces network usage for users with slow internet connections.

Next.js doesn't have a single language in which components are written – they can be written in ES6, TypeScript, or even JSX. It enables developers to use existing webpack configurations, so you don't need to start from scratch when setting up your project. The framework also makes it easy to share code between client and server-side because all logic is written in JavaScript.

If you're familiar with React, then the syntax should be very similar to what you're used to seeing. In fact, Next will import any .jsx or .js file in your working directory into the app's entry point.

Why Next.js is worth using

Next.js vs Express: which framework to choose (4)

A great benefit of Next is its ease of use: you can develop applications without ever leaving the browser, as it supports live reloading out-of-the-box. This means changes in our code are reflected immediately without refreshing the page, so we never have to worry about manually restarting the server every time you change something.

Another great feature of Next.js is its powerful routing system, which allows us to define routes for each component separately and then combine them. It provides an elegant API that allows you to create complex, interactive web applications easily. Furthermore, it includes features such as code-splitting, server-side rendering, routing, and more, which make developing React applications feel like a breeze.

The framework is built on top of React and uses JSX syntax to define your views. The data model is simple: all your data lives in one place – there are no separate models or stores, making Next very easy to learn and use.

What you need to know about ExpressJS

Next.js vs Express: which framework to choose (5)

ExpressJS is a lightweight, open-source web application framework that can be used to create web applications and APIs. It was created for Node.js to make it easier to develop single-page apps. ExpressJS simplifies the development of web applications by providing an easy-to-use API with basic functionality that can be expanded as needed.

It uses the Sinatra style of DSL for defining routes and HTTP methods, but it also has many other features like support for different emulating styles (e.g., EDS, jade) or powerful middleware (e.g., compression). Express can be used together with other frameworks like AngularJS or Meteor to make them more powerful and offer a complete solution for developers looking for everything in one place. Express can also use any front-end libraries you want because it's only responsible for the server-side code.

It has since become one of the most popular frameworks in the Node community. It is easy to learn and use and powerful enough to build any modern app that you can imagine using JavaScript on both client and server-side code. Express is gaining popularity and becoming one of the best frameworks for web development.

Why ExpressJS is worth using

Next.js vs Express: which framework to choose (6)

ExpressJS framework is a minimal and flexible web application development framework that provides robust features for building single-, multi-page and hybrid web applications. It offers both an endpoints API to handle requests that should be routed to server-side logic and support for writing your own middleware components if you need functionality not provided by the built-in library. The project is designed with a convention over configuration approach, meaning that it's easy to get started without having to write a lot of code.

It's much faster than other frameworks because it doesn't require as much code to get things done, and it's simpler, so there are fewer steps you need to take to accomplish what you want. It also gives you more time to focus on the design aspects of your application without having to scrap together code from scratch each time you need something new.

It has very little overhead, making it ideal for single-page apps that are driven by the browser. It also offers an MVC pattern that makes it easy to build well-structured projects.

Express is opinionated by design to allow developers to use it in their preferred style with minimal configuration. The framework does not dictate how you structure your project or where you should put files inside your project directory. This way, you can use Express as a light framework for prototyping or as an all-inclusive solution for large projects.


How different ExpressJS and Next.js are

ExpressJS has similar features as Next Framework but does not have all the features Next.js offers. ​​The two frameworks are different in how they use routing, with Express using regular expressions to match URLs, while Next uses the concept of routes as objects that map URIs to handlers. The interfaces on each framework are different, too – with Express having an API that resembles Node's callback-based API but also has some additional features like middleware, which Next lacks, and Next being more declarative by using "pages" which are React components rendered on the server-side.

For those looking for a JavaScript-based serverless framework, Next.js may be a perfect choice. It is an open-source framework with React compatibility that allows developers to use their favorite tools like Babel, Webpack and TypeScript.

Is Next.js better than ExpressJS?

These are no better and worse frameworks. The answer to this question largely depends on your use case. Frameworks are designed for different purposes, so you must know your goals before deciding on which framework will be best for you. Next.js doesn't replace Express and you can use them together. Next.js uses some Node.js features, mainly for front-end development, while ExpressJS is used only for back-end development.

As an expert in JavaScript frameworks and web application development, I can provide a comprehensive analysis of the concepts outlined in the provided article discussing various JavaScript frameworks like React, Angular, Vue, Next.js, and ExpressJS. My expertise in this field is demonstrated through a deep understanding of each framework's features, performance, ease of use, and application in building web and mobile applications.

Let's break down the main concepts discussed in the article:

1. Frameworks in General:

Frameworks are foundational tools in application development, offering standardized functionalities like routing, data management, and structural organization. They provide guidelines and pre-written code to assist developers in solving problems and achieving specific tasks. These frameworks ensure consistency, predictability, and efficiency across different components of an application.

2. React, Angular, and Vue:

  • React: Known for ease of learning, rapid growth, and flexibility. It uses components and virtual DOM for efficient rendering.
  • Angular: Feature-rich with a comprehensive set of functionalities but slightly less popular than React.
  • Vue: A newer framework gaining popularity due to its simplicity, performance benefits, and ease of adoption.

3. Next.js:

  • Overview: A JavaScript framework primarily used for web and mobile application development, built upon React.
  • Features: Supports hot reloading, server-side rendering, code splitting, full ES6 support, TypeScript integration, and simplifies React usage in both server-side and client-side applications.
  • Advantages: Offers ease of use, powerful routing, code-splitting capabilities, and immediate code changes reflection without manual server restarts.

4. ExpressJS:

  • Description: A lightweight, open-source web application framework for Node.js to build web applications and APIs.
  • Features: Simplifies server-side code, provides robust middleware support, and allows integration with various front-end libraries.
  • Advantages: Minimalistic, flexible, faster development due to reduced code requirements, and follows a convention-over-configuration approach.

5. Comparison of Next.js and ExpressJS:

  • Routing: Next.js uses a different routing approach than ExpressJS, utilizing React components for handling routes, while ExpressJS employs regular expressions for URL matching.
  • API and Structure: Express offers more control over middleware and follows a callback-based API, while Next.js is more declarative and utilizes React components as pages.


The choice between Next.js and ExpressJS depends on specific project requirements. Next.js focuses on front-end development and works seamlessly with React, while ExpressJS is geared towards back-end development, offering flexibility and minimalistic design. They can even be used together to leverage their respective strengths in building full-stack applications.

Understanding these frameworks' nuances and capabilities can help developers make informed decisions based on their project goals, scalability needs, and preferred development styles.

Next.js vs Express: which framework to choose (2024)


Next.js vs Express: which framework to choose? ›

The choice depends on your project requirements. Next. js is best for React-based applications and Express. js provides a more lightweight option for server-side development.

Should I learn Express before next? ›

No. Go straight to Nest JS. It is built on top of Express but you do not need Express.

Why choose Next JS over React JS? ›

The major difference between Next JS and React JS is performance. If we talk about Next. js applications, they are extremely fast because of the static destinations and server-side rendering. Of course, they are viable due to many performance enhancement features, such as Image Optimization.

Is there something better than Express JS? ›

What can we use instead of ExpressJS? ExpressJS is a great framework, but it has its limitations. Some alternatives to ExpressJS can be used, like Koa, Hapi, Sails, Feather, etc. These are the most popular alternatives to ExpressJS.

Is Next JS the best React framework? ›

js Over React. js? Next is a better choice for building static sites or applications without complex routing, automated build processes and built-in support for server-side rendering. This makes it compatible for JAMstack applications, where speed and simplicity are more important.

Do I need Express if I use NextJs? ›

js comes with its own server-side rendering capabilities. It doesn't use Express by default. The server-side features in Next. js are handled internally, providing functionalities like server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG).

Can next replace Express? ›

While ExpressJs is a Node. js-based web application framework to build APIs and server-side applications, NextJs on the other hand is a react-based framework used for creating static websites and SEO optimizations. Therefore, they are not intended to replace one another in any means or ways.

Should I learn React or Nextjs first? ›

React knowledge smooths the learning curve: While Next. js offers additional features for building web applications, a significant portion of your development will involve writing React code. Knowing React beforehand makes it easier to understand how Next. js enhances these functionalities.

Will Next.js replace React? ›

Choosing between Next. js and React depends on the specific needs of your project. If you're building a large-scale web application that requires complex routing and heavily data-driven components, React may be a better option. If you're looking to build a JAMstack application or a static site, Next.

Is Next.js difficult to learn? ›

Learning curve: Next. js has a bit of a learning curve. If you are new to React, you may find it difficult to get started with Next.

What is the drawback of ExpressJS? ›

Limitations of Express JS

Sometimes, there is no structural way to organize things, and the code becomes non-understandable. There are so many issues with callbacks. The error messages that will come are challenging to understand.

Is ExpressJS still used in 2024? ›

Yes, the Express module is good for mobile application development too. It is scalable, speedy, and provides great performance for enterprise-level apps that may need to handle a lot of requests and notifications from users.

Do people still use ExpressJS? ›

This framework is one of the most widely used node. js tools, and there's good reason for its immense popularity. Not only is express. js fast, but it is also unopinionated and minimalist, making it ideal for developers seeking flexibility and control over their applications.

Is NextJS a full-stack framework? ›

Next. js is often celebrated as a full-stack framework, capable of handling both client-side and server-side operations. This unique trait stems from its ability to serve static pages, generate server-side rendered pages, and manage API routes, all within a single framework.

What problem does Next.js solve? ›

Next. js solved the much-faced problem by developers which was how the web applications were rendered on the client-side. The Single-page Applications (SPAs) had improved UX because of less reloading which resultantly made them more interactive.

What is next JS best used for? ›

It offers flexibility and scalability, making it useful for small and large-scale applications. Next. js provides advantages like server-side rendering and static site generation, regardless of the project's size, resulting in improved performance, SEO, and better user experiences.

What should I learn before learning NextJS? ›

Before diving into Next. js, ensure you have a solid understanding of fundamental web development concepts, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Should I learn node or Express first? ›

So it's true you can “learn” how to use Express. js before nodejs, but to “learn nodejs” means understanding what nodejs provides for you, and how to leverage it. You'd already learn most of how it works by using Express. js just through using it.

Should you learn React or Next JS first? ›

React knowledge smooths the learning curve: While Next. js offers additional features for building web applications, a significant portion of your development will involve writing React code. Knowing React beforehand makes it easier to understand how Next. js enhances these functionalities.

Should I learn Express or nest? ›

The Express framework provides flexibility & simplicity that makes it an excellent choice for small & mid scale projects. On the other hand, NestJS offers an opinionated and structured approach that is advantageous for enterprise-level projects where scalability & maintainability are important.

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.