Not All Water Is Equal: 7 Healthiest Types of Water to Drink - Water Wisdom - Mayu Water Blog (2024)

Wondering what is the best water to drink? Explore the healthiest water types and find out why not all water is equal when it comes to nourishing our bodies.

Not All Water Is Equal: 7 Healthiest Types of Water to Drink - Water Wisdom - Mayu Water Blog (1)

By Maria J Baez Calderon

Not All Water Is Equal: 7 Healthiest Types of Water to Drink - Water Wisdom - Mayu Water Blog (2)

Edited by Dorian Rhode

Updated September 11, 2024.

Not All Water Is Equal: 7 Healthiest Types of Water to Drink - Water Wisdom - Mayu Water Blog (3)

Water is critical for keeping our bodies functioning properly, making up 60% of the human body. Every cell, tissue, muscle, and system requires water to run effectively. Therefore, water is the key to all our biological processes.

Though water is essential for our well-being, not all water is equally good for us.

The existence of different water types can make it overwhelming to know which one is the best to drink. They vary in nutritional benefits and caloric intake, so let’s take a closer look at which is the healthiest and best water for optimal hydration and overall health.

7 Healthiest Drinking Water Types

1. Best Overall: Structured Water

2. Most Convenient and Economical: Tap Water

3. Best Mineral Enrichment: Mineral Water

4. Most Pristine Source: Spring or Glacier Water

5. Purest, Contaminant-Free Form: Distilled Water

6. Best pH Balancing and Alkalizing Properties: Alkaline Water

7. Most High-Quality Filtration and Impurity Removal: Purified Water

What Is the Best Water to Drink: Comparing Water Types

When it comes to the healthiest water to drink, we first need to discuss the pros and cons of the seven different types of drinking water.

1. Structured Water

Best Overall

Structured water, also called hexagonal water, is water with a structure that has been altered to form a hexagonal molecule cluster. It's believed that highly structured water, also known as H3O2 (living water), shares similarities with water that has not been contaminated by human processes.


  • Molecules are charged, so they hold energy and recharge and hydrate the body better
  • Long-lasting hydration


  • Needs further studies on its difficult accessibility

Not All Water Is Equal: 7 Healthiest Types of Water to Drink - Water Wisdom - Mayu Water Blog (4)

Not All Water Is Equal: 7 Healthiest Types of Water to Drink - Water Wisdom - Mayu Water Blog (5)

MAYU Swirl

Water structuring carafe for optimal hydration

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100% grade A borosilicate glass; hand-made porcelain base


ETL certified, CE certified, FCC compliance


Two years

Enhance your water’s texture and ensure you drink the healthiest H3O2 structured water with Mayu Swirl.

The MAYU Swirl water structuring carafe harnesses the gentle power of the spiral motion to deliver reoxygenated, rebalanced, and rejuvenated living water that tastes great and provides long-lasting hydration.

Unlike ordinary water pitchers, the MAYU Swirl employs innovative vortex technology that restores water molecules to their natural form, allowing better absorption into your body's cells and ensuring delicious-tasting water.

The whirlpool motion also recaptures lost vitality by allowing oxygen to balance and alkalize your water 6,000 times faster.

Easy to use

Enhances water's natural flavor

2-year limited warranty

Needs regular cleaning

Needs charging

Why Is Structured Water the Best Water to Drink?

Structured water is the best to drink due to its purported ability to have a more organized molecular structure, better hydration properties, and improved bioavailability.

To better understand why structured water is the healthiest water to drink, here is a short comparison between unstructured and H3O2 structured water.

Structured Water

  • Has higher alkalinity levels
  • Water molecules are more easily absorbed in the cells, making it better for hydration
  • Structured water is soft and more energized

Unstructured Water

  • Has a balanced pH of 7
  • Water molecule shape may not be as effective for cell absorption and may cause dehydration
  • The body isn't gaining energy from water

The oxygen within structured water is more readily available for absorption and utilization by the body.

Not All Water Is Equal: 7 Healthiest Types of Water to Drink - Water Wisdom - Mayu Water Blog (6)

2. Tap Water

Most Convenient and Economical

Tap water goes through different purification methods using purifying agents such as chlorine and ozone before it makes it to your tap. Although these agents are useful for removing bacteria, pathogens, and contaminants, they also strip its nutrients from it.


  • High purification
  • Contains dissolved minerals and electrolytes
  • Cheap and readily available
  • Eco-friendly


  • Lack of nutrients
  • Distinct odor or taste (chlorine)
  • Could contain harmful compounds, like microplastics and high chlorine levels

Does tap water have electrolytes?

It depends on how many purification processes are done. It is generally considered to contain electrolytes and dissolved minerals, but the best course of action is to add essential mineral drops to your tap water to ensure you get its mineral-rich benefits.

3. Mineral Water

Best Mineral Enrichment

Mineral water is abundant in essential nutrients like sulfur, magnesium, and calcium. This type of water comes from underground sources, i.e., protected underground mineral springs.

Some of the benefits of this kind of water are that it supplies the body with electrolytes needed for hydration, lowers blood pressure, and works wonders for your muscles and bones. It is important to note that the recommended mineral content in mineral water is at least 250 parts per million of mineral solvents.


  • High mineral content
  • Lowers blood pressure, boosts muscle growth, and improves bone density


  • Some brands have high levels of sodium, which can be harmful to kidney function
  • Can be an expensive option

4. Spring or Glacier Water

Most Pristine Source

Spring or glacier water claims to be bottled at the source from where the water flows. This water is typically clean, organic, free from any treatment or toxins, and high in minerals.

If you are wondering what the difference is between spring water and purified water, the answer is simple—spring water is naturally filtered underground, while purified water undergoes filtration and purification processes to remove contaminants and impurities using harmful agents such as chlorine.


  • Comes straight from the source
  • Unlikely to contain contaminants
  • Contains good levels of essential minerals
  • Refreshing, crisp taste


  • Could still contain contaminants like metals, nitrates, and bacteria
  • Can be more expensive than regular tap water

5. Distilled Water

Purest, Contaminant-Free Form

Distilled water is a type of water that is purified by boiling it, turning it into a vapor, capturing the gas, and condensing it back to a liquid state.

Is distilled water safe to drink? Yes. It undergoes purification processes that remove contaminants like sulfur and sodium.

So, can you drink distilled water every day? Well, the answer is not that simple—though it is safe to drink, the purification of distilled water removes all vitamins and minerals, making it lose its long-term hydrating ability as well as taste. However, you can always add essential minerals to improve its quality. Drinking water low in minerals is detrimental to your health, thus adding Mayu Essential Minerals will ensure you’re drinking nutrient-rich, healthy water.


  • Good option if your tap water contains chemicals or pollutants


  • No vitamins and minerals, which could negatively affect your health through mineral leaching

Not All Water Is Equal: 7 Healthiest Types of Water to Drink - Water Wisdom - Mayu Water Blog (7)

6. Alkaline Water

Best pH Balancing and Alkalizing Properties

Water with alkaline properties is typically sourced from areas near mineral-rich volcanos.

Alkaline water contains ionized minerals that elevate its pH to 8 or 9, which is higher than normal tap water with a neutral pH of 7, making it less acidic compared to other types of water.

Alkaline water is one of the healthiest water to drink as it contains minerals that help protect the body from free radicals, which are usually linked to numerous chronic diseases and inflammation.

However, it is important to keep in mind that alkaline water may have side effects; consuming too much of it may lower pH levels in the body, which can weaken the immune system and bones.


  • Higher body hydration better than regular bottled or tap water
  • May help protect the body from free radicals
  • May help distribute oxygen more effectively in the body


  • More research is needed to confirm its health benefits
  • Could change stomach acid levels, which could cause discomfort
  • Could lower pH levels in the body
  • Most off-the-shelf brands artificially reduce the acidity of alkaline water

Most alkaline water available in stores does not come from natural sources—although there are places in the world with naturally occurring alkaline water. Many of these commercially bottled brands use tap water and a process called electrolysis to reduce acidity artificially.

» Discover how to increase the pH of drinking water naturally

7. Purified Water

Most High-Quality Filtration and Impurity Removal

Purified water is typically tap or groundwater that has been treated to remove harmful substances like bacteria, parasites, and other impurities, making it suitable for use. Nowadays, this type of water is purified by various processes, including carbon filtering, microfiltration, capacitive deionization, and reverse osmosis.

Purified water is a safe option if water sources in your area are contaminated. However, purification strips the water of minerals and electrolytes that our bodies need. Thus, it's best to remineralize purified water or add electrolyte drops for optimum and safe hydration.


  • A good option if your primary water sources are contaminated


  • Doesn't contain minerals or electrolytes the body needs

Did you know?About 20% of daily fluid intake usually comes from food. The remaining 80% comes from drinks.

How to Choose the Right Water for You

When choosing the right water for you, the most important thing to take into consideration is the composition of water, i.e., that all elements and minerals act synergistically.

Here are some questions to ask yourself before making the decision:

  • What does the water taste like? Do I like the taste?
  • Does it contain necessary essential minerals and electrolytes?
  • How much is it going to cost monthly/yearly?
  • Is it easy and convenient for me to drink?

Balancing the Pros and Cons

There are pros and cons for each type of water, so let's sum it up.

  • Tap water is the most convenient and cost-effective type of water to drink, but it may contain harmful chemicals and pollutants.
  • Mineral, structured, and pure spring water are some of the healthiest water you can drink because they're clean and contain all the essential minerals your body needs.
  • Filtered water removes contaminants but might also remove essential minerals. However, there is the option of adding essential minerals and electrolytes back into your drinking water.

Considering everything, it is safe to say that the most important thing is drinking enough water to keep your body hydrated, which is the core of the body's function. Choose the right type that suits your lifestyle and tastes the best to you, and be sure to add essential minerals and electrolytes if necessary.


How much water should you drink every day?

According to Mayo Clinic, 8 glasses of water a day is a reasonable goal, which is around 2 liters or half a gallon. But, more specifically, an adequate daily fluid intake for an average, healthy adult is:

  • About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men
  • About 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids a day for women

These recommendations cover fluids from water, other beverages, and food.

How to drink more water

  • Carry a water bottle with you wherever you go, so it's always within reach.
  • Set reminders on your phone or use an app to prompt you to drink water throughout the day.
  • Keep track of your water intake in a journal or an app to stay accountable.
  • Drink a glass of water before each meal.
  • Flavor your water with fruits or herbs to make it more enticing.
  • Set a goal for how much water you want to drink each day and work towards it gradually.

Staying hydrated is important for your overall health, so finding ways to drink more water can be beneficial, especially when you’re drinking the healthiest water—structured water.

Should you avoid certain types of water?

Here are some unsafe water types that are generally best to avoid:

  • Water from unknown or unreliable sources, or water that has been contaminated by pollutants, should be avoided as it is unsafe and can cause illness.
  • Unpurified tap water in certain regions may not be safe to drink without purification due to potential contamination with bacteria, parasites, or other harmful substances. It's important to be aware of the water quality in the region you are in and take necessary precautions.
  • Water that has been sitting for a long time or has become stagnant may contain higher levels of bacteria or other contaminants, so it's best to avoid drinking it.
  • While slightly alkaline water is generally safe to drink, artificial alkaline water can disrupt the body's natural pH balance and may contain contaminants, making it not suitable for regular consumption.

Does water have a taste?

Yes, water does have a taste, and not all water tastes the same. The taste of water can be influenced by factors such as the minerals dissolved in it, the source of the water, and individual biological differences. The minerals present in water, such as calcium, magnesium, and others, can affect its taste. Additionally, taste receptors in our bodies can perceive certain qualities in water, such as sourness. So, while the taste of water may be subtle, it is indeed present and can vary depending on these factors.

Not All Water Is Equal: 7 Healthiest Types of Water to Drink - Water Wisdom - Mayu Water Blog (2024)


What is the healthiest type of water to drink? ›

Spring water is among the healthiest water to drink because it offers several benefits. It is naturally purified from an underground source, which means it is free of harmful contaminants like lead and chlorine. Since it does not undergo added filtration before bottling, it retains the beneficial minerals in the water.

Which type of water is not good for health drinking? ›

Distilled water, without minerals

It can be a popular choice in areas where there is no clean tap water available making it a suitable short-term choice for clean drinking water. However, regular consumption of this demineralized water can sometimes be detrimental to health and can pull away minerals from your body.

Who owns Mayu Water? ›

I had the pleasure of meeting with Shay and Ze'ev, the founders of Mayu Water—virtually, of course, as they are located across the Mediterranean Sea in a tiny village in Israel. Shay and Ze'ev's journey started when they set out to provide their young children with the best water possible.

Which bottled water is 100% spring? ›

Crystal Geyser® Alpine Spring Water® is the only major U.S. bottled water that's captured directly at authentic natural springs — naturally.

What's the unhealthiest water to drink? ›

In terms of your health, all plastic bottled waters are the worst – they can contain hundreds of thousands of microplastics that harm the body. The safest bottled water you can drink is likely some filtered water that you put into a reusable water bottle.

What is the top 5 best drinking water? ›

The Top 5 Best Tasting Waters
  • Smart Water. Smart Water is bottled still water that is further enriched with electrolytes. ...
  • Mountain Valley. “Back to the source,” says the Mountain Valley's motto, and when you take a sip from this bottled water you'd know what they mean. ...
  • Fiji. ...
  • Voss. ...
  • Evian.

What is the purest drinking water? ›

Distilled water is the PUREST drinking water possible.

Many people are under the false impression that their tap water, and even bottled water and water produced by home filtration systems is "pure". It isn't. Tap water is loaded with many types of suspended pollutants, chemicals, toxins and other contaminants.

What's the healthiest drink besides water? ›

5 Healthy Drink Choices That Aren't Water
  1. Vegetable Juice. Bottled brands provide 100% vegetable juice that can offer an additional serving of vitamins and minerals for your diet. ...
  2. Infused Water. Including some fruit in your water will enhance the healthiness of your beverage as well. ...
  3. Milk. ...
  4. Green Tea. ...
  5. Sparkling Water.

How does Mayu water work? ›

Unlocking Cellular Hydration

Studies have shown that just 7 minutes of swirling can prompt water molecules to return to their natural synchronized shape. This shape is recognized by the cells in our body, making it easier for water to penetrate and effectively hydrate the cells.

What are the benefits of Mayu water? ›

Potential Health Benefits: MAYU suggests the Swirl can lead to better hydration, potentially contributing to improved skin health, reduced headaches, and increased energy levels. However, independent research is needed to confirm these claims. The MAYU Swirl isn't just a functional device; it's a conversation starter.

Is Mayu water structured water? ›

the MAYU Swirl

Similar to nature, the Swirl increases dissolved oxygen in tap, filtered, and bottled water 6,000 times faster than water that is left still – resulting in rich-texture, pH-balanced and structured water.

What is the best water to drink everyday? ›

Which type of water is the healthiest? Mineral water and alkaline water may be some of the healthiest types of water because they provide your body with essential nutrients, but simply drinking safe, uncontaminated water should be your number one priority.

What's the healthiest way to drink water? ›

If you don't have bottled water, bring tap water to a rolling boil for 1 minute or 3 minutes if you're at an elevation above 6,500 feet. Let the water cool off before you use it. Make sure to boil tap water, even if it's filtered.

Is it better to drink purified or spring water? ›

If you're wondering which type of water to choose, rest assured that both are excellent choices. Both spring water and purified water must meet strict safety standards set by the FDA and EPA, making them safe for you to drink.

What is the healthiest body water? ›

The ideal percentage for adult women will fluctuate between 45 and 60%, while the ideal percentage for adult men will be between 50 and 65% of the total body. For the real athletic body types it is even recommended to have 5% more body water than the average adult range.

Is artesian or spring water better? ›

You might ask yourself, “is artesian water better than spring water?” The answer depends on what “better” means to you. Both artesian and spring water are healthy. That is, given each is treated for contaminants. Artesian water has a high pH resulting from a high mineral content.

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Author: Dan Stracke

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Name: Dan Stracke

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.