OneDrive vs. Google Drive: Which is best? [2023] | Zapier (2024)

I don't know about you, but I keep my entire life on my cloud drive. I have a work drive and a personal drive, and every single piece of information I may ever need is stored there. As someone with raging ADHD, the only way I can be certain I'm not forgetting anything is by carrying every single document and scrap of info I own with me at all times—which I wouldn't be able to do without the help of a cloud drive.

Choosing the app that will hold all of the details of your life (or business!) isn't a process to be taken lightly.

I spent time using OneDrive and Google Drive to better understand the nuanced features of each, and I've broken down all of their major differences (and not-so-differences) to help you on your way.

OneDrive vs. Google Drive at a glance

In short, Google Drive is better for independent users who store a normal amount of stuff. OneDrive makes more sense for businesses and teams that depend on the Microsoft Office suite or do a lot of syncing.

Realistically, most users will fall somewhere between the two, where either platform would meet their needs. So for most people, the deciding factor will likely be personal preference—Google users will prefer Google Drive, and Microsoft users will prefer OneDrive.


Google Drive

Personal plans

⭐⭐⭐ Modest 5 GB free plan

$2/month for 100 GB

$7/month for 1 TB

$10/month for 6 TB for a family (1 TB per person)

⭐⭐⭐⭐Generous 15 GB free plan

$2/month for 100 GB

$3/month for 200 GB

$10/month for 2 TB

Business plans

⭐⭐⭐ Include premium features like larger video meetings, Office suite access, and advanced security features

$5, $6, and $12.50/month plans all have 1 TB

⭐⭐⭐⭐ Include premium features like larger video meetings, business email, and advanced security features

$6/month for 30 GB

$12/month for 2 TB

$18/month for 5 TB

Local file syncing

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Offers automatic syncing with computer files; block-level copying makes auto-syncing faster

⭐⭐⭐ Offers automatic syncing with computer files, but doesn't utilize block-level copying and may take more time and bandwidth

File search and organization

⭐⭐⭐ Standard folder hierarchy with multiple views like thumbnails and lists

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Standard folder hierarchy with different views plus a highly advanced search function for faster file search


⭐⭐⭐Integrates with other Microsoft products and a limited selection of third-party platforms; integrates with thousands of apps through Zapier

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Google Workspace Marketplace offers hundreds of native integrations with popular apps, plus an "apps to discover" section for uncovering new innovative integrations; also integrates through Zapier

What's not different

If you're looking for a tie-breaker between OneDrive and Google Drive, none of these will be it.

  • Security: Both Microsoft's and Google's cloud platforms offer comparable security features like two-factor authentication, tiered file access, and encryption of in-transit and at-rest files.

  • Privacy: Neither option uses zero-knowledge encryption, meaning that, in theory, they could access your stored data.

  • Business features: When you purchase a business subscription to either platform, you'll gain access to collaborative tools like expanded web calling capacity, shared team drives, and administrative security controls. Pricing and storage differences aside, the tools offered by both platforms are functionally about the same.

  • File sharing and real-time collaboration: Both platforms offer equal file sharing and collaboration capabilities.

  • File histories: Both keep 30-day file histories so that you can revert to old versions easily.(Google Drive also caps this at 100 versions.)

  • Mobile syncing: Both platforms have mobile apps that can be used to access, organize, and add files to your drives while on the go.

OneDrive's basic business plan is far more generous than Google's, but Google Drive has superior free and upper-tier business plans

Casual users should stick with Google Drive, as its 15 GB free plan is more than enough storage to last you quite a while. (I've been using the same Google Drive account for about seven years, and I only just passed the 90% storage utilization mark.) OneDrive's free plan, by comparison, only offers 5 GB of storage.

It's also worth noting that as of 2023, Outlook emails now count toward your OneDrive storage utilization, while Google includes Gmails and Google Photos in your total storage allotment. This means that people who keep a lot of emails with embedded images or attachments may find themselves maxing out the free OneDrive storage more quickly than they would with Google Drive.

Those who need more than 15 GB can choose a 100 GB plan from either platform for the same cost of $2/month. From there, OneDrive offers 1 TB for $7/month, while Google Drive offers a 200 GB plan for just $3/month before jumping up to a 2 TB option for $10/month.

For business users, the OneDrive pricing structure is far more generous at its lowest tier with $5/month for 1 TB, while Google Drive charges a dollar more per month for a paltry 30 GB. Unfortunately, OneDrive cut its $10/month unlimited storage plan, so Google Drive also wins out above the basic tier. The two higher OneDrive tiers add nothing to the 1 TB storage, while Google Drive offers additional 2 TB and 5 TB options. So if your primary concern is saving on storage, OneDrive gives you plenty for just $5/month. But if total amount of storage is your main concern, Google Drive is definitely the better option for your team.

File syncing is faster with OneDrive, but Google Drive makes it much easier to organize and search files

OneDrive utilizes a technology called block-level copying (also called delta or differential sync), which basically allows it to identify what has been changed since the last sync and update only those things rather than re-uploading the most recent copy of every file. As a result, auto-syncs run more quickly and smoothly.

But since many Google Drive users opt to create their files using cloud platforms like Docs, Slides, and Sheets, local file syncing may not be a priority anyway. Honestly, everyday users with free plans probably won't notice the difference. But for business users who regularly collaborate within the same documents in real time, OneDrive should come closer to reflecting instantaneous changes.

When it comes to finding files, however, Google Drive is definitely faster and more intuitive. Google is first and foremost a search engine, so it should come as no surprise that its file search is more advanced than OneDrive's. Search results auto-populate as you type, making it easier to access the file you're looking for right away, and you can also use Boolean operators like "and," "or," "from," and other search functions you're used to using for regular search. Results even auto-populate based on words found within documents, which can save a ton of time if you don't know the exact file name but you know some buzzwords in the copy.

OneDrive vs. Google Drive: Which is best? [2023] | Zapier (1)

OneDrive's search functionality is pretty bare-bones, but it's gotten better over recent years. It now has tag searching, which can be useful if you're looking for photos that have tagged locations or clear subjects that OneDrive can easily identify ("people," "food," and "dogs," for example). While OneDrive also now has auto-populating search results that update as you type, the results are limited to file names, not file contents.

And if you don't know the name of the file in OneDrive, you might have to look around for a while to find it since you can't use Boolean operators. This is one of those features that doesn't seem like a detriment until you're trying to find an important file two minutes before a client meeting. (Not that I know from experience.)

OneDrive vs. Google Drive: Which is best? [2023] | Zapier (2)

Again, users with basic search and sorting needs won't see a huge difference here. But if you really value organization or have even a relatively complex file hierarchy, Google Drive offers a much better file browsing and search experience.

Google Drive offers many more native integrations than OneDrive

Though Microsoft's integration capabilities have improved significantly in recent years, Google still has the lead in this area by a wide margin. It makes sense—Google was essentially always a "cloud" platform, whereas Microsoft wasn't originally. Agility and adaptability are in Google's DNA.

Both platforms integrate seamlessly with their own tools—OneDrive works with Microsoft programs, and Google Drive integrates with Google Workspace tools. But Google also has an entire marketplace of third-party apps you can integrate, like Slack, DocuSign, Lucidchart, and hundreds of programs that can help supercharge your productivity. You can browse by category or compatibility, or navigate to the "Apps to discover" tab to find new integrations you hadn't yet thought of, from ERP and HR tools to marketing and AI solutions.

OneDrive's integration offerings are far more limited. It works with a handful of popular platforms like Trello, Vimeo, Salesforce, and Smartsheet. But for the most part, OneDrive's integrations are geared toward enterprise B2B users and educators. Notably, OneDrive lacks native integrations with:

  • Most popular project management platforms

  • Many accounting, HR, marketing, or personal productivity platforms

  • External versions of products that Microsoft offers—for example, you can only connect your OneDrive to Outlook, not to Google Calendar or iCal

  • Other storage platforms

Google Workspace Marketplace lets you search for apps that specifically integrate with OneDrive (around 100, by my count), so while Microsoft doesn't like to play nice with Google, Google doesn't mind playing nice with Microsoft.

Of course, you can use Zapier with both apps, which will connect them to thousands of other apps. But with Google Drive, you'll be using Zapier to enhance your user experience; with OneDrive, it'll be your lifeline.

OneDrive vs. Google Drive: Which is best? [2023] | Zapier (3)

Read more about automating One Drive and Google Drive with Zapier:

  • 5 ways to automate Google Drive

  • 6 ways to automate OneDrive

OneDrive vs. Google Drive: Where should you store your files?

Most users will probably end up making the decision between these two platforms based on their own preference for either Google or Microsoft. The differences between the two aren't so great that one or the other choice will result in any major losses or missing features.

From a cost perspective, casual users and small- to medium-sized businesses that don't rely too heavily on local file storage will likely find that Google Drive provides more value. With its larger free plan, most casual users can get by using Google Drive gratis, and buyers can get far more storage for a lower price than OneDrive.

For larger businesses, OneDrive offers cheaper 1 TB storage plus faster local file sync. However, companies that want to integrate their storage platform with analysis tools or apps for digital document management may not be able to connect cross-platform using OneDrive.

Frequently asked questions

Here are a few commonly asked questions about the differences between OneDrive and Google Drive.

Is OneDrive the same as Google Drive?

OneDrive is not the same thing as Google Drive (for anyone who skipped this whole article and jumped straight to the FAQ). If you're confused, you might be thinking of Google One, which is a Google storage subscription plan.

What is the difference between OneDrive and Google Drive?

OneDrive is a Microsoft cloud storage solution, while Google Drive is (you guessed it) a Google cloud storage solution. The biggest difference between the two may be storage capacity—OneDrive has 5 GB of free storage plus 100 GB and 1 TB paid options. Google Drive offers 15 GB for free, plus 100 GB, 200 GB, and 2 TB options. For more nuance than that, you should probably just read this article.

What is a disadvantage of using OneDrive?

One big disadvantage of using OneDrive is that it doesn't readily integrate with nearly as many third-party applications as Google Drive does. OneDrive works seamlessly with other Microsoft products, but it just can't compete with the amount of non-Microsoft apps available in the Google Workspace Marketplace.

Further reading:

  • How to power up your Google apps using automation

  • Find things faster in Google Drive with these 4 features

  • How to sync OneDrive

This article was originally published in July 2019 by Dane O'Leary and has also had contributions from Bryce Emley. The most recent update was in September 2023.

As a seasoned technology expert with a comprehensive understanding of cloud storage and productivity tools, I can confidently analyze and provide insights into the OneDrive vs. Google Drive comparison outlined in the article. My proficiency in cloud services extends to practical usage, troubleshooting, and a keen awareness of the latest updates in the field.

Let's delve into the key concepts discussed in the article:

  1. Cloud Storage and Personal Usage:

    • The author highlights the reliance on cloud storage for personal and professional needs, emphasizing the convenience and accessibility it provides.
    • Managing both work and personal data on cloud drives is presented as a strategy for individuals dealing with ADHD, ensuring they have all necessary information at their fingertips.
  2. Comparison Criteria:

    • The article establishes that choosing a cloud storage app requires careful consideration and evaluation of features.
    • The author personally tested both OneDrive and Google Drive, emphasizing the importance of understanding the nuanced differences between the two platforms.
  3. OneDrive vs. Google Drive Overview:

    • A concise overview compares the suitability of Google Drive for independent users and OneDrive for businesses and teams relying on the Microsoft Office suite or extensive syncing.
  4. Pricing and Plans:

    • Detailed comparison of personal and business plans for both OneDrive and Google Drive, including free storage, paid plans, and family options.
    • Insightful analysis that casual users might find Google Drive more cost-effective due to a larger free plan, while OneDrive's business plan is highlighted for its generosity at the lowest tier.
  5. File Syncing and Organization:

    • OneDrive's utilization of block-level copying is explained for faster auto-syncing, especially beneficial for real-time collaboration in business settings.
    • Google Drive's advantage in file search and organization, leveraging its search engine roots, is emphasized.
  6. Integrations:

    • A detailed comparison of integration capabilities, showcasing Google Drive's lead with a wide array of native integrations through the Google Workspace Marketplace.
    • Microsoft's improvements in integration are acknowledged, but Google Drive's superior adaptability and agility are highlighted.
  7. Shared Features:

    • Points out that certain features are not differentiating factors, such as security, privacy, business features, file sharing, real-time collaboration, file histories, and mobile syncing.
  8. Storage Utilization and Email Integration:

    • Raises a crucial point that as of 2023, Outlook emails count towards OneDrive storage, while Gmails and Google Photos are included in Google Drive's total storage allotment.
  9. File Syncing Speed vs. Search Functionality:

    • Contrasts OneDrive's faster file syncing using block-level copying with Google Drive's superior file search functionality, catering to users' different priorities and preferences.
  10. Native Integrations and Zapier:

    • Discusses the disparity in native integrations, where Google Drive outshines OneDrive in terms of quantity and variety.
    • Highlights the role of Zapier as a tool to enhance user experience and extend integrations for both platforms.
  11. Recommendations and FAQs:

    • Concludes with practical recommendations based on user needs and preferences, addressing common questions about the differences between OneDrive and Google Drive.

In summary, this article provides a comprehensive guide for users seeking to make an informed decision between OneDrive and Google Drive, considering various aspects such as pricing, features, integrations, and user experience.

OneDrive vs. Google Drive: Which is best? [2023] | Zapier (2024)


Is it better to use Google Drive or OneDrive? ›

Storing, managing, and organizing files is a breezy experience on both platforms. If Google Drive is known for its clean and intuitive interface (common in Google's ecosystem), OneDrive is preferred for its straightforward file organization and synchronization with Windows File Explorer.

What is a disadvantage of using OneDrive? ›

The disadvantages of OneDrive are limited sharing options, limited file management, and limited desktop synchronisation settings. Limited Sharing Options: OneDrive's sharing options are limited compared to other cloud storage services, making sharing files with non-Microsoft users difficult.

Is there anything better than OneDrive? ›

Private users can use pCloud to store large media files and access services like the pCloud web player, cloud music lists and cloud streaming. Be it offloading large files, regular backups or synchronizing with many devices, pCloud is a powerful alternative to OneDrive. Cost: pCloud's free plan offers up to 10 GB.

Which is more secure Google Drive or OneDrive or Dropbox? ›

None of the services are particularly secure, but OneDrive offers a secure folder locked by an extra level of two-factor authentication. In the end, the results are a true toss-up between Google Drive, OneDrive and Dropbox, with each service scoring three points in different categories.

What are the two disadvantages of Google Drive? ›

Cons of Google Drive
  • Security Risks. Despite its multiple security systems, the service isn't 100% hack-proof. ...
  • Depending on an Internet Connection. ...
  • Has a Limit on How Much You can Upload in a Day. ...
  • File Size Limits. ...
  • Downloading and Uploading Speed. ...
  • Google Browses Content Saved in Google Drive.
Apr 4, 2024

Do I need OneDrive if I have Google Photos? ›

However, OneDrive has an advantage over Google Photos in terms of storage formats, which supports more file formats. So, if you not only store photos but also other types of files, we recommend you choose OneDrive. After all, Google Photos is a cloud service mainly for photos and videos.

What is the risk of using OneDrive? ›

Common Security Concerns in OneDrive
  • Encryption and privacy concerns. Lack of end-to-end encryption: A major concern with OneDrive is the absence of end-to-end encryption and a zero-knowledge policy. ...
  • Access and authentication risks. ...
  • Cybersecurity threats. ...
  • Data management and integrity. ...
  • Compliance and system vulnerabilities:
Feb 15, 2024

What is the issue with OneDrive? ›

OneDrive data storage limits are quite high, with most plans offering at least 1 Terabyte of storage. If your organization deals with large file sizes or has lots of duplicate files, it's possible to run out of space – or encounter performance issues.

What happens if I don't use OneDrive? ›

You won't lose files or data by uninstalling OneDrive from your computer. You can always access your files by signing in to

What is better than Google Drive? › is the best alternative to Google Drive, though pCloud comes close. If security is why you're moving away from Drive, don't go for Dropbox or OneDrive, as they have similar privacy issues. If that doesn't concern you, they have similar cloud collaboration features.

Why should I switch to OneDrive? ›

Easy File Sharing

Sharing a file is simple with OneDrive. Users can share files simply by right-clicking on a file and specifying an email address to share with. It is a more secure and efficient form of sharing as compared with email attachments and is not restricted by the same size limitations, etc.

What are three benefits of using OneDrive? ›

The many benefits of OneDrive include: Unlimited file access, anytime. Renders files available from anywhere for collaboration. Organisational platform for files.

Should I use Google Drive or OneDrive? ›

If you work with large amounts of data, Google Drive can offer more space for free. However, OneDrive's pricing structure may be more favorable for Microsoft 365 users. You should also consider the platform you're running on and what devices you use, as both platforms support different operating systems.

How do I get 1TB OneDrive for free? ›

As a Microsoft 365 Family subscriber, you and up to five other people get 50 GB of free mailbox storage for your emails, contacts and calendar items. You also each get 1 TB of free cloud storage for your email attachments, files and photos in OneDrive.

Why would anyone use Dropbox over Google Drive? ›

File sharing features

However, Dropbox does surpass Google Drive when it comes to securing your shared files. You can set passwords on shared files in Dropbox so that only people who have that password can access them. You can also set an expiration date for sharing, after which the file-sharing link won't work.

Is Google Drive the best storage? ›

Ultimately, it comes down to what you're looking for in a storage solution. Google Drive is a no-brainer if you're an individual or a small business needing an easy-to-use and affordable option to store your files. However, for organizations – whether big or small – it's best to opt for Google Cloud Storage.

How much space does Google Drive give you for free? ›

All Google Drive users receive 15 gigabytes of free storage across Gmail, Google Drive, and Google Photos.

Why is Google Drive recommended? ›

Google Drive is much more than just a cloud-based storage and syncing service with a generous free storage plan. It's also an integral part of a full, collaborative office suite. You can use Google Drive to store documents you create in Google Docs and back up files on your computer.

Do I really need OneDrive? ›

Whether to use OneDrive or not is up to you. If you don't mind Microsoft looking at your files and having enough storage space on your computer, then go ahead and use it. But if you're concerned about privacy or don't want to risk losing your files, then it's best to avoid it.

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Author: Delena Feil

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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

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Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.