Onett (2024)

Onett (1)
LocationBehind the Bear Gate.
Bee Prerequisites30 bees

This is the quest-giver Onett. To see the developer page of Onett, click here.

Onett is an Interactive Quest Giver past the Bear Gate. He gives out a series of five challenging quests. The rewards for the last quest include a star treat. His quests require the player to complete different tasks, requesting the player to collect 3,673,750,000 Pollen, 136,000,000 Goo, 153,000 Tokens, and to defeat 940 Mobs throughout all of his Star Journey Quests.


  • 1 Quests
  • 2 Dialogue
  • 3 Ornament Quest
  • 4 Christmas Day 2019
  • 5 Christmas Day 2020
  • 6 Christmas Event 2020 - Yard Art on The Lid
  • 7 New Years Day 2022
  • 8 Beesmas Event 2021 - Yard Art on The Lid
  • 9 New Years Day 2023
  • 10 Beesmas Event 2022 - Yard Art on The Lid
  • 11 Summersmas 2024
  • 12 Beesmas Event 2024 - Yard Art on The Lid
  • 13 Gallery
  • 14 Trivia


Quest NameRequirementsRewards
Star Journey 15,000,000 Honey
25x Royal Jelly
1,000x Treat
10x Ticket
25x Pineapple
Star Journey 210,000,000 Honey
50x Royal Jelly
2,000x Treat
15x Ticket
Star Journey 325,000,000 Honey
75x Royal Jelly
5,000x Treat
20x Ticket
Star Journey 450,000,000 Honey
100x Royal Jelly
7,000x Treat
25x Ticket
Star Journey 5
  • Collect 1,000,000,000 White Pollen.
  • Collect 1,000,000,000 Red Pollen.
  • Collect 1,000,000,000 Blue Pollen.
  • Collect 100,000,000 Pollen from the Spider Field.
  • Collect 25,000,000 Goo from White Flowers.
  • Collect 25,000,000 Goo from the Cactus Field.
  • Collect 25,000,000 Goo from the Clover Field.
  • Collect 100,000 Ability Tokens.
  • Collect 10,000 Bomb Tokens.
  • Collect 1,000 Baby Love Tokens.
  • Collect 10,000 Honey Tokens.
  • Defeat 50 Spiders.
  • Defeat 50 Giant Ants.
  • Defeat 5 King Beetles.
  • Defeat 5 Tunnel Bears.
100,000,000 Honey
10,000x Treat
50x Ticket
1x Star Treat


Star Journey 1Whoa! You made it to the very top of the mountain! That was a lot faster than I expected. So fast that I haven't even finished getting this place ready... I'm working on opening this big lid over here. It's pretty tricky... stuck real tight. When I get it open I'll probably need you guys to help me out with whatever's inside. Until then, I guess I can put you and your bees to the test. You'll have until I get this thing open to finish 5 quests. Complete all 5 and I'll give you a [Star Treat]. A [Star Treat] always converts a bee into a Gifted bee. And as a matter of fact, they're the only way to obtain Gifted Event bees. These quests are absurdly hard. The point is to keep you top beekeepers busy! If you're not up to the challenge don't complain to me!!!!!! I got a lot to do!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, I got a little carried away there... Anyways, I've put quest #1 in your Quest menu.


This lid is stuck on tight. I'm working hard to figure out how to open it. But in the meanwhile, let's play a game! >> ☺️ These clever fry make excellent sleuthers >> One rhymes with Teddy, the other rhymes named blank. It's not actually named blank though. That's the game, you gotta figure out the word.


Bee Swarm Simulator is my first ROBLOX game. I use this as my excuse every time I run into problems! If I was a little more experienced, I bet this area would be done by now. You're lucky I'm not! You get to do these quests!

Star Journey 2Who would have thought a ROBLOX game would require so much work? A simple lid like this is taking me weeks to open... The bears and bees don't make it any easier! They're friendly to you all but they always give me problems. If they keep complaining I'm getting rid of all the fields except the Dandelion Field! I wouldn't really do that though. Anyways, I'll put quest #2 in your Quest menu.


The worst part about the bears is having to write their lines. They don't say much, but even that's too much for me! I'M NOT A WRITER!!!! Why can't the bears just think for themselves? I'm looking at you Science Bear.


"Simulator" games seem all about the rush of a reward after pushing through monotonous tasks. Not so different from what motivates most of us to work in real lives! The promise of a reward gives meaning to our work... at least that's how we feel. I really think it's the work itself that keeps us playing! Do you think that mean's [sic] I also enjoy opening this lid? Um... I won't think about it too hard. Three more quests and you'll get that [Star Treat].

Star Journey 3I really like bees and bears even if I sometimes get tired of them. I don't think anyone can deny how impressive bees are. So coordinated and organized. Not only that, but they pollinate plants and make us honey. Bees really feel like a force for good don't they? Bears are great because they look like big dogs. They seem like gentle giants even though I know they usually arent. [sic] In this game we just focus on the good stuff about bears and bees I guess. The bees don't even have stingers. Anyways, what was I doing? Oh yeah! I'll put the next Star Journey quest in your Quest menu. This one has a lot of blue stuff. Ok, now I'll get to... opening this lid?


The red and blue dichotomy isn't as interesting as I hoped for. I'll keep trying to differentiate them cause right now they're basically mirror images of eachother.[sic] At least it gives some variety on a superficial level! (cough) Ok well let's get back to work.


Oh, nice you're done! By the way... Did you know the King Beetle has a 1 in 7 chance of dropping a [King Beetle Amulet]? Also, every time you defeat a King Beetle, the quality of amulets you get from it tends to go up. This caps out at 100 King Beetle kills. I hoped this mechanic would make defeating the King Beetle more exciting. We'll see how that works out... Anyways here's a bunch of stuff as a reward! I know that was hard. Nothing compared to the next two though.

Star Journey 4ROBLOX is really something else! The developer studio is simple to use and Lua is a versatile and forgiving scripting language. If you had told me a year ago I'd be working on a ROBLOX game full time... I never would have believed you! I didn't even know making ROBLOX games full time was a thing. It has been a ton of fun and extremely rewarding. I'm excited to keep working on Bee Swarm Simulator and more ROBLOX games in the future. But I got to stay focused on opening this lid first... If only I had more upper arm strength. Maybe if my bees had arms... Anyways, get ready for a tough one. I've put the 4th quest in your quest menu.


Do you have a favorite bee? I like Rascal Bee's laughing face. I also love Tabby Bee because it looks like my cat. And I'm sure you can tell I like Basic Bee a lot. I put Basic Bee in every game icon cause [sic] it's #1.


Wow! You really like making honey! Oh - how was the goo collecting? Thought you were safe with Gummy Bear gone didn't you? Hah! I spent a long time making the goo so you guys are going to use it whether you like it or not. (Actually I'll try to save it for only the most difficult quests) 1 more quest to go! Then you get that [Star Treat]!

Star Journey 5You've made a lot of progress on these quests but I've hardly nudged this lid open at all. Hopefully this last one will take you a long time. This update is designed to extend the end game - that's the main goal. Gifted Bees brings a new "tier" past Legendary. Leveling bees offers a new use for honey. The Ant Challenge gives you a repeatable objective that'll always let you challenge yourself. And the [Star Amulets] act as the ultimate end game goal. You need 30 different Gifted Bee types to obtain a [Diamond Star Amulet]! Even the top players in the world should take a while to reach that. That's the plan anyhow... It'll all have to hold you over until I get this "lid" OPEN. Time for the last Star Journey quest! Good Luck!!


It's tricky to give a simulator game longevity, especially without rebirths. On top of that, I'm running out of resources on this map - if I add too much more, it'll increase the lag! The game is already pretty laggy sometimes as I'm sure you've seen. I'll work on that after this lid comes off.


Holy moly! You and your bees did it all! You must be in like the top 0.01% of ALL players! You must really want this [Star Treat]. It's all yours! I really appreciate the dedication you've shown to the game by the way. Players like you are the ones who keep me motivated the most! I promise I'll keep working to give you guys more goals and keep Bee Swarm Simulator growing. First thing I got to do is open this lid! I'll let you know when I've finished.

ConclusionI like honey but I don't like it THAT much.
Egg Hunt Event ConclusionShould my NPC do something for the Egg Hunt? Probably... give me a while and I might come up with something.
Exclusive Beesmas Dialogue 2020🎵 Walking in a winter wonderlaaand... (Sigh) You are given a choice to give a present to Onett or continue talking like normal. You choose to give him a present. Well, it's Beesmas again! We do it every year now. You know, Beesmas isn't originally a Bee Swarm Simulator thing. It started by Mah_Bucket and zKevin, out of their love for Bubble Bee Man presumably. Bee Swarm Simulator was involved in their 2018 Beesmas event After that, it sort of became part of the Bee Swarm Sim lore too. It's convenient, because it references a real holiday without being too specific. For example, it doesn't matter if we celebrate Beesmas after the real Christmas. I mean, whose to say Beesmas doesn't actually take place in February, right? Hmm.. Yeah OK... Anyways, what did you and Bee Bear bring me this year? ...(krumple krumple)... Wow! A whole basket of Korean skin care products! As I get older, skin care becomes more and more important. This is perfect! Remember to wear sunscreen, even in the dead of winter. Ok now your gifts. The [Candy Cane Ornament]! And some less important stuff. With this on the Beesmas Tree, you'll receive the following boosts: +25% Convert Rate +25% Capacity in the Mountain Top Field and +20% Pollen from Tools! Keep collecting [Ornaments] to get the most out of this year's Honeyday event!
Honeyday 2022Hello! It's me, the developer of Bee Swarm Simulator. A new year is upon us! Let's celebrate!! Celebrate while we can that is... cause the robots are taking over. Yeah. Humanity's reign is coming to a close. Machines are gonna replace us all! Even the bears aren't safe. The new Robo Bear can come up with endless quests lines. How can they compete? Soon AIs will probably mame ROBLOX games too. We're all done for. That's why i'm dressed like a robot. When they take over i'll try to blend in. I'll keep the memory of humanity's accomplishments alive for as long as I can. Anyways, thank you so much for playing Bee Swarm Simulator over this past year! The players are still sticking arounf almost 5 years in. That's incredible. So as a token of my appreciation. I'd like to give you a few gifts. A [Present] you can exchange with an NPC of your choice for an Ornament. A [Star Jelly] which can transform into a random Gifted Bee. A [Robo Pass], so you can attempt the new Robo Bear's Challenge whenever you're ready. And the [🎁 Honeyday Event Buff] Which grants x2 Pollen and Convert Amount for 48 hours. There's some other helpful stuff to be earned through the Beesmas quests too. Thanks again for playing, and have a very Happy New Year!

Ornament Quest[]

Onett (2)This piece of content goes bye bye.

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Onett's Ornament5,000,000 Honey
5x Ticket
5x Micro-Converter
Candy Cane Reindeer Ornament
Onett's OrnamentOh hey! Merry Beesmas... (Yawn) Sorry I'm a little tired. The holidays are my best busiest time of the year by far. With Christmas comes a flood of Robux gift cards... And if your game doesn't have anything flashy and seasonal to offer, then you miss out! ROBLOX is really competitive nowadays. And Bee Swarm is almost 2 years old. It's getting a little outdated... but we're still going strong! Anyways, I've been busy working on this update to try to complete. The Mythic Bees especially. Each one has to be special and unique. But with new unique features comes bugs, soo... That's why I haven't been able to open this lid... ... Anyways, I've also been busy coming up with the perfect [Ornament] idea. I think you're really going to like it. It's really, really cool. You do these, and I'll finish making it: Collect 5,000,000 Pollen from the Mountain Top Field... Collect 1,000,000 Goo... Craft 50 Ingredients in the Blender... And collect 100 Tokens from Sparkles. Sparkles are, you know, those sparkly patches that happen on flowers. Whenever a Firefly sits on them, or when the fruits come to life and blow bubbles at them. Hurry up cause I'm really excited to show you my [Ornament].




Oh boy oh boy oh boy! Now I can finish up this [Ornament]. ...(Snip snip snip)... ...(Glue glue glue)... Hmm... give me a second. ...(Knock knock knock)... Well... yeah it looks pretty good! Look! It's the [Candy Cane Reindeer Ornament]!! I took a regular candy cane and made it look like that reindeer... I'm not sure if it's a copywrited [sic] reindeer, so I'll just call him "Ruby". I used brown pipe cleaners for it's [sic] antlers! And the nose, I had to use a metalic [sic] gold pom pom. I couldn't find a red pom pom. And I glued 2 googly eyes on it. 🎵 Ruby the red-nos... 🎵 Ruby the gold-nosed candy cane 🎵 🎵 You'll go down in history! 🎵 I'm glad you like it. Anyways, With this on the Beesmas Tree, you'll receive the following boosts: +10% Capacity; x1.2 Pollen from Tools; And x1.25 Pollen from the Mountain Top Field! OK. So, let me explain some more things. The bees can obtain "mutations" in this update which grants bonus stats. One of the main ways to obtain these mutations is to use [Royal Jellies] (or [Star Jellies]) On bees that are radioactive. You can tell they're radioactive cause their slot glows. Also they'll have this icon on their hive slot: ☢️ Radioactivity only lasts for around 10 minutes. How do they become radioactive? Well, I have multiple ways planned... But right now, you'll need to feed them [Neonberries]. At the moment, [Neonberries] are rare drops from certain monsters. But there will be more sources in the future. Another way to give a bee a mutation is to feed them [Bitterberries]. Although it's technically possible for [Bitterberries] to mutate a bee at any time... They're much, much more likely to cause a mutation if fed to a radioactive bee! Once you have bees with mutations, those bees will occasionally become radioactive at random. When they do, they have a chance to make bees in neighboring hive slots radioactive as well. This means it will become easier to obtain radioactive bees as you obtain more bees with mutations. I'll expand on this in the next update, but I figured I'd explain the gist of it for now. Anyways, Merry Beesmas! Well, it's not really an "official" Beesmas event, But [sic] Beesmas sort of become [sic] canon in the Bee Swarm world last year... It's just a simulator game but we're still trying to keep things consistent. ... Back to you, Beesmas Tree!

Christmas Day 2019[]

Onett (3)This piece of content goes bye bye.

The following content has been removed from the game. The contents below may be archival, but feel free to edit below.

N/AHi! It's me, the developer of Bee Swarm Simulator. This Beesmas I'm decorated like a reindeer! I sort of match the ornament I give you out in my quest. But the red nose kind of makes me look like a clown. Anyways, I wanted to thank you all for playing the game during the busy holiday season. And for playing it all! This simulator is almost 2 years old! The community around this game is really special, and your support and enthusism [sic] is what keeps me going. As long as there are beekeepers, I'll try my best to keep the updates to a high standard, Make sure every new feature is true to the original spirit of Bee Swarm Simulator, And to keep giving you new goals to work on and cool new bees to play with! As a thanks for all the support you've shown me this year, I've got a few gifts: Some new [Bitterberries], [Glitter], and some other goodies. Even a [Star Jelly]! And like last year: A [🎁 Honeyday Event Buff]! It grants x2 Pollen and Convert Amount for 48 hours! Hopefully that helps you make progress on your [Ornament] and Bee Bear quests. Well, won't keep you too long. Have a very Merry Beesmas and Happy Honeydays!

Christmas Day 2020[]

Onett (4)This piece of content goes bye bye.

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N/AHello! It's me, the developer of Bee Swarm Simulator! Sorry I'm so late with the winter update this year. This has been a tough year, and I'm wishing you all the best. I'm so fortunate that you've stuck with this game through it all. And I'm thankful and honored that so many are still enjoying it, nearly 3 years later! Bee Swarm has taken on a life of it's [sic] own, and I'm just lucky to be along for the ride. Anyway enough gushy stuff, let's get to Beesmas! This update, I've introduced [Beequips] - a type of equipment for your bees. They can change their stats and even teach them abilities. Talk to Bee Bear to learn more. You can also accept special quests from most characters around the map, although I'm still working on a few. As a thank you for playing during this special time of year, here are a few gifts: First, a [Present] you can exchange with an NPC of your choice for an Ornament. Then, there's a [Star Jelly], some boosting materials, and most importantly: The [🎁 Honeyday Event buff]! It x2 Pollen and Convert Amount for 48 hours! Have fun, and have a very Happy Honeyday!

Christmas Event 2020 - Yard Art on The Lid[]

Onett (5)This piece of content goes bye bye.

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Onett's Yard Art on The Lid100,000,000 Honey
1x Super Smoothie
10x Gingerbread Bear
5x Field Dice
5x Micro-Converter

Access to Onett's Lid Art

Onett's Yard Art on The LidThis is Bee Swarm's latest-to-arrive Winter Update yet! This time I didn't even finish by Christmas day... But I have a good excuse. I was working on this. It's my Yard Art. Well, it's kind of yard art. I don't have a yard, so I'm using it to decorate the lid. The big white platform - that's the lid I've been trying to open. Anyways Look, there's Black Bear and Mother Bear in the center, staring at something. On the right, that's King Stick Bug and King Bumble Bee. They're wise and came from far away. On the left, that's Queen Spirit Bear, who rode King Beetle over 100 miles just to join the scene. So, as you can see, it's coming along. But... I just feel like it's missing something. I don't know what exactly. If you complete my quest, maybe it'll come to me. After that, I can keep working on the rest of the Beesmas update. I've put the Quest in your Quest menu. It's a lot of Beesmas related stuff! Oh, and you'll need to collect some Inspire Tokens. Those are created by Gifted Bees. You can get one by purchasing the [Star Jelly] in Bee Bear's Catalog. Hopefully, if we do a little bit of everything, that'll get my creativity flowing.




Oh! You finished my quest! Well, sorry to tell you this, but I don't need your help anymore. That's ok though. It came to me in a vision... I know what my Lid Art needs... Something very special... Look! It's Baby Bee in the manger! Finally it's done! Now that I see it complete, I can say it was definitely worth delaying the update to finish it. And it's not just for looks: Now, you'll be able to gander at it once every 8 hours. When you do, it'll summon 3 temporary bees to join your swarm for 30 minutes. It'll also give you a variety of random gifts. And best of all, it'll summon a 🌟 Guiding Star 🌟 in a random field for you and your friends to use! Guiding Stars boost pollen and capacity for all players in the field. Anyways, I hope you're enjoying the Honeydays! They usually go to fields you've collected the least in, so they're a great way to catch up on your badges. Anyways, you'll be able to enjoy the winter activities in Bee Swarm until February [sic] Cause that's just how late we do things around here. If you come back in a week or so, Spirit Bear and Stick Bug will have quests ready for you, I think. Well, that's all I've got to say! Except for Merry Beesmas!

New Years Day 2022[]

N/AHello! It's me, the developer of Bee Swarm Simulator! Here to wish you a Happy New Year! And a Merry Beesmas. We're celebrating both at the same time. Thank you so much for another year of loyalty to this game. Even when it takes a while for new content, the players have stuck with it And in the end, that's what's created this awesome community Which inspires me to keep trying my best to expand the game. And stay true to what brought people here in the first place. The bees, the bears, and uhh the gameplay - the general gist. As a thank you for playing during the winter event, here are a few gifts: A [Present] you can exchange with an NPC of your choise for an Ornament, A [Star Jelly] which grants a random Gifted Bee. Some other smaller, less important novelty stuff... And the [🎁 Honeyday Event buff]! Which grants x2 Pollen and Convert Amount for 48 hours. Hope this helps start your year off a sweet note! Thanks again, for everything! Have a Happy New Year, and enjoy the honeymaking!

Beesmas Event 2021 - Yard Art on The Lid[]

Onett (6)This piece of content goes bye bye.

The following content has been removed from the game. The contents below may be archival, but feel free to edit below.

Onett’s Yard Art on The Lid
  • Collect 25,000,000 White Pollen.
  • Collect 25,000,000 Red Pollen.
  • Collect 25,000,000 Blue Pollen.
  • Collect 6 Hours of Motivating Nectar from Planters.
  • Defeat 25 Puffshrooms in the Clover Field.
  • Defeat 25 Puffshrooms in the Pumpkin Patch.
  • Defeat 25 Puffshrooms in the Pineapple Patch.
  • Collect 25 Inspire Tokens.
  • Collect 25 Ticket Tokens.
  • Collect 25 Royal Jelly Tokens.
  • Collect 25 Tokens from Bean Bugs.
  • Catch 25 of Science Bear’s Falling Beesmas Lights.
  • Use 25 Whirligigs.
  • Use 100 Snowflakes.
  • Use 1 Loaded Dice.

150,000,000 Honey
5x Tickets
5x Gingerbread Bears
1x Ticket Planter
1x Hard Wax
1x Purple Potion
1x Glue
1x Box-O-Frogs
1x Black Balloon
1x Peppermint Antennas
1x Beesmas Top
1x Star Jelly
Access to Onett's Lid Art

Onett's Yard Art on The LidIt’s a new year! And that means it’s time to put up my lid art. To celebrate the new year! No, it’s not Beesmas related. Not everything is about Beesmas, although I do wish you a Merry Beesmas. Every year I put up some painted cardboard cut-puts on this lid I’ve been trying to open It really brings this place together. Plus it provokes some thouht, right? But this year I’m not quite done yet but...Here, take a look. This scene is a metaphorical representation of how uh each year, we come together To look into the “cradle” of our upcoming opportunities. And, uh...That empty cradle itself symbolizes, the hope we have...(Cough) Um...So you see Stick Bug? He’s got a crown because he’s the oldest and he’s seen the most new years. And Spirit Bear has one because she’s also old, and they’re both wise...And Bumble Bee has one because of the rule of threes. I used a loose, free-hand, very rough style to embody the, like, the spontaneity We feel when we’re, when it’s a new year and it’s a new you. I’m going for a sort of baroque feel...worh the chiaroscuro...But honestly it’s just not there yet. There’s something missing, not stylistyically or metaphorically really Some special accent. But I’m at a creative block, OK? I’ve hit a wall. I’ll need you and your bees to help inspire me, cause I’ve tried everything. I think I’ll need some Motivating Nectar to help me get through this funk. You can get some from Planters in the Mushroom, Spider, Stump, or Rose Fields. Collect some of this and that and maybe we’ll come up with the perfect touch to finish my art. What can I add that’ll really make it scream “Happy New Year!”? Oh, and before you go: If you notice your Planter plant start to turn brown, that means the field is degraded. Every time you harvest a Planter from a field, the field degrades a little bit, slowing growth. The browner the bulb, the slower the growth. The field will slowly return to a normal in a few days, so don’t worry. For the fastest growth, it’s best to rotate your Planters around different fields.




OOH! I know! Seeing you complete stuff gave me the perfect idea. To symbolize the new year... Why not add a new bee? A newbie. A new BORN bee! A Baby Bee! This is perfect! I admit that it's starting to look a little bit uhh festive. And that really wasn't the goal. New Years is it's own distinct honeyday. But you can't fight inspiriation, right? And when something fits, it just fits. Can't a piece of art be about 2 things at the same time? My art my rules. Anyways, now that it's done you can gander at my yard art once every 8 hours. When you do, it'll summon 3 temporary bees to join your swarm for 30 minutes. It'll also give you a variety of random gifts. And best of all, it'll summon a 🌟 Guiding Star 🌟 in a random field for you and your friends to use! Guiding Stars boost pollen and capacity for all players in the field. They usually go to fields you've collected the least in, so they're a great way to catch up on your badges. This out to help start your new year off on the right foot! Let it always remind you that, each year is a new opportunity to be "reborn" as a BETTER beekeeper. See? It all came together! Art is awesome. Happy Honeydays, and Happy New Year!

New Years Day 2023[]

N/AHello! It's me, the developer of Bee Swarm Simulator. A new year is upon us! Let's celebrate!! Celebrate while we can that is... cause the robots are taking over. Yeah. Humanity's reign is coming to a close. Machines are gonna replace us all! Even the bears aren't safe. The new Robo Bear can come up with endless quests [sic] lines. How can they compete? Soon AIs will probably make ROBLOX games too. We're all done for. That's why I'm dressed like a robot. When they take over I'll try to blend in. I'll keep the memory of humanity's accomplishments alive for as long as I can. Anyways, thank you so much for playing Bee Swarm Simulator over this past year! The players are still sticking around almost 5 years in. That's incredible. So as a token of my appreciation, I'd like to give you a few gifts: A [Present] you can exchange with an NPC of your choice for an Ornament, A [Star Jelly] which can transform a bee into a random Gifted Bee, A [Robo Pass], so you can attempt the new Robo Bear's Challenge whenever you're ready, And the [🎁 Honeyday Event buff]! Which grants x2 Pollen and Convert Amount for 48 hours. There's some other helpful stuff to be earned through the Beesmas quests too. Thanks again for playing, and have a very Happy New Year!

Beesmas Event 2022 - Yard Art on The Lid[]

Onett (7)This piece of content goes bye bye.

The following content has been removed from the game. The contents below may be archival, but feel free to edit below.

Onett’s Yard Art on The Lid

100,000,000 Honey
3x Robo Passes
1x Star Jelly
1x Festive Planter
1x Refreshing Vial
5x Red Balloons
1x Super Smoothie
Access to Onett's Lid Art

Onett's Yard Art on The LidCogs. Machines. AI generated art. Where does it stop? Huh? What are the limits of creativity? The limits of soul? In my distress over these questions and... many more... I've returned to the classic visual arts. Searching for authentic human meaning, beyond mechanical replication. I represent to you: Bee Nativity - by Onett (Marker on Cardboard, 2020/2022 Revisited) Technology has ripped us from our human connotations... Robots, taking our jobs. Neural networks, drawing our logos and.. pictures of things... Robo Bear, invading our mountain with Mechsquitos and Cogmowers. In the center: an empty cradle. The innocent days of humanity's reign, lost. But is this really the end for us humans? And us bees, and bears or whoever else? Let's take a stand and fight back. Basically, what I'm trying to say is: You'll have to do Robo Bear's Challenge for my quest. If you do, I'll make this work of art a little less depressing. And a little more functional.




Procedurally generated challenges. What's next? AI game developers? I think not. Could an AI create... This? Something so symbolic? And multifaceted in meaning? Could a neural network draw a face so sloppy? Would a neural network have the audacity to put up something so incoherent and poorly executed For thousands of payers [sic] to see? I really hope not. Anyways, now that it's done, you can gander at this "yard art" once every 8 hours. When you do, it'll summon 3 temporary bees to join your swarm for 30 minutes. It'll also give you a variety of random gifts. And best of all, it'll summon a 🌟 Guiding Star 🌟 in a random field for you and your friends to use! Guiding Stars boost pollen and capacity for all players in the field. They usually go to fields you've collected the least in, so they're a great way to catch up on your badges. Hope this helps you throughout this entire season! Oh, but keep in mind: When you're doing Robo Bear's Challenge, stuff like Decorations and Ornaments are disabled. The bees they summon won't help you in the challenge. That's to keep it consistent throughout the year. With that said, Merry Beesmas! Hope you have fun and thanks for playing!

Summersmas 2024[]

N/AHello! It's me, the developer of Sticker Swarm Simulator. It's Beesmas in July! An opportunity for me to do something I've always wanted. These tradables hive Stickers, which you can collect from a bunch of different things in the game, as well as the quests that require them... Are inspired by earlier online games I played growing up. I was really into collecting and trading, and found online game economies fascinating. I ran a shop in Neopets selling retired food items, looked for deals in the Trading Post. And gathered random items for Faerie Quests. I traded furniture in Habbo Hotel, built up collection of rares, and used those to decorate and host game rooms. And in Maplestory, I spent countless hours hunting for rare loot, and upgrade equipment to sell. I remember the thrill and satisfaction I felt when I got a valuable drop, or made a smart trade. And also I remember how much real pain I went through when I made a bad trade... And the countless hours I spent farming inefficient mobs in Maplestory just hopping for rare loot to drop. Entire nights waiting for an Arwen's Glass Shoe from Fire Boars, or a Nependeath's Honey from Nependeaths. It was all a relentless grind, with no guarantee of success... Progress was slow... But obtaining my goals in those games are some of my most cherished memories. The economics of those virtual worlds made those games feel so much more alive. Created many highs and lows. Now I want to inflict this experience, like generational trauma, onto whoever sticks around this game! Just kidding. But really, I'll hope you find a similar joy in stickers. It's difficult to balance supply and force demand while trying to keep things interesting. It might not be everyone's cup of tea. But I'll watch and adjust stuff to try to keep it fun. I really appreciate those who've continued to play through Bee Swarm's changes over the years. And for that, I'd like to give you these to kick your Summersmas off: A [Present] you can exchange with an NPC of your choice for an Ornament, A [Star Jelly] which can transform a bee into a random Gifted Bee, Some randomized Stickers, which you can use to kickstart your collection, And the [🎁 Honeyday Event buff]! Which grants x2 Pollen and Convert Amount for 48 hours. Talk to Bee Bear to learn more. And good luck trading your way up to the Doodle Cub Buddy Thanks so much for playing, and Happy Honeydays!

Beesmas Event 2024 - Yard Art on The Lid[]

Onett’s Yard Art on The Lid
  • Collect 25,000,000 Pollen from the Mountain Top Field.
  • Collect 10,000,000 Pollen with Gifted Bees.
  • Collect 10,000,000 Pollen with the Porcelain Dipper.
  • Earn 2 Sticker Stack badges.
  • Collect a Sticker spawned by your Tool while Gathering.
  • Obtain 4 Green Circle, 2 Blue Square, or 1 Black Diamond Sticker to give to Onett.
  • Obtain 1 Blob Bumble Bee or 4 Happy Fish Stickers to give to Onett.
  • Obtain 1 Random Mushroom Sticker to give to Onett.
  • Obtain 1 Golden Rake Sticker to give to Onett or Obtain 1 Porcelain Dipper Sticker to give to Onett.
100,000,000 Honey
x1 Festive Planter
x1 Star Jelly
x1 Paper Angel
x1 White Balloon
x1 Super Smoothie
x5 Gingerbread Bears
Access to Onett's Lid Art
Onett's Yard Art on The LidThis lid has been a formidable foe of mine for years now. By lid I mean this white platform to my left... I can't undo it no matter what. Like, it's really on there tight. And if anything neat was under it, well it's probably gone by now. So I've given up on trying to open it this summer and instead I'm using the lid as a canvas. A canvas for my Beesmas yard art! It's a nativity scene! As you can see, it's almost complete. Got some of my favorite Bee Swarm friends up there. But the cradle in the middle is empty... I just can't figure out what should go there. I'll need your help to rekindle my inspiration. You know, decorating with Stickers can be pretty artistic. If you gather some Stickers for me, I think that'll get my creative juices flowing. But gathering Stickers isn't that easy. I recommend you trade with friends to speed up the process. After I finish this yard art, I think it could really inspire you and your bees! Oh, by the way, have you been using the Sticker Stack? You can add 1 of each type of Sticker to the Sticker Stack in the 15 Bee Zone, near Honey Bee. And when you do, it activates a special Sticker Stack boost. The boost improves with every Sticker you add to the stack, in both stats and duration. So Stickers aren't technically just cosmetics after all... (cough) They're more like a bunch of tiny perks that can add up. Once you have enough of them it's pretty strong! And you'll need to have a Sticker Stack height of 50 Stickers to complete this quest anyhow.




Wow, you actually got all those Stickers? Now THAT'S what I call inspiring. Hmm, yep, and now the answer is so clear... Exactly what this yard art needs. It can only be one thing. A Baby Bee! The perfect symbol of hope, joy and cheer! And pretty easy to draw, so that's nice. Anyways, now that this yard art is done, you can gander at it once every 8 hours. When you do, it'll summon 3 temporary bees to join your swarm for 30 minutes. It'll also give you a variety of random gifts. Hopefully to make up for the resources you spent on those Stickers. And best of all, it'll summon a 🌟 Guiding Star 🌟 in a random field for you and your friends to use! Guiding Stars boost pollen, convert rate, and capacity for all players in the field. They usually go to fields you've collected the least in, so they're a great way to catch up on your badges. Hope this helps you throughout this entire Beesmas! Thanks for gathering all those Stickers for me! And for playing my game! Happy Summersmas! Or whatever we're calling this.


Onett (8)

Onett with his wreath during Beesmas 2018.

Onett (9)

Onett with his reindeer mask during Beesmas 2019.

Onett (10)

Onett wearing the Swarming Egg of the Hive during the Egg Hunt 2020 Event.

Onett (11)

Onett with a party hat and a party horn during Beesmas 2021.

Onett (12)

Onett with a green robot mask and a cog on his belt during Beesmas 2022.

Onett (13)

Onett with many stickers stuck on his gear while holding a Sticker Seeker during Beesmas 2024.


  • He is the first and only robloxian-species Quest Giver.
    • He and the Mysterious Figure are the only NPCs of the robloxian-species.
    • He is the only quest giver whose appearance changes during every event.
  • There is a Statue of Onett on top of the 6th Hive (from Left to Right) with the Honey Dipper and the Port-O-Hive as a backpack, while the Onett NPC has a Porcelain Dipper, Porcelain Port-O-Hive, Mondo Belt Bag, Riley Guard, Bucko Guard, Beekeeper's Mask, and Beekeeper's Boots.
  • Star Journey 1 was originally planned for players to collect 500 haste tokens, not 5,000. But because of a scripting error, the requirement was set to 5,000 haste tokens.
    • The requirement was later reduced to 2,500 haste tokens.
  • The total amount of Pollen required to complete his quests is 3,673,750,000 pollen and the total amount of Goo required to complete the quests is 136,000,000 goo.
  • The amount of pollen in Onett's backpack (32318) represents the date when Bee Swarm Simulator was first released (on March 23, 2018).
  • Ever since Gummy Bear left, Onett's and Science Bear's quests were the only ones that included collecting goo. However, the 11/25/2018 update introduced Gifted Bucko Bee and Gifted Riley Bee, requiring goo for their "Clean-up," "Goo," and "Medley" quests. During all three of the Beesmas Events, Bee Bear also required goo in certain quests, and during the Egg Hunt 2019 Event, Polar Bear also required collecting goo for his "Egg Hunt: Polar Bear" quest. Spirit Bear also has goo requirements for her quests.
  • He and Panda Bear were the first quest givers to give quests that required defeating Tunnel Bear, with Science Bear being the last.
  • In Onett's backpack, it says that its capacity is the equivalent of 500k. However, considering the items he wears, it should be about at least 900k of total capacity.
  • Onett gives 8 quests (including limited quests), the least of all non-event quest givers in the game.
  • Onett is currently the fourth to last quest giver to be accessed in the game, the third to last being Bubble Bee Man, the second to last being Spirit Bear, and the last being Dapper Bear.
  • During the Beesmas events 2018-2021, Onett wore a wreath around his head.
  • During Beesmas 2022, Onett wore a robot mask and a cog on his belt.
  • During the Beesmas event, once the player finished all of their quests, the player could give him a Present. However, there was a temporary glitch where it wasn't possible to give him one.
  • Onett, Tunnel Bear, and Gummy Bear were "Naughty" in 2018, as stated by Bee Bear.
    • Onett was also the only NPC who could have been given a present to who was on Bee Bear's "naughty" list.
  • If the player had finished all of his quests during the Beesmas 2019 event, Onett stated that he's been "twisting the lid the wrong way for months."
  • He is one of the two quest givers who did not give an Egg Hunt quest, the other being Honey Bee.
  • During the Egg Hunt 2020 Event, Onett wore the Swarming Egg of The Hive, which given to players when they completed the egg hunt with Sun Bear.
  • When you give Onett a present in Beesmas 2020, the present you gave him includes a collection of Korean skin care products. The detail that states the products are specifically Korean refers to how Korean skin care products are generally very high-quality.
  • Onett the quest giver and the statue are the only NPCs with a bag.
  • During Beesmas 2020, there was a temporary glitch which allowed players to claim the Honeyday Event buff and other stuff from Onett by talking to him (or rejoining the game) multiple times. This glitch was soon fixed after a shutdown.
  • When interacting with Onett while still having the Star Journey 1 quest, the text at the end of the dialogue is a riddle for one of the codes that would give a 7-Pronged Cog, used to craft the Strange Goggles in the Ready Player Two event.
Quest Givers
Permanent BearsOnett (14) Black BearOnett (15) Mother BearOnett (16) Brown BearOnett (17) Panda BearOnett (18) Science BearOnett (19) Dapper BearOnett (20) Polar BearOnett (21) Robo BearOnett (22) Spirit Bear
Traveling BearsOnett (23) Sun BearOnett (24) Gummy BearOnett (25) Bee Bear
OtherOnett (26) Gifted Bucko BeeOnett (27) Gifted Riley BeeOnett (28) OnettOnett (29) Bubble Bee Man

Onett (30) Honey Bee

Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.

Onett (2024)
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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.