OpenSSH announces DSA-removal timeline [] (2024)

For those of you still using DSA keys with SSH: the project has announcedits plans to remove support for that algorithm around the beginning of2025.

The only remaining use of DSA at this point should be deeply legacydevices. As such, we no longer consider the costs of maintainingDSA in OpenSSH to be justified. Moreover, we hope that OpenSSH'sfinal removal of this insecure algorithm accelerates itsdeprecation in other SSH implementations and allows maintainers ofcryptography libraries to remove it too.
From: Damien Miller <>
Subject: Announce: timeline to remove DSA support in OpenSSH
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2024 15:40:37 +1100
Message-ID: <>
Hi,OpenSSH plans to remove support for DSA keys in the near future. Thismessage describes our rationale, process and proposed timeline.Rationale---------DSA, as specified in the SSHv2 protocol, is inherently weak - beinglimited to a 160 bit private key and use of the SHA1 digest. Itsestimated security level is <=80 bits symmetric equivalent[1][2].OpenSSH has disabled DSA keys by default since 2015 but has retainedoptional support for them. DSA is the only mandatory-to-implementalgorithm in the SSHv2 RFCs[3], mostly because alternative algorithmswere encumbered by patents when the SSHv2 protocol was designed andspecified.Since then, the world has moved on. RSA is unencumbered and supportfor it is ubiquitous. ECDSA offers significant performance andsecurity benefits over modp DSA, and EdDSA overs further performanceand security improvements over both again.The only remaining use of DSA at this point should be deeply legacydevices. As such, we no longer consider the costs of maintaining DSAin OpenSSH to be justified. Moreover, we hope that OpenSSH's finalremoval of this insecure algorithm accelerates its deprecation inother SSH implementations and allows maintainers of cryptographylibraries to remove it too.Process and timeline--------------------The next release of OpenSSH (due around 2024/03) will make DSAoptional at compile time, but still enable it by default. Users anddownstream distributors of OpenSSH may use this option to explore theimpact of DSA removal in their environments, or to hard-deprecate itearly if they desire.Around 2024/06, a release of OpenSSH will change this compile-timedefault to disable DSA. It may still be enabled by users/distributorsif needed.Finally, in the first OpenSSH release after 2025/01/01 the DSA codewill be removed entirely.In summary:2024/01 - this announcement2024/03 (estimated) - DSA compile-time optional, enabled by default2024/06 (estimated) - DSA compile-time optional, *disabled* by default2025/01 (estimated) - DSA is removed from OpenSSHQuestions--------- * What if I have devices that only support DSA?Removing DSA from OpenSSH will not remove endpoints that require DSAfrom the world and users may still need to connect to them. Althoughnew releases of OpenSSH will no longer support DSA, past releases andalternate SSH implementations will continue to do so.We recommend that users with an ongoing need to connect to DSA-onlyendpoints maintain a legacy release of an OpenSSH client for thispurpose, similar to what was recommended when support for the SSHv1protocol was removed.For example, Debian maintains a "openssh-client-ssh1" package builtfrom OpenSSH 7.5 for the purpose of connecting to SSHv1 endpoints.This package or something similar is likely to be sufficient forDSA-only endpoints too. * Doesn't this make OpenSSH non-compliant with RFC4253?Practically, no more than we've been since 2015 when we stoppedoffering DSA by default. * Why make this change now? Why not earlier/later?We feel like enough time has passed since DSA was disabled by defaultfor the overwhelming majority of users to have abandoned use of thealgorithm. We are also likely to start exploring a post-quantumsignature algorithm soon and are mindful of the overall size andcomplexity of the key/signature code. * I want to discuss this change furtherThe list is the best place to discuss this. Alternately you canemail the OpenSSH developers at,Damien Miller, on behalf of the OpenSSH project[1][2][3]

OpenSSH announces DSA-removal timeline

Posted Jan 11, 2024 16:34 UTC (Thu) by james (subscriber, #1325) [Link] (30 responses)

Pity they didn't tell you how to work out if you connect to any DSA servers.

I think that if

grep ' ssh-dsa ' ~/.ssh/known_hosts| cut -d' ' -f1
returns nothing then you're fine (or at least, you've never connected to servers using DSA keys from your account, or you've deleted or truncated .ssh/known_hosts, or...).

I can't think of a reliable equivalent for DSA-only clients, but in my experience, it's rarely the clients that are the problem.

Otherwise you'll see a list of servers which have used DSA keys in the past, or a message that .ssh/known_hosts doesn't exist, in which case you probably don't use SSH.

If I'm wrong about that, I'm sure somebody will correct me!

OpenSSH announces DSA-removal timeline

Posted Jan 11, 2024 20:03 UTC (Thu) by ewen (subscriber, #4772) [Link] (29 responses)

From memory it’s been necessary to explicitly enable the DSA features in OpenSSH for years if you’re connecting to a DSA only server, either in ~/.ssh/config or on the command line. Ie it has been *runtime* disabled for ages. The change is that it will become *compile time* disabled over the next 6 months, and removed entirely in a year. (The announcement of pending change seems to confirm this: “OpenSSH has disabled DSA keys by default since 2015 but has retained optional support for them.”)

So I’d suggest scanning ~/.ssh/config and shell scripts for options re-enabling DSA at runtime. In my experience it’s only very old embedded devices (eg old Mikrotik routers or console servers) that went DSA only, for patent reasons. And similar newer devices usually have RSA2 and/or Ed25519 now. Most of that DSA-only hardware is so old that it shouldn’t be in production use any more anyway. So by 2025 it’s possibly only lab setups reusing old hardware that can’t get updates which will be affected.


OpenSSH announces DSA-removal timeline

Posted Jan 11, 2024 21:14 UTC (Thu) by pizza (subscriber, #46) [Link] (28 responses)

> Most of that DSA-only hardware is so old that it shouldn’t be in production use any more anyway.

There's a _long_ tail of old hardware finding their second or third lifes since the OEM ceased supporting 'em.

Guess I'll have to switch over to using telnet next year.

OpenSSH announces DSA-removal timeline

Posted Jan 11, 2024 23:18 UTC (Thu) by gus3 (guest, #61103) [Link] (11 responses)

Just because DSA is weak, and we shouldn't be using it any more, does that mean all of OpenSSH is now off-limits? Hardly.

OpenSSH announces DSA-removal timeline

Posted Jan 11, 2024 23:40 UTC (Thu) by pizza (subscriber, #46) [Link] (10 responses)

> Just because DSA is weak, and we shouldn't be using it any more, does that mean all of OpenSSH is now off-limits? Hardly.

Pray tell, how exactly are we to use DSA-lacking OpenSSH to communicate with DSA-only gear?

It's easy to say "you shouldn't be using X any more" when you aren't having to pay for X's replacement.

OpenSSH announces DSA-removal timeline

Posted Jan 12, 2024 0:31 UTC (Fri) by hmanning77 (subscriber, #160992) [Link] (3 responses)

You wouldn't, but you would keep an old version of OpenSSH around if you need it. The announcement even notes that Debian provides a package for people who still need to connect using the SSHv1 protocol.

OpenSSH announces DSA-removal timeline

Posted Jan 12, 2024 5:59 UTC (Fri) by lkundrak (subscriber, #43452) [Link]

I'm not sure if my distro provides anything similar, but I got accustomed to using dropbear's dbclient to connect to gear OpenSSH is no longer able to. No idea if it supports DSA though.

I guess there might be other SSH clients out there which might be used for the same purpose. PuTTY maybe?

OpenSSH announces DSA-removal timeline

Posted Jan 13, 2024 16:31 UTC (Sat) by mgb (guest, #3226) [Link] (1 responses)

I tried Debian's openssh-client-ssh1 yesterday. Unfortunately it uses the same /etc/ssh/ssh_config as does Debian's openssh-client but ssh1 doesn't understand modern algorithms so it took some fiddling to switch back and forth between the modern ssh and older ssh1 commands even though they can be co-installed.

OpenSSH announces DSA-removal timeline

Posted Jan 14, 2024 8:51 UTC (Sun) by cjwatson (subscriber, #7322) [Link]

Yeah, it wasn't so much of a problem at the time of the split but it is now. I might have a look into getting it to use separate config files.

OpenSSH announces DSA-removal timeline

Posted Jan 12, 2024 2:49 UTC (Fri) by geofft (subscriber, #59789) [Link] (2 responses)

You are not expected to use DSA-lacking OpenSSH. There are more options in the world than just telnet and the version of OpenSSH that will be released next year. In fact, you're using one of those options right now!

There is a very well-written section in the announcement to which you are replying that answers your exact question. For your convenience, here is a copy of that section:

 * What if I have devices that only support DSA?Removing DSA from OpenSSH will not remove endpoints that require DSAfrom the world and users may still need to connect to them. Althoughnew releases of OpenSSH will no longer support DSA, past releases andalternate SSH implementations will continue to do so.We recommend that users with an ongoing need to connect to DSA-onlyendpoints maintain a legacy release of an OpenSSH client for thispurpose, similar to what was recommended when support for the SSHv1protocol was removed.For example, Debian maintains a "openssh-client-ssh1" package builtfrom OpenSSH 7.5 for the purpose of connecting to SSHv1 endpoints.This package or something similar is likely to be sufficient forDSA-only endpoints too.
(In particular, if you're considering telnet as a possible option, then clearly you don't care that much about security, and so running an outdated OpenSSH version shouldn't be a concern.)

OpenSSH announces DSA-removal timeline

Posted Jan 12, 2024 9:33 UTC (Fri) by Sesse (subscriber, #53779) [Link] (1 responses)

There are different risks. Using telnet means the conversation with the device, including passwords, is not private to a listener on the network. Using an old SSH client may mean that your local machine is vulnerable to an attacker, should it have a buffer overflow or similar. (It may _also_ mean that the conversation with the device is not private to a listener on the network, or it may mean that it is not private to NSA if they are prepared to invest a couple of million dollars in it.)

OpenSSH announces DSA-removal timeline

Posted Jan 12, 2024 9:43 UTC (Fri) by tomsi (subscriber, #2306) [Link]

How is this different? Isn't it the ssh server that is the attack vector? So you run the latest most secure SSH server to be safe.

And only use the DSA client to connect to DSA equipment.

OpenSSH announces DSA-removal timeline

Posted Jan 15, 2024 5:20 UTC (Mon) by ssmith32 (subscriber, #72404) [Link]

> It's easy to say "you shouldn't be using X any more" when you aren't having to pay for X's replacement.

Then pay someone to maintain SSH with DSA. OR return the favor of the community-maintained SSH, and maintain an open-source one. Not mutually exclusive.

OpenSSH announces DSA-removal timeline

Posted Jan 15, 2024 12:32 UTC (Mon) by taladar (subscriber, #68407) [Link] (1 responses)

> It's easy to say "you shouldn't be using X any more" when you aren't having to pay for X's replacement.

It's easy to say "you should support X forever" when you don't have to pay for the cost of ongoing support.

OpenSSH announces DSA-removal timeline

Posted Jan 15, 2024 14:25 UTC (Mon) by pizza (subscriber, #46) [Link]

> It's easy to say "you should support X forever" when you don't have to pay for the cost of ongoing support.


Telling folks what they "should" be doing is not "paying the cost of ongoing support"

...and I say that as someone that actively maintains software and drivers for equipment that was EOL'd well over a decade ago.

OpenSSH announces DSA-removal timeline

Posted Jan 12, 2024 9:35 UTC (Fri) by grawity (subscriber, #80596) [Link] (15 responses)

Public Service Announcement: Other SSH Clients Than OpenSSH Also Exist

That being said, I've already gone the easy way of "just using Telnet" for some devices... We bought a bunch of "brand new" TP-Link T2600G's in 2018 and they still had SSHv2 disabled by default. You had to manually turn off SSHv1 and enable SSHv2 through the web UI (which, too, was only accessible via cleartext or SSLv3 by default). We didn't bother; went with Telnet + Expect (and some WireGuard). Fortunately it seems their new models do better.

OpenSSH announces DSA-removal timeline

Posted Jan 12, 2024 14:22 UTC (Fri) by pizza (subscriber, #46) [Link] (14 responses)

> We bought a bunch of "brand new" TP-Link T2600G's in 2018 and they still had SSHv2 disabled by default. You had to manually turn off SSHv1 and enable SSHv2 through the web UI (which, too, was only accessible via cleartext or SSLv3 by default).

Exactly this problem. Just like the "every browser now refuses TLS < 1.3" effectively means "gotta downgrade to plain http".

The two-decade-long 1GbE networking plateau has meant a _very_ long usable lifecycle for network gear. Stuff capble of higher speeds has only now begun to become affordable, but even two-generations-old corporate castoff PoE+ switches with 10GbE SFP ports remain quite pricey.

Ironically, the newest bit of kit I have is $ISP-supplied modem/router, containing intentional $ISP management backdoors, along with software with confirmed vulnerabilities. Use of said gear is the only way $ISP will provide more than a single static IP address. Oh, did I mention $ISP has been compromised several times since I've been a customer, and is currently undergoing Chapter 11 bankrupcy reorganization? (Ain't a lack of competition grand?)

Meanwhile, while DSA's weaknesses may have reduced the theoretical cost of attack from $$$$$ to $$, even $$ is a lot better than $0. Especially when _my_ threat vector consists of opportunistic script-kiddies or phishers [1] or collateral damage from $ISP being compromised.

[1] Which, like everything else these days, has gone corporate. But they're still just performing blind, drive-by opportunistic attacks, and any attack that costs more than $0 is too expensive to bother with)

OpenSSH announces DSA-removal timeline

Posted Jan 12, 2024 16:00 UTC (Fri) by draco (subscriber, #1792) [Link] (1 responses)

If they provide legacy support for obsolete crypto forever, nothing will ever change until it's a five alarm fire and lots of people are getting hurt.

And then the bigwigs will solemnly proclaim that security is their top priority despite blatant evidence to the contrary (cf. Boeing re safety).

At least if people get forced to HTTP, they can't pretend they thought it was still secure.

Browsers used to grade connection security quality, but I assume they found that it wasn't an effective lever to get people to improve

OpenSSH announces DSA-removal timeline

Posted Jan 14, 2024 6:52 UTC (Sun) by wtarreau (subscriber, #51152) [Link]

The method that works best to deprecate outdated security mechanisms is adding delays. It continues to work but pisses the users off every time, and gives a strong incentive for updating everything that can be updated. Nobody wants to endure a 5s pause at every connection to a device that can be fixed. When you know the device is unfixable, that's quite annoying but better than not being able to connect.

Note that another method to continue to reach outdated machines is to use a less outdated bouncing machine. I've done this quite a bit, leave an old always-up arm or atom board somewhere with an outdated (hence vulnerable) distro that you don't care about too much, and connect to that one over a modern SSH with ed25519 to bounce to the other one. I had to use that to connect to certain labs whose gateways only supported algorithms my implementation couldn't support in the past :-/

OpenSSH announces DSA-removal timeline

Posted Jan 13, 2024 11:57 UTC (Sat) by tialaramex (subscriber, #21167) [Link] (11 responses)

The browsers expect TLS 1.2, defined in RFC5246 in 2008 not TLS 1.3. Earlier versions make assumptions we've known are definitely not true for years now and also require browsers to carry around the awful (known security hole) "fallback" strategy because server implementers apparently cannot read or don't want to.

OpenSSH announces DSA-removal timeline

Posted Jan 13, 2024 14:33 UTC (Sat) by pizza (subscriber, #46) [Link] (10 responses)

> The browsers expect TLS 1.2, defined in RFC5246 in 2008

*shrug* So I was off by one iteration. Big whoop.

(And just because something was defined on a certain date doesn't imply any sort of schedule for implementations to be widely available! Case in point: IPv6...)

Meanwhile. Not everything is a general-purpose system with freely upgradeable (client &| server) software, there is a very real, non-trivial cost associated with replacing said equipment, and most of us don't have unlimited budgets.

(My "new" 10GbE PoE switch was discontinued by its manufacturer in _2015_. Current-model replacements run at least $1000 for tier-2 gear [2]. It's also not internet-facing; in order for the switch to be a security risk my network would need to have already been completely compromised!)

[1] released in 2011
[2] eg Linksys or Netgear as opposed to, say, top shelf Dell/HPE/Cisco or the syllable soup brands found on Aliexpress)

OpenSSH announces DSA-removal timeline

Posted Jan 13, 2024 15:28 UTC (Sat) by pizza (subscriber, #46) [Link] (1 responses)

> My "new" 10GbE PoE switch was discontinued by its manufacturer in _2015_.

Apparently this particular unit is running OpenSSH 5.8, and current OpenSSH 9.x (at least as shipped by Fedora 38+) refuses to negotiate a session key [1] I haven't needed to get into this thing for the better part of a year, when I expanded one of the VLANs. I'm glad I found out about this problem now, when I have physical access to connect to the switch's serial console and no emergency going on.

[1] Can't negotiate a mutually perceptible host key algorithm. I _might_ be able to resolve this with a config change on the switch. But that requires being able to log in first.

OpenSSH announces DSA-removal timeline

Posted Jan 14, 2024 8:57 UTC (Sun) by cjwatson (subscriber, #7322) [Link]

That sounds like the sort of thing you can probably deal with using client options. Have you tried the various things on ?

OpenSSH announces DSA-removal timeline

Posted Jan 14, 2024 17:52 UTC (Sun) by vadim (subscriber, #35271) [Link] (2 responses)

> Current-model replacements run at least $1000 for tier-2 gear [2]

Try something from Mikrotik perhaps? They have plenty 10G stuff, and some stuff that goes higher, and it's very affordable.

The UI is definitely for technically minded people, but the software gets very regular updates and is the same for all their modern stuff.

OpenSSH announces DSA-removal timeline

Posted Jan 14, 2024 19:40 UTC (Sun) by pizza (subscriber, #46) [Link] (1 responses)

> Try something from Mikrotik perhaps? They have plenty 10G stuff,

I actually have two mostly-SFP 10GbE Microtik switches in use, and I'm quite pleased with them.

Unfortunately, PoE is a big cost driver; a Microtik 48-port PoE with 10G SFP ports will still run about $900 shipped.

(...Why SFP? Because fiber lets me not worry about lightning strikes. Or care about cable run length/bandwidth limitations..)

OpenSSH announces DSA-removal timeline

Posted Jan 14, 2024 20:42 UTC (Sun) by vadim (subscriber, #35271) [Link]

Do you actually need 48 ports of PoE though?

If this is for an enterprise environment, then $900 isn't that much money. If it's for home use, you probably don't have 48 devices that need PoE there. Since it's a switch you can just have two of them.

OpenSSH announces DSA-removal timeline

Posted Jan 14, 2024 20:52 UTC (Sun) by zdzichu (subscriber, #17118) [Link] (4 responses)

Ah yes. I've bought a TP-Link TL-SG2216 switch with 5 year warranty for home. Managed – over HTTPS and SSH.During the last year of the warranty, I've noticed it only supported TLS1.0 with laughable ciphers:

Preferred TLSv1.0 128 bits RC4-SHA Accepted TLSv1.0 128 bits RC4-MD5 Accepted TLSv1.0 112 bits DES-CBC3-SHA Accepted TLSv1.0 56 bits TLS_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA

I've noticed because web browsers disabled TLS < 1.2 some time ago (and this is good). I've opened a support issue with TP-Link, after all the feature (which was a selling point to me) stopped working. After a longish email thread explaining that I would like the feature to work again(*) my issue got closed, because: 1) my 5 year warranty just ended; 2) I should have opened a ticket with the reseller, not TP-Link themselves. :(

* - getting the HTTPS fixed would require TP-Link to implement TLS 1.2 in their firmware. Which may be impossible, but was not business-sensible for sure. They discontinued the switch in the meantime, despite having units covered by 5 year warranty in the field.

Oh, and the second management option, SSH? Since the beginning I had to use this invocation:

ssh -oKexAlgorithms=+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 -oCiphers=aes256-cbc -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss …

Network hardware vendors are the worst.

OpenSSH announces DSA-removal timeline

Posted Jan 15, 2024 10:19 UTC (Mon) by Wol (subscriber, #4433) [Link] (2 responses)

> I've opened a support issue with TP-Link, after all the feature (which was a selling point to me) stopped working. After a longish email thread explaining that I would like the feature to work again(*) my issue got closed, because: 1) my 5 year warranty just ended; 2) I should have opened a ticket with the reseller, not TP-Link themselves. :(

Okay, this is UK rules, but under them, point 2 is valid. HOWEVER. You now just raise the issue with the reseller - the fact that your five-year warranty has expired is irrelevant. The warranty covers faults THAT EXISTED in the warranty period. If you claim outside the period, then you have the burden of proving they were pre-existing faults, but "the warranty has expired" on its own is not sufficient to turn down a warranty claim. You've got a dead-easy proof - you raised the issue with TP-Link during the warranty period ...


OpenSSH announces DSA-removal timeline

Posted Jan 15, 2024 11:47 UTC (Mon) by zdzichu (subscriber, #17118) [Link] (1 responses)

That's interesting, I may try that. Thanks!

OpenSSH announces DSA-removal timeline

Posted Jan 15, 2024 16:46 UTC (Mon) by Wol (subscriber, #4433) [Link]

Not knowing where you're based, so if you're elsewhere in Europe don't assume the rules are the same.

For Directives, the national implementation must implement the directive *as a minimum*. UK rules are noticeably different from the directive, but because they are much stricter that's not a problem. However, I would have thought this would be covered by the directive.


OpenSSH announces DSA-removal timeline

Posted Jan 18, 2024 23:14 UTC (Thu) by rknight (subscriber, #26792) [Link]

> Ah yes. I've bought a TP-Link TL-SG2216 switch with 5 year warranty for home. Managed – over HTTPS and SSH. During the last year of the warranty, I've noticed it only supported TLS1.0 with laughable ciphers:

Not sure what family the TL-SG2216 is in, but at least a couple of TP-Link switches have some support from OpenWrt now and therefore have support for modern HTTPS and SSH. See for a current list of supported switches. Note that some enterprise features of the switch are not yet supported, but basic switching and PoE support are there.

having discussions is the point of

Posted Jan 22, 2024 13:45 UTC (Mon) by gus3 (guest, #61103) [Link]

And this is an example of such a discussion. Thank you.

OpenSSH announces DSA-removal timeline [] (2024)
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