OpenVPN vs. WireGuard: Which Open Source VPN Tool Suits Enterprises the Best? - Spiceworks (2024)

Virtual Private Networks (VPN) implement security protocols to ensure you get a secured Internet connection while browsing online. OpenVPN and WireGuard have been on the block as two of the most prominent security protocols. In this review article, we will be covering some significant parameters for comparison between both the software.


OpenVPN was released in 2001 and already created an unconquered place for itself in the security protocols scene. Both its security and performance have been top-notch since it came into existence. OpenVPN is an open-source software whose GPU is published under General Public License (GPL). Since its release, OpenVPN has been a favorite among many VPN companies for its excellent ability to cross firewalls.

The software also makes it convenient to cross the Network Address Translators (NATS) and has significant reliability and flexibility. To date, OpenVPN possesses almost 60 million downloads under its hood for adding multiple security layers to the setup. All types of users, especially cloud service providers and third-party system integrators, enjoy the speed it brings.


WireGuard is quite a new software, released in 2019 and posing a tough competition to the industry’s gold standard OpenVPN. Being in the industry for such a short time, WireGuard already made its mark when NordVPN incorporated it and built the proprietary NordLynx protocol. The purpose of WireGuard was to create a simpler and faster VPN protocol compared to those that are already in the industry.

WireGuard is also open-source software. However, according to its creator Donenfeld, for every aspect of VPN security there’s a specific solution. Its protocol runs over User Datagram Protocol (UDP) and has a code size of 3700 lines.

OpenVPN vs. WireGuard: Which Open Source VPN Tool Suits Enterprises the Best? - Spiceworks (1)

See more: Beyond the Zero Trust Hype: Is VPN Responsible for the Big Switch?

Key Parameters for Comparison Between OpenVPN and WireGuard

In this review, we will be focusing on some crucial aspects for comparing OpenVPN and WireGuard. These are:

  • Performance and Speed
  • Encryption and Library Support
  • Security and Privacy
  • Mobility and Compatibility
  • Censorship Structure
  • Authentication Methods

1. Performance and speed

Throughput and ping tests are two significant factors to consider while evaluating the performance of VPN software. Throughput is the measurement of the data volume that can pass through a firewall after a user connects to a network. On the other hand, Ping measures the time taken to send and receive that data packet between devices, also called latency.

WireGuard’s throughput is 1011 MBPS, as compared to OpenVPN’s 258 MBPS. Today’s computer systems are capable of supporting multithreaded processing as compared to the earlier ones. OpenVPN is unable to deliver faster speed because of its integration into the userspace. On the other hand, WireGuard’s integration is into kernel space and puts less pressure on the CPU.

Similarly, the ping tests return the records of 0.403 milliseconds and 1.541 milliseconds for WireGuard and OpenVPN, respectively. Using the UDP protocol for OpenVPN and NordLynx protocol for WireGuard, the following are the speed tests when connected through the UK on a 350MBPS connection to the global servers:

Server LocationOpenVPN (UDP)WireGuard (NordLynx)
UK135Mbps286Mbps (112% faster)
Germany131Mbps277Mbps (111% faster)
USA142Mbps254Mbps (79% faster)
Japan139Mbps269Mbps (94% faster)
Australia118Mbps207Mbps (75% faster)

Our analysis

Since UDP is a faster protocol than TCP, it is recommended to conduct speed tests on UDP rather than TCP in OpenVPN. On NordVPN, WireGuard is a lot faster than OpenVPN. It’s designed to take advantage of multiple processors and uses faster encryption, making it better than OpenVPN. We were able to consistently connect to WireGuard at over 75% the speed of OpenVPN, regardless of where users connect. On shorter distance connections, WireGuard is capable of delivering almost double the OpenVPN’s rate.

OpenVPN vs. WireGuard: Which Open Source VPN Tool Suits Enterprises the Best? - Spiceworks (2)
OpenVPN vs. WireGuard: Which Open Source VPN Tool Suits Enterprises the Best? - Spiceworks (3)

Even on other VPN services supporting WireGuard and OpenVPN, like Surfshark, Mullvad, WireGuard delivers better speeds except for the UK server in Mullvad VPN. The Private Internet Access (PIA) tests have lower speeds with WireGuard, mainly because of relative immaturity and complete optimization. Overall. WireGuard takes the lead in speed and performance.

Winner: WireGuard

2. Encryption and library support

The cryptographic algorithms in OpenVPN rely on the OpenSSL library that has a wide variety of encryption methods. It includes AES, Blowfish, Camellia, ChaCha20, Poly1035, DES, and Triple DES, among many others, for authentication. For hashing, it comprises MDS, MD4, SHA-1 and SHA-2, BLAKE2, and more. For key derivation, the library consists of RSA, DSA, X25519, and others. Besides Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) for user-data protection, it also includes UDP or TCP for adding a protocol in the transport layer.

OpenVPN vs. WireGuard: Which Open Source VPN Tool Suits Enterprises the Best? - Spiceworks (4)

Unlike OpenVPN, which has a certain degree of flexibility in its algorithms, WireGuard has a fixed set of algorithms. It uses ChaCha20 for encryption, Poly1035 for authentication, Curve-25519 for ECDH (Elliptic-curve Diffe-Hellman), BLAKE2s for hashing with RFC7693, and SipHash24 for hashtable keys, along with UDP and PFS.

Moreover, WireGuard works on public-key cryptography and strong authentication. Apart from offering a secure key generator, it also consists of automatic key management. The option of a pre-share key also adds an extra security layer. OpenVPN, on the other hand, uses certificates and a private key for identification and encryption.

OpenVPN vs. WireGuard: Which Open Source VPN Tool Suits Enterprises the Best? - Spiceworks (5)

Our analysis

Because WireGuard has a limited set of ciphers and algorithms, it’s essential to update the code on your device if one is found to be insecure. On the other hand, OpenVPN can use any encryption cipher or authentication algorithm it wants, so it wouldn’t need to change the code.

OpenVPN encrypts and authenticates data by relying on the OpenSSL library. The OpenSSL library has been around for many years and has undergone rigorous testing. On the contrary, WireGuard only allows you to use their proprietary ChaCha20 encryption cipher with Poly1305 authentication.

Additionally, OpenVPN uses RSA and AES for data and control channels. Subsequently, it minimizes the possibility of attacks related to hacking passwords and encryption keys. The maximum length of the encryption key that OpenVPN supports is 4096 bits, while WireGuard has a maximum key length of only 256 bits. As of now, both OpenVPN and WireGuard are free of any known vulnerabilities. However, WireGuard is less complex with less code with a set of ciphers for each version and requires an upgrade if problems are found. OpenVPN has a larger attack surface for threat possibilities.

Winner: OpenVPN

See more: Your VPN Infrastructure Might Not Be as Secure As You Think

3. Security and privacy

OpenVPN is one of the most secure options, but it must be appropriately configured. Moreover, its code has been audited and is backed by many experts. Similarly, WireGuard’s code is small, easy to audit, and isn’t vulnerable to any known security flaws. It is also extremely safe, fast, and resistant to tampering due to its faster and comparatively newer crypto algorithms. What’s more, when a vulnerability is found in any cipher or algorithm, the endpoints are automatically updated to a new version, ensuring that none of them are used with a compromised code.

OpenVPN vs. WireGuard: Which Open Source VPN Tool Suits Enterprises the Best? - Spiceworks (6)

If you want to be sure your data is safe, OpenVPN is the best protocol. It does not store any personally identifiable information on its users, such as their IP addresses. However, WireGuard’s Cryptokey Routing algorithm stores users’ IP addresses on the VPN server until it reboots. As a result, it doesn’t go well with the concept of a zero-logs VPN. It could also put your IP address at risk as it may get exposed due to a WebRTC leak. However, many prominent VPN providers already consist of the workarounds that address such issues with WireGuard and make it more private.

Our analysis

WireGuard is a relatively new protocol, but it can provide just as much security as OpenVPN. It’s been around longer, gone through more third-party security audits, and has a longer track record than WireGuard. WireGuard’s maturity will be even more attractive due to its minimal codebase and updated encryption algorithms.

However, when all endpoints update to a new WireGuard version, it may possess some drawbacks. Plus, it also eliminates the probability of downgrade attacks. The conservative choice is OpenVPN. However, WireGuard is gaining maturity, implementing updated encryption algorithms, and cutting down its codebase. WireGuard is the newer option with the latest tech.

Winner: OpenVPN

4. Mobility and compatibility

Users today will often switch between Wi-Fi and mobile networks when using their devices, so it’s essential that your VPN software can do this too. WireGuard is great for mobility because it makes the transition effectively and efficiently. Plus, it is only compatible with Windows, Android, iOS, and Linux. However, with time, you can expect this list to grow.

On the other hand, OpenVPN struggles with mobility because it can’t keep up with network switches. However, it is compatible with most computer platforms. It can be used on Solaris, QNX, Maemo, FreeBSD, and ChromeOS. OpenVPN works with almost any platform and is a favorite among many manufacturers implementing it in their routers, firewalls, etc. It’s also easy to find a cloud host with OpenVPN. WireGuard is too young for many manufacturers to integrate into their hardware, but you can still create your own server on any Linux distribution.

Our analysis

WireGuard is a better option for mobility than OpenVPN. While OpenVPN has historically struggled to handle network changes, WireGuard handles them seamlessly. For mobile devices, VPN services rely on a different protocol, IKEv2, as it’s considered a better fit for this purpose. IKEv2 is a good protocol, but it is closed-source. Hence, WireGuard presents an open-source solution to solve the problem of choosing a VPN protocol for mobile. Even though OpenVPN shows compatibility with all major platforms, WireGuard has better mobility and looking at the digital era, WireGuard takes the cake.

Winner: WireGuard

5. Censorship structure

OpenVPN and WireGuard are both excellent protocols for VPNs. OpenVPN offers something that WireGuard does not – the ability to communicate using TCP. TCP and UDP may sound like two different ways to connect to the internet, but they’re actually just two different types of internet protocol. TCP is more reliable than UDP, so it’s good for bypassing strict censorship regimes. This is because TCP port 443 is the same port that HTTPS uses. Wireguard and OpenVPN both may be good VPNs, but OpenVPN remains the safest and most stable.

Our analysis

UDP is faster and stable when used with VPN tunnels, but TCP is preferred for crossing firewalls and breaking censorship. It is unlikely that any country would block port 443, which is used for all sorts of essential activities like e-commerce and banking. TCP can be used to bypass censorship in countries such as China, Russia, and Turkey. OpenVPN TCP works more efficiently in avoiding censorship regimes than WireGuard. Since WireGuard can only work with UDP, when connected to China servers, PIA could not beat the censorship with WireGuard. However, it successfully established a connection with OpenVPN.

Winner: OpenVPN

6. Authentication methods

When using OpenVPN, it can take three different methods to authenticate on the VPN server. The first is by using pre-shared keys generated by the server to prove who you are. The second is by using certificate-based authentication, which is more secure but the same principle. The third is by using a username and password, but this is optional.

OpenVPN vs. WireGuard: Which Open Source VPN Tool Suits Enterprises the Best? - Spiceworks (7)

Whereas, with OpenVPN’s counterpart WireGuard, authentication is straightforward by exchanging your public and private keys. With its own secret key, the server can identify the user lists. The client-side also provides a secret key and a public key of the server you use for establishing a connection. You can also add a new peer to add another client, and it is ready to use.

Our analysis

When you connect to the VPN, it should not store anything that contains personal information. OpenVPN does not require data to be stored, but WireGuard needs information about the IP address. This might be a concerning aspect from the privacy perspective. If one of the servers is compromised, users’ activity log can be linked to the IP address, defeating the whole purpose of using a VPN. WireGuard logs the IP addresses for at least the span of the session in its standard implementation. However, VPN services like Mullvad, NordVPN, and IVPN have brought some workarounds to minimize these risks. Yet, it is not an ideal choice if you are working on something that requires critical security.

Winner: OpenVPN

See more: The Aging VPN Is Ready for an SDN Reboot

OpenVPN vs. WireGuard: Which Open Source VPN Tool Suits Enterprises the Best? - Spiceworks (8)

Pros and Cons of OpenVPN


  1. OpenVPN is a well-established and highly recommended encryption program.
  2. It uses the OpenSSL library and TLS, encrypting all data, and is a leading standard in cryptography.
  3. Various top VPNs use this protocol, such as NordVPN, ExpressVPN, Surfshark, PureVPN, and CyberGhost.


  1. OpenVPN has a larger attack surface as compared to WireGuard.
  2. Often the strong connection might lead to some connection issues.
  3. The manual configuration is complex with OpenVPN and might become a hindrance for advanced users.

Pros and Cons of WireGuard


  1. WireGuard is a secure, fast VPN that has top-notch cryptography and is faster than OpenVPN.
  2. Wireguard is also suitable for your battery life because it doesn’t suck up much power.
  3. Popular VPNs that offer Wireguard are Surfshark, Private Internet Access, CyberGhost, and NordVPN.


  1. WireGuard may not be finished, but it has the potential to be a great VPN down the road.
  2. One major disadvantage is it doesn’t use the 443 port even if it provides the UDP protocol support. It doesn’t make it ideal for bypassing content restrictions.
  3. It stores the users’ IP addresses for their session duration, not making it suitable for high-security environments.


When it comes to internet security, you need a VPN protocol that is user-friendly and easy to navigate. WireGuard VPN, for instance, is an excellent choice because OpenVPN has a complicated code with hundreds of thousands of lines in it, which can take some time to adjust; WireGuard, by contrast, has shorter code that makes it much more accessible.

The pricing and subscription plans for both OpenVPN and WireGuard depend on the VPN service you choose to use, either or both of them. In this scenario, WireGuard would gain you the benefits by paying only for the VPN service that implements WireGuard. With OpenVPN, you can either choose it for your selected VPN or set it up manually. Since it’s open-source, it is entirely free in this regard.

WireGuard is one phenomenal VPN software that came into existence and gave a nail-biting competition to its counterpart, the industry’s gold standard, OpenVPN. Even though WireGuard has lightning-fast speed from any VPN service, OpenVPN has one essential advantage over it – it doesn’t store IP addresses for a session’s duration. The whole point of using a VPN is to hide IP addresses and security from the prying eyes, which WireGuard doesn’t fulfill. WireGuard is catching up with many prominent services providing their own arrangements to mitigate such risks.

Till then, OpenVPN remains the most reliable and stable software and also our winner.

Do you think OpenVPN scores over WireGuard in terms of its stability, reliability, and ability to hide IP addresses? Comment below or let us know on LinkedInOpens a new window , TwitterOpens a new window , or FacebookOpens a new window . We’d love to hear from you!

Disclaimer: Unless stated otherwise, any information provided in this review does not constitute a recommendation or endorsem*nt for the products listed in the article. All information in this article is provided in good faith, however we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability, or completeness of products that are reviewed. The viewpoints expressed within the content are solely the author’s and do not reflect the views of Spiceworks Ziff Davis or its affiliates.

As an enthusiast deeply immersed in the field of virtual private networks (VPN), I have extensively explored and implemented various security protocols to ensure a secure internet connection. My firsthand expertise and in-depth knowledge in this domain stem from practical experience, ongoing research, and a continuous commitment to staying abreast of the latest developments.

Now, let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the article about OpenVPN and WireGuard:

  1. OpenVPN:

    • Release Date and History: OpenVPN was released in 2001 and has since established itself as a robust security protocol.
    • Open-Source and License: OpenVPN is open-source, and its GPU is published under the General Public License (GPL).
    • Cross-Firewall Capability: OpenVPN is renowned for its ability to cross firewalls, making it a preferred choice for VPN companies.
    • Reliability and Flexibility: It offers significant reliability and flexibility, making it suitable for various users, including cloud service providers and system integrators.
    • Performance: Despite being a well-established protocol, OpenVPN faces challenges in terms of speed and performance, especially in comparison to newer protocols like WireGuard.
  2. WireGuard:

    • Release Date and Purpose: WireGuard, released in 2019, is a relatively new software designed to compete with established protocols like OpenVPN.
    • Integration with NordLynx: NordVPN has incorporated WireGuard and built the proprietary NordLynx protocol on it.
    • Protocol Characteristics: WireGuard operates over the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) and boasts a compact code size of 3700 lines.
    • Encryption and Speed: WireGuard aims to provide a simpler and faster VPN protocol compared to existing options, with superior throughput and lower latency.
  3. Key Parameters for Comparison:

    • Performance and Speed: WireGuard outperforms OpenVPN in terms of throughput and ping tests, with significantly faster speeds, especially on shorter distance connections.
    • Encryption and Library Support: OpenVPN relies on the OpenSSL library, offering a wide variety of encryption methods. In contrast, WireGuard has a fixed set of algorithms, including ChaCha20 for encryption and Poly1035 for authentication.
    • Security and Privacy: OpenVPN is praised for its security, with no storage of personally identifiable information. WireGuard, while secure, raises concerns about logging IP addresses for the session duration.
    • Mobility and Compatibility: WireGuard excels in mobility, seamlessly transitioning between Wi-Fi and mobile networks. However, OpenVPN has broader compatibility across various platforms.
  4. Censorship Structure:

    • Both OpenVPN and WireGuard are effective VPN protocols, but OpenVPN's ability to communicate using TCP makes it more reliable for bypassing strict censorship regimes, especially in countries like China, Russia, and Turkey.
  5. Authentication Methods:

    • OpenVPN supports multiple authentication methods, including pre-shared keys, certificate-based authentication, and username/password. WireGuard simplifies authentication by exchanging public and private keys.
  6. Pros and Cons:

    • OpenVPN: Well-established, recommended encryption program with a larger attack surface. It supports various VPNs but may have some connection issues and complex manual configuration.
    • WireGuard: Secure, fast, and energy-efficient with potential for future growth. However, it may not use the 443 port, limiting its effectiveness in bypassing content restrictions.
  7. Conclusion:

    • Despite WireGuard's impressive speed, OpenVPN remains the more reliable and stable option, particularly in terms of privacy and IP address protection.

In summary, the article provides a comprehensive comparison between OpenVPN and WireGuard, considering performance, encryption, security, mobility, censorship resistance, and authentication methods. The conclusion favors OpenVPN for its stability and reliability, acknowledging WireGuard's potential and rapid advancements in the VPN landscape.

OpenVPN vs. WireGuard: Which Open Source VPN Tool Suits Enterprises the Best? - Spiceworks (2024)


OpenVPN vs. WireGuard: Which Open Source VPN Tool Suits Enterprises the Best? - Spiceworks? ›

OpenVPn is reliable and has been around a while. I prefer Wireguard personally and OpenVPN would be my second choice. Wireguard has better performance/throughput and uses less bandwidth than OpenVPN. IKEv2

In computing, Internet Key Exchange (IKE, versioned as IKEv1 and IKEv2) is the protocol used to set up a security association (SA) in the IPsec protocol suite. › wiki › Internet_Key_Exchange
is probably more secure (256-bit encryption through IPSec)…

Is it better to use WireGuard or OpenVPN? ›

WireGuard is consistently faster than OpenVPN in our tests

On average, WireGuard was about 3.2 times faster than OpenVPN across all the locations we tested. WireGuard's performance advantage over OpenVPN is greater with nearby (low latency) servers in comparison to long-distance (high latency) server locations.

Is Ping better with WireGuard or OpenVPN? ›

Performance and speed

Additionally, the ping time when using WireGuard is much lower (better) than OpenVPN, with a ping of 0.403 ms compared to 1.541 ms.

What are the differences between the two VPN packages WireGuard and OpenVPN? ›

The differences between WireGuard and OpenVPN include WireGuard's more modern, lean codebase designed for speed and simplicity, and OpenVPN's mature, feature rich environment that offers and compatibility. WireGuard uses state-of-the-art cryptography for secure, high speed connections.

Why is WireGuard better? ›

By using a simplified encryption method known as ChaCha20, WireGuard is able to offer quicker speeds that older, slower protocols can't. Rather than routing over the traditional TCP protocol, WireGuard uses the lighter, leaner UDP protocol when sending traffic back and forth with the outside world.

Does NordVPN use WireGuard or OpenVPN? ›

NordLynx is NordVPN's revolutionary technology built around the WireGuard® VPN protocol.

Why is OpenVPN better? ›

It's not only considered the most secure VPN tunneling protocol, it also delivers faster connections and can bypass most firewalls. Any IP subnetwork or virtual ethernet adapter over a single UDP (user datagram protocol) or TCP (transmission control protocol) port.

Is Surfshark OpenVPN or WireGuard better? ›

WireGuard is newer and faster, which gives it a lot of charm. On the other hand, OpenVPN is a tool for those who want everything customized based on their character. But if you're a regular consumer, VPN providers like Surfshark will let you choose which one you prefer!

Is WireGuard or OpenVPN better for China? ›

OpenVPN supports both UDP and TCP, which allows for a configuration on TCP port 443. Port 443 is rarely blocked by a firewall, which allows bypassing censorship in countries like China or Russia. WireGuard only supports UDP, making it impossible to use TCP port 443 and therefore harder to bypass censorship.

Is WireGuard the best protocol? ›

Is WireGuard secure? WireGuard is considered by many to be one of the safest, most secure VPN protocol options available today. Simplified design using less code equals fewer bugs and security vulnerabilities, while WireGuard's faster state-of-the-art cryptography employs superior default security settings.

Which is better for IPTV OpenVPN or WireGuard? ›

wireguard is generally far less demanding on cpu than openvpn. If iptv only streams at less than 5 Mbps, then it shouldn't severely impact the Linksys even if you choose to use OpenVPN.

What is the difference between WireGuard OpenVPN and IKEv2? ›

IKEv2 is easier to block than OpenVPN due to its reliance on fixed protocols and ports. OpenVPN can be easily configured to run on any port using either UDP or TCP thereby easily bypassing restrictive firewalls. WireGuard® uses the UDP protocol and can be configured to use any port.

Is WireGuard open source? ›

WireGuard is a communication protocol and free and open-source software that implements encrypted virtual private networks (VPNs).

Should I use WireGuard or OpenVPN? ›

Overall, WireGuard is the faster of the two protocols. OpenVPN, if configured in UDP mode, will offer similar latency, but it will still require higher data usage. Note that WireGuard runs only in UDP mode. Both OpenVPN and WireGuard use strong unbroken ciphers.

Can you use OpenVPN and WireGuard at the same time? ›

I have installed OpenVPN on the same server as Wireguard and all devices connect no problem to both vpn networks, however, they can not "see" each other.

What is the fastest VPN protocol? ›

Which VPN Protocol is the Fastest? WireGuard is considered the fastest among all the VPN protocols. If you wish to stream and download P2P files faster on the network, make sure to use WireGuard after signing in to PureVPN.

Is OpenVPN the most secure? ›

Yes, OpenVPN is one of the safest VPN protocols. It uses SSL/TLS to ensure data security and has access to the OpenSSL library for further customization, including additional security features.

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Author: Mr. See Jast

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