Options Moneyness (ITM, OTM, & ATM): The Complete Guide (2024)

You have probably heard the following terms: in-the-money, at-the-money, and out-of-the-money.

These terms refer to moneyness, which is an important term to understand if you are entering the world of options trading. In this article, we’ll discuss the basic concepts of option moneyness.

What is option moneyness?

Moneyness refers to how the strike price of the option relates to the current trading price of the underlying asset.

In other words, moneyness describes the intrinsic value of an option in its current state.

Options are classified by traders into three categories based on the relationship of the strike price to the underlying stock price at the current time. The categories describe an option’s moneyness.

It’s important to get a handle on these categories and what they mean before you start trading options. Every options strategy will incorporate these terms and without a solid understanding, beginners can easily find themselves confused.

The three types of option moneyness are:

  • In-The-Money (ITM)
  • Out-Of-The-Money (OTM)
  • At-The-Money (ATM)

Moneyness in single options contracts is a fundamental concept to master when trading options. Moneyness does get more complicated once you start to add sophisticated options strategies to the mix, so it’s important to take the time early on to establish a basic understanding.

Three categories of moneyness

Each of the three categories is driven by the relationship between the current stock price and option strike price.

Options Moneyness (ITM, OTM, & ATM): The Complete Guide (1)

In-The-Money (ITM)

ITM does not mean that the trader is going to make a profit necessarily, but instead describes the position of the strike price against the stock price at any given time.

For example, if you have a call option and the stock price is greater than the strike price, that option is said to be in-the-money and has intrinsic value. It’s just describing the relationship between the two prices and not the trader’s actual profitability. If you have a put option and the stock price is lower than the strike price, then your position is in-the-money.

In the image above, assume you have a $100 call option. If the stock is trading for $105, you could exercise the option and immediately sell the shares for a profit. Therefore, the option is in-the-money (with $5 of intrinsic value in this example).

Out-Of-The-Money (OTM)

Again, OTM doesn’t mean the trader has lost money on a trade but is simply a generic description of where the strike and stock prices are in relation to each other at present.

For a call option position to be considered OTM, the stock price would need to be lower than the strike price; for a put option, the stock price would need to be higher than the strike price.

At-The-Money (ATM)

Options are ATM when the strike price and stock price are at the same level, whether you are trading calls or puts. It describes a price level parity between stock and strike prices.

Determining the value of the option

An option’s pricing is based on two components:

  • Intrinsic value
  • Extrinsic value

Intrinsic value

Intrinsic value is the value of an option if it expired at this very moment.

  • When traders say an option is in-the-money, they are saying it has intrinsic value.
  • Out-of-the-money options has no intrinsic value.
  • When traders say that the contract has expired worthless, it’s because an option expired out-of-the-money.

The relationships between ITM, OTM, and ATM are all used to help determine the intrinsic value of the option, which is a key factor in option pricing.

It is important to look at a trade and ask this question:

  • If this option were to expire today, would it have any value?
  • If yes, then the option has intrinsic value.

Remember: out-of-the-money options have no intrinsic value.

Extrinsic value

Although extrinsic value plays a less prominent part in moneyness, it is an important concept to understand when trading options.

Extrinsic value has several components. Time value, or theta, is the portion of an option’s premium that is attributable to the amount of time remaining until the contract's expiration. Although it's not the only component, time value is receives the most attention.

As with most things, time is money. In this case, time is value.

Typically, the more time that remains until expiration, the higher the extrinsic value of the option. Investors will pay a higher premium for additional time since the contract will have longer to achieve profitability from a favorable move in the underlying asset.

And the reverse is true. When there is less time remaining until expiration, investors are less willing to pay a premium, because the stock has less time to become profitable.

Option moneyness examples:


For a call option, the option is be in-the-money if the strike price is below the current value of the stock trading in the market.

In this example, we have a $100 strike call option.

The option is ITM if the stock price is higher than $100 because you can buy the stock for $100 when it is trading at $110 ($10 of intrinsic value).

However, you can see in the grey shaded area that although the option is in-the-money, it is not above the break-even price (the strike price + the cost of the option) and is still a losing position. The position is profitable when the underlying stock price exceeds the strike price and the cost of the option contract ($5 in this example).

Extrinsic value may cause the position to be profitable even if it is below the break-even price, but that depends on where the stock price was when you purchased the option. Note that payoff diagrams are used to determine profitability at expiration.

Options Moneyness (ITM, OTM, & ATM): The Complete Guide (2)

Here is another way to visualize long call moneyness as it would appear on a stock chart.

Options Moneyness (ITM, OTM, & ATM): The Complete Guide (3)

Again, notice that the underlying security must be above the break-even point for an ITM money option to be profitable.

For a put option, the reverse is true – the option will be in-the-money if the strike price is above the current value of the stock trading in the market.

In this example, we now have a $100 strike put option.

The option is ITM if the stock price is lower than $100 because you can sell the stock for $100 when it is trading at $90 ($10 of intrinsic value).

So, the y-axis shows that the option contract moves toward profitability as the stock price falls below $100, and a loss when the stock price is above $100.

Options Moneyness (ITM, OTM, & ATM): The Complete Guide (4)

Options Moneyness (ITM, OTM, & ATM): The Complete Guide (5)


To explain OTM options, we simply reverse the ITM logic.

In this example, we have a $100 strike call option.

The option is OTM if the stock price is lower than $100 because you can buy the stock for $100. But why would you if it’s trading for less than that?

So, for a long call option, the option is out-of-the-money if the strike price is above the current value of the stock trading in the market. A long option position will have the max loss if the contract expires out-of-the-money.

Options Moneyness (ITM, OTM, & ATM): The Complete Guide (6)

Again, for a long put option, it’s the opposite. The option would be out-of-the-money if the strike price is below the current value of the stock trading in the market.

In this example, we again have a $100 strike put option.

The option is OTM if the stock price is higher than $100 because your put option only entitles you to sell the stock for $100. But if it’s trading at $110, why would you use the option? You wouldn’t. So the option is OTM.

Options Moneyness (ITM, OTM, & ATM): The Complete Guide (7)


Options are said to be ATM when the strike price and the stock price are the same so this applies to both long calls and long puts. Notice that ATM long options will still lose money at expiration because of the options's cost.

For example, if you buy a $100 long call for $5.00, the underlying stock price would need to be above $105 to make money. Even if the stock is closes at your $100 strike price on expiration, you will have a $500 loss. This is why it's so important to understand moneyness.

Options Moneyness (ITM, OTM, & ATM): The Complete Guide (8)

It is rare to have options with the same strike price as the stock price, so most options traders consider anything within a couple of points to be ATM. It’s essentially the “tipping point” between an option being OTM and ITM.

How should moneyness play into my trading strategy?

When options are ITM, they represent profitable opportunities for traders.

For example, buying a call option that is significantly ITM presents the same profit opportunity in terms of dollars as purchasing the actual stock, but you can trade with much less capital investment. This can result in a higher return.

Selling deep ITM options presents an opportunity to take profit immediately. Plus, there will still be remaining extrinsic value. Remember, the more time until expiration, the more value an option contract has.


What is the difference between intrinsic value and extrinsic value?

The intrinsic value of an options contract is the value of the option at expiration. If the contract expired immediately, the intrinsic value would be the only value remaining on the contract. To calculate the intrinsic value, take the difference between the current value of the underlying security and the option contract’s strike price.

For example, a call option contract’s intrinsic value is the amount the underlying’s current price is above the strike price. If a stock is trading at $55 per share, then a call option with a $50 strike price would have an intrinsic value of $5.

Extrinsic value is the value of an options contract beyond its intrinsic value. The extrinsic value of an options contract is also called the time value because the remaining value is dependent on external factors such as the time remaining on the contract, the volatility of the underlying security, the risk-free interest rate, and the dividend rate of the underlying security. Extrinsic value is greatest when an options contract is at-the-money. If the price of the underlying security is far above or far below the contract’s strike price, then the extrinsic value factors have little influence on the option’s price.

How is the extrinsic value calculated?

Extrinsic value is the price of an option minus the intrinsic value. Extrinsic value is determined by the external factors that could affect an option’s price, such as time remaining until expiration (theta) and the volatility of the underlying security (vega). Extrinsic value is greatest when an options contract is at-the-money.

What is an example of intrinsic value?

A call option contract’s intrinsic value is the amount the underlying’s current price is above the strike price. For example, if a stock is trading at $55 per share, then a call option with a $50 strike price would have an intrinsic value of $5.

How to calculate the extrinsic value of an option?

Extrinsic value is the price of an option minus the intrinsic value. Extrinsic value is determined by the external factors that could affect an option’s price, such as time remaining until expiration and the volatility of the underlying security. Extrinsic value is greatest when an options contract is at-the-money. For example, if a stock is trading at $55 per share and a call option is trading at $7, then the call option’s extrinsic value is $2.

Is it better to buy ITM or OTM options?

In-the-money options contracts are contracts with positive intrinsic value. Out-of-the-money options contracts have no intrinsic value because the contracts are “out-of-the-money” to be exercised based on the current underlying security’s price and the contract’s strike price. In-the-money and out-of-the-money options will behave differently. In-the-money options are more expensive than out-of-the-money options. In-the-money options are more sensitive to price movements in the underlying security. One is not necessarily better than the other, and it will depend on the investor’s strategy and capital allocation to determine what is best for their investment portfolio.

Options Moneyness (ITM, OTM, & ATM): The Complete Guide (2024)


What is ATM ITM and OTM in options? ›

ATM (At-The-Money) strikes have a strike price equal to the current market price of the underlying asset. ITM (In-The-Money) strikes have a strike price favourable to the current market price. OTM (Out-Of-The-Money) strikes have a strike price unfavourable to the current market price.

Is it better to buy ITM or OTM options? ›

ITM options have intrinsic value and are priced higher than OTM options in the same chain, and they can be immediately exercised. OTM are almost always less costly, making them more desirable to traders with smaller amounts of capital.

What is the moneyness of ATM options? ›

Moneyness describes the intrinsic value of an option's premium in the market. At-the-money (ATM) options have a strike price exactly equal to the current price of the underlying asset or stock.

What are the three types of moneyness? ›

At-the-money, in-the-money, and out-of-the-money are three ways to categorise moneyness. Clarity on option moneyness is key to options trading. There is no optimum way to trade options as it depends on the trader's perception of the price movements and the time to expiration.

Are OTM options worthless? ›

At expiration, though, an option is worthless if it is OTM. Therefore, if an option is OTM, the trader will need to sell it prior to expiration in order to recoup any extrinsic value that is possibly remaining.

Why do people buy OTM options? ›

Out-of-the-money (OTM) options are cheaper than other options since they need the stock to move significantly to become profitable. The further out of the money an option is, the cheaper it is because it becomes less likely that underlying will reach the distant strike price.

Is ATM offering good or bad? ›

An at-the-market (ATM) offering gives the issuing company the ability to raise capital as needed. If the company is not satisfied with the available price of shares on a given day, it can refrain from offering them, saving its new shares for another day (and a better price).

How do I know if my option is ITM or OTM? ›

All you need to do is figure out the intrinsic value. If the intrinsic value is a non zero number, then the option strike is considered 'In the money'. If the intrinsic value is a zero the option strike is called 'Out of the money'. The strike, which is closest to the Spot price, is called 'At the money'.

What does 100% moneyness mean? ›

What does 100% moneyness mean? The term "100% moneyness" is not necessarily a universally accepted term in options trading, but may be an informal way of indicating that an option is ATM. In such cases, the strike price of the option would be equal to the current market price of the underlying asset.

How to calculate the moneyness of an option? ›

The intrinsic value is equivalent to the value of money the option buyer makes provided if he were to exercise the contract. The intrinsic value cannot be negative; it is a non zero positive value. The intrinsic value of the put option = Strike Price – Spot Price.

What is delta in options? ›

What is Delta? Delta is the theoretical estimate of how much an option's value may change given a $1 move UP or DOWN in the underlying security. The Delta values range from -1 to +1, with 0 representing an option where the premium barely moves relative to price changes in the underlying stock.

What is the moneyness indicator? ›

Moneyness describes the intrinsic value of an option in its current state. The term moneyness is most commonly used with put and call options and is an indicator as to whether the option would make money if it were exercised immediately.

When should I trade OTM options? ›

In certain market conditions, if the underlying asset's price makes a significant move in the anticipated direction, OTM options can result in potentially substantial gains due to their leverage.

What happens if OTM becomes ITM? ›

Hence, as the option moves ITM, its premium will become more responsive to changes in the underlying price. As a buyer of an OTM call, you would want the underlying price to rise and move past the strike price, so as to bolster your returns.

What is the difference between an ATM and an ITM? ›

What is an ITM? As the name suggests, interactive teller machines ( ITMs ) build on the functionality of ATMs while adding additional transaction capability. More specifically, ITMs allow customers to speak with an employee located in a remote location.

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Name: Carlyn Walter

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