Paintball Park | FAQ's (2024)

What is Paintball?

Paintball is a combination of hide and seek, brandy & chess.

The most common paintball game is 'Centre Flag'. In this game two teams start at opposite ends of the field. Both teams are trying to capture the flag from the centre of the field & hang it on their oppositions base to win the game. During the game players use air/gas powered paint guns to try & eliminate their opponents by tagging them with capsules filled with a paint like liquid. Players use barricades to protect themselves from being tagged and strategically advance up the field to try and outplay the opposition.

Paintball is a game played by millions of people worldwide. It is one of the fastest growing extreme sports and one of the most popular activities for birthday & bucks parties through to corporate team building.

Does it hurt?

We often hear players say "It doesn't hurt as much as I thought".

Getting tagged with a paintball is similar to a sting from a rubber band flick. The sting may last for a few seconds but then you are ready and pumped for the next game. The more into the game you are & the more you want to win the less you will feel it. When I am playing tournaments I am so focused on trying to win that I often say if paintballs hit any softer you wouldn't even know you were hit.

Paintball has grown into one of the fastest growing extreme sports in the world & lasted 20+ years. This would not be possible if it hurt too much. In South Australia the Government have set the minimum age as suitable for players from 10 years of age.

We use good quality paintballs that are brittle & break easy on players. We also provide custom overalls with inbuilt neck protection, good quality masks & we even have padded vests for players if they require free of charge.

What is the minimum Age?

Players MUST be 10 years of age or above as per South Australian Firearms Law.

Players under 18 years must have their waiver form completed by their own parent to play.

Do we need to make a booking?

We require bookings in advance so we can structure the day & prepare. We recommend as soon as a group knows when they want to play to let us know as far in advance as possible as some days fill up weeks in advance.

We will always try to accommodate for last minute bookings too.

Can we play paintball today?

Call us on 0413144992

What time do we need to arrive?

Please arrive 10 minutes before your processing time.

Please Note: Your processing time is the time we start processing NOT the time you start playing paintball games.

Processing can take some time and varies depending on how many players there are to be processed, if players are late, if players' waiver forms need corrections etc.. We work as fast as we can but we can't and won't cut corners as our paintball players safety is our number 1 priority.

To help your group start playing paintball games quicker, please ensure all players arrive on time and waiver forms are completed with ALL details.

How long does 100 paintballs last?

Anywhere from 10 minutes to 3 hours.... Some players are trigger happy and blast through their paintballs and other players are conservative and make every shot count. On average approx 95% of players buy extra paintballs. The quantity varies from 100 balls to 1000+... the record is 5200. The players that blast though their first 100 paintballs are usually the players that have bought a bulk paintball deal so they have a lot of paintballs to shoot. Our referees are trained to run groups that have minimal paintballs through to trigger happy groups. We want all players to have an awesome day, have a good amount of playing time and play different games on different fields.

A few reasons why we recommend buying your extra paintballs at the start of your session:

  1. You can buy a bulk pack & save money.
  2. So you don't have to line up through the day to buy paint refills & miss out on games.
  3. You can wear a harness with up to 400 paintballs on your back & reload as needed.
  4. Saves time between games.
  5. Your referee can help players be trigger happy or conservative.
  6. Your referee will know how to structure your day & what games to play.

Are there waiver forms to complete?

All players are required to complete a waiver form.
Players under 18 years of age MUST also have their waiver completed by their own parent or legal Guardian.
Waivers MUST BE NEAT & COMPLETED 100% to be able to play.
Waiver forms that are illegible, missing information, filled out incorrectly etc will be rejected.
Waivers are available at the field on the day or down load & complete.

Click here to open the Waiver Form.

What do we wear?

Players must wear enclosed shoes. Sneakers/joggers with good grip are recommended.

We provide custom camouflage overalls for players to wear whilst playing. We recommend players wear shorts & T-shirt/singlet under their overalls all year round. If it is a hot day feel free to strip off more clothing under your overalls to keep cool. We have free hire of padded vests if required.

The following items are recommended:

Groin box (we sell for $5)
Gloves. Protection from paintballs, ground etc (we sell from $5)
Baseball style hat/cap. Good to wear backwards under your mask. (we sell camo hats from $6)

Can we wear our own Paintball Playing gear?

Players are welcome to wear & use their own paintball playing gear.

Paintball Masks must be in good condition & inspected by Paintball Park staff before use.

Clothing such as shirts & pants must be recognised paintball brands & designed for playing paintball.

Is there a paintball gun upgrade?

We offer a 14 inch Genuine Tippmann Sniper barrel rental upgrade for $10.

We tested a sniper barrel against an original barrel and found the grouping was greatly improved.

Our field owner / manage uses 14 inch barrels on ALL his own personal tournament paintball markers.

Our rental markers (paintball guns) are the best and most reliable rental paintball markers we have come across over the 20+ years of paintball experience.

Can we use our own marker (paintball gun)?

Players are welcome to use their own paintball guns.

Before Your Day of Play

Please let us know in advance if bringing your own paintball gun.
Please let us know in advance if you require air refills. (If your gun runs on Co2 we can loan you a full bottle free of charge).

On Arrival

Check paintball guns in to reception immediately after arrival & 20 minutes before your booking time.
Paintball guns must be in a closed box/bag and must not be removed or visible at any stage outside of the playing arena.
Paintball guns must be disassembled, de-gassed, empty of paintballs etc at all times outside of the playing arena.

Gun Inspection Requirements

  • Serial number check (Gun must be registered to the person in possession).
  • We must view your current Firearms License.
  • We must view your registration paper.
  • Air / Co2 bottles must be in test.
  • Gun does not shoot more than 1 paintball per trigger pull.
  • Gun must measure no less than 750mm (bottle & barrel included)
  • Gun must look like a paintball gun & not like an assault rifle etc
  • Gun will be chronographed & must not shoot over 300fps (customers paint used).

General Rules

The licensed / registered owner of a paintball gun must be on the premises at all times with the gun.
A paintball guns velocity must not be adjusted after chronographing. If adjustments have been made to the gun it must be re-chronographed before use.
No B.Y.O. paintballs. Only paintballs supplied by Paintball Park on the day can be used. (unless authorised by the manager)
Players must consider the playing ability, age etc of the players they are shooting at & play accordingly.

Firearms laws & Paintball Park rules must be followed at all times.

Can we bring our own paintballs?

Only Paintballs supplied by Paintball Park on the day are to be used. This is for player safety, environmental protection, to prevent staining of equipment & customers clothing etc.

Can we play in the rain?

Games can be played in light rain. If rain becomes heavy or conditions are unacceptable then games will be stopped until conditions are acceptable.

If rain is heavy in the morning we will still set up & be prepared to run paintball games. Due to our field location we don't get a lot of rain during the day at Paintball Park. If we do have rain in the morning it usually clears by 9am-10am.

Paintball is an extreme sport that can be played in most weather conditions. Paintball Park monitors weather leading up to paintball days & on paintball days. For player safety if Paintball Park believes conditions are too extreme then games will be stopped or called off & we will discuss the options with players.

We recommend:

  1. Groups start as early as possible. If there is rain players have time to stop & let it pass. Once conditions are acceptable games can continue.
  2. Players drink water before & during paintball to keep hydrated.
  3. Players eat a good healthy breakfast.
  4. Players only wear shorts & T-shirt/singlet under their overalls. (Padded vests are available if required)
  5. Players wear joggers with good grip.
  6. Players play to the conditions. For example if it is wet players should use their gun skills more than running around.

Can we play on hot days?

Paintball is an extreme sport that can be played in most weather conditions. Paintball Park monitors weather leading up to paintball days & on paintball days. For player safety if Paintball Park believes the weather conditions are too hot then games will be stopped or called off & we will discuss the options with players.

On warm & hot days players are brought in more frequently for drink breaks & we often have a misting station set up for players to cool off.

On warm to hot days we recommend:

  1. Groups start as early as possible to beat the heat e.g 9am.
  2. Players drink water the night before, the morning of, during & after paintball games.
  3. Players eat a good healthy breakfast/lunch.
  4. Players only wear shorts & T-shirt/singlet under their overalls. (Padded vests are available if required)
  5. Players play to the conditions. For example if it is hot players should use their gun skills more than running around.

What is the minimum group size?

The only time we require a minimum amount of players in your group is if you are the only group on the day.

We normally have multiple groups playing every Sat & Sun so normally on weekends you don't have to worry about the minimum amount of players.

We require a minimum of 8 players to open the field.

If you are the only group on the day & you have less than 8 players we can still open for you but we require the following paintballs to be bought per player.

7 playersat least an extra 200 balls each
6 playersat least an extra 300 balls each
5 playersat least an extra 500 balls each
4 playersat least an extra 800 balls each
3 playersat least an extra 1000 balls each
2 playersat least an extra 2000 balls each
1 playersat least an extra 4000 balls

Can we drink alcohol?


Players and Non Players must not consume alcohol / drugs prior to or during paintball games.

We have a zero tolerance policy (i.e. 0.00% Blood Alcohol Concentration).

If we see, smell or suspect a person or persons has consumed alcohol or drugs, they will be refused from participating in paintball games and will be required to leave the premises immediately.

Paintball Park is a registered shooting range and paintball markers (paintball guns) are registered firearms. It is illegal to handle a firearm under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Please note: This maybe a compulsory reportable incident to SA Police.

As we do not have a liquor license, it is illegal for anyone to consume alcohol on the premises at any time.

Refusal to play is at the discretion of management.

Deposits and / or purchases will be forfeited and no refunds given if any of these rules have been breached.

Is it cheaper for kids?

The short answer is the prices are the same for kids and adults.

In 2005 Adelaide's Paintball Park opened with some great prices. We worked out the best price we could get players (kids & adults) on the field. Many years later and we have maintained the same entry price and have managed to create some discounted bulk deals for extra paintballs. We work extremely hard to keep the prices down for all players whilst providing quality rental equipment and paintballs.

We help players to be conservative with their paintballs when required, and we are the only paintball field we have come across in 20+ years that does this. We structure the day based on what paintballs players have, ages, occasion, time available etc to give players the best paintball day possible.

Paintballs bought at $25 per 100 can be divided between players as much as you like.

What is the cost to play paintball?

Please Click Here to go to the Prices Page.

Paintball Park | FAQ's (2024)


How long will 100 paintball bullets last? ›

» How long does 100 paintballs last? Anywhere from 10 minutes to 3 hours.... Some players are trigger happy and blast through their paintballs and other players are conservative and make every shot count. On average approx 95% of players buy extra paintballs.

How long does it take to get through 500 paintballs? ›

How long does 500 rounds last ? For our Traditional Paintball and Low Impact Paintball we have found that 500 rounds of paint last approximately two - two and a half hours. This all depends on the individuals playing and how "trigger happy" they are.

How do you get eliminated in paintball? ›

Players are eliminated when a paintball hits and breaks on them, leaving paint on their body or equipment. Rules may vary slightly, so listen closely to your referee and don't be afraid to ask questions. At most paintball fields, a ball must directly impact a player and leave at least a quarter sized splat.

How many paintballs is enough? ›

As a guideline, an average usage is approximately 500-600 paintballs per player on a Full Day and 300-400 paintballs per player on a half day. This is very individual, as one player can shoot a lot more paint than another.

Do paintball balls go bad? ›

Yep! Even paintballs can go bad if they are sitting too long! How can you tell without jamming up your marker or balls breaking before they even make it out of your barrel?

Do gun hits count in paintball? ›

If a paintball hits you and BREAKS, you are out of the game. All hits count, including gun hits. If a paintball hits you and bounces off, you are a clean player, play on. If you called "OUT", then realized the paintball bounced, you are still out.

Do paintballs hurt on bare skin? ›

Bare Skin vs Clothes

Of course, you'd paintball with clothes on. But there are still going to be places where you have exposed skin. Any of those places will hurt more when you get hit with a paintball because there's nothing covering your skin and protecting it.

How fast do paintballs hit you? ›

A common question we get at Velocity Paintballs is: how fast do paintballs go? Paintballs on average have a speed of 180 to 200 mph (265 to 295 feet per second). This can increase or decrease depending on the paintball marker that you are using.

How fast do pro paintball guns shoot? ›

Paintball Range and Speed

Generally, paintball guns are designed to shoot at a velocity of approximately 280 FPS. At this speed, paintballs can cause minimal injury or damage when proper safety gear is used. The safe range varies depending on factors such as terrain, wind, and paintball quality.

Is paintball declining? ›

Since 2021, the activity has been increasing in popularity, with the annual number of paintball participants in the U.S. amounted to 2.67 million in 2023, up from 2.56 in 2021.

What is the number one rule of paintball? ›

Protecting your eyes is the most important safety rule with paintball. Paintball Goggles are incredibly safe when worn correctly, so as long as your goggles are on, it's impossible to be shot in the face or eyes.

Can you go paintballing drunk? ›

If you've planned a weekend day out or are heading for a spot of stag do paintballing, you might be tempted to have a drink beforehand. Drinking alcohol will slow your reflexes and can put you at risk of getting hurt. Not only that, but you'll also ruin the experience for others playing the game.

Can you drink at paintball? ›

No alcohol is permitted at our paintball centres. Any players who have been drinking will be excluded from the games and asked to leave the centre.

Can I bring my own paintball gun? ›

As a general rule, most sites will let you bring your own paintball equipment but they won't let you bring your own paintballs. Sites supply the paintballs because they need to ensure they've been kept in the right conditions before they're shot.

Is paintball safer than golf? ›

Insurance statistics show that paintball is one of the safest sports, with fewer injuries per exposure than sports like football, soccer, basketball, baseball, golf, and bowling.

How long do 200 rounds of paintball last? ›

7. HOW LONG DO 200 PAINTBALLS LAST? We get this question a lot. From our best estimates you can play 2-3 games on 200 paintballs.

How many paintballs do I need for 1 hour? ›

The average paintball player uses approximately 200 paintballs per hour of play. You can adjust this number depending on your mood and level of competitiveness. If you need to get out some aggressions, you can estimate to add about 100 more. If you want to relax more and just have fun, you can subtract 100.

How long do 150 paintballs last? ›

Most players will use about 150 paintballs per hour.

How long do 300 paintballs last? ›

We recommend around 300-500 paintballs for your half-day session. At Velocity, you play 7 games within your 3-hour sessions, so it's best to make the most out of your paintballs to keep your games going! If you do run out, you can purchase more from our shop!

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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.