Pay Off Your Student Loans Fast With These 11 Tips (2024)

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If you’ve been out of college for years, then your monthly student loan payment may not even register as anything other than a standard bill. And if you’ve just graduated, then you’re surely new to grappling with the world of student loan debt.

Let’s get down to it: you’re not alone. The current American student loan debt burden, as of August 2023, is $1.77 trillion — with less than 2% of private student loans in default as of 2021. Roughly 43.6 million borrowers have federal student loan debt, and the average federal student loan debt balance is $37,718, per numbers from the Education Data Initiative.

While total housing debt has risen by about 30% since 2009, student loan debt has more than doubled over the same time frame.

There is some small hope here: total student loan debt growth is actually starting to slow. From 2021 to 2022, the historic total student loan debt only went from $1.73 trillion to $1.76 trillion—and from 2022 to 2023, it only went up to $1.77 trillion. Perhaps there is hope yet.

Still, for those of us who want to lower that total debt balance and perhaps drop it down to zero, we need some solutions. Here are some strategies to prioritize paying back your student loan payments — and fast.

Pro Tip

Considering refinancing your student loans? Credible, an independent student loan marketplace, helps you compare student loan refi rates from multiple lenders. Read more on how graduates saved.

Why You Should Prioritize Paying Student Loans Off Fast

Sure, we all have dreams. We want to pay off that student debt, buy a house and not stress about money each month. We want to live, well, the American Dream. Wasn’t that what we were promised?

7 Ways to Make Money if You Hate People

Do you avoid people too? In the past, there was almost no way around working with people if you wanted to earn a living, but things have changed.

Our team has compiled a list of creative ways you can fatten your bank account this month, without having to put up with people.

Enough small talk. Here are some ways to earn extra cash, without all of the social stuff.

It’s not impossible, but to do it, you’ll want to know how to pay off your student loans quickly. It’s the best way to get out from underneath their burden and get your financial life on track.

If you aren’t convinced, here are some concrete reasons:

Student loan debt — whether it’s private student loans or federal — is often not dischargeable in bankruptcy proceedings without a separate action. Filers generally must show “undue hardship.” In order to get them discharged, most bankruptcy courts will require you to prove three things in what’s known as the Brunner test, although this test has been “abandoned by” courts in several different circuits

  1. Based on your current income and expenses, you can’t maintain a minimal standard of living for yourself and dependents if forced to pay off student loans.
  2. Your inability to pay is likely to continue for a significant portion of the repayment period of the student loans.
  3. You have made good faith efforts to repay the loans.

Even if you eventually qualify for forgiveness, you’re likely to owe taxes. Unless your federal student loan debt is discharged under the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program, which is only available to government and nonprofit employees, you’ll have to claim the forgiveness on your taxes in the year your student loans are forgiven as part of your gross income and pay taxes on that amount as if it were income for the year.You will generally receive a Form 1099-C, Cancellation of Debt, from your lender.

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If you’re unable to make that payment to the IRS in a lump sum, you’ll have to pay fees and interest until it’s paid in full.

The consequences of student loan repayment will continue to hold you back. According to data from the office of Federal Student Aid, borrowers between ages 50 and 61 had the highest average student loan debt at the end of 2022 — $45,600 is owed on average. About 38.9% of student loan debt belongs to borrowers between 35 and 49.

And you still want to retire, right? The later you get started investing in your 401(k) and IRA, the more money you’ll need to contribute to retire.

How to Pay Off Student Loans: 11 Simple Strategies

So now you see why it’s so important to pay off student loans quickly. But how do you do it? We’re here to help you figure that out with these 11 strategies to paying off student loans fast.

  1. Build an emergency fund.
  2. Take inventory of your student loan debt.
  3. Figure out if you qualify for Public Service Loan Forgiveness.
  4. Determine your eligibility for income-driven repayment plans.
  5. Lower your interest rates.
  6. Make a plan for repayment.
  7. Budget for your monthly payments.
  8. Get a side hustle.
  9. Cut your expenses.
  10. Make above-and-beyond payments.
  11. Go for a raise or promotion.

1. Build an Emergency Fund

It may sound counterintuitive tosave money instead of throwing it at your loan balance, but think about it: Emergencies come up all the time, especially in times when you’re low on cash.

Pro Tip

Aim to save three to six months' worth of expenses, and you’ll find your student loan repayment will face fewer setbacks.

By having arainy day fund in a savings account, you won’t have to put those emergency expenses on a high-interest credit card or use the money you were going to put toward your student loans.

2. Take Inventory of Your Student Loan Debt

This tip will start with a notepad. Yes, you’ll have to get out pen and paper. Log in to all your loan servicers’ websites, and write down the full amount you owe to each. If you’re unsure who your student loan servicers are, you can use sites like Credit Sesame to run a soft credit check and see everyone you owe money to.

You’ll also need to determine if you have federal or private loans. You can check the National Student Loan Data Center for a list of your federal loans. Any loan not listed there is most likely private.

This is important, because your options for repayment will differ based on whether your loan is backed by the federal government. Federal loans generally have fixed interest rates and might offer tax-deductible interest (sometimes true as well for private loans) whereas private student loans could have variable interest rates and usually don’t offer student loan forgiveness.

3. Figure Out if You Qualify for Public Service Loan Forgiveness

Eligibility for the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program seems straightforward: If you’re a government or qualifying nonprofit employee, you can enroll in PSLF and have your federal student loans forgiven tax-free after 120 qualifying payments.They do not need to be consecutive.

There are important points to know about PSLF. First, those who work at for-profit organizations, labor unions or partisan political organizations are ineligible. You are eligible if you work for any U.S.-based government organizations at any level, including state, local or tribal, or for a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) non-profit or other non-profits that devote “a majority of their full-time equivalent employees to providing certain qualifying public services.” Certain federal loans, like the Perkins Loan or Family Education Loan, are also not eligible under this program. Your loans will also need to be repaid under an income-driven repayment plan or a 10-year standard repayment plan.

4. Determine Your Eligibility for Income-Driven Repayment Plans

The standard repayment term for federal student loans is 10 years, but if you have difficulty making payments, you have four main options for lowering them that take your income and expenses into account.

Note that these plans aren’t actually forgiveness programs; they’re repayment programs with a forgiveness option. Monthly payments for these plans are generally equivalent to 15% of your discretionary income—divided by 12.

With all these plans, you must resubmit your income and family size every year to determine eligibility. Married couples will have to submit their combined income.

Pro Tip

If you're serving in the armed forces, find out if you qualify for any military student loan forgiveness programs.

Use a student loan calculator to determine which of these is the best for you to enroll in. Even if you don’t want to use the forgiveness option, it is worth enrolling in one if you’re eligible as a failsafe against future financial hardship. Here are your major options:

Income-Based Repayment Plan (IBR)

If you took out your loan on or after July 1, 2014, you’ll pay 10% of your discretionary income monthly and apply for forgiveness after 20 years. If you took out your loan before that date, you’ll pay about 15% of your discretionary income and can apply for forgiveness after 25 years.

Income-Contingent Repayment Plan (ICR)

An income-contingent repayment plan caps your monthly payments at 20% of your discretionary income or what you would pay on a repayment plan with a fixed payment over the course of 12 years, adjusted according to your income. You will be eligible for forgiveness after 25 years. This is the only income-driven repayment choice for parent PLUS loan borrowers.

Pay as You Earn (PAYE)

This program is just like IBR but for those who took out loans after October 1, 2007, and before July 1, 2014. Essentially, you have to be a new borrower. Forgiveness is available after 20 years of payments.

Saving on a Valuable Education Plan (SAVE)

SAVE is like PAYE but for those who don’t qualify for any other program — again, the annual payment will come out to about 10% of your discretionary income.Forgiveness is available after 20 years of payments for undergraduate loans and 25 years for graduate or professional school loans.

Before you decide to embark on an income-driven repayment plan, it’s important to understand the pros and cons. The Federal Student Aid Office notes that these plans lower your monthly payments but do cause you to pay more in interest over time. And, as we stated before, if you do receive loan forgiveness, you’ll have to pay income tax on that money.

5. Lower Your Interest Rates

Federal student loans already have pretty low interest rates — now at around 5.5% for direct subsidized and unsubsidized loans— compared with debts like credit cards and personal loans, so lowering them won’t make a huge impact. But every little bit helps, so here are a few ways to lower your rates.

  • Refinancing student loans. With a good credit score and steady income, you can refinance both private and federal student loans for a potentially lower interest rate, although you will have to do so with a private lender.
  • Make sure you’re on auto debit. Signing up for automatic payments not only ensures you make your monthly payment on time, but most servicers also lower your rate by 0.25%.
  • Call your loan servicer. Private student loans tend to have higher interest rates than federal loans, but the good news is that you have more flexibility in lowering your interest rate.

6. Make a Plan for Repayment

After educating yourself on your options, you’ll need a plan to pay off your loans. Think of it like plugging your destination into Google Maps: There are a few routes you can take, and one might save you a few minutes, but any route is going to go more quickly than just winging it.

We’re big fans of the debt avalanche and debt snowball methods to pay off debt.

With thedebt avalanche method, you’ll start with your highest interest loan. You focus on putting extra payments toward that loan first, then once it’s paid off, you focus extra payments on your next-highest-interest loan.

If you prefer the opposite approach, taking things piece by piece, the debt snowball method starts with your loan with the lowest balance. You put extra toward that loan, and once it’s paid off, you focus on your loan with the next-lowest balance.

If you’re motivated by math, you might find that the slight savings of the debt avalanche appeals to you. If you’re motivated by quick wins, the accomplishments you’ll experience early on with the debt snowball will get you through those tough first months. Focus on your natural psychology to make the decision.

7. Budget for Your Monthly Payments

While there are several types of budgets to help you allocate your money, there’s one that stands out above the rest when you’re trying to pay off student loans faster:the zero-based budget.

The zero-based budget model allows you to prioritize your expenses. Using your income, you’ll go down your list of expenses, “paying” all of them until you’re at zero.

Why does it beat out the rest in the need for speed? While percentage-based budgeting methods tell you how much to pay off every month, the zero-based model puts you in charge of that decision.

You can put debt as high on your list of priorities as you want and contribute more if you have extra money left over.

One month you could put 30% of your take-home pay toward your loans, and the next you could put 55%.

8. Get a Side Hustle

There’s no easier way to have more money to put toward debt than making more of it. Don’t be discouraged if you have limited spare time, are confined to your home or think you have no profitable skills to offer — trust us, there are a ton of ways to make extra money.

Some of our favorites are freelance bookkeeping, dog-sitting, selling your stuff, and delivering food orders. If you increase your monthly income, you’ll also increase how much you can put toward your student loan debt.

9. Cut Your Expenses

There’s only so low you can go with cutting expenses, but by trying to cut a little more every month, you’ll gain momentum — and motivation to see how close you can get to zero.

Here are some ways people told us they saved money while they paid off their student loans.

  • Val Breitused a flip phone to avoid paying for a data plan as she got rid of $42,000 in student loans.
  • Cody Boorman traded in his car for a cheaper one to eliminate his car payment while he and his wife, Georgi, paid off a combined $56,000 of student loan debt.
  • Phil Risherstuck to free activities like hiking to keep him busy while tackling $30,000 of student loans.

Your budget will help you examine your spending and identify options for creatively cutting your spending.

10. Make Above-and-Beyond Payments

Making minimum payments will help you tread water, but you won’t cross the ocean with that mentality. The only way to pay off student debt ahead of schedule is to make payments that are above the minimum due, or make extra payments throughout the month.

A tip for sticking to extra payments is to schedule them. If you’re increasing your regular monthly payment, schedule your larger payment for just before your regular payment, and select “advance due date” so you don’t get double-charged. (This same trick works for mortgages as well.)

Pro Tip

You’ll be required to pay income tax on the amount forgiven, which you must pay in a lump sum to avoid fees and interest charges from the IRS.

If you think “advancing” the due date might tempt you to skip a few payments, make smaller, more frequent biweekly payments.

And lastly, plan to send any extra money from bonuses, windfalls or tax refunds straight toward your debt.

11. Go for a Raise or Promotion

One final tip is to focus on your career as a way of getting out of debt faster. While side gigs are great for making some quick money, your long-term wealth relies on your main gig.

That means you should ask for that raise, go for that promotion and apply for better jobs outside of your company. It’s also important to look at the long-term trajectory of any industry. If you notice employees who have been at your company for 20 years making only a few thousand dollars more than you, you may want to rethink your field — or at least budget accordingly.

Even if you don’t intend to leave your job, having an offer from another company is a powerful negotiating tool when you’re seeking better compensation and benefits.

And when you’re deciding between jobs, check to see if the company offers student loan repayment assistance. Many companies, including Fidelity, Aetna and Live Nation, now offer student loan assistance as a benefit for employees.

Use This Student Loan Calculator to Assess Your Payoff Speed

Student Loan Calculator

FAQ: Paying Off Student Loans Fast

What are the best debt repayment strategies for student loans?
The best strategies include making extra payments on the principal, enrolling in income-driven repayment plans if you’re eligible, and considering refinancing for lower interest rates. Each strategy can significantly reduce the amount of interest you pay over time and expedite the repayment process.

How do student loan forgiveness programs work?
Student loan forgiveness programs, like Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF), are designed to forgive the remaining balance on your federal student loans after you’ve made a certain number of payments while working for a qualifying employer. Research the specific requirements of these programs to determine if you qualify.

Is refinancing student loans a good idea?
Refinancing can be a powerful tool if you qualify for a lower interest rate, as it can reduce your monthly payments and the total cost of your loan. However, if you have federal loans, be mindful that refinancing with a private lender means losing eligibility for federal programs like loan forgiveness and income-driven repayment plans.

Can consolidating federal loans help pay off my student loans faster?
Consolidating federal student loans can simplify your payments by combining multiple loans into one. While it doesn’t inherently reduce your interest rate, it can make it easier to manage your debt and keep track of progress toward repayment goals.

What role does an emergency fund play in paying off student loans?
An emergency fund can prevent you from falling behind on student loan payments during financial hardships. It ensures that unexpected expenses don’t derail your debt repayment plan, keeping you on track to pay off your loans faster.

How does making extra payments impact my student loan debt?
Making extra payments directly towards the principal of your loan can significantly reduce the amount of interest you’ll pay over the life of your loan and shorten the repayment period. Even small additional payments can make a big difference over time.

What are some side hustles to consider for paying off student loans?
Side hustles can range from freelance work, tutoring and gig economy jobs to selling handmade goods online. The key is finding something that aligns with your skills and schedule to generate extra income specifically for your loan repayment.

How does my credit score affect student loan refinancing?
Your credit score is a crucial factor in determining your eligibility for refinancing and the interest rate you’ll receive. A higher credit score can help you secure a lower rate, reducing the overall cost of your loan.

Are there any tips for negotiating with loan servicers?
While loan terms are generally fixed, you can negotiate for better repayment terms or temporary forbearance in cases of financial hardship. It’s essential to communicate openly with your servicer and explore all available options.

Can student loan interest be deducted on my taxes?
Yes, you can deduct up to $2,500 of student loan interest from your taxable income each year, depending on your income and filing status. This deduction can reduce your overall tax burden, freeing up more money for loan repayment.

Robert Bruce is a senior staff writer at The Penny Hoarder covering earning, saving and managing money. He has written about personal finance for more than a decade. Jen Smith is a former staff writer at The Penny Hoarder.

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Pay Off Your Student Loans Fast With These 11 Tips (2024)


Pay Off Your Student Loans Fast With These 11 Tips? ›

Pay More than Your Minimum Payment

Paying a little extra each month can reduce the interest you pay and reduce your total cost of your loan over time. Continue to make monthly payments even if you've satisfied future payments, and you'll pay off your loan faster.

How to pay student loans off fast? ›

Pay More than Your Minimum Payment

Paying a little extra each month can reduce the interest you pay and reduce your total cost of your loan over time. Continue to make monthly payments even if you've satisfied future payments, and you'll pay off your loan faster.

How to pay off $100k in student loans in 5 years? ›

But don't worry — you have several potential ways to make your student loans more manageable.
  1. Refinance your student loans. ...
  2. Add a cosigner with good credit. ...
  3. Pay off the loan with the highest interest rate first. ...
  4. See if you're eligible for an income-driven repayment plan. ...
  5. See if you're eligible for student loan forgiveness.

How do you know if you qualify for student loan forgiveness? ›

Cancel student debt for borrowers who entered repayment a long time ago. Borrowers with undergraduate debt would qualify for forgiveness if they entered repayment 20 years ago or more, and borrowers with graduate school debt would qualify for forgiveness if they entered repayment 25 years ago or more.

Is it best to pay off student loans as fast as possible? ›

Pay less over the life of the loan: Because your student loan, like most other debt, accrues interest when you carry a balance, it's cheaper if you pay off the loan earlier. It gives the debt less time to accumulate interest, meaning you'll pay less in the long run.

How long does it realistically take to pay off student loans? ›

Data Summary. Student loans can take 5-20 years or longer to repay. It would take the average bachelor's degree graduate about 10 years to pay off their student loan debt if they made debt payments of $300 a month. 18 million federal student loan borrowers are on a 10-year repayment plan.

Does paying off student loans too fast hurt credit? ›

Quick Answer

Your credit score may dip temporarily after paying off a student loan, but it will typically rebound and can continue to increase as you practice good credit habits.

Can I pay $5 a month on student loans? ›

However, suppose you apply for income-driven repayment (IDR), other than the Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) plan, and qualify for a $5 payment. Your payment will not cover your monthly interest charges, and the remainder will stack up in your account.

How much is the monthly payment on a $70,000 student loan? ›

What is the monthly payment on a $70,000 student loan? The monthly payment on a $70,000 student loan ranges from $742 to $6,285, depending on the APR and how long the loan lasts. For example, if you take out a $70,000 student loan and pay it back in 10 years at an APR of 5%, your monthly payment will be $742.

How long will it take to pay off $35,000 in student loans? ›

Cost of Repaying Loans
Loan BalanceInterest RateTime For Repayment
$50,0004.99%10 years
$60,0007.5%20 years
$10,0005.5%15 years
$35,0006%15 years
Jan 13, 2023

What is not eligible for student loan forgiveness? ›

You're not eligible for federal student loan forgiveness programs if you have private loans, but there are other strategies for managing private loan debt. NerdWallet's ratings are determined by our editorial team. The scoring formula incorporates coverage options, customer experience, customizability, cost and more.

How do they choose who gets student loan forgiveness? ›

You may be eligible for income-driven repayment (IDR) loan forgiveness if you've have been in repayment for 20 or 25 years. An IDR plan bases your monthly payment on your income and family size.

Is it too late for loan forgiveness? ›

President Joe Biden delivers remarks on canceling student debt on February 21, 2024 in Culver City, California. The U.S. Department of Education is giving borrowers more time to meet a key student loan forgiveness deadline.

Why you shouldn't rush to pay off student loans? ›

Despite what you may think, paying off your loans as soon as possible isn't always the best thing to do. Getting ahead of your debt is, in general, a smart move; however, if it comes at the cost of avoiding other debt, or overshadowing other benefits you may be receiving, it could set you back in the long run.

Why is it so hard to pay off student loans? ›

Key Points. Interest can make student loans more expensive, while inflation can make that debt harder to manage alongside other bills. Paying off some of your debt during your studies could ease the burden later on and save you money on interest.

Is it bad to pay off student loans all at once? ›

A Lump Sum Payment Reduces Your Interest Amount

If a sizable part of your monthly payment is getting eaten up by interest each month, paying off a big chunk of your loans in one go will save you money in the long run.

How to pay off student loans when you are broke? ›

If you find yourself unable to pay your student loans because times are tough, here are some student loan repayment options to consider.
  1. Contact your loan servicer to discuss your options.
  2. Change your repayment plan.
  3. Look into consolidation.
  4. Consider deferment or forbearance.
  5. Look into loan forgiveness.
  6. Hear from an expert.
Feb 1, 2024

Can I pay off my student loans all at once? ›

Yes, you can pay your student loan in full at any time. If you are financially able to do so, it may make sense for you to pay off your student loans early to save money on interest. Lenders typically call this “prepayment in full.” Generally, there are no penalties involved in paying off your student loans early.

Can you borrow money to pay off student loans? ›

Many lenders actually have terms that prohibit the use of a personal loan for paying off student loan debt. If you aren't sure if a particular lender will allow you to use the funds for this purpose, you should be up front about your intentions to avoid breaching the lender's terms of use.

Should I pay off subsidized or unsubsidized loans first? ›

If you have federal student loans, they may be either subsidized or unsubsidized loans. It's typically best to focus on your unsubsidized loans first since they accrue interest during school and your grace period.

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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.