Percentage (How to Calculate, Formula and Tricks) (2024)

In mathematics, a percentage is a number or ratio that can be expressed as a fraction of 100. If we have tocalculate percent of a number,divide the number by the whole and multiply by 100. Hence, the percentage means, a part per hundred. The word per cent means per 100. It is represented by the symbol “%”.

Percentage (How to Calculate, Formula and Tricks) (1)

Examples of percentages are:

  • 10% is equal to 1/10 fraction
  • 20% is equivalent to ⅕ fraction
  • 25% is equivalent to ¼ fraction
  • 50% is equivalent to ½ fraction
  • 75% is equivalent to ¾ fraction
  • 90% is equivalent to 9/10 fraction

Percentages have no dimension. Hence it is called a dimensionless number. If we say, 50% of a number, then it means 50 per cent of its whole.

Percentages can also be represented in decimal or fraction form, such as 0.6%, 0.25%, etc. In academics, the marks obtained in any subject are calculated in terms of percentage. Like, Ram has got 78% of marks in his final exam. So, this percentage is calculated on account of the total marks obtained by Ram, in all subjects to the total marks.

Percentage (How to Calculate, Formula and Tricks) (2)

Table of contents:
  • Formula
  • How to Find Percentage
  • Percentage Difference
  • Percentage Increase and Decrease
  • Example
  • Percentage table
  • Fraction to percentage
  • Percentage vs Per cent
  • Percentage in Maths
  • Tricks
  • Marks Percentage
  • Solved problems
  • FAQs

Percentage Formula

To determine the percentage, we have to divide the value by the total value and then multiply the resultant by 100.

Percentage formula = (Value/Total value)× 100

Example: 2/5× 100 = 0.4× 100 = 40 per cent

How to calculate the percentage of a number?

To calculate the percentage of a number, we need to use a different formula such as:

P% of Number = X

where X is the required percentage.

If we remove the % sign, then we need to express the above formulas as;

P/100 * Number = X

Example: Calculate 10% of 80.

Let 10% of 80 = X

10/100 * 80 = X

X = 8

is what % of

Answer: %

Also, try out: Percentage Calculator.

Percentage Difference Formula

If we are given with two values and we need to find the percentage difference between these two values, then it can be done using the formula:

\(\begin{array}{l}Percentage~Difference = \frac{\left|N_{1}-N_{2}\right|}{\left[\frac{\left(N_{1}+N_{2}\right)}{2}\right]} \times 100\end{array} \)

For example, if 20 and 30 are two different values, then the percentage difference between them will be:

% difference between 20 and 30 =

\(\begin{array}{l}Percentage~Difference = \frac{\left|20-30\right|}{\left[\frac{\left(20+30\right)}{2}\right]} \times 100\end{array} \)

Percentage Increase and Decrease

The percentage increase is equal to the subtraction of the original number from a new number, divided by the original number and multiplied by 100.

% increase = [(New number – Original number)/Original number] x 100


increase in number = New number – original number

Similarly, a percentage decrease is equal to the subtraction of a new number from the original number, divided by the original number and multiplied by 100.

% decrease = [(Original number – New number)/Original number] x 100

Where decrease in number = Original number – New number

So basically if the answer is negative then there is a percentage decrease.

Solved Example

Two quantities are generally expressed on the basis of their ratios. Here, let us understand the concepts of percentage through a few examples in a much better way.

Example: Let a bag contain 2 kg of apples and 3kg of grapes. Find the ratio of quantities present, and the percentage occupied by each.


The number of apples and grapes in a bag can be compared in terms of their ratio, i.e. 2:3.

The actual interpretation of percentages can be understood as follows:

The same quantity can be represented in terms of the percentage occupied, which can be done as given below.

Total quantity present = 5 kg

Ratio of apples (in terms of total quantity)= 2/5

\(\begin{array}{l}=\frac{2}{5} \times \frac{100}{100}\end{array} \)

From the definition of percentage, it is the ratio that is expressed per hundred,

(1/100) = 1%

Thus, Percentage of Apples = (2/5)× 100 = 40%

Percentage of Grapes = (3/5)× 100 = 60%

Percentage Chart

The percentage chart is given here for fractions converted into percentages.


Converting Fractions to Percentage

A fraction can be represented by a/b.

Multiplying and dividing the fraction by 100, we have

\(\begin{array}{l}\frac{a}{b} \times \frac{100}{100} =\left ( \frac{a}{b} \times 100 \right ) \frac{1}{100}…(i)\end{array} \)

From the definition of percentage, we have;

(1/100) = 1%

Thus, equation (i) can be written as:

(a/b)× 100%

Therefore, a fraction can be converted to a percentage simply by multiplying the given fraction by 100.
Also, read:Ratio To Percentage

Percentage Questions

Q.1: If 16% of 40% of a number is 8, then find the number.


Let X be the required number.

Therefore, as per the given question,

(16/100) × (40/100) × X = 8

So, X = (8 × 100 × 100) / (16 × 40)

= 125

Q.2: What percentage of 2/7 is 1/35 ?


Let X% of 2/7 is 1/35.

∴ [(2/7) / 100] ×X = 1/35

⇒ X = (1/35) × (7/2) × 100

= 10%

Q.3: Which number is 40% less than 90?


Required number = 60% of 90

= (90 x 60)/100

= 54

Therefore, the number 54 is 40% less than 90.

Q.4: The sum of (16% of 24.2) and (10% of 2.42) is equal to what value?


As per the given question ,

Sum = (16% of 24.2) + (10% of 2.42)

= (24.2 × 16)/100 + (2.42 × 10)/100

= 3.872 + 0.242

= 4.114

Word Problems

Q.1: A fruit seller had some apples. He sells 40% apples and still has 420 apples. Originally, he had how many apples?


Let he had N apples, originally.

Now, as per the given question, we have;

(100 – 40)% of N = 420

⇒ (60/100)× N = 420

⇒ N = (420× 100/60) = 700

Q.2: Out of two numbers, 40% of the greater number is equal to 60% of the smaller. If the sum of the numbers is 150, then the greater number is?


Let X be the greater number.

∴ Smaller number = 150 – X {given that the sum of two numbers is 150}

According to the question,

(40 × X)/100 = 60(150 – X)/100

⇒ 2p = 3 × 150 – 3X

⇒ 5X = 3 × 150

⇒ X = 90

Difference between Percentage and Percent

The words percentage and percent are related closely to each other.

Percent ( or symbol %) is accompanied by a specific number.

E.g., More than 75% of the participants responded with a positive response to abjure.

The percentage is represented without a number.

E.g., The percentage of the population affected by malaria is between 60% and 65%.

Fractions, Ratios, Percents and Decimals are interrelated with each other. Let us look at the conversion of one form to another:


Percentage in Maths

Every percentage problem has three possible unknowns or variables :

  • Percentage
  • Part
  • Base

In order to solve any percentage problem, you must be able to identify these variables.

Look at the following examples. All three variables are known:

Example 1: 70% of 30 is 21

70 is the percentage.

30 is the base.

21 is the part.

Example 2: 25% of 200 is 50

25 is the percent.

200 is the base.

50 is the part.

Example 3: 6 is 50% of 12

6 is the part.

50 is the percent.

12 is the base.

Percentage Tricks

To calculate the percentage, we can use the given below tricks.

x % of y = y % of x

Example- Prove that 10% of 30 is equal to 30% of 10.

Solution- 10% of 30 = 3

30% of 10 = 3

Therefore, they are equal i.e. x % of y = y % of x holds true.

Marks Percentage

Students get marks in exams, usually out of 100. The marks are calculated in terms of per cent. If a student has scored out of total marks, then we have to divide the scored marks by total marks and multiply by 100. Let us see some examples here:

Marks obtainedOut of Total MarksPercentage
30100(30/100)× 100 = 30%
1020(10/20)× 100 =50%
2350(23/50)× 100 =46%
1340(13/40)× 100 = 32.5%
90120(90/120)× 100 = 75%

Problems and Solutions

Question 1:- Suman has a monthly salary of $1200. She spends $280 per month on food. What percent of her monthly salary does she save?


Suman’s monthly salary = $1200

Savings of Suman = $(1200 – 280) = $ 920

Fraction of salary she saves = 920/1200

Percentage of salary she saves = (920/1200)× 100 = 920/12% = 76.667%

Question 2:- Below given are three grids of chocolate. What percent of each White chocolate bar has a Dark chocolate bar?

Percentage (How to Calculate, Formula and Tricks) (3)


Each grid above has 100 white chocolate blocks. For each white chocolate bar, the ratio of the number of dark chocolate boxes to the total number of white chocolate bars can be represented as a fraction.

(i) 0 dark and 100 white.

i.e., 0 per 100 or 0%.

(ii) 50 dark and 50 white.

i.e., 50 per 100 or 50%.

(iii) 100 dark and 0 white.

i.e., 100 per 100 or 100%.

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs


What do you mean by percentage?

In maths, a percentage is a value or ratio that shows a fraction of 100. Percent means per 100. It does not have any units.


What is the symbol of percentage?

Percentage is denoted by ‘%’ symbol. It is also termed as per cent.


What is the percentage formula?

The formula to calculate the percentage of a number out of another number is:
Percentage = (Original number/Another number) x 100


What is the percentage of 45 out of 150?

(45/150)× 100 = 30%


What is 40% of 120?

40% of 120
= (40/100)× 120
= 48

Percentage (How to Calculate, Formula and Tricks) (2024)


Percentage (How to Calculate, Formula and Tricks)? ›

To complete this calculation, you use the formula: New value / original value x 100. For example, if the old value is 16 and the new value 20, then the percentage change is 20 divided by 16, which equals 1.25. You then multiply 1.25 by 100 to determine the increase is 125%.

What is the easiest trick to calculate percentage? ›

If we have to calculate percent of a number, divide the number by the whole and multiply by 100. Hence, the percentage means, a part per hundred. The word per cent means per 100.

What is the formula for percentage short tricks? ›

To calculate the percentage of a number that is equal to another number, you can use the formula: (number/total) x 100 = percentage. For example, if the number is 10 and the total is 100, the percentage would be: (10/100) x 100 = 10%.

What is the easiest way to solve percentage problems? ›

First, write the percentage as a fraction or decimal. Then, divide the fraction or decimal by the part. This method applies to any situation in which a percentage and its value are given. If 2 percent equals 80, multiply 80 by 100 and divide it by 2 to get 4000.

How do you calculate percentage of correct answers? ›

You need to divide the number of correct answers by the total number of questions. Then, multiply by 100% to know the percentage grade.

What is the cheat for percentages? ›

You simply take the first number in the percentage figure, so for example it would be 2 if it the number was 20, and multiply it by the first number of the other figure. For example if the question is: What is 20 per cent of 30? You would calculate it as 2x3=6. Voila!

How to calculate percentage very fast? ›

First, write the problem as a fraction, then simplify it. Next, convert the fraction to a percentage by making the denominator 100. Alternatively, divide the numbers to get a decimal and multiply by 100 to find the percentage. Master this skill for everyday use.

What is the quick method for percentage? ›

For the stock example, divide $67 by $15: $15 / $67 = 0.22. Multiply the decimal by 100% to get the percentage. For a quick way to do this, move the decimal place over twice to the right. In this case, we'd have 0.22 x 100% = 22%.

What is the formula to work out percentage? ›

Basic calculations and background

To convert fractions to percentages divide the numerator (number on the top) by the denominator (number on the bottom) and multiply by 100 this will give you the fraction as a percentage. For example 58 can be expressed as a percentage by 5÷8×100=62.5 5 ÷ 8 × 100 = 62.5 %.

How to do 6% of 300? ›

6% of 300 is 18.

Now, we multiply the numerators of the two fractions by the denominators of the opposite fractions. We then place the products on either side of an equal sign. When we divide both sides of the equation are divided by 100, we find the value of x, which is the answer to the percentage question.

What is 20% out of 80? ›

Answer: 20% of 80 is 16.

Let's find 20% of 80.

How do you calculate percentage accurately? ›

The percentage of a number is the value of the number out of 100. It is calculated by using the formula (part/whole) × 100. For example, in a class, there are 26 boys and 24 girls. So, the percentage of boys in the class is 26/(26+24) × 100 = 26/50 × 100 = 52%, which means out of 100, 52 are boys.

How do you find the percentage of correct responses? ›

To calculate the percentage of an answer, divide the number of responses to that point by the total number of responses to this Multiple-choice question and multiply by 100 (to reach the percentage).

How to calculate percentage in simple way? ›

Step 1: Divide the obtained marks by the maxim marks of the test. Step 2: Multiply the result by 100. Go through the example given below to understand the process of finding the percentage of marks. Example 1: A student scored 1156 marks in the examination out of 1200 marks.

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

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