Perl | defined() Function - GeeksforGeeks (2024)

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Defined() in Perl returns true if the provided variable ‘VAR’ has a value other than the undef value, or it checks the value of $_ if VAR is not specified. This can be used with many functions to detect for the failure of operation since they return undef if there was a problem.

If VAR is a function or reference of a function, then it returns true if the function has been defined else it will return false if the function doesn’t exist. If a hash element is specified, it returns true if the corresponding value has been defined, but it doesn’t check for the existence of the key in the hash

Syntax: defined(VAR)

VAR which is to be checked

Returns 0 if VAR is undef and 1 if VAR contains a value

Example 1:


X is definedY is not defined

Example 2:


Function ExistsY is not defined



Perl | defined() Function - GeeksforGeeks (3)


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Perl | defined() Function - GeeksforGeeks (4)

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Perl | defined() Function - GeeksforGeeks (2024)
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