Persona 5 Royal: All Exams & Class Quiz Answers (2024)

Persona 5 Royal

Persona 5 Royal: All Exams & Class Quiz Answers (1)

By Matthew Danielson



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Persona 5 Royal


Persona 5 Royal's Most Powerful Personas, Ranked
New Persona 5 Feature Lets You Play One Of The Most Iconic Games Ever Made
Persona 5 Royal: Max Social Link Guide For Every Character
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Persona 5 Royal: All Exams & Class Quiz Answers (5)

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  • Exam and Class Quiz Answers (1st Semester)

  • Exam and Class Quiz Answers (2nd Semester)

  • Exam and Class Quiz Answers (3rd Semester)

In Persona 5 Royal, you can increase Joker's Social Stats to unlock new Social Link opportunities by performing well in class exams and quizzes. Answering every quiz or exam question correctly increases Joker's Knowledge stat and improves relationships with other characters in the game. Those who put in the effort in and out of school can unlock new features and deepen bonds as the year goes by.

Maximizing stats in Persona 5 Royal can directly impact the outcome of the main story and give leverage against enemies in Palaces. Increasing the Knowledge stat will grant Joker the charm needed to make progress with Social Links, allowing you to form deeper relationships. The bonds you form can unlock a variety of features, such as evolved forms of Personas for members of your growing party.


Persona 5 Royal's Most Powerful Personas, Ranked

Persona 5 Royal brings even more personae to collect, fuse, and encounter than the base game. Here are some of the best players are able to use.

Exam and Class Quiz Answers (1st Semester)

Be Prepared When You're Called Upon

Persona 5 Royal: All Exams & Class Quiz Answers (7)

If you aren't paying attention, it may seem like class quiz questions come out of nowhere. However, exams and class quiz questions are scheduled for exact dates, meaning that you can always predict when Joker will be called upon. Most of the questions asked as quizzes during class show up again on exams, so pay attention to what answers you give the first time to repeat the right answer later in the semester.

Do not mistake class questions or exam prompts for TV quizzes in Persona 5 Royal, as those may still increase Joker's stats, but they only appear as you visit or work at Cafe Leblanc.

Apirl 12th - May 10th Class Quizzes & Answers




April 12th

"Tell me what the Devil's Dictionary defines as the Hider factor in the progress of the human race."


April 19th

"Between A and B...which line seems longer...?"

They're the same

April 23rd

"Between music, theater, and chariot racing, which sport did Nero win when he participated in the Olympics?"

All of them

April 25th

Ann asks for help with what the phrase "my country right or wrong" means to convey.

  1. You unquestioningly support it
  2. You have a duty to correct it

April 27th

"Do you know the name of the theorem named after this number?"

The Four Color Theorem

April 30th

  1. "First off, the 'wunder' part probably means...?"
  2. "Next, the 'kind' part. That's probably..."
  3. "Yeah, that's gotta be it. 'Kind' means a child...or at least a young guy, in your case."
  1. Wonder
  2. Child
  3. A prodigy

May 7th

"What's the literal translation of the phrase 'femme fatale'?"

Fatal woman

May 10th

"You know the time period Yosh*tsune was active in, don't you?"

The Heian period

May 11th - 13th Midterm Exam Questions & Answers

Exam Prompt


What historical figure inspired the idiom of "favoring the magistrate"?

Minamoto no Yosh*tsune

Yosh*tsune had a brother, right? Uh, I think his name was...

Minamoto no Yoritomo

But they ended up coming into conflict. And in the end, when they had to oppose each other...

Yoritomo won

That's probably because people tend to sympathize less with figures in power, and sympathize more with...

The weak

Which brain function is responsible for the phenomenon of seeing an illusion in this figure?


Which of the following maps can you paint without any adjacent areas being the same color?


Name the book that defined "malefactor" as the chief factor in the progress of the human race.

The Devil's Dictionary

What character archetype refers to a mysterious and seductive woman, typically with ulterior motives?

Femme Fatale


New Persona 5 Feature Lets You Play One Of The Most Iconic Games Ever Made

A new mod for Persona 5 allows Joker to sit down and enjoy one of the most iconic video games ever made and its implementation is seamless.

May 16th - July 12th Class Quiz Questions & Answers




May 16th

"What do we call the phenomenon where believing in a treatment's power is enough to improve your condition?"

The placebo effect

May 19th

"Which famous artist of the Edo period is said to have moved residence over 100 times?"

Katsushika Hokusai

May 21st

"The golden ratio is 1:1:618 but do you know the silver ratio?"


May 23rd

  1. "If we think about what these words have in common, then maybe 'syn' means..."
  2. "And 'aisthesis,' huh? That's a little like the word aesthetics. I wonder if it means..."
  3. "So that means the full word basically means..."
  1. Together
  2. Senses
  3. Senses coming together

May 26th

"Do you know which author Leblanc borrowed from?"

Arthur Conan Doyle

May 31st

"Do you know which peg-legged, parrot-toting historical figure's appearance became visual shorthand for pirates?"

John Silver

June 4th

"What do you think the name for the phenomenon is?"

Halo effect

June 7th

"The red king crab is biologically related to the hermit crab. So how is it different from a crab? Do you know?"

The number of legs

June 8th

"Where does totalitarianism take things a step further than authoritarianism?"

Controlling public thought

June 13th

"...What color do you think it turns (when washing your hair with copper)?"


June 15th

"Between paper bills and coins, which one is issued by the government?"


June 20th

When helping out Ann, tell her which one of her electronics has minor metals in it.


June 23rd

"Now do you know what this woman's position was?"

A pope

June 27th

"Which of these animals is involved in an English idiom about the weather?"


June 29th

"What do you think it says on the back of this (Shogi) piece?"


July 1st

"What's the meaning of the original Chinese phrase that these dumplings' name came from?"

Barbarian's head

July 4th

"Two people are responsible for July and August having 31 days. Do you know who those people are?"

Julius and Augustus

July 7th

When helping out Ann: "So Tanabata's about gods crossing a starry sky to reunite once every year. It might have something to do with...?"

  1. Milky Way
  2. Soumen

July 9th

"Do you know what shape it is?"


July 11th

  1. "What is long-term memory, anyway?"
  2. "Markus mentioned something about the amount of memories you could store, right? Something like..."
  3. If you have theoretically infinite space for them...Theoretically, you'd be able to retain them for..."
  1. Memories that last a long time
  2. Infinite
  3. Forever

July 12th

"Do you know what he did?"


July 13th - July 15th Final Exam Questions & Answers

Exam Prompt


If angle C is 28 degrees, and angles A and D are 88 degrees, what is the angle of B and E?

64 degrees

I think this came up in class. They were invented by that famous guy from Romance of the Three Kingdoms, right?

Zhuge Liang

And they were offering something to quell the river...

Barbarian's heads

This master strategist came up with the baozi to...

Offer them instead of heads

Write the name and biological classification of this creature.

Red King Crab (Paralithodes)

What happened when the government issued paper and hard currencies in Japan for the first time?

It caused confusion in the economy

  1. What is the English equivalent of the Norwegian idiom "raining witches?"
  2. Which of the following is another name for spikenard noodles traditionally eaten in Tanabata?
  1. Raining cats and dogs
  2. Demon guts

Exam and Class Quiz Answers (2nd Semester)

Be Prepared For Tougher Prompts

Although there are fewer questions overall during the 2nd semester of classes, you may notice that they increase in difficulty. As you can see in the above video by YouTube creator Andonlyone, your Knowledge retains the same growth for correct answers. However, fewer questions on quizzes and exams means fewer opportunities to build Joker's intelligence and more chances to lose out on stat buffs through mistakes.

September 3rd - October 11th Class Quiz Questions & Answers




September 3rd

"Each hand in this famous statue means something, you know what the right represents?"


Sept. 6th

"Do you know the name of that phenomenon where the second hand looks like it’s stopped moving?"


Sept. 14th

"What does a pawn shop offer that a secondhand shop doesn’t?"

Money loans for collateral

Sept. 17th

"What’s one of the supposed origins for the phrase “cat got your tongue?”

Cats eating human tongues

Sept. 21st

"Robot comes from a word in Czech ... but where in Europe is the Czech Republic located?"

Central Europe

Sept. 24th

"How many white and black shapes are there respectively on a soccer ball?"

20 white, 12 black

Sept. 28th

  1. "So 'PVS,' referring to when you mistakenly think your phone is going off... What's the P?"
  2. "The next part is the V part. That means it'd be 'phantom...' what?"
  3. "Last is the S. So if we have 'phantom vibration' so far...?"
  1. Phantom
  2. Vibration
  3. Syndrome

Sept. 29th

"But the fishermen of Nagaragawa are actually civil servants as well. So, tell me which sector they belong to."

Imperial Household Agency

October 3rd

"If we use 'three watermelons in the sun' to visualize a certain matter’s size against the universe’s, what are the melons?"


Oct. 6th

"Now, do you know who invented this instrument? (Guillotine)"

Joseph-Ignace Guillotin

Oct. 11th

"Which name was most commonly ascribed to shape B?"


October 17th - 19th Midterm Exam Questions & Answers

Exam Prompt


Counting both black and white surfaces, how many surfaces are there in total on a soccer ball?

32 surfaces

Didn't the teacher say that the number of colors used to be different? Do you remember?

It used to be one color

Oh yeah, I remember. I think she said that unlike now, soccer games were broadcasted with...

Black and white picture

Who conducted executions using this device?

Charles-Henri Sanson

What is the reason that most people cannot become a cormorant fisherman of Nagarasawa?

It's a hereditary profession

What is the meaning of "robota," the etymological root of "robot"?

Slave labor

Which of the following describes the density of stars in outer space?

3 bees in all of Europe

At this point, Joker will have at least leveled up his Knowledge once or twice by answering so many questions correctly. Use this newfound skill to unlock additional Confidants in Persona 5 Royal that were inaccessible before.

October 22nd - November 17th Class Quiz Questions & Answers




October 22nd

"Now, tell me the total count for each column in this magic square."


Oct. 24th

"From a psychological standpoint, what’s a key reason our memories can differ from reality?"

Memory bias

November 2nd

"Can you tell me the meaning of the word 'wack' in Thieves’ Cant?"

A share of stolen goods

Nov. 4th

"Clubs is a club, diamond is a gem, so what does a spade represent?"

A sword

Nov. 8th

"Tell me how old you have to be to listen in on a trial?"

Any age

Nov. 10th

"Do you know why it’s missing in the character for crow?"

Their eyes are hard to see

Nov. 12th

"I wonder. Do you know why voices sound so different over the phone?"

Because it's synthetic

Nov. 14th

"Tell me why that is? (Sun rising over Mt. Fuji)"

Because of high altitude

Nov. 15th

"He was to be paraded through the city and punished in a very particular way. How was he (Nezumi Kozo) punished?"

His head was put on display

Nov. 17th

"Do you know the name for this graph? Your hint is 'snails' ..."


December 20th - 22nd Final Exams Questions & Answers

Exam Prompt


Choose the graph that became the origin for the name of the Chinese yoyo known as a diabolo.


He was a really famous thief from the Edo period, right? How much money did he steal, in the end?

Over one billion yen

As a result, he was sentenced to...

Having his head displayed

Criminals, especially famous criminals being paraded around, was mostly done for...

Public performance

Which suit of cards represents the Holy Grail?


According to Japanese judicial law, what is possible for even an infant to do in court?


What country refers to a person who controls politics behind the scenes as a "prime minister in black"?


The Japanese word "dokyuu" translates to "massive." What English word inspired the initial "do" in dokyuu?



Persona 5 Royal: Max Social Link Guide For Every Character

Persona 5 Royal social links with all characters takes time and care. Players will need to hangout on days off, while avoiding a sudden game over.

Exam and Class Quiz Answers (3rd Semester)

Finish The Last Few Questions Without Pressure

Persona 5 Royal: All Exams & Class Quiz Answers (10)

The last semester of the year is by far the shortest, but you should still prioritize stats in Persona 5 Royal like Knowledge even at this point in the game. There are no exams during this semester, so you don't have to worry about huge tests of memory as the end-all for gaining Knowledge points. Simply pay attention somewhat in class, and you should be able to respond quickly with the right answer when teachers call on you.

January 11th - 27th Class Quiz Questions & Answers




January 11th

When helping Ann:

  1. "What’s this phrase supposed to illustrate about the gods of Shinto?"
  2. "What’s the phrase again? The one about how many gods there are in Shinto?"
  1. How numerous they are
  2. The Eight Million Gods

Jan. 14th

"Where do you think the fictional land of 'Ihatov' is modeled after?"


Jan. 18th

"What did the word awful originally mean?"


Jan. 21st

"Do you know what she’s stepping on?"

A snake

Jan. 24th

  1. "What does that mean when describing a person? (Sweet)"
  2. "So what kind of connotation would 'salty' have in that context?"
  3. "So with all of that in mind, 'salty' probably means ..."
  1. Kind-hearted
  2. Negative
  3. Resentful

Jan. 27th

"How far did this study suggest personal happiness can spread?"

To friends of friends of friends

Although some questions on the final exam are locked until Knowledge can be maximized on a New Game Plus playthrough, having the answers to these complex quizzes and exam questions is key to optimizing Joker's Social Links in Persona 5 Royal.

Source: Andonlyone/YouTube

Persona 5 Royal: All Exams & Class Quiz Answers (11)
Persona 5 Royal


Nintendo Switch , PC , PlayStation 4 , PlayStation 5 , Xbox One , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S

March 31, 2020

Atlus , P-Studio


M for Mature: Blood, Drug Reference, Partial Nudity, Sexual Themes, Strong Language, Violence
  • Gaming
  • Persona 5 Royal
  • Persona

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Persona 5 Royal: All Exams & Class Quiz Answers (2024)


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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.