Personal Independence Payment (PIP) (2024)

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) is a benefit which has replaced Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for people between 16 and State Pension age.

If you were over State Pension age and in receipt of the standard rate of the PIP mobility componenton 30 November 2020, a change in law may affect you.
You may be entitled to the enhanced rate of the mobility component where new medical evidence indicated a change in your condition and your review was considered prior to this date.
If you think this may apply to you, contact the
PIP Centre. Further information is available on the Department for Communities website

Thisis for Northern Ireland residents only.
If you are in England, Scotland or Wales

Introduction to Personal Independence Payment (PIP)

PIP helps towards some of the extra living costs arising from having a long-term physical or mental health condition or disability that is expected to last for 12 months or longer.

What PIP is for

PIP can help with extra living costs if you have both:

  • a long-term physical or mental health condition or disability
  • difficulty doing certain everyday tasks or getting around because of your condition

You can get PIP even if you’re working, have savings or are getting most other benefits.

PIP eligibility

You can get Personal Independence Payment (PIP) if all of the following apply to you:

  • you are aged 16 or over
  • you have a long-term physical or mental health condition or disability
  • you have difficulties doing certain everyday tasks or getting around
  • you have had these difficulties for at least three months and expect them to last for at least another nine months
  • you live in Northern Ireland and usually have lived in Northern Ireland, Great Britain, Isle of Man, Jersey or Guernsey for two out of the last three years
  • you are under State Pension age
  • Check your State Pension age

If you’re over State Pension age, you can apply forAttendance Allowanceinstead. Or if you’ve receivedPIPbefore, you can still make a new claim if you were eligible for it in the year before you reached State Pension age.

If you live abroad, you may be entitled to claim benefits in another European country

If you have moved to the UK from abroad and are not a British or Irish citizen, you may still be entitled to benefits

How PIP works

There are two parts toPIP:

  • a daily living part - if you need help with everyday tasks
  • a mobility part - if you need help with getting around

Whether you get one or both parts andhow much you get depends on how difficult you find everyday tasks and getting around.

Daily living part

You might get the daily living part ofPIPif you need help with:

  • preparing food
  • taking nutrition
  • managing therapy or monitoring a health condition
  • washing and bathing
  • managing toilet needs or incontinence
  • dressing and undressing
  • communicating verbally
  • reading and understanding signs, symbols and words
  • engaging with other people face to face
  • making budgeting decisions

Mobility part

You might get the mobility part ofPIPif you need help with:

  • planning and following journeys
  • moving around

You do not have to have a physical disability to get the mobility part. You might also be eligible if you have difficulty getting around because of a cognitive or mental health condition, like anxiety.

PIPis not affected by income or savings, it is not taxable and you can get it whether you are in work or not.

Claiming PIP if you might have 12 months or less to live

There are special rules if you're nearing the end of lifeand are not expected to live for more than 12months.

If you have been given a diagnosis of less than 12months to live, you’ll automatically get the daily living part. Whether you get the mobility part depends on your needs.

Find outhow to claim and how much you’ll get if you're nearing the end of life

  • Personal Independence Payment (PIP) Centre

If you get Disability Living Allowance (DLA)

DLA will continue to be paid for children up to the age of 16, both for existing or new claimants.

If you are a parent or guardian of a child under 16 years who is receiving DLA, you will receive a letter before your child turns 16. It will explain how to apply for PIP, when to claim and what will happen to DLA.

Measures are in place to support you if you received DLA and are financially worse off after you have been assessed for PIP.

Moreinformation is available to find out more about welfare supplementary payments

  • Welfare Supplementary Payments Team

How to claim PIP

As part of your claim for this benefit, or a review of an existing claim, you may need to have a health assessment.

There are four steps to claiming Personal Independence Payment.

Step one

Contact the Personal Independence Payment (PIP) Centre by phone, by post or by using sign language. If you use signlanguage, you mightbe able to use the video relay service toclaim PIP. This information is available in Easy Read format.

If you use sign language

You can use British Sign Language (BSL) or Irish Sign Language (ISL) to contact the Personal Independence Payment Centre.

To use the video relay service:

Claiming PIP by post

If you cannot use a phone or the video relay service or have no one to support you to make your claim by phone, you can make a claim by post instead. This means it takes longer to get a decision. You can write to the PIP Independence Payment (PIP) Centre at the address on the following linkto ask for a paper claim form:

  • contact information for the Personal Independence Payment (PIP) Centre

Information you’ll be asked for

To make a claim you'll be asked for information, including:

  • your contact details
  • your date of birth
  • your National Insurance number (if you have one)
  • your bank or building society details
  • the name and contact details of your GP or other healthcare professionals
  • details of any time you’ve spent abroad, or in a care home or hospital

If you have claimed DLA before you can askthat your earliermedical evidence is also made available. Start collecting any other supporting evidence you might want to send.

Someone else can call on your behalf but you’ll need to be with them when they call.

Step two

Explain how your disability affects you

You’ll be sent a ‘How your disability affects you’ form (also known as PIP2). It comes with notes to help you fill it in and has useful informationon the types of evidence to send to PIP. It also asks you to explain how your condition affects your daily life, both on good and bad days, and over a range of activities.

It is important you fill in this form and return it in the envelope given as soon as possible. If you need help to fill in the form you can contact the Department for Communities Make the Call Service.

You have one month to return the form. If you need more time to return your ‘How your disability affects you’ or PIP2 form, more time is available. You should contact the PIP Centre to arrange this.

You should includeany other supporting evidence you already have about your condition with the PIP2 form.

This is important and could mean you do not need to have an assessment.If you do not return this form your claim to PIP may be disallowed.

Information to support your claim

Information from the following people or places could help to support your PIP claim:

  • specialist nurses
  • community psychiatric nurses
  • social workers
  • occupational therapists
  • GPs
  • hospital doctors
  • physiotherapists
  • support workers

You could also send care or treatment plans from:

  • occupational therapists
  • social workers
  • community psychiatric nurses
  • learning disability support teams

Other sources of information that can help are:

  • hospital discharge or outpatient clinic letters
  • a statement of special educational needs
  • a certificate of visual impairment
  • repeat prescription lists
  • photographs or x-rays
  • letters about other benefits
  • test results likescans, diagnostic tests oraudiology

Letters from people who know you are only helpful if they can give you information about how your condition affects you.



Your claim will be assessed by an independent health assessor to help work out the level of help you need. Assessments can be in person or over the phone.

The health assessor will look at the information you giveand may ask your GP or other contacts you’ve givenfor more information if they think they need it. This means they can sometimes assess your claim by just using the written information.

Some assessments can take place at home but you may be asked to come to an assessment with a health assessor. If an assessment is needed, the health assessorwill contact you to arrange it.

The assessmentwill give you the chance to explain your needs in your own words. You can have someone with you for support and they can take part in the discussion too.

You can now also have your assessment recorded.Contact the health assessor before your appointment to arrange this. After your appointment you will receive a link to your recording by text message or email.

Step four


Once the assessment has finished, it will be returned and a PIP case manager will consider all the information, includingthe report from the independent health assessorand information you have given.

The case manager will make a decision on your claim and write to you with a clear explanation of how it was made.

You can get a copy of the report completed by the independent health assessor. Contact the PIP Centre to request this.

If you qualify for PIP, your claim will be periodically reviewed to make sure you are getting the right support.

How much you’ll get

How much PIP you get depends on how difficult you find:

  • everyday activities (‘daily living’ tasks)
  • getting around (‘mobility’ tasks)

Find outwhat tasks count as daily living and mobility tasks.

PIP amounts

2024/25 ratesStandard weekly rateEnhanced weekly rate
Daily living part£72.65£108.55
Mobility part£28.70£75.75

PIPis tax free and is paid every four weeks. The amount you get is not affected by your income or savings and you can get it whether you are in work or not.

Tell the Department for Communities (DfC) straight away if there’s achange in your personal circ*mstances or how your condition affects you.

If your PIP Claim is reviewed

The letter you got when your PIP was approved will tell you when your claim will end and if it will be reviewed.

How a PIP reviewworks

PIP will contact you if your award is to be reviewed.

You do not need to do anything before then unless your circ*mstances have changed. Your current PIP award will continue to be paid while your claim is being reviewed.

If your circ*mstances have changed contact thePIP Centre.

Review stages

  1. you will get a letter and a form
  2. fill in the form using the notes that come with it
  3. send your completed form and any supporting information you have not shared with PIP before
  4. the form explains what information to include and where to send it

If you need more time to complete and return your form, or if you need assistance with completing the form, you should contact thePIP Centre.

When your review form is returned

When you return your form, the PIP Centre will send you a text message to let you knowyour completed form has been received.

If you do not return your form and do not contact the PIP Centre, your PIP award may be affected.

PIP will review your form and will send you updates on what is happening with it. Your current PIP award will continue to be paid while the review is taking place.You only need to contact PIP if your circ*mstances change.

If PIP need more information, an independent health professional might phone you to ask some questions or send you a letter inviting you to an assessment which can be in person or over the phone. Not all reviews will require an assessment.

If you do have an assessment, the health professional will send PIP a report.PIP will then look at all the information and make a decision. Your current PIP award will continue to be paid while this is happening.

When your review is completed

Following completion of your PIP review, you will get a PIP decision letter, telling you about your PIP award.

Your PIP award might stay the same or, if your needs have changed, your PIP award might could be increased, reduced or in some cases stopped. The letter will also tell you what to do if you do not agree with the PIP decision.

If you're nearing the end of life

There are special rules if you're nearing the end of lifeand are not expected to live for more than 12months.

If you meet the criteria for the special rules for end of life:

  • you will not have to fill inthe form ‘How your disability affects you’
  • you will not need an assessment
  • you will be entitled to an award of the enhanced rate of the daily living partof PIP without having to satisfy the normal qualifying period
  • you may also be entitled to the mobility partof PIP depending on your mobility needs

You can make a claim to PIP under the special rules by phoning the Personal Independence Payment (PIP) Centre.

Some extra questions will be asked whilst on the phone about your condition and how it affects your ability to get around. Someone else can make the call on your behalf.

If you're nearing the end of life you are encouraged to get an SR1 form from a medical professional such as a GP, hospital or hospice doctor or registered nurse, for example, Macmillan nurses or specialist nurses to support your claim unless you have sent one for PIP or any other benefit in the last 11months.The SR1 is a report about your medical condition. You won’t have to pay for it.

You can ask the doctor’s receptionist, a nurse or a social worker to arrange it for you. You don’t have to see the doctor.A completed SR1cannot be treated as a claim to PIP.

Changes in your circ*mstances

Changes to your circ*mstances can affect whether you should get PIP or the amount you get. It is important to contact the PIP Centre.

Here are some examples of what you need to report:

  • a change in your personal details such as name, address or doctor
  • you go into a residential or care home
  • you go into hospital
  • the level of help you need or condition changes
  • your condition worsens and you’re not expected to live more than 12 months
  • you’re imprisoned or held in detention
  • you’re immigration status has changed if you’re not a British or Irish Citizen

Going abroad to live or visit

You need to report if you go abroad for a temporary period or to live in another country. If your visit abroad is temporary, you may continue to get your benefit paid if:

  • your absence from Northern Ireland does not last more than 13 weeks
  • you are temporarily absent from Northern Ireland for the purpose of receiving medical treatment, payments can continue to be paid for 26 weeks

If you are going to live abroad permanently it may affect any PIP you get.

If you move to acountry in the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland and already receive PIP, you may continue to get it under certain circ*mstances. You should check out further information on thePayment of disability benefits in other Europeancountries.

Disability premiums, other benefits andPIP

You may get a top-up (called aDisability Premium) if you get:

  • Income Support
  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
  • Housing Benefit

If you previously qualified for the disability element of Working Tax Credit you may now qualify for the Limited Capacity for Work and Work Related Activity (LCWRA) element ofUniversal Credit

If you getConstant Attendance Allowanceyou’ll get less of the daily part ofPIP.

If you getWar Pensioners’ Mobility Supplement you will not get the mobility part ofPIP.

Cost of Living Support Payment 2023/2024

A Cost of Living Support package has been put in place that includes one-off payments to those on income related benefits, disabled claimants and pensioners. These payments are intended to provide support with the current rise in the cost of living.

Find out more aboutCost of Living support

Contacting the PIP Centre

Use the following link to contact the PIP Centre by phone, post or using sign language:

  • Personal Independence Payment (PIP) Centre

Other help you can get

If you receive the mobility part ofPIP, you might be eligible for a:

If someone helps to care for you, they may be able to getCarer’s AllowanceorCarer’s Credit.

Information videos

A series of videos help explain the key stages when claiming PIP. Videos are also available in British and Irish Sign Language, and with subtitles.

What to do if you disagree with the decision

If you disagree with the decision, you canappeal. This is called asking for a ‘mandatory reconsideration’ and means the PIP Centre will look at the decision again. Your decision letter will explain if you can ask for a mandatory reconsideration and explain how to apply for one.

You must apply for a mandatory reconsideration within one calendar month of the date on your decision notice. If you don’t apply within this time limit, you may not be able to appeal against the decision.

The time limit for applying for a mandatory reconsideration can be extended in exceptional circ*mstances.For more information on these circ*mstances, contact thePIP Centre.

You cannot appeal to the Appeals Service until you have had a mandatory reconsideration.

How to apply for a mandatory reconsideration

You can ask for a mandatory reconsiderationby contacting the PIP Centre:

  • by phone
  • by letter
  • by filling in and returning anMR2(NI) request form

If you want to send evidence

This needs to show why the decision was wrong. It could, for example, be:

  • new medical evidence
  • reports or care plans from specialists, therapists or nurses
  • bank statements or payslips

Only include evidence you have not already sent.

Write your full name, date of birth and National Insurance number at the top of each piece of evidence and send it to the PIP Centre.

What happens next

A case managerwho was not involved in making the original benefit decision will look at the decision again. You’ll get a Mandatory Reconsideration Notice(MRN) telling you whether they’ve changed the decision. It’ll explain the reasons for that decision and the evidence it was based on.

This is your opportunity to say why you think the decision is wrong. You must include any information that shows the wrong decision has been made. If you disagree with more than one part of the decision, say why you disagree with each part.

Once you have received the MRN, if you are still unhappy with the decision, you can appeal to an Independent Appeal Tribunal.

The case will be reviewed again before it goes to an Independent Appeal Tribunal. New or more evidence can be sent to support your appeal at this stage.

You will be writtento if this review changes your decision. The letter will tell you what happens if you accept the new decision and what this means for your appeal to the Independent Tribunal.

Information on the appeals process is on the following page:

  • Appeal a benefits decision

How to complain about the service you get

If you are unhappy about any aspect of the service given you can make a complaint to the Department for Communities (DfC). You can contact DfC about any aspect of the service you’ve received.This will not affect your claim.

Further information is available at:

How to complain about the PIP Assessment Service Provider

You can make a complaint about a service from the PIP Assessment Service Provider -Capita PIP Northern Ireland.

A complaint will not affect your PIP claim.

Benefit over-payments

There are circ*mstances when you may be paid too much benefit and you will be asked to repay this. To make a repayment contactDebt Management.

If you require further support, contact Debt Management as soon as possible to discuss an affordable repayment plan and other potential options.

Help and support

If you would like independent help and advice on Personal Independence Payment or any other welfare changes, you can visit any independent advice office or contact Advice NI.

More useful links

  • Welfare Changes Helpline
  • Disability and Carers Service
  • The Common Travel Area and social security benefits
  • Advice NI
  • Contacting 08 and 03 numbers

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Personal Independence Payment (PIP) (2024)


How much is PIP per week? ›

PIP allowance rates in August and September 2024

The PIP allowance rate you may be entitled to depends on whether you're eligible for the daily living or the mobility components of the DWP assessment. For the daily living component: The lower rate is £72.65 a week. The higher rate is £108.55 a week.

What illness automatically qualifies for PIP? ›

There's no set list of medical conditions that make you eligible for Personal Independence Payment (PIP) in the UK.

Who is eligible for PIP in the US? ›

PIP provides temporary legal status and can help prevent families from being separated. It has mainly been granted to spouses, children, and parents of U.S. military members in the past, but as of August 19, 2024, undocumented spouses and stepchildren of U.S. citizens are able to apply for this benefit.

Will my ESA go up if I get PIP? ›

Not only can you have PIP and ESA at the same time, but just having an award of PIP can increase the amount of income-related ESA you are entitled to.

Do you get paid PIP monthly? ›

PIP is usually paid every 4 weeks. Your decision letter tells you: the date of your first payment. what day of the week you'll usually be paid.

What is the 3 month rule for PIP? ›

Required period condition

In order to be entitled to PIP , claimants have to satisfy a qualifying period of 3 months and a prospective test of 9 months. These 2 conditions are referred to as the 'required period condition' and help establish that the health condition or disability is likely to be long term.

Can I claim PIP for anxiety? ›

You do not have to have a physical disability to get the mobility part. You might also be eligible if you have difficulty getting around because of a cognitive or mental health condition, like anxiety.

Is it difficult to be awarded PIP? ›

To get PIP you must find it hard to do everyday tasks or get around because of a physical or mental condition. You must have found these things hard for 3 months and expect them to continue to be hard for another 9 months.

Can you be denied PIP? ›

The DWP can refuse your application if it's late, but as long as you applied within 13 months of the date on your decision letter you can still appeal their decision at a tribunal.

How far back will PIP pay? ›

However, there are limits to how far back payments can be backdated. The maximum period for backdating is usually three months before the date of the claim, so it's essential to apply for PIP as soon as possible after becoming eligible.

What conditions are most likely to be awarded PIP? ›

Psychiatric disorders

With 37% of people receiving PIP having a psychiatric disorder, it is the most common condition people receiving PIP claim for. Psychiatric disorders are mental health conditions that can affect how a person thinks and feels about themselves and/or the world around them.

What does PIP not cover? ›

PIP insurance does not cover: Bodily injuries to the other driver and their passengers. Injuries in an accident if you are driving for work purposes. Injuries from an accident while you were committing a crime.

What states require PIP? ›

PIP is required in Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Utah. It may or may not be subrogatable, as set forth in the chart below.

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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