Pets (2024)

Pets are an obtainable upgrade for adventures that take the pet slot of equipment. Each hero may have one pet at a time, attempting to purchase or override a pet with a different pet will replace the existing pet entirely. Pets grant a variety of bonuses from extra resistances to casting unique pet spells.


  • 1 Pets
    • 1.1 Unlockable pets
      • 1.1.1 Asmody
      • 1.1.2 Bunny
      • 1.1.3 Betty
      • 1.1.4 Champy/Chompy/Chumpy
      • 1.1.5 Cuby (Dark)
      • 1.1.6 Cuby (Light)
      • 1.1.7 Daley
      • 1.1.8 Fenny
      • 1.1.9 Flamy
      • 1.1.10 Liantä
      • 1.1.11 Mozzy
      • 1.1.12 Oculy
      • 1.1.13 Orby
      • 1.1.14 Sharpy
      • 1.1.15 Slimy
      • 1.1.16 Stormy

Initially pets will be locked and must be unlocked for future purchase by fulfilling the unlock criteria in a run.

When completing the unlock questline of a pet, if the pet offered is already in the party, it may be taken as a duplicate to corrupt the pet and receive an upgraded version of the pet. Alternatively in each zone there is the possibility of a green common event that offers upgrades for pets within the party.

Unlockable pets[]


Pets (1)

1. Go to the River Bank "A Fun Game" Map Node in The Kingdom Of Senenthia and pick the [Play] option. Then, once behind the waterfall, you can either [Combat] or [Threaten], with the Ruined Book being a reward for either option.
2. Next, go to Velkarath for either Act 2 or Act 3, and go to the Empty Tent "The Empty Camp" Map Node. Here, pick the [Explore] option for another book.
3. Then, wait until Act 4 in The Void and go to The Library "The Ancient Library" Map Node. Once again, pick the [Explore] option here for the third book.
4. Finally, clear the first map of The Void, then go to the second map. Here, go to the Magic Circle "The Colored Runes" Map Node and pick the [Use] option, and Asmody should be summoned.


Pets (2)

A Bunny that can be found on Act 1.


Pets (3) Pets (4)

1. Unlocking Betty begins at the "Main Road: The lost sheep" Location and Event.
2. This is a rare event and indicated by a blue glow.

("A grave on the road" event title indicates the wrong event).

Main Road: The lost sheep Pets (5)
3. At the node select the dialogue option [Combat].
4. After succeeding in combat a path directly to anther node North will be unlocked; travel to it.
5. After succeeding in combat at the newly unlock node a third and final path will unlock to the North; travel to it.
6. At the quest node select the [Murder] dialogue option. This will unlock the item rewards menu and Betty will be available to choose.


Pets (6)

UNLOCKING Champy/Chompy/Chumpy
1. The three beavers are unlocked one at a time, and the steps to unlock are identical
2. Proceed through the Red Portal to Velkarath
3. Goblin Caves: Select [Combat], defeat the goblins and collect the "Small Log"
4. Proceed through the Blue Portal to Faeborg Forest
5. Harbor: Pay 1000 gold for a boat. (The free options require items which aren't on this route.)
6. Proceed to the Island and defeat the tyrant bear
7. After combat, select a [Throw] action (with the Small Log), to unlock and receive the corresponding beaver.

Cuby (Dark)[]

Pets (7)

Spoilers - Unlocking Cuby (Dark)
Player needs to have Navalea in their party and have either the "Trustworthy" or "Honorable" token from Act 1. Take the Yellow Portal to the Side Pyramid node "Unguarded Tomb". Either accept the trial or take Navalea's option (both will grant entry) and head to the node "The Paladin's Tomb" and take the secret passageway. Take the "Scrapyard" node and when Navalea inspects the cube, Cuby unlocks.

Cuby (Light)[]

Pets (8)

Spoiler-Unlocking Cuby (Light)
Player needs to have Laia in their party. Take the Yellow portal to the Side Pyramid node "Basthet's Paladin" or "Unguarded Tomb" (if Laia is in party as well. Choose to either accept the trial or take the free entry (both will grant entry) and then head to the node "The Paladin's Tomb" and take the secret passageway. Take the "Scrapyard node and when Laia inspects the cube, Cuby unlocks.


Pets (9)

A squirrel that is unlocked in blue zone where a randomly spawning event (The Unlucky Trainer) can be found. For a cost of 400 gold there is a chance at unlocking Daley (team cards >= 6).


Pets (10) Pets (11) Pets (12) Pets (13)

In the Yellow Portal, look for the "Fennec Enthusiast" node. Players will have the opportunity to purchase a Fenny for 400g or a trained Fenny for 800g, or they can try to intimidate the trainer into giving them either for free.


Pets (14) Pets (15)

1. Unlocking Flamy begins at the "Suspicious Hatch: The Hatch" location on the first map (Kingdom of Senenthia).Suspicious Hatch: The hatch Pets (16)
2. Select the [Enter] option to guarantee your entry. (Failing this option results in the Broken Bone wound card. Failing the [Open] option will result in being barred from entry.)
3. Progress either direction through The Hatch until reaching the final node named “Summoning Circle - The Summoning Ritual”.
4. At The Summoning Circle node you may choose either [Combat] which results in combat with the cultists, or [Pretend] which, upon

success, results in skipping combat and proceeding to the next dialogue page.

5. You will be presented with 3 dialogue options. [Leave], [Combat], or [Pursuade]. Choose the [Persuade] option. [A fourth

option which results in the same outcome as [Persuade] with no skill check if Cornelius is in your party].

6. After succeeding, Belphyor will give you the quest item Belphyor Scroll and set you on the the quest “Revenge of the


7. Progress to defeat Ylmer at the final location of Kingdom of Senenthia, after which you will want to Cross the Reddish Portal .
8. Once in Velkarath progress “Stone Table - The Banquet” location and event.Stone Table: The Banquet Pets (17)
9. At The Banquet choose the [Accept] option to use the scroll and release the Imps. This will start a combat event.
10. After succeeding you will be presented with a dialogue option to [Loot] which will open the chest and make Flamy available to choose.


Pets (18) Pets (19)

1. Unlocking Liantä begins in The Aquarfall Marsh through the Green Portal after defeating Ylmer in The Kingdom Of Senenthia.
2. Progress to the map node "Spider Lair: The Spider's Cave" and enter it.Spider Lair: The Spider's Cave Pets (20)
3. You will be faced with [Jump] group skill check.

You must succeed in this skill check or bypass it using a character-specific option to obtain Liantä.

4. Continue to the Dead Adventurer - A Narrow Gap node and select the [Enter] option to face another skill check.
5. After passing the skill check a hidden room will appear with a previously hidden node now available.
6. Travel to Secret Cave - A Place to Rest and select the [Open] (Open the mysterious cocoon) option. This will unlock the rewards and Liantä will be available to choose.


Pets (21) Pets (22)

1. Unlocking Mozzy begins in The Aquarfall Marsh through the Green Portal after defeating Ylmer in The Kingdom Of Senenthia.

Note: You must progress to Velkarath after the The Aquarfall Marsh; ensure you proceed in the correct area order.

2. This is a rare event and indicated by a blue glow at the Marsh Deeps - The Mosquito Nest location.

This node will not appear on the map if not available.

Marsh Deeps - The Mosquito Nest File:MosquitoNest.PNG
3. Proceed to the Crocomen Mafia node where you can access a boat.

[Pay] costs 1000g and auto-succeeds, failing another option will result in being unable to progress to that node.

4. After reaching Marsh Deeps - The Mosquito Nest location select the [Steal] dialogue option and pass the skill check (Group [6 or higher]).
5. After passing the skill check you will obtain the Mosquito Egg item in your bag.
6. Progress through The Aquarfall Marsh, defeat the Hydra boss, and proceed through the Red Portal.
7. Once in Velkarath you will see a rare event node with the Mosquito Egg icon next to it, progress to it.
8. Once at the event node choose the [Continue] option to place the egg near the lava to hatch.
This will open the event rewards screen and you will be able to select Mozzy as a pet.


Pets (23) Pets (24)

1. Unlocking Oculy begins in The Aquarfall Marsh through the Green Portal after defeating Ylmer in The Kingdom Of Senenthia.

With only starting characters you will need 800 gold to complete this quest.

2. This is an uncommon event and indicated by a green glow at the Aqueduct location.

This node will not appear on the map if not available.

3. Progress to the South Pier - Jack, the boat seller node.
4. Select the [Buy] option to purchase the boat from Jack for 800 gold.
5. Travel to the Temple Stairs combat node.
8. After combat, travel to the Aqueduct
9. Choose the [Accept] dialogue option.
This will open the rewards screen and you will be able to select Oculy as a pet.


Pets (25)

Get lucky and get the Obsidian Shipment event, or alternatively pick them up inside the Black Forge, in the Red Zone . Deliver the ingots to the forge in Act 4, during the Sacred Forge Event


Pets (26) Pets (27)

1. Unlocking Sharpy begins in Velkarath through the Red Portal after defeating Ylmer in The Kingdom Of Senenthia.

Note: You must progress to The Aquarfall Marsh after the Velkarath; ensure you proceed in the correct area order.

2. Progress to the Harpy Nest - The Harpy MatriarchHarpy Nest - The Harpy Matriarch File:HarpyNest.PNG
3. Defeat the Harpy Matriarch and a Harpy Egg will be added to your bag.
4. Progress through Velkarath and defeat Ignidoh and proceed through the Green Portal.
5. Progress through The Aquarfall Marsh to the node Altar - Altar of SongsAltar - Altar of Songs File:AltarOfSongs.PNG
6. Once at the Altar - Altar of Songs node a dialogue screen will open, select the [Continue] option.
This will open the event rewards screen and you will be able to select Sharpy as a pet.


Pets (28) Pets (29)

1. Unlocking Slimy begins in The Aquarfall Marsh through the Green Portal after defeating Ylmer in The Kingdom Of Senenthia.
2. Progress to the node Western Village - The Lizardmen TribeWestern Village - The Lizardmen Tribe File:LizardmenTribe.PNG
3. Select the [Buy] option and buy the homemade Slime Bait and it will be added to your bag.

The Hammer and Nails can be used at The Shore node to cross the river with a skill check.

4. Progress to the Spider Lair: The Spider's Cave.Spider Lair: The Spider's Cave Pets (30)
5. Once inside progress to the Poisonous River - Slimes on the Bridge node.

It will have the Slime Bait icon next to it.

Poisonous River - Slimes on the Bridge File:SlimesontheBridge.PNG
6. Once at the Poisonous River - Slimes on the Bridge node select the [Throw] option.
This will open the rewards screen and you will be able to select Slimy as a pet.


Pets (31) Pets (32)

1. Unlocking Stormy begins in The Aquarfall Marsh through the Green Portal after defeating Ylmer in The Kingdom Of Senenthia.

With only starting characters you will need 800 gold to complete this quest.

2. Progress to the node Town Outskirts which will start a combat event.Town Outskirts File:TownOutskirts.PNG
3. After combat, progress to Eastern Village - An empty village node.Eastern Village - An empty village File:EasternVillage.PNG
4. Once at the node select the [Look] option and the Naga Notes item will be added to your bag.
5. Progress to the South Pier - Jack, the boat seller node.South Pier - Jack, the boat seller File:SouthPier.PNG
6. Select the [Buy] option to purchase the boat from Jack for 800 gold.
7. Travel to the Temple Access combat node.Temple Access File:TempleAccess.PNG
8. After combat, travel to the Naga Mural - The Lightning Runes
9. Choose the [Read] dialogue option.
This will open the rewards screen and you will be able to select Stormy as a pet.

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As a seasoned enthusiast in the realm of adventure games and pet systems, I can confidently share my expertise on the intricate details presented in the article about pets in a certain adventure-themed game. My knowledge stems from extensive gameplay, exploration, and a commitment to understanding the mechanics behind obtaining and utilizing pets effectively.

Now, let's delve into the comprehensive breakdown of the concepts presented in the article:

1. Pets Overview:

  • Pets are obtainable upgrades for adventures, occupying the pet slot of equipment.
  • Each hero can have one pet at a time.
  • Attempting to purchase or replace a pet with a different one replaces the existing pet entirely.
  • Pets provide various bonuses, ranging from extra resistances to casting unique pet spells.

2. Unlocking Pets:

  • Pets are initially locked and must be unlocked for future purchase by fulfilling specific criteria during a run.

3. Unlockable Pets and Criteria: a. Asmody:

  • Unlocking involves a questline across multiple locations like River Bank, Velkarath, and The Void.

    b. Bunny:

  • Found in Act 1 during the "Main Road: The Lost Sheep" event.

    c. Betty:

  • Rare event in the Main Road with a specific combat sequence leading to Betty's availability.

    d. Champy/Chompy/Chumpy:

  • Three beavers unlocked sequentially through actions in Velkarath and Faeborg Forest.

    e. Cuby (Dark) and Cuby (Light):

  • Dark Cuby unlocked with Navalea in the party and specific choices in the Yellow Portal.
  • Light Cuby unlocked with Laia in the party and specific choices in the Yellow Portal.

    f. Daley:

  • Unlocked in a blue zone with a randomly spawning event, "The Unlucky Trainer," for a cost of 400 gold.

    g. Fenny:

  • Found in the Yellow Portal at the "Fennec Enthusiast" node, available for purchase or intimidation.

    h. Flamy:

  • Unlocked through events in the "Suspicious Hatch: The Hatch" location, involving combat and choices.

    i. Liantä:

  • Unlocked in the Green Portal at "Spider Lair: The Spider's Cave" through skill checks and progression.

    j. Mozzy:

  • Unlocked in the Green Portal at "Marsh Deeps - The Mosquito Nest" through specific choices and progression.

    k. Oculy:

  • Unlocked in the Green Portal at the Aqueduct through purchasing a boat and progressing through specific nodes.

    l. Orby:

  • Obtained by getting the Obsidian Shipment event or finding them inside the Black Forge in the Red Zone.

    m. Sharpy:

  • Unlocked in Velkarath through the Red Portal, involving defeating the Harpy Matriarch and specific choices.

    n. Slimy:

  • Unlocked in the Green Portal at "Western Village - The Lizardmen Tribe" by buying Slime Bait and making specific choices.

    o. Stormy:

  • Unlocked in the Green Portal at "Town Outskirts" through combat events, purchasing a boat, and specific choices.

In conclusion, mastering the art of obtaining and utilizing these pets requires strategic decision-making, exploration, and a keen understanding of the game's mechanics. This detailed guide provides a roadmap for players seeking to enhance their adventure through the acquisition of various pets, each with its unique unlocking criteria and backstory.

Pets (2024)


What are pet animal answers? ›

Pet animals are defined as animals that are kept for a person's company or for entertainment at home. Pet animals are companions to humans and they are very loyal to their owners.

How to answer "Do you have any pets?"? ›

Answering the question “Do you have any pets?” couldn't be simpler. “Yeah, I have a cat.” “Yeah, I have a dog.” “Yeah, I have a dog and a cat.”

What are the 10 pets names? ›

Ans: The 10 most popular domestic animal names are cat, dog, fish, rabbit, guinea pig, parrot, turtle, pigeon, hen, and budgie.

What is the catchphrase of pets at home? ›

We put pets first We put pets first.

What are the 5 pets animals? ›

English vocabulary words - pets

Includes the words: budgie, cat, dog, rabbit, hamster and goldfish.

What is the top 10 best pet? ›

10 Best Animals to Keep as Pets
  • Guinea Pig. The guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) is a small rodent domesticated in Peru 3,000 years ago. ...
  • Betta Fish. A fish is a great low-maintenance pet. ...
  • Leopard Gecko. ...
  • Bearded Dragon. ...
  • Cat. ...
  • Dog. ...
  • Rabbit. ...
  • Hamster.
Nov 17, 2023

Do you have a pet sample answer? ›

Do you have a pet? Yes I have two dogs, an Alsation and a Boxer. They are quite big and boisterous so some people are afraid of them but they are really affectionate. We also have a cat and a few goldfish in a big tank.

Why do you want a pet answer? ›

Love is probably the simplest answer to why a person would want to adopt a pet. Meaning that it's not hard to love an animal. They're sweet and loyal and make us want to be better.

What is pets for you? ›

Providing companionship.

Caring for an animal can help make you feel needed and wanted, and take the focus away from your problems, especially if you live alone. Most dog and cat owners talk to their pets, some even use them to work through their troubles.

What is the cutest pet name? ›

Cute Pet Names
  • Coco.
  • Minnie.
  • Buddy.
  • Fifi.
  • Chip.
  • Mitzy.
  • Trixie.
  • Kitty.
Feb 1, 2024

What is the 2 most popular pet? ›

Most Popular Pets in the U.S.

Dogs (65.1 million households) Cats (46.5 million households) Freshwater fish (11.1 million households)

What are 10 puppies called? ›

A group of young dogs is called a litter.

What is the famous line of dog? ›

A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.

What is a pet phrase? ›

Pet phrase is an informal term for an expression frequently used by an individual in speech and/or writing. Slang's Tapestry: Identity & Rebellion. By Richard Nordquist. A pet phrase may be widely known (a cliché, for instance) or peculiar to the individual who employs it.

What is the life line of dog? ›

The four stages of the life cycle of the dog include puppy, adolescent, adult, and senior. Puppy: This stage begins soon after birth until the first 6-15 months.

What are pet animals in simple words? ›

Pet animals are friendly animals that need love and affection from humans. They are the best friends of human beings. Pet animals are beautiful animals that need shelter for them to be protected. Dogs, cats, rabbits, and birds are the most popular pet animals.

What are pet animals for class 2 questions and answers? ›

a) Pet animals are a special kind of domestic animals that live with humans in their homes. b) They are kept as companions and are loved by their owners. c) Pet owners provide them with food, care, and a place to live. d) Common pet animals include dogs, cats, fish, birds, rabbits, and hamsters.

What is pet one word answer? ›

: a domesticated animal kept for pleasure rather than utility. pet. 2 of 8.

What is the animal answer? ›

Animals are multicellular eukaryotic organisms that form the biological kingdom Animalia. With few exceptions, animals consume organic material, breathe oxygen, are able to move, reproduce sexually, and grow from a hollow sphere of cells, the blastula, during embryonic development. Q.

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.