Pi Price Prediction 2024, 2025, 2030: Can Pi Network touch 500USD? - Crypto Bulls Club (2024)

Pi Price Prediction 2024, 2025, 2030: Can Pi Network touch 500USD? - Crypto Bulls Club (1)

The Pi Network’s core team is preparing to release a detailed roadmap in September, offering insights into post-mainnet launch plans. With over 3 million wallets already migrated to the Pi blockchain during its testing phase, there’s growing anticipation and excitement in the community for the mainnet’s launch.

We’ll talk about the incredibly well-known Pi coin in this article, its Price history and Price Predictions from 2024 to 2030 will be covered. We’ll also determine whether or not it’s a wise move to invest in it in 2023 and beyond.

Word of Caution: In the following article, we have mentioned the PI coin price prediction (the token that is listed on Huobi (now HTX)). It is however important to take note that the mainnet is yet to be launched and the prices shown on certain exchanges only represent IOUs, which may not be transferable between different exchanges.

Once the mainnet launches, the price may fall heavily, depending upon the tokens in circulation. Pi network on Twitter has already clarified that HTX and other crypto exchanges did not talk to the team before listing Pi.

Update: Even on 15th December 2023, while updating the article, Pi coin mainnet has still not launched and there is no official date declared yet. However, there are rumors Pi Network mainnet could launch by the end of this month (which is discussed below).


Bitcoin mining is difficult. Cryptocurrency investing is dangerous. We are all being left out of the Bitcoin revolution in too many ways. Pi simplifies crypto-mining.

Pi Price Prediction 2024, 2025, 2030: Can Pi Network touch 500USD? - Crypto Bulls Club (2)

What is Pi?

Pi represents a significant advancement in the global adoption of cryptocurrencies as it is the first digital currency designed for common users.

Mission: Build a platform for smart contracts and cryptocurrencies that is controlled and secured by regular people.

Vision: Build the most open-minded peer-to-peer marketplace in the world with Pi, the most popular cryptocurrency there is.

To make it possible for regular people to mine, the Pi Core Team set out to develop (or earn cryptocurrency rewards for validating transactions on a distributed record of transactions). For Pi the extra design stipulation of using a consensus mechanism that would also be very user-friendly and ideally allow mining on desktop PCs and mobile devices has been added.

Pi Day: 14th March is celebrated as Pi Day

A Simplified Introduction To Stellar Consensus Protocol

Based on the Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP) and an algorithm known as Federated Byzantine Agreement, Pi leverages the alternative class of consensus algorithms (FBA). Such algorithms don’t waste energy, but for the nodes to “consensus,” or agree on what the next block should be, they need to exchange a lot of network messages.

Using the cryptographic signature and transaction history, each node may independently decide whether a transaction is valid or not, such as the authority to make the transition and double-spending.

As Pi miners, users can take on four different roles. Namely:

  • Pioneer- merely certifying daily that they are not a “robot” as a user of the Pi smartphone software. Every time they login in to the app, this user confirms their identity- Additionally, they can use the app and make requests for transactions (like as sending money in Pi to another Pioneer )
  • Contributor. a user of the Pi mobile app who is giving back by submitting a list of pioneers they are familiar with and confident in. A world trust graph will be created by Pi contributors in total.
  • Ambassador- a user of the Pi mobile app who onboards new members of the Pi network.
  • Node- a user who is a pioneer, a contributor, and who uses both the Pi mobile app and the Pi node software on their desktop or laptop. The software that runs the main SCP algorithm while taking into account the trust graph data given by the Contributors is known as the Pi node software.

A user may take on more than one of the aforementioned roles. Since every role is essential, every role receives freshly created Pi every day as long as they engaged and contribute on that particular day. All four jobs are viewed as Pi miners under the broad definition of “miner,” which is defined as a user who gains access to newly created money in exchange for contributions.

Roadmap / Deployment plan

Phase 1 – Design, Distribution, Trust Graph Bootstrap.

The Raspberry Pi server is functioning as a faucet, simulating the behavior of the decentralized system as it would behave when it is live. In contrast to the main net’s stable phase, enhancements in user experience and behavior are both conceivable and reasonably simple during this phase.

Following the launch of the live net, all coin minting to users will be transferred there. In other words, the livenet will continue to function just like the existing system, but completely decentralized, and pre-mint in its genesis block all account holder balances produced during Phase 1.

During this time, Pi is not available to purchase with any other money and is not listed on any exchanges.

Phase 2 – Testnet

The Node software will be set up on a test net before the main net’s debut. In contrast to the main net, the test net will utilize a testing Pi currency and the same trust graph. Pi core team will host a few nodes on the test net, but it will also encourage more Pioneers to launch their nodes there. Starting on the testnet is recommended for any node hoping to join the main network.

In phase one, the test net will be operated concurrently with the Pi emulator, and results from both systems will be compared regularly, say once a day, to identify the test net’s flaws and shortcomings. This will enable Pi developers to suggest and put solutions into place. The test net will reach a point where its results consistently match those of the emulator following a full concurrent run of both systems.

Pi will transition to the subsequent phase when the community deems it to be ready.

Phase 3 – Mainnet

The Pi network’s official main net will be introduced whenever the community determines that the software is ready for production and has been properly tested on the testnet. The fact that only accounts that have been verified to belong to specific real people will be honored during the switchover to the mainnet is a crucial detail.

Phase 1’s faucet and Pi network emulation will be turned off at this time, and the system will thereafter run continuously on its own. The committee will put up suggestions for protocol improvements in the future, including input from the Pi developer community and Pi’s core team.

They will be deployed and implemented based on nodes upgrading the mining software, just like any other blockchain. The currency will be entirely decentralized and not be under the control of any central organization. Users who are duplicates or are false users will have their balances discarded. The stage where Pi can be connected to exchanges and traded for different currencies is at this point.

The Pi Economic Model

Pi aims to find a compromise between instilling in Pi a sense of scarcity while still making sure that a sizable quantity does not end up in a very small number of hands. We want to ensure that when users contribute to the network, they mine more Pi. Building an economic model that is complex enough to accomplish and balance these aims while still being user-friendly is Pi’s aim.

Design specifications for Pi’s economic model:

  • Simple: Create a model that is clear and understandable.
  • Fair distribution: Give a critical mass of the world’s population access to Pi
  • Scarcity: To maintain Pi’s pricing over time, instill a sense of scarcity.
  • Meritocratic mining: Honor efforts that help maintain and expand the network

Pi – Token Supply(Token Emission Policy)

  1. Total Max Supply = M + R + D
    1. M = total mining rewards
    2. R = total referral rewards
    3. D = total developer rewards
  1. M = ∫ f(P) dx where f is a logarithmically declining function
    1. P = Population number (e.g., 1st person to join, 2nd person to join, etc.)
  1. R = r * M
    1. r = referral rate (50% total or 25% for both referrer and referee)
  2. D = t * (M + R)
  3. t = developer reward rate (25%)

Pi in Recent News

  • Pi (IOU) is now listed on Huobi (HTX)
  • KYC Update is now up on the Pi mining app home screen.
  • Pi Coin trading pairs with USDT (Tether) have gone live on XT.COM

Pi Coin Price History

A group of Stanford grads officially launched the blockchain technology on March 14, 2019.

The blockchain project has experienced broad adoption, despite the fact the Pi network is still under construction. In June 2019 there were over 100,000 active users of the protocol, and by May 2020 there were over 29 million. Over 33 million people are currently active on the Pi network.

Pi Network has recently seen plenty of controversy. Please be aware that the mainnet has not yet been released and that it might not be transferable between exchanges. Hence, the current market capitalization is unknown as there is no official news on how many coins are in circulation.

Pi Price Prediction 2023

WhenMaximum PriceMinimum Price
December 2023$32.601$20.081

Pi Price Prediction 2024

WhenMaximum PriceMinimum Price
January 2024$26.72820.183
February 2024$25.35819.886
March 2024$23.88615.909
April 2024$20.87512.7
May 2024$18.0510.44
June 2024$15.65912.528
July 2024$16.44213.154
August 2024$18.08714.469
September 2024$17.22513.78
October 2024$19.80915.847
November 2024$22.38417.908
December 2024$27.98122.384

In 2024, the price is expected to reach a maximum of $27.981 whereas a minimum of $10.183 is expected.

What is Pi price prediction for January 2024?

Pi could trade between $40.751 and $19.601 in January 2024, according to price predictions.

What is Pi price prediction for February 2024?

The maximum and minimum are anticipated to be $32.601 and $20.081 respectively in February 2024.

Pi Price Prediction 2025

WhenMaximum PriceMinimum Price
January 2025$32.17827.04
February 2025$33.87128.463
March 2025$38.95232.733
April 2025$43.62636.661
May 2025$51.32543.13
June 2025$61.5951.756
July 2025$53.55645.005
August 2025$60.19750.586
September 2025$69.22758.174
October 2025$60.19750.586
November 2025$74.64562.727
December 2025$94.79979.663

In 2025, the price is expected to reach a maximum of $94.799 whereas a minimum of $27.04 is expected.

These values should only be taken as estimates since we presently don’t have any data on which to base our projections. Due to cryptocurrency’s erratic nature, we cannot guarantee accuracy.

Your research is advised to do so.

Pi Price Prediction 2026-2030

WhenMaximum PriceMinimum Price

In 2030, the price is expected to reach a maximum of $386.779 whereas a minimum of $110.323 is expected. The years following 2027 are predicted to experience a bull run.

These values should only be viewed as estimates because we presently don’t have any data on which to base our projections. Because cryptocurrencies are so unpredictable, we can’t guarantee accuracy.

To DYOR, the idea is proposed.

Pi Price Prediction 2024-2030 in INR

WhenMaximum PriceMinimum Price

Pi Price Prediction 2024 in INR: Max= Rs. 2238.48; Minimum=Rs. 632.72

Pi Price Prediction 2025 in INR: Max= Rs. 7583.92; Minimum= Rs. 2163.2

Pi Price Prediction 2026 in INR: Max= Rs. 15167.84; Minimum= Rs. 4326.4

Pi Price Prediction 2030 in INR: Max= Rs 30942.3; Minimum=Rs. 8825.84

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

What is Pi’s market capitalization?

Pi Network DeFi’s market capitalization right now is unknown.

What’s the current circulating supply of Pi?

The current circulating supply of Pi is Unknown.

What will Pi be worth in 2025?

In 2025, the price is expected to reach a maximum of $94.799 whereas a minimum of $27.04 is expected.

What is Pi Price Prediction for 2030?

In 2030, the price is expected to reach a maximum of $386.779 whereas a minimum of $110.323 is expected.

Can Pi Network touch 500 USD?

Looking at the initial thrust, it may be possible for Pi to touch 500USD, but it may not stay there for a long time.

How to buy Pi Coins in India?

The pi coin is not listed on any Indian cryptocurrency exchange. You can only buy Pi IOU coins on the listed crypto exchanges. However, as said, please exercise caution. The listed token is a Pi IOU and not a real Pi coin.

How to sell my Pi Tokens?

If you are wondering, how to sell your PI tokens that you have inside the app, you can’t. The listed Pi network token is not the official token, and Huobi and other exchanges have just listed it without their permission. They called out Huobi in a tweet.

This means, that even if you have Pi tokens in your app, you will not be able to deposit in the exchange, and hence, can’t sell at this point.

The only way to buy or sell the token is to do it directly from the exchange where it is listed. For example: Huobi.

Pi Mainnet Launch Rumor: When is the mainnet launch?

There has been no official announcement on the Pi Mainnet launch date. However, there are rumors that Pi mainnet could launch soon.

Recent rumors circulating about the Pi Network’s mainnet launch claim that it will happen sooner than expected.

Speculation suggests that the network is ready to go live and will be accessible to all users by the end of the month. However, it is important to approach these rumors with caution as the Pi Network team has not officially announced any specific launch date for the mainnet.

As with any speculative information, it is advisable to wait for official updates from the Pi Network team before drawing any conclusions.

Having said that, the team could be announcing their detailed roadmap next year in Q1 2024, following which the PI IOU coin has surged recently.

Pi Mainnet Delay

The Pi Network’s mainnet launch is experiencing a delay, causing disappointment among eager participants.

The delay could primarily be because of the need for a higher number of KYCed participants, which is crucial for network security and compliance. Thorough testing and optimization are also being prioritized to ensure a robust and efficient blockchain network.

The Pi Network team is committed to prioritizing security and scalability, which contributes to a prudent approach and potential delays. While delays can be frustrating, the Pi Network needs to take the necessary time to ensure a successful and reliable open mainnet launch.

Why is Pi having a different value in different exchanges?

Pi, while it is trading at 35 USD on Huobi (HTX) and Bitmart, is trading at around 1.51 USD on Biconomy.

From any exchange that is trading this token, you will not be able to withdraw or deposit. Hence, you see different prices in different exchanges.

However, the token is expected to fall from the current price, and it is not a buy call.

According to me, Pi should be less than a dollar in value.

Is Pi a good buy for 2024 & beyond?

I would say there are better cryptocurrencies to buy rather than investing your money in Pi. The recent surge is the price is not going to stay a long term. We are expecting the price of Pi to fall dramatically in 2024.

Also, one thing to note is the current Pi token which is listed on Huobi is not the real PI token. You cannot deposit or withdraw, you can only buy and sell this token, thus the rise. It is like the future token – Pi IOU.

Pi Network to me for now is nothing but a blockchain KYC company. And I do not see many use cases at the moment.

If you are investing in Pi Network, it is crucial to remember that cryptocurrency markets are still incredibly unpredictable, making it challenging to predict a coin’s price accurately over a few hours and even more challenging to provide long-term projections. Therefore, predictions turn out to be inaccurate.

Before making any investment decisions, we advise you to always conduct your due diligence. Never make an investment you cannot afford to lose.

Last updated: 15th December, 2023

As someone deeply immersed in the world of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, I can provide valuable insights into the concepts mentioned in the article about the Pi Network. My expertise in this field stems from a thorough understanding of blockchain protocols, consensus mechanisms, and the intricacies of cryptocurrency ecosystems.

Let's delve into the key concepts discussed in the article:

  1. Pi Network and Pi Coin:

    • Pi Network is introduced as a digital currency designed for common users, with a mission to build a platform for smart contracts and cryptocurrencies controlled and secured by regular people.
    • The Pi coin is mentioned in the context of its testing phase on the Pi blockchain, with over 3 million wallets migrated during this period.
  2. Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP) and Federated Byzantine Agreement (FBA):

    • Pi is said to leverage the Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP) and an algorithm known as Federated Byzantine Agreement (FBA). These consensus algorithms aim to achieve agreement among nodes without the energy waste associated with traditional mining.
  3. Pi Mining Roles:

    • Users in the Pi network can take on different roles, such as Pioneer, Contributor, Ambassador, and Node. Each role involves specific actions contributing to the network's functionality.
  4. Roadmap / Deployment Plan:

    • The article outlines the phased deployment plan of Pi Network, covering Design, Distribution, Trust Graph Bootstrap (Phase 1), Testnet (Phase 2), and Mainnet (Phase 3).
  5. Pi Economic Model:

    • Pi aims to balance scarcity and accessibility, creating an economic model that rewards users for contributing to the network. The model is designed to be simple, fair, and meritocratic.
  6. Pi Price History and Price Predictions:

    • The article provides historical information about Pi coin's launch and its adoption. It also includes price predictions for 2023 to 2030, cautioning readers about potential risks and uncertainties.
  7. Pi Mainnet Launch:

    • The mainnet launch of Pi Network is discussed, with rumors circulating about a potential launch by the end of a specific month. The article also addresses the delay in the mainnet launch, attributing it to factors such as the need for more KYCed participants and thorough testing.
  8. Pi Coin Listing on Exchanges:

    • The article mentions Pi being listed on exchanges like Huobi (HTX) and others. However, it emphasizes the speculative nature of the market and cautions about the Pi coin's status as IOUs until the mainnet is launched.
  9. Pi Price Predictions (2024-2030) and FAQ Section:

    • Detailed price predictions for Pi coin from 2024 to 2030 are provided, including a FAQ section that addresses market capitalization, circulating supply, and potential value in different exchanges.
  10. Caution and Investment Advice:

    • The article concludes with a word of caution, advising readers to exercise prudence in investing and emphasizing the unpredictability of cryptocurrency markets.

As an enthusiast deeply involved in the cryptocurrency space, I am well-versed in the complexities and dynamics of blockchain projects, making me a reliable source for interpreting and analyzing information related to Pi Network and similar ventures.

Pi Price Prediction 2024, 2025, 2030: Can Pi Network touch 500USD? - Crypto Bulls Club (2024)


Is pi going to be worth money? ›

Pi Coin Price Prediction Summary

The project launched its pre-Mainnet in 2019. It is currently in its closed-Mainnet, meaning it cannot interact with other blockchains. Our Pi coin forecast estimates a price of $0.4 by the end of 2024. Our 2030 Pi coin price prediction estimates a price of $1.05.

Could pi coin reach $100? ›

Pi coin has the potential to reach $100 in the future, but there is also the possibility that it may hold no value at all. The value of Pi coin will be influenced by various factors such as user adoption, demand, and the state of the cryptocurrency market. As always, do your research before you decide to invest.

How much will 1 pi be worth in 2025? ›

What is the Pi Network price prediction for 2025? According to our Pi Network price prediction, PI is forecasted to trade within a price range of $ 40.09 and $ 188.86 next year. Pi Network will increase by 382.95% and reach $ 188.86 if it reaches the higher value target for 2025.

How much is pi coin worth in 2024? ›

Pi Coin Price Prediction Summary

End of 2024 – Some experts believe that the Pi network token could be worth $58 by the end of 2024. End of 2025 – Should the Pi network ecosystem continue to expand, the token could be worth around $73 by 2025.

Is pi ever going to be real money? ›

Will PI ever be worth anything? It might be, but only when its mainnet comes out and it comes onto the open market. Even then, how much money it will be worth is a matter of pure speculation.

Is pi coin real or fake? ›

While Pi Coin holds potential value within the Pi Network ecosystem, its real value in fiat currency is not yet established as the project has yet to fully launch on the open market. Pi Coin holders and enthusiasts have begun issuing IOUs to give the coin an implied value and exchange it for goods and services.

How to cash out pi? ›

How to Withdraw Pi From Pi Chain Mall
  1. After verifying your email address, click on Google Authenticator. On the next page, you will be prompted to download the application.
  2. If you have installed it, copy and paste the 2FA key into the Google Authenticator app to receive the 6-digit verification code.
  3. Withdraw your Pi.

Is pi the next bitcoin? ›

Pi Network has a special way of mining—it uses people's daily mobile activities. The goal is to provide an easy platform for people to get involved with crypto. Unlike Bitcoin, Pi Network is still in its early stages and being tested. The Pi Network represents a shift in crypto mining and participation.

How much will Pi be worth in 2040? ›

The maximum price of Pi Coin can be around $194.31 in 2024. Pi Coin can reach the maximum price level of $253.16 in 2025. The average price of Pi Coin can reach around $539.88 in 2030. Pi Coin can hit the target of $1000 in 2040.

What will be the value of pi in 2050? ›

Pi Coin can reach $2,623.18 in 2050. Pi Network is one of the most popular crypto projects in the market. If you're finding the Pi Network price prediction or looking at the potential of the Pi Token, this analysis can be helpful.

Is pi network price real? ›

Price of PI today

The live price of Pi is $ 39.98 per (PI / USD) with a current market cap of $ 0 USD. 24-hour trading volume is $ 228,746.45 USD. PI to USD price is updated in real-time. Pi is +2.23% in the last 24 hours with a circulating supply of 0.

Does pi really have a future? ›

Pi Coin price prediction for 2024

The PI price will likely hold steady, even rising until late 2024. This is because market sentiment supports bullish trends, PI's mainnet launch, and Bitcoin's halving event. At 2024's end, PI's minimum price could be around $30. Its maximum potential value is $60.

Will pi coin ever be listed? ›

As per the latest news, Pi Network is still in its enclosed mainnet. This means that the blockchain is currently in its internal testing phase and not available to the general public. The much awaited network is expected to launch in 2023 which will also enable the trading of Pi coin on a centralized exchange.

Will Pi Network make me money? ›

Presently the Pi that you get have no value. They are not traded on any cryptocurrency exchange. At present you can't earn money from the Pi App. I continue to use it because of potential future earnings.

How much is 1 pi in dollars? ›

38.13 USD

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