Planning what to cook (11-14 Years) (2024)

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  • Planning what to cook (11-14 Years)
Planning what to cook (11-14 Years)

Current healthy eating advice, dietary needs, socio-economic factors, preferences, occasion and cost need to be considered when planning what to cook.

Planning what to cook

Deciding on what to cook or eat, whether for yourself or someone else, requires making a number of decisions. These include meal occasion, who will be eating, whether the food will be eaten out or at home, dietary needs, religious, cultural or ethical beliefs, the cost and availability of ingredients; current healthy eating advice and/or personal preferences. Marketing, advertising, promotion, role models and social media may also play a role.

Pupils should be able to identify and take into account the factors that affect planning what to cook.

This area covers:

  • factors affecting food choice;
  • current healthy eating advice;
  • dietary needs;
  • religious, cultural or ethical beliefs;
  • cost and availability of ingredients and money available;
  • personal preferences;
  • an awareness of purchasing influences, e.g. marketing, advertising, role models and social media.

For further information and activities around how and where food is sold for use and consumption, go to to the Food origins area.

Factors affecting food choice

  • To introduce the topic of factors affecting food choice, show the Factors affecting food choice presentation and ask the pupils to make notes on the Factors affecting food choice worksheet.
  • Task the pupils to investigate the factors affecting food choice and complete the Factors affecting diet, food and drink choice – female or Factors affecting diet, food and drink choice – male worksheet.
  • The Factors affecting food choice quiz and Factors affecting food choice Kahoot Q&A can also be used to assess understanding.

11 - 14 YR

Factors affecting food choice

A presentation exploring the factors that affect food choice.

11 - 14 YR

Factors affecting food choice worksheet

A worksheet about the factors affecting food choice.

11 - 14 YR

Factors affecting food choice - female

A worksheet about the factors affecting food choice (female)

11 - 14 YR

Factors affecting food choice - male

A worksheet about the factors affecting food choice (male)

11 - 14 YR

Factors affecting food choice Kahoot Q&A

The questions and answers from an interactive quiz about the factors affectin...


Food choice and acceptability

A poster looking at food choice and acceptability.

Current healthy eating advice

For information about current healthy eating advice, go to the Healthy eating area. There is also information about applying healthy eating advice in the Cooking for health area.

Dietary needs

  • Divide the class into groups and provide each group with a Different life stages card. Ask the pupils to identify three ways nutritional needs may differ at the life stage. Show the Different dietary needs presentation and ask the pupils to correct or add to the information on their cards. Use the completed cards to produce a display.
  • Discuss different dietary needs with the class using the Different dietary needs presentation. Task the pupils to complete the Different dietary needs worksheet.
  • Dietary needs are varied and often people need to change the foods that they eat, the recipes they make and the cooking methods used to meet their particular needs. Challenge the pupils to work through some of the Dietary needs case studies.
  • Print off the Different dietary needs presentation and divide into the different dietary needs. Split the class into groups and give each group the information for one dietary need. Tell the class that they will have a test at the end of the lesson. Give each group a piece of A3 paper and then challenge them to create a poster using only six words and diagrams to illustrate that dietary need in 10 minutes. After ten minutes members of the group can go into the ‘market place’ to gather information on the other dietary needs from the other groups (market stalls). One pupil must remain at their stall to provide information to other pupils. After 20 minutes, tell the pupils to gather their notes together. Conduct a short test to review what they have learnt. Write your own test or use the Dietary needs Kahoot Q&A. Take photographs of the completed A3 sheets and use these for future revision or a display.
  • Challenge the pupils to conduct independent research into a particular dietary need that interests them. They should then plan and create a dish, this could be for breakfast or a main meal, to meet that particular need. To consolidate, ask the pupils to carry out a nutritional analysis of their finished dish and evaluate whether it meets the particular need, if appropriate.

For further information about dietary needs, go to the Healthy eating area.

11 - 14 YR

Different life stages cards

Cards to identify ways nutritional needs differ.

11 - 14 YR

Different dietary needs presentation

A presentation exploring different dietary needs.

11 - 14 YR

Different dietary needs worksheet

A worksheet about different dietary needs.

11 - 14 YR

Dietary needs case studies

Case studies to investigate different dietary needs.

11 - 14 YR

Dietary needs Kahoot Q&A

The questions and answers from an interactive quiz about different dietary ne...

Religious, cultural or ethical beliefs

  • Food is an important part of religious or cultural observance for many different religions and/or cultures. Use the Religion and food choice presentation to introduce this aspect of food choice. Ask the pupils to complete the Religion and food choice worksheet to check their understanding.
  • Task the pupils to research the food choices that some people may make due to their religion. They could use the Religion and food choices fact sheet to record their research. Use the Religion and food choices answer sheet to review their work.
  • Check learning by asking the pupils to complete the Religion and food choice quiz with answers Religion and food choice Kahoot Q&A.
  • Task the pupils to research one religion and create a menu of three dishes for that religion. They should explain their decisions and then make one of the dishes.
  • Religious occasions are celebrated differently across Europe, with different traditional foods. Use the Religion and food traditions around Europe presentation to highlight some of the food and different occasions that are celebrated around Europe.
  • Challenge the pupils to choose a country and create a dish suitable for a religious or special occasion. Perhaps set this as a competition and invite parents and carers to enjoy the dishes made.
  • Some people choose their foods based on moral or ethical reasons. This includes those that choose not to eat animal products (vegetarians or vegans) or those that like to buy local or seasonal foods or foods that support a high standard of animal welfare. Show the Moral and ethical reasons for food choice presentation to explain this further. Task the pupils to complete the Moral and ethical reasons for food choice worksheet. Alternatively, challenge the pupils to research one aspect of food choice highlighted in the presentation. They should then prepare a piece of information or fact to share with the class next lesson.

For more information about quality assured foods that support high standards of welfare, go to the Where food comes from area.

11 - 14 YR

Religion and food choice presentation

A presentation exploring food as part of religious or cultural observance.

11 - 14 YR

Religion and food choice worksheet

A worksheet about religion and food choice.

11 - 14 YR

Religion and food choice fact sheet

A worksheet to identify the food choices associated with religious beliefs.

11 - 14 YR

Religion and food choice answers

Religion and food choices fact sheet answers.

11 - 14 YR

Religion and food choice Kahoot Q&A

The questions and answers from an interactive quiz about religion and food ch...

11 - 14 YR

Religion and food traditions around Europe presentation

A presentation exploring religion and food traditions around Europe.

11 - 14 YR

Moral and ethical reasons for food choice presentation

A presentation exploring the moral and ethical reasons for food choice.

11 - 14 YR

Moral and ethical reasons for food choice worksheet

A worksheet about the moral and ethical reasons for food choice.

Cost and availability of ingredients and money available

  • Use The Economy of food presentation to highlight the key aspects of cooking on a budget.
  • Set the pupils a challenge to make a ‘fake-away’ dish. Use the Gourmet Burger Builder and inspiration resources provided to support this challenge.
  • It can be difficult for pupils to predict the cost of some foods. Using the Comparing the cost activity, ask the pupils to rank a variety of products in order of cost and then either visit a supermarket or use an online shopping website to gather the actual costs. Were they right?
  • Sometimes, people perceive that cheaper products are lower quality. Conduct a Cost and sensory evaluation activity with the pupils to prove or disprove this perception.
  • Using a weekly shopping list, till receipt and the Weekly food shopping investigation, ask the pupils to complete an investigation into the amount of money spent on each of the Eatwell Guide food groups.
  • In groups, ask the pupils to create a list of potential strategies to reduce the amount of money spent on food. Some considerations could be: growing your own, using local and seasonal products and food waste. What else could they do?
  • Ask the pupils to think about their own household and create a mind map of the social and economic considerations that affect their food choice. How different might this have been for their grandparents at their age?
  • Task the pupils to work out the cost of a recipe and make suggestions as to how the cost could be reduced. The Working to a budget worksheet uses a beef mince recipe (this this could be edited to suit a different recipe).
  • Excel spreadsheets are an excellent way to easily calculate the cost of recipes by ingredient and portion. There are three editable spreadsheet to help with this: Basic costs with portions, Basic costs and Costing the ingredients.
  • Task the pupils to be creative, help prevent food waste and make their own soup! The activity can be completed individually, in pairs or in groups. Follow the instructions on the Super soup activity – teacher instructions sheet to set up the activity for your pupils. There is also a recipe to support the pupils to complete the activity. Why not make Speedy flatbreads, using just three ingredients, to accompany the soup.

For more information about the availability of ingredients, go to the Where food comes from area.

11 - 14 YR

The economy of food presentation

A presentation exploring the key aspects of cooking on a budget.

11 - 14 YR

Comparing the cost

An activity to compare the predicted and actual cost of some food.

11 - 14 YR

Cost and sensory evaluation

An activity to investigate sensory perception and the cost of food.

11 - 14 YR

Weekly food shopping investigation

An activity to investigate the amount of money spent on each of the Eatwell G...

11 - 14 YR

Working to a budget

An activity to calculate the cost of a recipe and suggest how this could be r...


Basic costings

A template for basic costing.


Basic costing portions

A template for basic costing, including cost per portion.


Costing a recipe

A template to calculate the cost of a recipe.


Cooking on a budget: Healthy, affordable dishes activities

A selection of classroom activities to support pupils around cooking on a bud...


Cooking on a budget fact sheet

A fact sheet around cooking on a budget: Healthy, affordable dishes.


Super soup activity - teacher instructions

An activity tasking pupils to be creative, prevent food waste and make their...


Super soup recipe

A recipe for pupils to use for the Super soup activity.


Speedy flatbreads

A recipe to make speedy flatbreads with just three ingredients!

Personal preferences

  • Not everyone likes the same food. The taste, odour, appearance, shape and colour of food can affect people in different ways. Give each pupil an image of an ingredient or food and ask them if they like or dislike the ingredient or food. Ask them to explain what it is that they particularly like or dislike about it.
  • Lifestyle and eating habits often determine when we eat and at what time. Work in groups to identify different eating habits and how different lifestyles affect them.
  • Challenge pupils to list five food items/dishes they like and five they dislike. Next, ask them to justify their reasons. Invite 2-3 pupils to the front of the class to read out their lists. Is there any food that re-occurs?

For help and support with sensory evaluation tests to determine preferences go to the Ingredients area

Purchasing influences

  • Marketing, advertising, role models and social media can all influence food choice. Ask the pupils to think about a food advertisem*nt they have recently seen. Would the advert encourage them to buy the product? Ask them to explain their answer.
  • Ask the pupils what different forms of marketing and advertising they are aware of e.g. magazines, promotional leaflets etc. Discuss how these might influence the purchases they make, would this differ with a different target audience?
  • Cut out adverts from a range of magazines and create a display. Challenge the pupils to describe the adverts. Would they influence them to buy the food or make the recipe? Ask them to justify their answers.
  • Give the pupils examples of different types of packaging that promote ethical marketing. Discuss how and why this is used. For example organically grown, Fairtrade.
  • Healthy eating is popular in advertising and marketing. Challenge the pupils to identify different ways in which healthy eating is promoted. Investigate how manufacturers and others have to comply with laws when making claims about their food or drink products.

Reviewed August 2024

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Planning what to cook (11-14 Years) (2024)


Should an 11 year old be able to cook? ›

8- to 11-Year-Old Cooks

Kids at this age can follow simple, straightforward recipes, plan menus and meals, and begin to work with the stove or oven. Use this time to teach them about the dangers of equipment and utensils.

What to cook for 12 people? ›

19 Ideas For Easy Meals For Large Groups
  • Taco Bar. A taco bar is one of the best inexpensive meals for large groups. ...
  • Meatballs. ...
  • Butter Chicken. ...
  • Lasagna. ...
  • Chili. ...
  • Homemade Pizza. ...
  • Baked Pasta. ...
  • Skewers.
Apr 4, 2023

Should 12 year olds cook for themselves? ›

I think by 13 they should feel comfortable making simple meals and knowing everything about how the house works, when pets get fed, how the utilities work, trash days scheduling etc. This is so if it were necessary for them to stay alone for a few days with an emergency, they wouldn't be helpless.

What foods can a 11 year old cook? ›

Simple Meals 7-11 Year-Olds Can Make!
  • Macaroni and cheese.
  • Tortilla pizzas.
  • Yogurt parfaits.
  • Cereal.
  • Buttered toast and eggs.
  • Peanut butter and banana toast.
  • Chicken nuggets or fish sticks.
  • Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
Feb 28, 2020

At what age should a child make their own lunch? ›

Around age 10—but, says one expert, it's not something you can force. Jordyn Reisman, a sixth-grader at my kids' school in Chicago, packs her own lunch.

Can 14 year olds cook? ›

Cooking Tasks and 14- and 15-year-olds

This age group may not cook with NEICO broilers, high speed ovens, rapid broilers, fryolators, rotisseries, pressure cookers, or over open flames.

How many potatoes do I need for 12 people? ›

How Many Pounds of Potatoes Per Person You'll Need
Number of peoplePounds of potatoes
63 lb.
84 lb.
105 lb.
126 lb.
2 more rows
Jan 5, 2024

How to feed 100 people for cheap? ›

Serving budget-friendly cuisines like salads, sandwiches and pasta dishes can be a very cost-effective choice. Or, if you're looking for a more casual option, how about a barbeque? Burgers, hot dogs and other grill-oriented foods are sure to be crowd favorites, and they won't rack up a big bill.

What are 10 good dinner foods? ›

Our 20 most popular dinners of 2024
  • Air-fryer salmon.
  • Sweet potato & peanut curry.
  • Beef stroganoff.
  • Easy sausage casserole.
  • Chicken & chorizo jambalaya.
  • Lasagne.
  • Easy chicken curry.
  • No-fuss shepherd's pie.
Mar 14, 2024

Should a 12 year old do the dishes? ›

Chores for a 10-12 year old:

Your child should have the ability to cook simple meals with supervision, complete simple household repairs with appropriate tools, begin doing laundry, set the table, wash dishes, and care for a family pet with reminders.

Can a 12 year old use the stove? ›

With an adult supervising, a lot of kids start using the oven and stove at around age 12. By the time they are 14, most kids can use both the oven or stove on their own.

Is it OK to eat at 12? ›

No conclusive evidence suggests eating at night is automatically harmful to your health — but eating certain foods before bed may disrupt your sleep. In general, experts recommend eating your last meal or snack at least two to three hours before bed to give your body time to digest.

What foods are good for 11 year olds? ›

Children aged 9-11 years should aim for 2 serves of fruit; 5 serves of vegies; 2½-3 serves of dairy; 4-5 serves of grains; and 2½ serves of lean meats, eggs, nuts, seeds or legumes. Pre-teens need 5-6 cups (1.4-1.6 L) of fluid a day and extra on hot or humid days or if they sweat a lot.

Should I eat at 11? ›

Recent medical studies have shown that eating between the hours of 12pm-11pm resulted in higher levels of blood glucose, insulin and cholesterol, than eating between the hours of 8am-7pm. So, if your goal is to reduce your body fat or your cholesterol, it may be beneficial to try curbing your late night eating habits.

At what age should a girl know how to cook? ›

  • Before your children become teenagers, you should start teaching them to cook.
  • Start teaching how to set the table when they're four or five and then cooking skills at six or seven. ...
  • To make it more fun, create a cookbook of the foods your child knows how to cook.
Dec 19, 2023

What is the average age of a cook? ›

Diversity. Demographic information on Cooks in the US. The workforce of Cooks in 2022 was 2,176,481 people, with 41.2% woman, and 58.8% men. The average age of male Cooks in the workforce is 32.6 and of female Cooks is 40.5, and the most common race/ethnicity for Cooks is White.

Is it OK for an 11 year old to go on a diet? ›

Your first impulse may be to put your child on a diet. But unless their pediatrician recommends it, avoid these kinds of major calorie-cutting plans. They may mean they won't get the nutrients and calories they need to grow.

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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.