Plum Pudding Recipe and Symbolism (2024)

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Plum Pudding Recipe and Symbolism (8)

Plum Pudding Recipe and Symbolism (9)

Plum Pudding Recipe and Symbolism (10)

Plum Pudding Recipe and Symbolism (12)

Plum Pudding Recipe and Symbolism (14)

Today’s posting is all about plum pudding, or as some refer to it simply as the Christmas pudding, the traditional Christmas dinner dessert in many Prince Edward Island households.

Plum Pudding Trivia and Symbolism

Plum Pudding seems to have its origins in England and has been a popular food for centuries. In preparation for this story, I did some research and discovered some interesting information about the Christmas pudding, or simply “pud“, as it is sometimes called. How much of this is truth or superstition or folklore, I don’t know, but I found it interesting nonetheless.

The making of the pudding was apparently often made on what was referred to as “Stir-up Sunday” which would occur a few weeks prior to Christmas, timed to coincide with Advent. This allowed time for the flavors in the pudding to blend and mature in time for Christmas. One theory was to have 13 ingredients in the pudding to represent Christ and the 12 disciples. It was also customary for each member of the family to give a stir to the batter and make a wish while doing so on the premise that the wish would then come true. Each person was to stir the batter from East to West to commemorate the three Wise Men who traveled in this direction to find the Christ child lying in a manger.

It seems that it was common to mix some tiny charms, coins, tokens, or favors into the pudding batter. Each of those was said to have some significance to the person who discovered them in his or her piece of pudding. For example, these might have included a ring (signifying marriage prospect), an anchor (safe harbour), mini horseshoe (luck), a coin (wealth), or a thimble (thriftiness).

The pudding was often decorated with a sprig of holly, believed to symbolize the crown of thorns worn by Jesus when he was crucified. The holly was also believed to have healing powers and would bring good luck. When the pudding was served to the table, it was often soused with liquor and set aflame and this was to signify the passion of Christ. Who knew that plum pudding had all this symbolism!

Enduring Popularity

While many Islanders who continue the tradition of plum pudding for dessert on Christmas Day make their own plum puddings, the puddings can often be purchased at several Island bakeries.

To find out just how popular the puddings are, year after year, with Islanders, I consulted with Pat Robinson of Charlottetown. For several years, Pat produced Christmas puddings in her home kitchen for sale in aid of charity and support to non-profit organizations.

Pat believes that plum puddings have remained so popular because they are nostalgic. They are typically only served at Christmas so that makes them a special once-a-year treat. The aroma of the steamed pudding triggers warm memories of a traditional way of life and, for many, brings back fond memories of their childhood and of mothers, grandmothers, or aunts making the family plum pudding at Christmas.

Plum pudding has been the traditional Christmas dinner dessert in my family and, in my younger years, it was my grandmother’s role to make the pudding along with the brown sugar sauce to serve over the “pud”.


Ironically, there are no plums in plum puddings locally made in my region, or at least that I am aware of! Supposedly, several centuries ago, raisins (a primary ingredient in the pudding) were considered as plums. I don’t know if this is where the name “Plum Pudding” originated or, if somewhere in history, actual plums were used in the Christmas pudding and then pudding makers morphed off into using raisins in the pudding and the name “Plum Pudding” still stuck.

Combinations of raisins may also be used – I use Lexia (big sticky raisins) and sultanas. Currents are also a common ingredient and I do add them to my pudding.

While some bakers use only sultana raisins in their pudding, a variety of dried or candied/glazed fruits may also be added. I use mixed peel (lemon, orange, and citron) in my pudding.

The raisins and fruit are bound together by eggs, flour, breadcrumbs, and suet (raw beef fat). Suet is often available frozen. However, my preference is fresh product and I am lucky enough to live near a great butcher shop so have been able to pick up some suet there.

A combination of sweet spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, ginger, and cloves are common in the pudding and give it its flavour. I also add mace and cardamom. Sugar and molasses are the typical sweeteners used. How much molasses is used will also determine the color of the final product. Some puddings are almost jet-black in color while others, like mine, are more of a medium brown color. I also add a small amount of strawberry jam for both flavor and moistness.

Not all plum puddings contain alcohol but it is a common ingredient with spirits being the most typical used. Citrus juices may be used instead of alcohol, if desired. The alcohol is believed to increase the shelf life of the pudding.

The batter for a plum pudding will be almost like a fruit cake consistency.


Special molds of decorative shapes are available for plum puddings.

You do not need a special mold, though. A metal bowl or clean tin cans can be used. If you are not presenting the full pudding at the table, the tin cans are an ideal alternative as they make the pudding easy to slice.

However, if you are looking for presentation, a specialized mold will give an attractive shape. These molds are often found at kitchen specialty shops or on amazon.

Some still make the pudding in a cloth sack. I know one cook who simply lays out a large square of a heavy cotton fabric on the counter, sprinkles the cloth with flour, then pours the batter onto the center of the cloth. Leaving some head room for the pudding to expand, she gathers up the cloth and ties it tightly with string, then places it on a rack in a huge pot of boiling water. Amazingly, she tells me the pudding batter does not leak out nor does water seep into the batter during the boiling process and make the pudding overly wet or soggy. This is not a pudding making method I have personally tried so I have no familiarity or experience with it.


Plum pudding can be either steamed (in a mold) or boiled (in a cloth sack). Both involve a hot water bath. This keeps the pudding moist.

If using a mold, cover it with its cover or, if using a metal bowl or tin can, cover with a double layer of tin foil and secure it with string tied around the top of the container.

Place a wire rack on the bottom of a large pot.

Place the pudding mold on the wire rack and add boiling water to reach the level of about ½ to ⅔ the way up the side of the pudding mold or tin. Bring the water back to a full boil, then immediately reduce the heat to a gentle boil. It is important that the pudding mold not sit directly on the pan bottom and that the water boil gently during the cooking/steaming process, not be a rolling boil. Raising the pudding mold up off the bottom of the pan allows the water to freely circulate all around the pudding mold allowing the pudding to cook more evenly. The pudding will generally take 3-4 hours to cook, depending on the size of mold you are using. Puddings made in the smaller tin cans will obviously take less time than those in a large pudding mold. The pudding is done when a cake tester or skewer inserted into the center of the pudding comes out clean. Plum puddings are meant to be very moist, not dry consistency. Be sure to let the pudding cool to room temperature in the mold before removing it.

To boil the pudding in a bag, the process is similar. A rack is placed on the bottom of a large pot of boiling water. The pudding bag is set on the rack. After the pudding is placed on the rack, the water is brought back to a rolling boil, then the temperature is immediately reduced to allow the water to boil gently. The pudding is done when it is firm to the touch, usually after 2-3 hours, depending on the size of the pudding. The bag is removed from the hot water bath, the pudding removed from the cloth sack, and transferred to an ovenproof pan. The pudding can then be placed in a warm oven, set on a very low temperature, for about 5 minutes to dry off any excess moisture remaining on the pudding.


Wrap the cooled pudding tightly in plastic wrap and store in a sealed plastic bag. The pudding will keep for a couple of weeks or so in the refrigerator or may be frozen for longer storage.


The pudding may be put back into its pudding mold and reheated over low heat for an hour or so in a hot water bath at the time of serving. However, the easier way today is to simply microwave the pudding for just a few minutes until it is heated. While you can heat the entire pudding in the microwave, you may find it quicker to cut the pudding into slices for reheating.


There are many different sauces/toppings served with plum pudding – brown sugar sauce, spiced cream, ice cream, or even a dollop of yogurt or whipped cream or a scoop of vanilla ice cream. However, in our home, the tradition is to serve the pudding with a basic brown sugar sauce.

To give the sauce a little “kick”, I sometimes add a dash of rum to deepen the flavor. This, of course, is completely optional. The liquor can be omitted; however, to maintain the same consistency, simply increase the amount of water equal to the amount of liquor called for in the recipe.

For many Islanders, they will finish off their Christmas dinner with plum pudding served with whatever topping is traditional in their household.

Is plum pudding one of your Christmas traditions? Does it bring back memories for you? What do you serve with the plum pudding?

(Printable version of recipe follows at end of posting)

My Island Bistro Kitchen’s Plum Pudding


1 cup sticky raisins (Lexia)
1 cup sultana raisins
1 cup currants
⅔ cup mixed peel (lemon/orange/citron)
½ cup rum

1 cup flour
¾ tsp baking soda
¾ tsp baking powder
½ tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon
⅛ tsp mace
⅛ tsp nutmeg
⅛ tsp allspice
¼ tsp ginger
⅛ tsp cardamom
dash cloves
1 cup fine breadcrumbs

1 cup suet
¾ cup brown sugar
2 eggs
⅓ cup molasses
¼ cup strawberry jam
½ cup milk


Assemble ingredients.

Grease or spray 8-cup (2-quart) pudding mold with cooking oil.

In bowl, combine raisins and mixed peel. Add the rum. Stir. Set aside while preparing other ingredients.

In separate bowl, combine flour, soda, baking powder, and salt.

Add spices.

Add breadcrumbs. Stir well to combine.

Stir the raisin and mixed peel mixture into the dry ingredients.

In another bowl, combine the suet, molasses, brown sugar, milk, jam, and eggs. Mix well.

Pour the wet ingredient mixture into the flour and raisin mixture. Stir to combine.

Spoon mixture into prepared mold, filling mold about ¾ full. Cover.

In large stock pot, place a wire rack. Place filled mold on rack to allow the water to circulate fully around the mold as the pudding steams. Pour boiling water into stock pot, filling to about ½ to ⅔ the way up the side of the mold. Bring water back to a boil and immediately reduce heat to a low boil over low heat to steam the pudding. Cook for about 3 hours or until cake tester inserted into the center of the pudding comes out clean. Make sure the water level stays at the ½ – ⅔ mark throughout the cooking process, adding more water as needed.

Remove pudding mold from the hot water bath and cool on a wire rack for a couple of hours. Remove cover.

Invert pudding mold over a wire rack to remove pudding.

Wrap pudding in plastic wrap or in foil and place in a sealed bag. The pudding will keep in the refrigerator for a couple of weeks or it may be frozen for longer storage.

To reheat, either place the pudding back in its mold and heat over low heat in a hot water bath for an hour or, more simply, slice pudding and place slices on plate then microwave approximately a few seconds per slice. Serve with desired sauce.

Yield: Apx. 12 servings

Buttered Rum Brown Sugar Sauce

¼ cup flour
1 cup brown sugar
¼ tsp salt
2 cup water
2 tsp vanilla
¼ cup rum (optional)
¼ cup melted butter

In large microwave-safe bowl, mix flour, sugar, and salt together. Add remaining ingredients. Stir to mix well. Microwave on high for 3-4 minutes until thickened, stirring after each minute. Serve hot over plum pudding.

Yield: Apx. 10-12 servings

Happy Holidays!

Plum Pudding Recipe and Symbolism (34)


Steamed Plum Pudding (Christmas Pudding)

A traditional classic Christmas pudding, the perfect finale to Christmas dinner. Serve warm with a rich brown sugar sauce for a decadent holiday dessert.

Course Dessert

Cuisine American

Keyword christmas pudding, plum pudding

Servings 12

My Island Bistro Kitchen My Island Bistro Kitchen


  • 1 cup sticky raisins (Lexia)
  • 1 cup sultana raisins
  • 1 cup currants
  • 2/3 cup mixed peel (lemon/orange/citron)
  • 1/2 cup rum
  • 1 cup flour
  • 3/4 tsp baking soda
  • 3/4 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/8 tsp mace
  • 1/8 tsp nutmeg
  • 1/8 tsp allspice
  • 1/4 tsp ginger
  • 1/8 tsp cardamom
  • dash cloves
  • 1 cup fine breadcrumbs
  • dash cloves
  • 1 cup suet
  • 3/4 cup brown sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/3 cup molasses
  • 1/4 cup strawberry jam
  • 1/2 cup milk

Buttered Rum Brown Sugar Sauce

  • 1/4 cup flour
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 2 cups water
  • 2 tsp vanilla
  • 1/4 cup rum (optional)
  • 1/4 cup melted butter


  1. Assemble ingredients.

  2. Grease or spray 8-cup (2-quart) pudding mold with cooking oil.

  3. In bowl, combine raisins and mixed peel. Add the rum. Stir. Set aside while preparing other ingredients.

  4. In separate bowl, combine flour, soda, baking powder, salt, and spices. Add breadcrumbs. Stir in the raisin and mixed peel mixture.

  5. In another bowl, combine the suet, brown sugar, eggs, molasses, jam, and milk. Mix well. Pour into flour and raisin mixture. Stir to combine. Pour mixture into prepared mold, filling mold about ¾ full. Cover.

  6. In large stock pot, place a wire rack. Place filled mold on rack to allow water to freely circulate around the pudding mold as the pudding steams. Pour boiling water into stock pot, filling to about ½ to ⅔ the way up the side of the mold. Bring water back to a boil and immediately reduce heat to a low boil over low heat to steam the pudding. Cook for about 3 hours or until cake tester inserted into the center of the pudding comes out clean. Make sure the water level stays at the ½ - ⅔ mark throughout the cooking process, adding more water as needed.

  7. Remove pudding mold from the water and cool on a wire rack for a couple of hours. Remove cover and invert pudding mold over a wire rack to remove pudding. Wrap pudding in plastic wrap or in foil and place in a sealed bag. The pudding will keep in the refrigerator for a couple of weeks or so or it may be frozen for longer storage.

  8. To reheat, either place the pudding back in its mold and heat in a hot water bath over low heat for an hour or so until heated or, more simply, slice pudding and place slices on plate then microwave for a few seconds. Serve with desired sauce.

Buttered Rum Brown Sugar Sauce

  1. In large microwave-safe bowl, mix flour, sugar, and salt together. Add remaining ingredients. Stir to mix well. Microwave on high for 3-4 minutes until thickened, stirring after each minute. Serve hot over plum pudding.

Recipe Notes

Copyright My Island Bistro Kitchen

If you have made this recipe and enjoyed it and/or wish to share it with your friends and family, please do so on social media but be sure to share the direct link to this posting from my website.

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Plum Pudding Recipe and Symbolism (35)

For other steamed pudding recipes from My Island Bistro Kitchen, click on the links below:

Steamed Carrot Pudding Recipe
Steamed Cranberry Pudding with Eggnog Sauce
Steamed Mincemeat and Apple Pudding

This post and recipe were last updated November 26, 2023

Plum Pudding Recipe and Symbolism (36)

Plum Pudding Recipe and Symbolism (37)

Plum Pudding Recipe and Symbolism (39)

Plum Pudding Recipe and Symbolism (40)

Plum Pudding Recipe and Symbolism (42)

Plum Pudding Recipe and Symbolism (43)

Plum Pudding Recipe and Symbolism (44)

Plum Pudding Recipe and Symbolism (46)

Plum Pudding Recipe and Symbolism (48)

Plum Pudding Recipe and Symbolism (2024)


What does the plum pudding symbolize? ›

Christmas plum pudding has evolved a bit over the past 600 years, both in method and legend, to get to its current dessert iteration. Some say it should contain 13 ingredients to represent Jesus and his apostles. The stirring of the pudding should be done from east to west to honor the journey of the Three Wise Men.

What is the tradition of plum pudding? ›

Traditionally, Christmas pudding is made five weeks before Christmas, on or after the last Sunday before the first Advent (the last Sunday in the Church Year). Each family member in a household would stir the pudding and make a wish.

What does the Christmas pudding symbolize? ›

There is a popular myth that plum pudding's association with Christmas goes back to a custom in medieval England that the "pudding should be made on the 25th Sunday after Trinity, that it be prepared with 13 ingredients to represent Christ and the 12 apostles, and that every family member stir it in turn from east to ...

What is the superstition about Christmas pudding? ›

Superstitions say that Christmas pudding must be prepared with 13 ingredients, which are said to represent Jesus and his twelve disciples. It is also said that the mixture should be stirred in turn from east to west, by each family member, to honour the disciples' journey.

What is the plum pudding metaphor? ›

The plum pudding model depicts the electrons as negatively-charged particles embedded in a sea of positive charge. The structure of Thomson's atom is analogous to plum pudding, an English dessert (left). Image from Openstax, CC BY 4.0.

What is the spiritual meaning of the plum fruit? ›

The spirit of plum speaks to the value of patience and the importance of remaining calm during challenging times. Plums are native to China, Europe and the Americas. The English word plum comes from the Latin word prunum meaning plum tree.

What is the importance of plum pudding? ›

The plum pudding model was the first scientific model of the atom with internal structure. It was first proposed by J. J. Thomson in 1904 following his discovery of the electron in 1897, but it was subsequently rendered obsolete by Ernest Rutherford's discovery of the atomic nucleus in 1911.

What are some fun facts about plum pudding? ›

The low-fi version is to poke whatever coins in after the the pudding has been cooked. And about its other name – plum pudding – because, of course, there are no actual plums in plum pudding. In fact, 'plums' was a generic word used for dried fruit and raisins because English never likes to make it easy on you.

What ethnicity is plum pudding? ›

The name comes from the use of dried plums (prunes), which were commonly used in medieval times. Later, when other dried fruits such as raisins were introduced into England, these were substituted or added, but the “plum pudding” name stuck.

What's the difference between Christmas pudding and plum pudding? ›

Plum pudding was a type of boiled or steamed pudding that contained a mix of these dried fruits, spices, suet, breadcrumbs, eggs, and sometimes alcohol. Over time, the term 'plum pudding' evolved into what is now commonly known as Christmas pudding.

Why are there no plums in plum pudding? ›

As I learned from attending the Christmas by Candlelight program at Old Sturbridge Village, in earlier centuries, the word “plum” referred to raisins or other fruits such as currants, and a plum pudding was simply a suet pudding made with a hefty amount of raisins and currants.

Why was the Christmas pudding banned during history? ›

By the mid-1600s, plum pudding was sufficiently associated with Christmas that when Oliver Cromwell came to power in 1647 he had it banned, along with Yule logs, carol-singing and nativity scenes. To Cromwell and his Puritan associates, such merry-making smacked of Druidic paganism and Roman Catholic idolatry.

What does Christmas pudding mean to Christians? ›

The pudding was meant to have 13 ingredients to represent Jesus and his 12 disciples. Often small trinkets were hidden in the mixture (a silver coin for wealth, a ring for future marriage and a thimble for spinsterhood!). The brandy poured over it and set alight represented the passion of Christ.

Is it still illegal to eat Christmas pudding on Christmas Day? ›

It was reported that in Oliver Cromwell's England, all festive celebrations, (including consuming mince pies and Christmas puddings), were contributing towards gluttony. The festivities were made illegal as part of a fasting period, but luckily the ban was lifted when Charles II took to the throne in 1660.

Is Christmas pudding pagan? ›

By 1650, Christmas pudding was the staple dessert of holiday meals. But Oliver Cromwell and his Puritan beliefs came to power in England right around that time and banned all things he associated with “pagan celebrations”, including yule logs, Christmas pudding, and carols.

What does the plumb pudding in danger symbolize? ›

The two people caricatured in this print are Prime Minister William Pitt (the younger), representing Britain and its empire, and Napoleon Bonaparte, the Emperor of France. Between them, the two are carving up a pudding that represents the world. Britain and France were at war almost constantly between 1793 and 1815.

What does the plum symbolize? ›

They symbolise perseverance and hope, as well as, beauty thriving in adverse circ*mstances. As the Plum tree blossoms between two seasons, it is also seen as a symbol of spring - bringing warmth, transition and the promise of fruitfulness.

What is the meaning of plumb pudding? ›

: a rich boiled or steamed pudding containing fruits and spices.


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