Pokémon Go IV vs. CP – The differences explained-Dr.Fone (2024)

James Davis

May 29, 2024 • Filed to: • Proven solutions

Pokémon Go IV vs. CP – The differences explained-Dr.Fone (2)

With even more adjustments made to help, Pokémon Go enables you to venture outside and become the greatest trainer Pokémon has ever seen. But to achieve that, you'll need to be familiar with all of its measurements and processes.

Two important metrics for Pokémon caught in Pokémon Go are IV and CP. They gauge a species' potential and strength, respectively. Here are the game's descriptions of IV and CP as well as, more crucially, the distinctions between the two.

If you don't know what CP is in Pokémon go, what are Pokémon IVs, what the difference and what you need to know about Pokémon by stats, you need to go through this guide.

  • Part 1: What does 'IV' mean in Pokémon Go?
  • Part 2: What does 'CP' mean in Pokémon Go?
  • Part 3: How does IV and CP work in Pokémon Go?
  • Part 4: CP or IV? Which is more important in Pokémon Go?
  • Bonus Tip: How to Play Pokémon Go Without Jailbreak on iOS?

Part 1: What does 'IV' mean in Pokémon Go?

IV stands for unique values, which each Pokémon possesses. They estimate how good your Pokémon can be once fully charged up by comparing its potential to those of other members of the same species. Beyond the CP (Combat Power) of your captured Pokémon, all Pokémon in Pokémon Go have individual values, or IVs, which are essentially concealed foundation numbers.

The potential strength of a Pokémon is determined by its IVs. For instance, a Chansey with perfect IVs will have better CP and Stamina at its maximum level than a Chansey with average IVs. Attack, Defense, and Stamina are the only three states that matter, and each of them has a maximum of 15. Although the game does not explicitly state what base stats each Pokémon has, there are workarounds.

Part 2: What does 'CP' mean in Pokémon Go?

A combined metric that provides a broad sense of a Pokémon's strength is its combat power (CP). Based on Pokémon's current level and IV scores.

Pokémon Go IV vs. CP – The differences explained-Dr.Fone (3)

A Pokémon will typically perform better in battle if its CP is higher than its other stats. However, there are other elements that change this paradigm, including kinds, movesets, and weather advantages. Nevertheless, it is a reliable method for estimating a Pokémon's base level of strength.

As a result, a Pokémon with a high CP may also have subpar IVs, and vice versa. Pokémon with high CP can still be weak even though they don't need to level up as much because they are already near their maximum level.

Part 3: How does IV and CP work in Pokémon Go?

A Pokémon's IVs demonstrate its potential within its own species. When leveled up to its maximum potential, a perfect IV Pokémon will be the strongest variation of that species.

Pokémon Go IV vs. CP – The differences explained-Dr.Fone (4)

However, a high CP may be on the lower end of the potential spectrum while still demonstrating power in terms of absolute score.

High CP Pokémon should be used during battling. However, IV scores are the most important factor if you're playing the long game, a desire that ideal Pokémon, and are prepared to pay Stardust to level it up.

Part 4: CP or IV? Which is more important in Pokémon Go?

There are standard attributes like stamina, attack, and defense for each variety of Pokémon. Each unique Pokémon "births" with its own IV (individual values), which boosts these stats by 0 to 15 additional points. Since not all Pokémon are created equal, you cannot adjust the IVs. These IVs have a minor impact on a Pokémon's overall power. For instance, a Charizard's base attributes are 212, 182, and 156. When all IVs are zero, this would be the "worst" charizard that is currently available. A Charizard would have 227, 197, and 171 maximum IVs. These Charizard Atk, Def, and Stam numbers are just 7–10% better overall. If you want to know the difference practically, go through our Best Pokémon Go IV Calculator Apps guide.

The Pokémon with the higher IV will have a little higher chance of surviving gym battles if you leave the two Pokémon with the same CP but differing IVs in a gym. As the IV is simply a quick way to see which Pokémon have higher stats, However, the difference will only be VERY small. The moveset of each Pokémon should be taken into account when choosing between them, as it can have a substantial impact on its power.

Bonus Tip: How to Play Pokémon Go Without Jailbreak on iOS?

Stop fretting if you frequently encounter the requirements related to jailbreaking if playing Pokémon is not feasible despite attempting various fixes. The Dr.Fone - Virtual Location is one of the best such Pokémon game solutions that do not need device jailbreaking that is still available.

The Dr.Fone - Virtual Location, a leader in the GPS market, is a well-reviewed and user-friendly tool that makes it super easy for you to play Pokémon. You can easily modify your location by doing a simple drag and click. Be it the adaptability, usability, or precision of the instrument. Dr. Fone is the best since it contains everything. The following are the steps to use Dr.Fone - Virtual Location to change location.

Pokémon Go IV vs. CP – The differences explained-Dr.Fone (5)

Dr.Fone - Virtual Location

1-Click Location Changer: Play Pokémon Go without jailbreak!

  • Teleport from one location to another across the world from the comfort of your home.
  • With just a few selections on your computer, you can make members of your circle believe you’re anywhere you want.
  • Stimulate and imitate movement and set the speed and stops you take along the way.
  • Compatible with both iOS and Android systems.
  • Work with location-based apps, like Pokemon Go, Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, etc.

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Step 1: Open the Dr.Fone – Virtual Location application.

Pokémon Go IV vs. CP – The differences explained-Dr.Fone (6)

Downloading Dr.Fone - Virtual Location (iOS/Android) is required to get started. After that, install and run the software.

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Pokémon Go IV vs. CP – The differences explained-Dr.Fone (7)safe & secure

In order to connect your iPhone or Android phone to your PC, choose "Virtual Location" from the drop-down menu. Select "Get Started" from the drop-down menu to launch the virtual location feature.

Connect your mobile device playing Pokémon Go to a computer system. The terms and conditions are visible when you open the Dr.Fone application. Click "Get Started" after carefully reading them and accepting them.'

Step 2: Teleport to any destination.

You will be taken to a website that shows a map of the entire world along with your current location on it. To understand the coordinates and location better, you may just zoom in and out. However, selecting "Teleport Mode" in the page's upper right corner is necessary.

Pokémon Go IV vs. CP – The differences explained-Dr.Fone (8)

Step 3: Practice moving between different locations.

After that, you can move from where you are now to wherever you want to be. This might be as nearby as a neighboring nation or as distant as a foreign nation. Keep it close by if you're playing Pokémon Go. Next, select "Move Here."

Pokémon Go IV vs. CP – The differences explained-Dr.Fone (9)

Step 4: Observe the location change.

Your location will change instantly; after a few minutes, the new location will be registered on all websites you visit. So you can proceed now.

Pokémon Go IV vs. CP – The differences explained-Dr.Fone (10)

Pokémon Go IV vs. CP – The differences explained-Dr.Fone (11)

Pokémon Go IV vs. CP – The differences explained-Dr.Fone (12)

Easily SpoofPokémon Go GPS location on iOS

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  • Pokémon Go IV vs. CP – The differences explained-Dr.Fone (14)Fake GPS Location on iOS and Android in one click.
  • Pokémon Go IV vs. CP – The differences explained-Dr.Fone (15)Simulate GPS movement along the route you draw and with different simulated speeds.
  • Pokémon Go IV vs. CP – The differences explained-Dr.Fone (16)Using Jump Teleport mode, you can easily jump to rare and legendary Pokémon.
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Level, IV, and base stats of the specific type are used to calculate a Pokémon's actual stats and CP, with level and base stats having the biggest influence.

At the same level, a character with a greater IV would often have a higher CP and be a little bit stronger.

What you value, your resources, and your requirements will determine which one you should concentrate on. Always choose the highest IV ones when you have unlimited candy and Stardust. If they don't have the resources to power up their Pokémon right away, some people don't mind having slightly stronger Pokémon in the future because they believe anything below 90IV is trash. Others would evolve and employ higher CP Pokémon today in order to have battle-ready Pokémon without having to wait for the future.

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Pokémon Go IV vs. CP – The differences explained-Dr.Fone (19)safe & secure

Pokémon Go IV vs. CP – The differences explained-Dr.Fone (2024)


Pokémon Go IV vs. CP – The differences explained-Dr.Fone? ›

Conclusion. Level, IV, and base stats of the specific type are used to calculate a Pokémon's actual stats and CP, with level and base stats having the biggest influence. At the same level, a character with a greater IV would often have a higher CP and be a little bit stronger.

What's the difference between CP and IV in Pokémon GO? ›

The CP ("combat power") is calculated based off the Pokémon species' base values, the power up level, and three hidden numbers called "IVs" (individual values.) 1.) Base values are higher for more powerful Pokémon, such as fully evolved Pokémon or Legendary Pokémon.

Should I prioritize CP or IV? ›

But ideally, if you have the resources and capability, you should be focusing on the better IVs, even if the difference is negligible. Going from level 1 to level 35 (the highest possible wild catch) is like half the cost of going 35 to 50. IVs all the way baby.

How to tell if a Pokémon is 100% IV before catching it in Pokémon GO? ›

Getting a 3-star ranking with a red emblem means that your Pokémon's IVs are perfect, while 3 stars with a gold emblem indicate IVs that are around 82% to 98% perfect. Check out apps like Poké Genie to get a more in-depth look at your Pokémon's IVs.

How big of a difference do IVs make in Pokémon GO? ›

Based on the way IVs affect damage output, the difference that 100% IVs make compared to 0% IVs is around 10%, i.e. they will last around 10% longer, deal around 10% more damage, and resist around 10% more damage.

Do I evolve Pokémon with the highest CP? ›

It doesn't really matter unless you care about PVP. Cp is determined by base stats of a pokemon, the pokémon's level, and its ivs. Because evolving a pokemon only changes the base stats not the level or ivs, it doesn't matter if you power up a pokemon before evolving or after the cp it gets to won't change.

Is it better to raise CP before or after Evolving? ›

A Pokémon's CP potential and IVs are not affected by evolution: IVs (Attack, Defense, Stamina values hidden in the game) and CP potential (the max CP that can be reached when fully powered up) remains the same regardless of whether you Power Up before or after evolving.

Can you tell IV based on CP? ›

An IV Calculator – of which there are many – can give you an accurate reading of your Pokémon's IVs, its level, and the power of its skills. It achieves this by looking at your Trainer Level, the Pokémon's CP (Combat Power), and the amount of Stardust required to power it up.

Should I evolve low CP high IV Pokémon? ›

If you have a Pokemon that is in the highest or second highest IV tier, it really is not that far away from perfect Max CP. So evolving a Pokemon with IV's in the first or second tier is a good idea, you don't need to wait for the perfect IV's.

Can a 2 star Pokemon become a 3 star Pokémon go? ›

In addition to this, a Purified Pokemon receives 2 points to all their IVs. This means it's possible for a Pokemon to go from 2 to 3 stars, etc.

How rare is a 100% IV Pokemon go? ›

The chance to get a 100% IV (15/15/15) Pokémon in Pokémon GO is 1/4096, or in percentage, 0.0244%. The chance to get any combination of IVs is the same and equals 1/4096.

How do you know if a Pokemon has the best IV? ›

If your Pokémon has three stars and a red stamp, it means that it has 100% perfect IVs. If it has three star with an orange stamp, it has around 80-99% perfect IVs. Two stars means 66-80% IVs and one star means 50-65% IVs.

Is CP or IV more important? ›

High CP Pokémon should be used during battling. However, IV scores are the most important factor if you're playing the long game, a desire that ideal Pokémon, and are prepared to pay Stardust to level it up.

How much difference does 1 IV make Pokemon? ›

1IV = 1 extra point at level 100.

What is the perfect IV for Pokemon? ›

The value will be somewhere between 0 and 31 -- 0 being the worst and 31 being the best. For example, if a Pokemon's Speed IV is 31, that means its Speed can reach the maximum a Pokemon of that species can accomplish as long as its Effort Values are properly allotted.

What's more important in Pokémon GO, CP or Stars? ›

In Pokemon GO, the Pokemon with a higher CP (Combat Power) is generally preferred even if the Pokemon has low IVs. Although it's not a traditional Level-system, the CP somewhat functions as a Pokemon's "Level" in GO.

How much does IV affect CP? ›

CP is a combination of IV and level of a pokemon. So same level higher IVs pokemon will have higher CP. Long answer its entirely up to you. It matters as much as you need some kind of perfection or you want to do incredible hard raids with very few people.

Does higher CP mean better Pokémon? ›

A Pokémon with a higher CP will perform better than one with a lower CP. While you can use type advantages in a lot of instances to help you take down a Pokémon with a higher CP, if there's too big a difference it won't do you any good.

How much difference does 1 IV make Pokémon? ›

1IV = 1 extra point at level 100.

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