Power Broker (2024)

Power Broker (1)

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Power Broker (2)

But you see, that is exactly what the Hench App is for. Empowering leaders to focus on the big picture -- while we take care of the little... distractions.
~ Second Power Broker

The Power Broker is a supervillain in the Marvel Comics universe. He is an enemy of the following heroes and anti-heroes: Machine Man, Captain America, Marvel Man, the Falcon, the Hulk, Sharon Ventura, Demolition Man, the Shroud, Vagabond, Battlestar, U.S. Agent, the Punisher, and Ant-Man. Two individuals have used the Power Broker persona. They are Curtiss Jackson and an unnamed criminal.


  • 1 History
    • 1.1 Curtiss Jackson
    • 1.2 Second Power Broker
  • 2 Gallery
  • 3 Navigation


Curtiss Jackson[]

Curtiss Jackson was born in Charlotte, North Carolina. He became a professional criminal and an executive with the criminal organization known as the Corporation. As a member of the Corporation, Jackson attempts to take control of Machine Man. With Eugene Stivak, Moonstone, and the Vamp, he later battles Captain America, Marvel Man, the Falcon, and the Hulk. Jackson kidnaps Trish Starr, and battles the Hulk and Machine Man again.

It is later revealed that Jackson founds the Power Broker Corporation. He hires Dr. Karl Malus, a mad scientist who has experimented on various superhuman individuals, to technologically augment the strength of paying customers to superhuman levels. The strength augmenting process is tremendously risky, with half the subjects dying or becoming severely deformed, but this information is kept a closely guarded secret. Power Broker and Malus use highly addictive drugs on their subjects, telling them that the chemical is necessary to stabilize their powers, but in fact it only serves to keep the subjects working for—and paying—the Power Broker. Many wrestlers of the Unlimited Class Wrestling Federation, which is only open to those with super-strength, use the Power Broker's services, and wind up indebted to them.

The Power Broker offers Sharon Ventura superhuman strength. She is reportedly sexually abused while drugged. She breaks free before Malus can administer the addictive drug, so the Power Broker sends the Grapplers to kill her. The Power Broker later kidnaps Demolition-Man, and battles Captain America and the Shroud when they come to rescue him.

When Power Broker, Inc. is attacked by the Scourge of the Underworld, Curtiss Jackson exposes himself to his own augmentation device. The process goes awry, leaving him so grotesquely muscle-bound that he cannot move. Jackson was revealed to be a patient at Los Angeles County Hospital. Malus decided to take advantage of this situation by sending Vagabond, who knew Jackson (having previously approached him about gaining super-strength herself), to obtain a copy of his fingerprints so that Malus could access all of Jackson's personal accounts and vaults. He used an explosive wristband to force Vagabond's cooperation, but she managed to knock Malus out, destroy the fingerprint mold, place the band on his wrist, and inject him with the drug he had planned to use on her.

The Power Broker had Malus' legs broken for his betrayal, then promptly re-hired him to try to cure Jackson's condition. Malus captured and experimented on several augmented individuals, including Battlestar to perfect the de-augmentation process, which drew the involvement of the U.S. Agent. Jackson appeared, revealed to be using an exo-skeleton to move. Together, Battlestar and the Agent defeated Jackson and freed the captured wrestlers, and forced Malus to restore their strength. The U.S. Agent then destroyed Malus' equipment and records, leaving Jackson in an over-augmented state.

Power Broker has been responsible for providing augmented henchmen to various criminal organizations, such as the Sweatshop, and the Power Tools. The Power Broker was later revealed as one of the Red Skull's division chiefs. Jackson resurfaced following the Maximum Security storyline, when Earth was made into an intergalactic penal colony. His extra-muscular bulk had been shed in-between appearances leaving him looking normal once again. Seeing an opportunity to recruit many of the exotic prisoners being dumped by the Kree and other alien races, Jackson raced to an area his computers determined would have a large amount of arrivals. Unfortunately for Jackson, the aliens were less than pleased at having been dumped on Earth, and attacked him. Playing dead, Jackson came upon a parasitic organism (Jackson calls it an alien, but U.S. Agent believed it to be an escaped S.H.I.E.L.D. experiment to control the alien criminals) who had lost its host. In exchange for becoming its host, Jackson would be granted the use of the parasite's spawn to infect and control others. In his plan to take over the world, Jackson smuggled the parasite spawns to a HYDRA base and a rebel Atlantean group. These operations were broken up by S.T.A.R.S. and their main agent, U.S. Agent, leading the group to take down the Power Broker once again. The Punisher later kills and impersonates Jackson in order to infiltrate a supervillain auction being held on Long Island.

Second Power Broker[]

Very little is known about this Power Broker other than he wears a battle suit, and can project bolts of energy from his hands. This new Power Broker has apparently taken over Power Broker, Inc. He was responsible for giving Paul Brokeridge super-strength to wrestle in the Unlimited Class Wrestling Federation, a move that led to Paul attaining the championship and later being crippled by a stronger wrestler. He was also responsible for giving Paul's brother Roger superpowers where Roger later became the superhero Hardball.

Power Broker proceeds to invest in Hench, a mobile app that allows people to quickly hire supervillains. He demonstrates his invention to Darren Cross by enlisting Whirlwind to kill Cross' nemesis Ant-Man. When Cross refuses to invest at least 1.2 billion dollars in Hench, Power Broker ends the demo, and cancels Whirlwind's attempted assassination of Ant-Man. A publicist named Marlena Howard later uses Hench (Hench App) to hire the Magician's son to stage an attack on Darla Deering.

Cross's unwillingness to invest in the Hench App spurs his son Augustine Cross into hiring Machinesmith to hack into Power Broker Inc.'s databases so that Cross Technological Enterprises can steal the Hench algorithm and use it to create a knock-off called "Lackey." During a meeting with Slug, who had used Hench to hire the new Hijacker to steal a Giganto egg. Power Broker is made aware of Cross's treachery, which enrages him to the point of ordering the premature release of "Hench 2.0". Power Broker later held an event to promote the new Hench 2.0. In order to protect the unveiling, he used the Hench App to hire a female Blacklash.

Cassandra Lang attempts to get abilities from Power Broker II with the intention of double-crossing him. However, Power Broker II realizes that she does not have what it takes to be a villain. Instead, Power Broker II tells her about Darren Cross having stolen her heart and that her father hid it from her. As Darren Cross had stolen something from him, he makes a deal with her....he will give her powers to do with as she wants. In exchange, she must retrieve the item that Darren took from him and in the process get her revenge on him. She chooses to have her old powers back because she does not want to learn a new power set. Cassandra Lang is given a new suit and a helmet similar to her father's while sporting the new name of Stinger.

At a public event, Power Broker revealed the Hench X app that enables anyone to become a supervillain. He tests it out on a former comic store clerk named Paul who ends up becoming the second Plantman who was then unleashed when Ant-Man showed up to interrogate Power Broker on personal matters.


Power Broker (3)

Second Power Broker

Power Broker (4)

First Power Broker (Curtiss Jackson)

Power Broker (5)

Power Broker (7)

Power Broker (8)

Power Broker (9)

Power Broker (10)

Power Broker (11)

Power Broker (12)

Power Broker (13)

Power Broker (14)

Second Power Broker showing his Hench App

Power Broker (15)


Power Broker (16) Villains

Abomination |Absorbing Man |Adolf Hitler |Agent Orange |A.I.M. |Aleksander Lukin |Alexa Lukin |Anaconda |Annihilus |Arcade |Arnim Zola |Attuma |Awesome Android |Baron Wolfgang von Strucker |Baron Zemo |Batroc the Leaper |Beetle |Bi-Beast |Black Cat |Black Talon |Black Mamba |Black Widow |Blastaar |Blitzkrieg |Blizzard |Blood Brothers |Boomerang |Boomslang |Brotherhood of Muntants |Brothers Grimm |Bulldozer |Bullseye |Baker |Cache |Carnage |Carrion |Chameleon |Chemistro |Constrictor |Cottonmouth |Conrad Meer |Controller |Count Nefaria |Cowled Commander |Crimson Dynamo |Crossbones |Dark Avengers |Darren Cross |Death Adder |Demogoblin |Destiny |Doctor Doom |Doctor Faustus |Doctor Octopus |Doppelganger |Eel |Electro |Famine |Fer-De-Lance |Firebrand |Fixer |Flag-Smasher |Ghost |Glenn Talbot |Gorgon |Grand Director |Grant Ward |Graviton |Green Goblin |Grey Gargoyle |Griffin |Grim Reaper |Grizzly |Hate-Monger |Heinz Kruger |Herr Kleiser |HYDRA |Hydro-Man |Iron Monger |Ironclad |Jack O' Lantern |J. Jonah Jameson |Justin Hammer |Kang the Conqueror |Killer Shrike |King Cobra |Kingpin |Klaw |Korath the Pursuer |Korvac |Kraven the Hunter |Lady Deathstrike |Leader |Living Laser |Loki |Lucia Von Bardas |Machinesmith |Madame Viper |Madcap |Magneto |Man-Ape |Mandarin |Master Man |Masters of Evil |Mentallo |Mesmero |Mister Hyde |Mr. Sinister |M.O.D.A.M. |M.O.D.O.K. |Mole Man |Moonstone |Mysterio |Namor McKenzie |Nebula |Nightmare |Nightshade |Nitro |Norman Osborn |Piledriver | Puff Adder |Puma |Punisher |Punisher (Earth-95126) |Power Elite |Quicksand |Quicksilver |Rattler |Red Ghost |Red Skull (Johann Shmidt (Earth-3839, Earth-31117), George Maxon & Albert Malik) |Rhino |Ringmaster |Rock Python |Ronan |Roxxon |Sabretooth |Sandman |Säurespritze |Scarecrow |Scarlet Witch |Scorpion |Scourge of the Underworld |Sebastian Shaw |Secret Empire |Selene Gallio |Sentinal |Serpent Society |Shocker |Shockwave |Shriek |Sidewinder |Silver Sable |Sin |Sinister Six |Skeleton Crew |Skrulls |Slither |Slug |Songbird |Super-Adaptoid |Super-Apes |Superia |Super Patriot |Supreme Intelligence |Tarantula |Taskmaster |Terminus |Thanos |The Emissary (Henry Cavenaugh) |Thunderball |Thunderbolt Ross |Thunderbolts |Tiger Shark |Tinkerer |Titania |Titanium Man |Trapster |Typhoid Mary |U-Foes |Unicorn |Ultron |Vapor |Vector |Venom |Vermin |Victorius |Vulture |Whiplash |Whirlwind | Winter Soldier |Wizard |Worthy |Wrecker |X-Ray |Yellow Claw |Zahnmörder |Zodiac

Captain America (1990): Red Skull | Valentina de Santis
Captain America: The First Avenger: HYDRA (Red Skull, Arnim Zola, Heinz Kruger, HYDRA Lieutenant, & Velt) | Nazi Party (Adolf Hitler | Roeder | Hutter | Schneider)
Heroes United: Iron Man and Captain America: HYDRA (Red Skull & Taskmaster)
Captain America: The Winter Soldier: HYDRA/STRIKE (Alexander Pierce, Winter Soldier, Crossbones, Jack Rollins, Jasper Sitwell, Russo, Senator Stern, Arnim Zola, Wolfgang von Strucker, List, Scarlet Witch, & Quicksilver) | Georges Batroc | Ferdinand Lopez | Gerald Durand
Captain America: Civil War: Helmut Zemo | Thunderbolt Ross | Winter Soldier | Scarlet Witch | HYDRA (Vasily Karpov, Josef, & Winter Soldiers) | Hero Mercs (Crossbones)

TV Series
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier: Winter Soldier | Flag Smashers (Flag-Smasher, Dovich, Gigi, DeeDee, Lennox, Nico, Matias, & Diego) | Sharon Carter | Baron Zemo | LAF (Georges Batroc & Louie) | Senator Atwood | Valentina Allegra de Fontaine | Thanos
What If...?: Red Skull | Arnim Zola | Heinz Kruger | HYDRA's Champion

Video Games
The Amazing Spider-Man & Captain America in Doctor Doom's Revenge: Doctor Doom | Electro |Hobgoblin | Rhino | Boomerang | Grey Gargoyle | Oddball | Batroc the Leaper | Mysterio
Captain America and the Avengers: Red Skull | Crossbones | Klaw | Living Laser | Whirlwind | Sentinel | Grim Reaper | Wizard | Mandarin | Juggernaut | Ultron
Captain America Super Soldier: HYDRA (Red Skull, Arnim Zola, Madam Hydra & Baron Strucker) | Baron Zemo
Captain America: The Winter Soldier: Winter Soldier | Sin | Taskmaster | Shockwave | Serpent Society (King Cobra, Puff Adder & Diamondbak)

See Also
Agent Carter Villains

Power Broker (17) Villains

Abomination |Abominatrix |Absorbing Man |A.I.M. |Alistair Smythe |Annihilus |Apocalypse |Arcade | Archangel |Ares |Arnim Zola |Attuma |Avalanche |Baron Mordo |Baron Zemo |Batroc the Leaper |Bi-Beast |Blastaar |Blizzard |Blob |Boomerang |Brian Banner |Bulldozer |Bushwacker |Captain Axis |Captain Omen |Chameleon |Collector |Constrictor |Corruptor |Crimson Dynamo |Crossbones |D'Spayre |Dark Avengers |Deadpool |Destroyer |Devil Hulk |Doctor Doom |Doctor Faustus |Doctor Octopus |Doctor Scarabeus |Dormammu |Dracula |Electro |Enchantress |Enclave |Enforcers |Executioner |Fin Fang Foom |Fixer | Flux |Fragment |Freedom Force |Frightful Four |Frost |Frost Giants |Galactus | General John Ryker |Glenn Talbot |Grant Ward |Grandmaster |Green Goblin |Grey Gargoyle |Grizzy |Guilt Hulk |Harpy |Hela |Herr Kleiser |High Evolutionary |Hobgoblin |HYDRA |Impossible Man |Ironclad |J. Jonah Jameson |Jack O' Lantern |Juggernaut |Kang |Killer Shrike |Klaw |Kraven the Hunter |Kree |Lady Deathstrike |Leader |Living Laser |Loki Laufeyson |Madcap |Mad Thinker |Maestro |Magistrate |Man-Beast |Mandrill |Mandarin |Masters of Evil |Maximus |Medusa |Mentallo |Mephisto |Metal Master |Mister Hyde |M.O.D.O.K. |M.O.D.O.K. Superior |Mole Man |Molecule Man |Moonstone |Morgan le Fay |Mysterio |Mystique |Namor McKenzie |Nightmare |Norman Osborn |Ogress |Omega Red |One Below All |Onslaught |Piledriver |Presence |Psycho-Man |Punisher |Punisher (Earth-95126) |Puppet Master |Pyro |Radioactive Man |Red Ghost |Red King |Red She-Hulk |Red Skull |Rhino |Ringmaster |Roxxon |Sabretooth |Sandman |Savage Hulk |Scarecrow |Scorpion |Shocker |Skaar |Skrulls |Songbird |Super-Adaptoid |Super-Apes |Super-Skrull |Symbiotes |Talos the Untamed |Taskmaster |Terminus |Terrax the Tamer |Thanos |Thunderball |Thunderbolts |Thunderbolt Ross |Tiger Shark |Tinkerer |Titania |Titanium Man |Trapster |Tyrannus |U-Foes |Ultron |Vampires |Vapor |Vector |Venom |Vermin |Vulture |Warlord Krang |Wendigo |Whirlwind |Wizard |Worthy |Wrecker |X-Ray |Xemnu |Zzzax

Hulk (2003): Absorbing Man | Glenn Talbot | Thunderbolt Ross | Gamma Dogs
The Incredible Hulk: Abomination (Novelization) | Strategic Operations Command Center (Thunderbolt Ross | Kathleen Sparr) | Samuel Sterns | Tough Guy Leader
Hulk Vs.: Professor Thorton | Deadpool | Lady Deathstrike | Sabretooth | Omega Red | Loki Laufeyson | Hela | Enchantress | Skurge | Surtur | Malekith the Accursed | Valkyrie
Planet Hulk: Red King | Grandmaster | Skrulls
Heroes United: Iron Man and Hulk: Zzzax | Abomination | HYDRA
Hulk: Where Monsters Dwell: Nightmare

The Incredible Hulk (1978): Dell Frye | Michael Sutton | Dark David Banner | Wilson Fisk
The Incredible Hulk (1982): The Leader | Doctor Octopus | Thunderbolt Ross | Puppet Master | Glenn Talbot | HYDRA | Spymaster
The Incredible Hulk (1996): The Leader | Abomination | Zzzax | Glenn Talbot | Doctor Doom | Wendigo | Thunderbolt Ross | Absorbing Man | Scimitar | Hybrid
Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H.: Agents of C.R.A.S.H. (The Leader, Absorbing Man, Blastaar, Sauron, Titania & Abomination) | Annihilus | The Collector | Ego the Living Planet | Frost Giants (Laufey & Ymir) | Mole Man | Wendigo | Wrecker | Thunderball | Piledriver | Bulldozer | Doctor Doom | Fin Fang Foom | Galactus | Terrax the Tamer | Loki Laufeyson | Malekith the Accursed | Dormammu | Skrulls (Super-Skrull) | Maximus | Medusa | Gorgon | Skaar | Kree (Ronan the Accuser) | Firelord | Null the Living Darkness | High Evolutionary | Pluto | Xemnu | Red Ghost | Maestro | Super-Apes | Dracula | HYDRA (Red Skull) | Supreme Intelligence | Doctor Octopus | Venom | Impossible Man | J. Jonah Jameson

Video Game
The Incredible Hulk (1994): The Leader | Abomination | Absorbing Man | Tyrannus | Rhino
The Incredible Hulk: The Pantheon Saga: Maestro | U-Foes (Vector, Vapor, Ironclad & X-Ray)
Hulk (2003): The Leader | General John Ryker | Madman | Half-Life | Flux | Ravage | Thunderbolt Ross
The Incredible Hulk (2003): The Leader | Abomination | General Ross | Tyrannus | Skurge
The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction: Abomination | Devil Hulk | Thunderbolt Ross
The Incredible Hulk (2008): Abomination | Strategic Operations Command Center (Thunderbolt Ross & Glenn Talbot) | Bi-Beast | Enclave | U-Foes (Vector, Vapor, Ironclad & X-Ray) | Samuel Sterns

See Also
She-Hulk Villains

Power Broker (18) Villains

Absorbing Man |A.I.M. |Annihilus |Angela Stone |Adolf Hitler |Apocalypse |Ares |Avalanche |Alice Ebbing |Antony Pavla |Barracuda |Baron Zemo |Batroc |The Bear |Belasco |Black Widow |Blob |Bulldozer |Bullseye (Earth-200111) |Billy LaCarda |Big Chris Angelone |Bushwacker |Bobbie GnucciCannibals (Marvel Universe Vs) |Carl and Ann Larsen |Carlos Santiago |Carlos Cruz |Carlo Gnucci |Chameleon |Charlie Siciliano |Cheetah |Chester Goudal |Colonel de Sade |Colonel Ross Whittaker |Cristu Bulat |Crimson Dynamo |Crossbones |Daken |David Kai |Damage |Deadpool |Dynaco |Death Adder |Deke Wainscroft |Dermot Leary |Dirtbox |Doctor Doom |Doctor Octopus |Dormammu |Don Rigoletto (MAX) |Eel |Egghead |Electro |Eleventhree |Elite |Emma Frost |Emmanuel Santiago |Elektra (MAX) |Face |Fearmaster |Finn Cooley |Fixer |Fifty-Fifty |Flag-Smasher |Father Flannery |Frost |Foolkiller |Generals |Galactus |General Nikolai Zakharov |General Ortiz |Glenn Talbot |Ghost |Green Goblin |Grizzly |Hammerhead |Harry Ebbing |Answer |Hand |The Holy |Herbert Fedenia |Hitman |Hood |The Coven |The Five Wives (Annabella Gorrini, Shauna Toomey, Lorraine Zucca, Barbara Barrucci, Bonnie De Angelo) |The Mongolian |The Geautreauxs (Big Daddy, Junior, Little Sister, Earl |Tomas Santiago |HYDRA |Ink |J. Jonah Jameson |Jack O' Lantern |Jackal |Jackie Dee |Jenny Cesare |Jonathan Digby |Johnny Nightmare |Johnny Cavella |Jester |Jigsaw (MAX) |Juggernaut |Kesselring |Kingpin (Earth-200111) |Kraven |Kron Stone |Loki Laufeyson |Leopoldo Luna |Leon Rastovich |Larry Barrucci |Ma Gnucci |Mama Rastovich |Madame Viper |Magneto |Maginty |Marcus Coriander |Mandrill |Mandarin |Masked Marauder |Massimo Cesare |Maximus |Mennonite |Mickey Fane |Michael Morrison |Mickey Fondozzi |Microchip (MAX) |Mister Hyde |Mister Sinister |Mo Cavella |M.O.D.O.K. |Molten Man |Moonstone |Mondo Pain |Moses Magnum |Mr. Payback |Namor McKenzie |Nicky Cavella |Napper French |Nesbitt |Nightmare |Norman Osborn |Omega Red |Oswald Angelone |PaybackPeter Cooley |Piledriver |Pittsy |Polly Hu |Powder Joe Perona |Power Broker |Princess Python |Psycho-Man |Punisher (MAX | Earth-95126 | MCU | Zombie) |Pyro |Radioactive Man |Rampage |Rapido |Reavers |Recoil |Red Hulk |Reese Kelleher |Reverend Samuel Smith |Rhino |River Rats (Bunk | Eamon | Polly) |Robert Bethell |Rosalie Carbone |Roxxon |Russian |Sabretooth |Salvatore Carbone |Sandman |Sauron |Scarecrow |Sergeant Dulohery |Shocker |Sheriff Danby |Dr. Stephanie Gerard |Silver Sable |Simon Ejszaka |Si Stephens |Skrulls |Stu Westin |Stone ColdSwarm |Taskmaster |Teresa Gazzera |Thunderball |Thunderbolts |Tiberiu Bulat |Tiger Shark |Tim Buccato |Tinkerer |Tombstone |Tommy Toner |Turner D. Century |Vanessa Fisk (MAX) |Venom |Vera Konstantin |Viktor "Dolly” Dolnovich |Vincent Tortufo |Vulture |Westies (Tommy Toner, Brenda Toner) |Will-O'-The-Wisp |William Rawlins |Winter Soldier |Wrecker

The Punisher (1989): Punisher | Lady Tanaka | Gianni Franco | Tanaka's Daughter
The Punisher (2004): Punisher | Howard Saint | Quentin Glass | Livia Saint | John Saint | The Russian | Harry Heck | Mickey Duka | Bobby Saint | Mike Toro | Joe Toro
War Zone: Punisher | Jigsaw | James Russoti | Pittsy | Ink | Gaitano Cesare | Maginty | Cristu Bulat | Tiberiu Bulat
Avengers Confidential: Black Widow & Punisher: Black Widow | Punisher | Orion | Egghead | Grim Reaper | Graviton | Griffin | Taskmaster | Count Nefaria | Baron Zemo

Season 1: Punisher | Jigsaw | William Rawlins | Lewis Wilson | Ray Schoonover | Morty Bennett | Carson Wolf | Tony Gnucci | Lance | Paulie | Leo | Tom Weems | Spencer Geiger | Jim Pruitt | Mike Bashille | Turk Barrett
Season 2: Punisher | Jigsaw | Anderson Schultz | John Pilgrim | Eliza Schultz | Krista Dumont | Marlena Olin | Jigsaw's Crew | Arthur Walsh | Kazan | Nikolai Poloznev | O'Rourke | Turk Barrett

Video Games
The Punisher (1990): Punisher | Kingpin | Jigsaw | Hitman
The Punisher (1990): Punisher | Kingpin
The Punisher: The Ultimate Payback (1991): Punisher | Jigsaw
The Punisher (1993): Punisher | Kingpin | Jigsaw | Bonebreaker | Bruno Costa | Chester Scully | Bushwacker
The Punisher (2005): Punisher | Jigsaw | Ma Gnucci | Eddie Gnucci | Bobby Gnucci | Carlo Duka | Bushwacker | General Kreigkopf | The Russian | Kingpin | Bullseye | Takagi | Damage
Punisher: No Mercy (2009): Punisher | Jigsaw | Bushwacker | Barracuda | Finn Cooley | Silver Sable | Black Widow

Power Broker (19) Villains

Absorbing Man |Agent 7M |A.I.M. |Attuma |Beetle |Black Cat |Black Knight |Black Widow |Blizzard |Chameleon |Count Nefaria |Crossfire |Darren Cross |Doctor Doom |Egghead |Electro |Equinox |Fixer |Galactus |Ghost |Giganto |Glenn Talbot |Goliath |Grizzly |HYDRA |Kang the Conqueror |Kree |Leader |Mad Thinker |Mandarin |Masters of Evil |Mitchell Carson |M.O.D.A.M. |M.O.D.O.K. |Monica Rappaccinni |Mister Hyde |Porcupine |Power Broker |Radioactive Man |Rhino |Roxxon Energy Corporation |Secret Empire |Shocker |Skrulls |Slug |Swarm |Taskmaster |Thunderbolt Ross |Titania |Ultron |Unicorn |Whirlwind |White Rabbit |Winter Soldier |Wizard

Ant-Man: Yellowjacket | HYDRA/Ten Rings (Mitchell Carson & HYDRA Buyer) | Winter Soldier
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Ghost | Sonny Burch | Bill Foster | Uzman | Anitolov | Knox | Stoltz | Elihas Starr | Thanos
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania: Kang the Conqueror | M.O.D.O.K. | Krylar | Council of Kangs (Immortus, Rama-Tut, Scarlet Centurion, and Mister Gryphon) | Variant L1130

Marvel's Ant-Man: Darren Cross | Egghead | Whirlwind
What If...? (Season 1): Yellowjacket | Loki Laufeyson | The Destroyer | Brock Rumlow | Jack Rollins | Thunderbolt Ross | Whiplash

Power Broker (2024)
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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

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Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.