Pricing  |  Security Command Center  |  Google Cloud (2024)

This document explains Security Command Center pricing details.

If you pay in a currency other than USD, the prices listed in your currency onCloud Platform SKUsapply.

Pricing for the Security Command Center tiers is structured as follows:

Tier Pricing model
Standard Free of charge
Premium Pay-as-you-go pricing for project-level activations
Pay-as-you-go pricing for organization-level activations
Enterprise Subscription-based pricing for organization-level activations only

Security Command Center offers three service tiers: Standard, Premium, andEnterprise.

Google Cloud charges only for the Premium and Enterprise servicetiers of Security Command Center. The charges for Security Command Center are separatefrom the amounts that Google Cloud charges for the use of the servicesthat are listed on this page.

Premium tier pricing is available as a pay-as-you-go model; pricingdiffers depending on whether Security Command Center is activated at the organizationlevel or project level.

Enterprise tier pricing is available as a fixed-pricesubscription or an asset-based subscription.

For information about the possible indirect charges that can apply toany tier, see Possible indirect charges associated with Security Command Center.

Premium tier: Pricing for project-level activations

For project-level activations of Security Command Center, the Premium tier chargesare based on the usage of certain Google Cloud services within theproject.

The following table lists the Google Cloud services, the rates, and theusage metrics that will determine the charges for project-level activations ofSecurity Command Center.

Google Cloud service Security Command Center Premium rate
Compute Engine $0.0071 / vCPU-hour
GKE Autopilot mode1 $0.0071 / vCPU-hour
Cloud SQL $0.0071 / vCPU-hour
App Engine - Standard $0.001781 / instance-hour
App Engine - Flex $0.0071 / vCore-hour
Cloud Storage $0.002 / 1,000 Class A operations
$0.0002 / 1,000 Class B operations
BigQuery on-demand compute (analysis) $1.00 / TB of data processed
BigQuery capacity compute (analysis) - editions $0.00548 / slot hour

Table notes:

  1. When running in GKE Standard mode, usage of worker nodes is included under Compute Engine.

Premium tier: Project-level activation pricing example

As an example, assume that you used the following Google Cloud servicesduring a month:

  • 50,000 vCPU hours across a variety of machine types and across various regions
  • 100 BigQuery editions slots for compute (analysis)
  • 5 million Class A operations in Cloud Storage

Based on the preceding usage, the charges for the Security Command CenterPremium tier for the month would be calculated as follows:

  • 50,000 vCPU-hours * $0.0071 = $355
  • 100 slots * $0.00548 * 730 [average hours in a month] = $400
  • 5,000,000 operations * $0.002/1,000 = $10
  • Total cost = $765

Premium tier: Pricing for organization-level activations

For organization-level activations of Security Command Center,the Premium tier pricing is available as a pay-as-you-go model.

The ability to activate the Security Command Center Premium tier at theorganization level lets you base yourSecurity Command Center charges on your usage of certain Google Cloud serviceswithin the organization. Your usage is charged to the billing accountsassociated with the projects in the organization.

The following table lists the Google Cloud services, the rates,and the usage metrics that will determine the charges for organization-levelactivations of Security Command Center with pay-as-you-go pricing.

Google Cloud service Security Command Center rate
Compute Engine $0.0057 / vCPU-hour
GKE Autopilot 1 $0.0057 / vCPU-hour
Cloud SQL $0.0057 / vCPU-hour
App Engine - Standard $0.001425 / instance-hour
App Engine - Flex $0.0057 / vCore-hour
Cloud Storage $0.0016 / 1,000 Class A operations
$0.00016 / 1,000 Class B operations
BigQuery on-demand compute (analysis) $0.80 / TB of data processed
BigQuery capacity compute (analysis) - editions $0.004384 / slot hour

Table notes:

  1. When running GKE in Autopilot mode. When running in Standard mode, usage of worker nodes is included under Compute Engine.

Premium tier: Example for pay-as-you-go pricing for organization-level activations

As an example, assume that you used the following Google Cloud services during a month:

  • 50,000 vCPU hours across a variety of machine types and across various regions
  • 100 BigQuery editions slots for compute analysis
  • 5 million Class A operations in Cloud Storage

Based on the preceding usage, the charges for the Security Command CenterPremium tier for the month would be calculated as follows:

  • 50,000 * $0.0057 = $285
  • 100 * $0.004384 * 730 [average hours in a month] = $320
  • 5,000,000 * $0.0016/1,000 = $8
  • Total cost = $613

Premium tier: Changing the level of Security Command Center activation

This section describes the changes that apply if the activation level ofSecurity Command Center changes.

Premium tier: Changing from project-level activations to an organization-level activation

If Security Command Center Premium tier is active for one or more projects in anorganization that then activates Security Command Center Premium tier at theorganization level, the following changes apply:

  • The use of Security Command Center Premium tier across all projects within theorganization is covered by the organization-level activation.
  • The pricing terms for the organization-level activation of Security CommandCenter become the effective pricing terms.

Premium tier: Changing from an organization-level activation to a project-level activation

If Security Command Center Premium tier is active at the organization level and youuse the pay-as-you-go pricing model, any project-level activations becomeeffective after you downgrade the organization-level activation to the Standardtier.

If Security Command Center Premium tier is active at the organization level and youhave a subscription, any project-level activations don't become effective untilthe subscription for the organization-level activation expires.

As soon as a subscription for an organization-level activation expires, anyproject-level activations that were set up before the expiration become activeand start incurring charges.

Pricing for the Enterprise tier

For the Security Command Center Enterprise tier, there are two subscription modelsavailable directly from Google: fixed-price subscription andasset-based subscription. Fixed-price subscription works formost customers, because it offers a predictable price. However, depending onyour needs, asset-based subscription can be the appropriate choice.

Definition of an asset

The size of your environments is measured by the number of assets that are beingmonitored by Security Command Center.

For both fixed-price and asset-based subscription models, the following tablespecifies the definition of an asset for each resource type that the Enterprisetier charges for.

Resource type Google Cloud service AWS service

Virtual machines

1 VM with 4 or more vCPUs running for a year = 1 asset

Container nodes

1 node with 4 or more vCPUs running for a year = 2 assets

Compute Engine Amazon EC2

Managed containers (Kubernetes Pods and ECS tasks) and database instances

1 vCPU running for a year = 0.25 asset

GKE Autopilot mode

Cloud SQL

Amazon EKS

Amazon ECS

Amazon RDS

Big data

800 TB = 1 asset

16 slots running for a year = 1 asset

BigQuery Not applicable


200 million Class A operations = 1 asset

2 billion Class B operations = 1 asset

Cloud Storage Amazon S3

Fixed-price subscription

Fixed-price subscription offers a predictable price with no overages orretro-charges. It has two components: a price to monitor yourGoogle Cloud environments and a price to monitor other cloud environments.

Google Cloud component

The price to monitor your Google Cloud environments is based on theforecasted spend on five core Google Cloud services:

  • Compute Engine
  • Google Kubernetes Engine
  • Cloud SQL
  • BigQuery
  • Cloud Storage

If your total annual Google Cloud spend or spend commitment on the fivecore services exceeds $15 million, contact your sales representative orGoogle Cloud partner to discuss the pricing options available to you.

If your total annual Google Cloud spend or spend commitment is lessthan $15 million, the annual cost of the Google Cloud component iscalculated as follows:

  • If you do not have a Google Cloud spend commitment, the cost of thesubscription is 5% of your projected annualized run rate of Google Cloudspend on the five core services, based on your current spend levels. Thesubscription can be purchased for a one-year term.

  • If you do have a Google Cloud spend commitment, the cost of thesubscription is 5% of the larger of the following:

    • Your committed annual Google Cloud spend on the five core services
    • Your projected annualized run rate of Google Cloud spend on the fivecore services, based on your current spend levels, adjusted to growth withyour commit.

    You can attach the subscription to your new spend commitment contract, oradd it to an existing one. In both cases, the subscription must be for aminimum of one year, but the term can be as long as the remaining time on thecommitment contract. If you entered into a new spend commitment contractwithin the last 12 months, you may request to extend the subscriptionbeyond the end of the commitment contract by up to 12 months. However, if yourcurrent annualized run rate is more than your next period's spendcommitment, you can purchase the subscription only up to one year at a time.

Other clouds component

The price to monitor your other clouds is based on the size of the other cloudenvironments relative to the size of the Google Cloud environments.Environment size is measured by the number of assets thatare being monitored by Security Command Center. You have the ability to control thenumber of assets being used in other clouds to maintain this ratio.

The following table shows the size designations and the correspondingsubscription fee of the other clouds component.

Size Other cloud environment size1 Subscription fee2
Small ≤ 10% No fees
Medium > 10% and ≤ 50% 10%
Large > 50% and ≤ 100% 50%
Extra Large > 100% and ≤ 150% 100%
Custom > 150% ("C%") (C - 50)%

Table notes:

  1. Relative to the size of your Google Cloud environments
  2. A percentage of the price of the Google Cloud component

For example, suppose that the price of your Google Cloud component is $100.00.For the other clouds component, you chose the medium tier. In this case, theprice of your other clouds component is $10.00 (10% of $100.00).

Asset-based subscription

An asset-based subscription is based on the number of assets thatSecurity Command Center is monitoring. Assets are metered and reported on anongoing basis as fractional assets and charged accordingly. For example, ifyou consume 1,200TB of BigQuery data in one hour, that is countedas 1.5 assets. For information about how an asset is countedfor each service, see Definition of an asset.

Each month, you are charged a base price plus charges from any usage overagesthat are not covered by your total subscription amount for a given period.

  • Subscription length: Subscriptions have a minimum length of one year.
  • Subscription period: A subscription is made up of one or moresubscription periods. Typically, there is one subscription period per year.
  • Base annual price per asset: This value starts at $309 per asset andcan be as low as $199 per asset, based on the number of assets thatyou purchase and the length of the subscription.
  • Number of assets purchased in the subscription: You can purchase adifferent number of assets for each period within the entire subscription.You can consume these assets throughout the period at any pace. At the endof a period, unused assets purchased do not carry over to the subsequentperiod. Overage fees apply.
  • Subscription price: This value is calculated based on the number ofassets you purchase multiplied by the price per asset per period. Thisprice is charged monthly in arrears.
  • Overage fees: Overage fees start after you fully consume the totalsubscription amount of the current period. Overage fees are charged at therate of the base annual price per asset. That is, if a discounted price perasset was applied for the base annual price, the same discounted priceapplies for the overage fees.

Asset-based subscription pricing example

Consider the following example values:

  • Subscription length: 12 months
  • Subscription period: 12 months
  • Starting asset count: 1,000
  • Predicted asset count at the end of the period: 3,000
  • Calculated total assets in the period: 1,000 + (3,000 - 1,000) / 2 =2,000 (assumes a linear increase)
  • Number of assets purchased in the subscription: 2,000

Based on these example values, the charges for the Security Command Center Enterprisetier are calculated as follows:

  • Base annual price: 2,000 assets * $309 per asset = $618,000 (basedon an undiscounted base price of $309 per asset)
  • Subscription price: $618,000 / 12 = $51,500 per month
  • Overage fees: If the total subscription amount for the period (2,000assets) is consumed in month 9, overage fees start in month 10 at the samerate used to calculate the base annual price: $309 per surplus asset, inthis case.

Minimum subscription fee

The minimum annual cost of a Security Command Center Enterprise subscription is$15,000. This cost applies to both fixed-price subscription andasset-based subscription. To purchase a subscription, contact aGoogle Cloud sales specialist or your Google Cloud partner.

Possible indirect charges associated with Security Command Center

Regardless of which tier or activation level you choose, you can incuradditional charges that are not directly attributed to Security Command Center,including—but not limited to—the following:

  • Any costs associated with additional paid scanners like Sensitive Data Protection or athird-party partner scanner that adds data to Security Command Center. You will bebilled by the scanner provider based on their usage fees.
  • Any costs associated with resources that are scanned by vulnerabilityscanners, such as Web Security Scanner, as explained in the followingsection.
  • Any costs associated with the ingestion andstorage of log data. For more information, see Cloud Logging pricing.

Indirect charges associated with vulnerability scans

For the Premium and Enterprise tiers, certain vulnerability scans that somebuilt-in vulnerability detection services perform can increase the resourcecosts that are incurred by the scan targets.

These indirect charges are not identified in billing as being associated withSecurity Command Center or its services.

The built-in Web Security Scanner service can perform these scans.

Examples of the charges that can be incurred at the scan target include thefollowing:

  • Incremental usage of App Engine, Compute Engine, andGoogle Kubernetes Engine.
  • Incremental bandwidth (traffic) charges.

The actual amount of traffic generated from a scan depends on the applicationand the number of URLs, event handlers, forms, and parameters.

For this reason, the Security Command Center services are optimized to keeptraffic to a minimum. For example, by default, the scan rate ofWeb Security Scanner is throttled to approximately 15 queries per second(QPS), with slight variations in the rate due to the asynchronous nature of manyweb applications.Currently, a large scan stops after 100,000 test requests, not includingrequests related to site crawling. Site crawling requests are not capped.

Any increase in network egress traffic that might be caused by vulnerabilityscans is dependent on the number of endpoints and hosted applications at thescan target, because each endpoint or application requires a separate scan.

Indirect charges associated with multicloud support

You can incur charges associated with the ingestion and storage of data fromother clouds.

Multicloud support is included with the Enterprise tier.

What's next

  • Read the Security Command Center documentation.
  • Learn more about Security Command Center.
  • Activate Security Command Center.
Pricing  |  Security Command Center  |  Google Cloud (2024)


What is the security Command Center in Google Cloud? ›

Security Command Center makes it easier for you to identify and resolve findings of identity and access misconfigurations on Google Cloud. Misconfiguration findings identify principals (identities) that are misconfigured or that have excessive or sensitive IAM permissions (access) to Google Cloud resources.

Is security Command Center a cspm? ›

Security Command Center is GCP's native CSPM solution, providing a single-pane view of the overall security status of your workloads hosted in GCP.

How do I activate SCC premium? ›

To activate the Security Command Center Premium tier at the organization level, you select a self-service, pay-as-you-go pricing option in the Google Cloud console. You can enable data residency controls when you are activating Security Command Center for the first time.

Is Google Cloud security Engineer worth it? ›

The Google Professional Cloud Security Engineer is a career-defining certification and is worth it for cloud security engineers not just because it proves technical understanding and familiarity with cloud network technologies, but also the managerial aspects like logs, monitoring and regulatory compliance.

What is security Command Center premium? ›

Security Command Center Premium helps you strengthen your security posture by evaluating your security and data attack surface; providing asset inventory and discovery; identifying misconfigurations, vulnerabilities, and threats; and helping you mitigate and remediate risks.

What are the tiers of GCP security Command Center? ›

Security Command Center offers three service tiers: Standard, Premium, and Enterprise.

What is the difference between cloud security and CSPM? ›

Cloud Access Security Brokers (CASBs)

CASBs monitor infrastructures through firewalls, malware detection, authentication, and data loss prevention. A CSPM performs the same monitoring duties and sets up a policy to define the desired infrastructure.

What is the need for CSPM? ›

Why do you need CSPM? CSPM tools are used to mitigate cloud misconfigurations and reduce the risk of data breaches. According to Gartner, CSPM solutions can reduce cloud-based security incidents caused by misconfigurations by 80%.

Is CSPM part of SASE? ›

Cloud security posture management (CSPM): Integrating CSPM within SASE ensures that cloud services and resources are correctly configured and secured.

What is the difference between SCC standard and premium? ›

Product Tiers

Standard: Good for small deployments with basic security needs and limited budget. Premium: Offers advanced threat detection, vulnerability management, and compliance features compared to Standard.

How do I pay SCC? ›

How can you pay your S&CC?
  1. In person at any of our offices (cash, cheque, Nets, Visa, MasterCard, Diners)
  2. Through GIRO/RCCS (Application Forms)
  3. Through the websites of DBS, Maybank, OCBC and UOB (for Internet Banking only)
  4. At any AXS Station islandwide.
  5. At any Singapore Post counter or S.A.M. machine.

How do I activate the security Command Center? ›

Navigate to Security Command Center in the Google Console. Choose the Project you intend to activate SCC on. Select the appropriate tier, then review the services you want SCC to access and scan.

What is the salary of Google Cloud Security Engineer in us? ›

$143k-$205k Google Cloud Security Engineer Jobs (NOW HIRING)

How much does a Google Cloud CISO make? ›

The average CISO Chief Information Security Officer base salary at Google is $275K per year.

What is Command Center in security? ›

Security Command Center brings together proactive and reactive security; delivering posture management and threat detection for code, identities, and data.

What is Google security Center? ›

The security center expands on advanced settings in the Google Admin console to surface your security data through insightful, customizable reports that you can share with colleagues in your organization. Administrators can also monitor the configuration of Google Admin console settings from the security health page.

Does Google have a security operations center? ›

We also have local and regional security operations centers covering the entire data center fleet. These SOCs monitor and respond to alarms at all of our facilities, and are constantly tracking local and global events that could impact operations at our data centers.

What is cloud Command Center? ›

The Cloud Command Centre offers a very high degree of automation and ensures state-of-the-art management of digitisation processes (CI/CD and Continuous Delivery).

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Name: Patricia Veum II

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