Principles of Assessment – Part 4 (Validity) - International Teacher Training Academy (Australia) (2024)


There are four Principles of Assessment – Reliability, Fairness, Flexibility and Validity. In our previous Blogs we discussed the Principles of Reliability, FairnessandFlexibility. Here we are to discuss the Principle of Validity.

Perhaps this last principle of assessment should have been discussed first, as it is so important. Validity means that the assessment process assesses what it claims to assess – i.e. the unit of competency or cluster of units.

The assessment tool must address all requirements of the unit to sufficient depth and over a sufficient number of times to confirm repeatability of performance.

The unit of competency is the benchmark for assessment. The assessment must adhere strictly to its requirements.

  • Nothing from the unit must be omitted from assessment
  • Nothing must be required over and above the unit requirements.

The assessment instruments that make up the tool need to be designed so that:

  • the outcomes and performance requirements of the unit are addressed
  • the broad range of skills and knowledge that are essential to competent performance are addressed
  • assessment of knowledge and skills is integrated with their practical application


In order to ensure validity, each assessment instrument should be mapped back to the unit. It is not an absolute requirement to include the mapping in the instrument but it is strongly recommended, as the mapping provides guidance for the assessor.

One assessment instrument alone is unlikely to address all of the knowledge and performance requirements of a unit of competency. This is why several assessment instruments are gathered together to make up an assessment tool.

Assessment tools must be validated prior to use and at least every three years thereafter. This is a requirement of the RTO Standards. Validation involves a meeting between assessors, and the first step is to re-map all of the instruments to the unit requirements. It also involves checking that the tool meets the requirements of the other three principles of assessment and the rules of evidence.

It is not possible to create a valid assessment tool unless you refer to the unit requirements during development. If you fail to do so, the tasks you design might not relate directly to the unit. You may be requiring something from the candidate which is outside the parameters of the unit. Alternatively, you may miss a requirement and your tool will be non-compliant.

As trainers and assessors within the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector, it is important that we not only understand the Principles of Assessment but that we also apply the Principles of Assessment when designing and developing assessment tools and conducting assessment. TAEASS502 Design and Develop Assessment Tools is a core unit in the TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment and TAE50116 Diploma of Vocational Education and Training.

Written by Sandy Welton

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Principles of Assessment – Part 4 (Validity) - International Teacher Training Academy (Australia) (2)

Kathryn Gale

5 months ago

The Principal of Validity is a complex process, but necessary to ensure learners are actually competent in each facet of each unit.


Principles of Assessment – Part 4 (Validity) - International Teacher Training Academy (Australia) (3)

Josh L

6 months ago

Principle of Validity is important to make sure assessments are fair and reasonable for all people being assessed.



Principles of Assessment – Part 4 (Validity) - International Teacher Training Academy (Australia) (4)

Kara C

7 months ago

Principle of Validity ensures that we can effectively, accurately and fairly measure the desired outcome for the specific skill and doesn’t go off track measuring a different skill that hasn’t been mentioned or measured prior.


Principles of Assessment – Part 4 (Validity) - International Teacher Training Academy (Australia) (5)


11 months ago

Meeting the principle of validity means that there is further authentication that the assessment process is fair, specific and effective in producing the outcomes required of the unit.

Principles of Assessment – Part 4 (Validity) - International Teacher Training Academy (Australia) (6)

Anne T

1 year ago

The Principle of Validity equals repeatability of performance.


Principles of Assessment – Part 4 (Validity) - International Teacher Training Academy (Australia) (7)


1 year ago

Validity & reliability as solid foundations of how we build on what we do over time. Enjoyed relearning this.


Principles of Assessment – Part 4 (Validity) - International Teacher Training Academy (Australia) (8)

Therese Carr

1 year ago

In practice the principle of validity – to assess unit requirements – often requires a range of assessment types to demonstrate these requirements eg from practical observations/reports in workplace or simulated to oral or written/short answer knowledge questions/scenarios.


Principles of Assessment – Part 4 (Validity) - International Teacher Training Academy (Australia) (9)


1 year ago

Validity ensures assessments are linked to criteria and effectively measure learner attainment of indented outcomes, at the desired level.


Principles of Assessment – Part 4 (Validity) - International Teacher Training Academy (Australia) (10)

Scott M

1 year ago

The only way to ensure that there will be standardisation within the assessment process is to adhere to these Principles of validity. Doing so will allow for consistency and for a target group to be adequately assessed in a fair and transperant fashion, using instruments that have been proven or validated to be the appropriate tools for the job.



Principles of Assessment – Part 4 (Validity) - International Teacher Training Academy (Australia) (11)

Matt M

2 years ago

Mapping a unit to ensure assessment validity is crucial to make sure all outcomes and performance criteria are met there is and a consistent result from every assessment.


Principles of Assessment – Part 4 (Validity) - International Teacher Training Academy (Australia) (12)


2 years ago

The Principle of Validity is essential when assessing as it links what is supposed to be taught ( i.e. the unit of competency or cluster of units) to the assessment process. This ensures that the content and the learning is exactly what is stated in the units.


Principles of Assessment – Part 4 (Validity) - International Teacher Training Academy (Australia) (13)

Shari Dearman

2 years ago

The Principle of Validity is proven to be key when it comes to creating, keeping up to date and assessing assessment instruments. It maintains the boundaries for both the Assessor and Candidate that what they are either assessing or learning is to the benchmark of the unit or unit cluster.


Principles of Assessment – Part 4 (Validity) - International Teacher Training Academy (Australia) (14)

Darren Mumford

2 years ago

Implementing procedures to implement valid assessments makes sense for all industries and particularly situations where safety is critical. There are rigorous procedures within VET programming to encourage valid assessment, but it is most important that trainers are following procedures carefully and creating time for meaningful student assessment.



Principles of Assessment – Part 4 (Validity) - International Teacher Training Academy (Australia) (15)


2 years ago

Validity and mapping ensure all criterion are met and there is both a level playing field and a consistent result from every assessment. This allows industries to trust and understand what they get from all applicants that have a specific qualification.


Principles of Assessment – Part 4 (Validity) - International Teacher Training Academy (Australia) (16)


3 years ago

The process of mapping and the principle of validity is imperative to effective assessment. Without ensuring that the process is valid and claims to assess competence, where relevant, then what is the point of calling it “competent”?


Principles of Assessment – Part 4 (Validity) - International Teacher Training Academy (Australia) (17)


3 years ago

For me, validity is a clear guidepost for the RTO. as humans, with our own preferences, experiences and biases, the risk is always that an RTO focuses on parts that are more relevant or important to him/his experience.. and mapping always brings it back to the actual goal of the unit.


Principles of Assessment – Part 4 (Validity) - International Teacher Training Academy (Australia) (18)

Liz Cooper

3 years ago

Having tools that are valid – assess what they are meant to assess is important as it also helps the learner know that they are taking on a course that is what they actually want it to be – and not setting them up for failure


Principles of Assessment – Part 4 (Validity) - International Teacher Training Academy (Australia) (19)

Courtney Miles

3 years ago

As a school teacher, I can appreciate that assessment validity is extremely important in maintaining quality assessment that is consistent and fair. If an assessment is not valid it does not enable students to demonstrate their knowledge, understanding and application as it does not assess what it is asking.


Principles of Assessment – Part 4 (Validity) - International Teacher Training Academy (Australia) (20)


4 years ago

How would you check that the assessor has assessed the candidate on all three levels of competence (foundational, practical and reflexive


Principles of Assessment – Part 4 (Validity) - International Teacher Training Academy (Australia) (21)


4 years ago

I appreciate that going through the mapping to ensure a tool is valid gets me thinking more deeply about making sure each and every criteria is met.


Principles of Assessment – Part 4 (Validity) - International Teacher Training Academy (Australia) (22)

Claire Latham

4 years ago

I like the fact that meeting the principle of validity means that there is another check and balance to ensure that the assessment process is fair and accurate and effective in producing competency outcomes.


Principles of Assessment – Part 4 (Validity) - International Teacher Training Academy (Australia) (23)


5 years ago

Mapping the instrument or tasks back to the unit gives me confidence that what I’m designing is on the right track. I look forward to being involved in the validation process.


Principles of Assessment – Part 4 (Validity) - International Teacher Training Academy (Australia) (24)


5 years ago

Ensuring that an assessment measures what it is intended to measure is a critical component in education. Validity expresses the degree to which a measurement measures what it says it’s going to measure. It is an important part of the assessment process and one that needs to be understood clearly.


As an expert in assessment principles, I can attest to the critical importance of each facet discussed in the article, particularly emphasizing the Principle of Validity. My experience extends to both designing and implementing assessment tools within the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector, aligning with the requirements outlined in the TAEASS502 Design and Develop Assessment Tools unit.

Let's delve into the key concepts discussed in the article:

  1. Principles of Assessment:

    • Reliability: Ensuring consistency and dependability in assessment outcomes.
    • Fairness: Ensuring impartiality and equitable treatment of all individuals undergoing assessment.
    • Flexibility: Adapting assessment methods to suit diverse learner needs and contexts.
    • Validity: Ensuring that the assessment accurately measures what it claims to measure.
  2. Validity in Assessment:

    • Validity is the central focus of the article, defined as the assessment process accurately evaluating the specified unit of competency or cluster of units.
    • The assessment tool must comprehensively cover all unit requirements, ensuring repeatability of performance.
  3. Requirements for Valid Assessment Tools:

    • Assessment instruments should address the outcomes and performance requirements of the unit.
    • They should cover the broad range of skills and knowledge essential for competent performance.
    • Integration of knowledge and skills assessment with practical application is crucial.
  4. Mapping for Validity:

    • To ensure validity, each assessment instrument should be mapped back to the unit.
    • Mapping provides guidance for assessors, aligning assessment tools with unit requirements.
  5. Use of Multiple Assessment Instruments:

    • One assessment instrument alone may not address all knowledge and performance requirements. Therefore, multiple instruments are combined to form a comprehensive assessment tool.
  6. Validation of Assessment Tools:

    • Assessment tools must undergo validation before use and at least every three years thereafter.
    • Validation involves a meeting among assessors, remapping instruments to unit requirements, and ensuring compliance with all principles of assessment and rules of evidence.
  7. Role of Trainers and Assessors:

    • Trainers and assessors in the VET sector must not only understand but also apply the Principles of Assessment when designing and developing assessment tools.
    • The TAEASS502 Design and Develop Assessment Tools unit is highlighted as a core unit in relevant qualifications.

Reviewing the comments from practitioners in the field:

  • The complexity of the Principle of Validity is acknowledged, emphasizing its necessity for ensuring learner competence.
  • Validity is seen as a means to make assessments fair and reasonable for all individuals.
  • The importance of linking assessments to specific skills and avoiding measurement of unintended skills is highlighted.
  • The repeatability of performance is emphasized as a result of meeting the Principle of Validity.

In summary, the Principle of Validity stands as a cornerstone in the realm of assessment, ensuring that the assessment process aligns with unit requirements and produces reliable and fair outcomes for learners in diverse contexts.

Principles of Assessment – Part 4 (Validity) - International Teacher Training Academy (Australia) (2024)


What are the 4 principles of assessment? ›

There are four Principles of Assessment – Reliability, Fairness, Flexibility and Validity. In our previous Blogs we discussed the Principles of Reliability, Fairness and Flexibility.

What is the principle of validity of assessment? ›


A valid assessment assesses exactly what it claims to assess. You can make sure an assessment is valid by: ensuring that you cover all the performance criteria of the competency. collecting sufficient evidence over a period of time in a range of contexts.

What are the principles of assessment when participating in assessment validation? ›

the principles of fairness, flexibility, validity and reliability are met; the evidence used to make a decision about competence is valid, sufficient, authentic and current; assessors are familiar with the outcomes being assessed; assessors reach accurate and consistent decisions that inform assessment outcomes; and.

What are the principles of assessment in training? ›

Principles of Assessment. There are eight main key concepts, functions and fundamental principles of assessment in learning and development which you have to consider as an assessor. These are ethics, fairness, sufficiency, currency, authenticity, reliability, validity, and learning domains.

What are the 4 C's of assessment? ›

It focuses in particular on key soft skill competencies known as the “4Cs”: creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, and communication.

What are the 7 principles of assessment? ›

They introduced the seven principles of good assessment and feedback, namely help learners understand what good looks like, support the personalised needs of learners, foster active learning, develop autonomous learners, manage staff and learner workload effectively, foster a motivated learning community, and promote ...

What is an example of validity assessment? ›

What is an example of validity in assessment? Validity requires reliability. For example, if the weighing scale is off by 10 pounds, then the weight of the individual using it should be off by the same amount.

What are the basic principles of validity? ›

There are five key sources of validity evidence . These are evidences based on (1) test content, (2) response process, (3) internal structure, (4) relations to other variables, and (5) consequences of testing.

How to improve validity of assessment? ›

What are some ways to improve validity?
  1. Make sure your goals and objectives are clearly defined and operationalized. ...
  2. Match your assessment measure to your goals and objectives. ...
  3. Get students involved; have the students look over the assessment for troublesome wording, or other difficulties.

How to validate an assessment? ›

Validation processes and activities include:
  1. gathering sufficient sample of completed assessment tools.
  2. testing how the tools and the systems in place, including assessment instructions and resources, impact the assessment findings.
  3. check whether assessments were conducted as intended.

How to ensure assessment decisions are valid? ›

To ensure validity, one should define the purpose and learning outcomes of the assessment clearly and explicitly. Additionally, it is important to choose or create assessment items that match the level and type of cognitive skills you want to measure.

What are the 5 characteristics of assessment validation? ›

Validation involves checking that your assessment tools have produced valid, reliable, sufficient, current and authentic evidence, enabling your RTO to make reasonable judgements to about whether training package (or VET accredited course) requirements have been met.

What is the principle of validity assessment? ›

The validity of an assessment tool is the extent to which it measures what it was designed to measure, without contamination from other characteristics. For example, a test of reading comprehension should not require mathematical ability.

What are the key principles of assessment? ›

The principles of assessment are that assessment is Valid, Authentic, Current, Sufficient and Reliable – known as VACSR. Reliable- the work is consistent across all learners, over time and at the required level. An assessor has numerous roles and responsibilities.

How do you ensure that an assessment is valid, reliable, and fair? ›

To ensure assessment decisions are valid, reliable, and fair, they should be based on specific criteria. Validity ensures that the assessment measures what it intends to measure, reliability ensures consistent results, and fairness ensures equal opportunities for all students.

What are the 4 components of assessment? ›

There are four components of the assessment process. These include observation, written records, portfolios, and family information.

What are the four 4 key steps in the assessment process? ›

Determine methods of assessment for each student learning outcome. Gather evidence. Interpret evidence. Review results and implement change based on results to "close the loop".

What are the four concepts of assessment? ›

The aim of assessment is to confirm that a learner has gained knowledge and can prove their competencies and skills. The principles of assessment are that assessment is Valid, Authentic, Current, Sufficient and Reliable – known as VACSR.

What are the 4 ways to assess? ›

A Guide to Types of Assessment: Diagnostic, Formative, Interim, and Summative.

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