Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (2024)

Create excellent omnichannel experiences by distributing quality product information by harnessing the potential of PIM workflow. Establish a well-defined and standardized editorial workflow to manage, update, and share accurate and reliable product information across different online and offline channels.

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    Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (1)

    Improve product data quality with PIM workflow integration

    Credencys, a top-notch product information management (PIM) solutions company, excels in implementing customized product information management workflows as per the precise business needs of the organizations.

    We have a team of skilled PIM developers who have successfully created and delivered the different types of product information workflow management to meet the different requirements of the brands. We make sure every stakeholder performs their jobs seamlessly to keep the product data up-to-date.

    Leverage our proven expertise in creating single or multiple PIM workflows to ensure the accuracy and consistency of your product information. Introducing the right product information workflow, we help brands to have reliable product data governance and data stewardship.

    By designing an avant-garde PIM workflow system, we help brands to streamline mundane product information and enrichment operations and improve the efficiency and productivity of different departments across the organization. Implementing a flawless product information workflow, we convert your product data into strategic assets and help brands to relevancy and quality of product information.

    Let's discuss more about your project.

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (2)

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (3)

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (4)

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (5)

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (6)

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (7)

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (8)

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (9)

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (10)

      Product information management workflow expertise of Credencys

      Credencys deploys the best PIM solutions with bespoke product information workflow management by harnessing the potential of Pimcore’s capabilities. Creating a robust PIM workflow, we help different teams of the organizations to share the product information that is complete and correct. To define the right workflow,our PIM professionals offer

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (11)

      Flexible workflow

      Integrating an advanced workflow engine, we allow the brands to design tailored product information editorial workflows. Enabling companies with a product information workflow management that has built-in notification functionality, we keep the different users of the PIM workflow on the same page. We record each workflow step in the workflow history and allow brands to perform an audit trail to ensure data quality for mandatory attributes, translations, etc.

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (12)


      Under PIM workflow management, we don’t just focus on creating the plans for product information management. To create an adaptable product information workflow, Credencys offers several configuration options such as digital assets, data objects, documents, and so on. Implementing the flexible workflow, we support varied processes such as data maintenance, product information lifecycle, and so forth.

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (13)

      Customized workflow view

      Credencys enables all the internal and external stakeholders of the PIM workflow with a custom view of data records as per their roles & responsibilities. To ensure data security, we restrict access to the data for each user such as marketers accessing product promotion-related data, translators editing product descriptions, etc. as suggested by the organizations. Thus, every group of product information management workflow performs data management operations perfectly.

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (14)

      Workflow messaging & notifications

      Implementing the messaging and notifications facility, we keep all the participants of the product information management workflow system updated during the transition between workflow states. It helps companies track the time spent by editors for data management and send products for review and approval. A customized and automated email is sent to the responsible stakeholders when a single product data gets updated.

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (15)

      End-user workflows

      We build and implement PIM workflows for editorial tasks and product data management. Product information is closely connected with digital assets as media files make products saleable. We set up a workflow for digital assets as well. It allows sales, marketing, eCommerce, and product management teams to sync the product data with relevant digital assets. To enable brands with this fusion workflow, we develop and deploy the Product Experience Portal.

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (16)

      Product onboarding

      When a new product comes into existence, the product onboarding process gets started. Integrating PIM, we help brands to manage the basic product information along with SKU data. By establishing a correct PIM workflow system for a new product, we allow companies to share the right product information with buyers. Once the product is ready with the basic information, it’s time to add additional content that enables shoppers with additional product information.

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (17)

      Product content updates

      Once the product is onboarded, a variety of content is created to enable buyers with a 360° degree view of the product. We define a product information workflow where the content team adds product descriptions, audio, video, documents, and other information. Enabling the content team with an effective editorial workflow, Credencys ensures creating high-quality content that prevents your brands from negative customer reviews and product returns.

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (18)

      Sales channel syndication

      When you have all the basic product data in place and all the required content is published, you need to share product data across different sales and marketing channels. We design and set a product information workflow for your eCommerce team once the product is ready for sale. The PIM workflow allows eCommerce teams to test & optimize the product data for new distribution channels. We allow brands to update or change any product listing as and when needed.

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (19)

      PIM workflow configuration

      At every step of product launch, content update, and sales, respective teams get notifications so that they can take relevant actions. Integrating product information workflow management in PIM, we help different departments to enrich product data with digital assets or marketing copy and notify the respective internal and external stakeholders. By focusing on these components, we design a consistent process for managing accurate and compelling product information.


      Product information management workflows offered by Credencys

      In product data management, different processes need to be considered. Credencys has proven expertise in developing tailored PIM workflow to manage the product data effectively at the different phases. We have worked with different industry domains such as manufacturing, retail, distribution, automotive, eCommerce, spirits & wine, and more. Based on our experience, we have created PIM workflows for the below-listed processes.

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (20)

      New Product Introduction (NPI) workflows

      By introducing the New Product Introduction workflow, our PIM developers help brands to improve products’ time-to-market. Enabling brands with the quicker launch of products in the market, we help them attain a better profit. While designing the PIM workflow for NPI, we make sure all the stakeholders who need to know about the shared information and contribute the relevant information of the products that are involved in the process.

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (21)

      Product data maintenance

      Along with NPI, product data maintenance is equally important. Integrating product data enrichment workflow, we allow companies to update any information at any point in time such as price, color, size, etc. It helps organizations launch specific products on special occasions. We simplify product attribute management by designing PIM workflows that involve many of the stakeholders from the NPI process. We help brands to control and coordinate product maintenance effectively.

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (22)

      Product removal/reintroduction

      We excel in designing the product information workflow for the product removal as well as reintroducing the products that are previously removed. It helps companies to run seasonal sales. Some of the stakeholders from NPI and product data maintenance are involved in the product removal and introduction process. Credencys builds PIM workflows that allow stakeholders to approve and disapprove the reintroduction or removal of products.

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (23)

      Product promotion

      At Credencys, we create and integrate tailored product information workflow management that enables companies to leverage faster product promotions. It helps brands to streamline the special promotions and seasonal promotions. The product promotion processes involve marketing and finance teams to ensure that the product promotions look compelling and engaging to the target audience and help to increase customer conversion.

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (24)

      Maas product update

      It is a rarely used PIM workflow. When the brands need to update all the products mass product update process comes into the picture. By establishing the mass product update process, we allow companies to update the information of regulatory compliance or for any market shift for each product offered by the brand.

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (25)

      Product content update workflow

      Once the product onboarding process is done, you need to keep updating product information and enrich the product data. To enable the buyers with accurate, updated, and correct product information, we set up a product information update workflow for the respective stakeholders so that they can add, update, remove, approve/disapprove any product information seamlessly from a single platform and share it with other stakeholders as well.

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (26)

      Product discontinuation workflow

      Product discontinuation means taking products out of sales channels or markets. By introducing the product discontinuation process, we help companies to streamline their process for product discontinuation. Credencys integrates the product discontinuation workflow in the PIM solution and allows brands to notify all the respective internal and external stakeholders so that they stop performing data enrichment, marketing, promotions, selling, and other activities for that product.


      Credencys implements tailored PIM workflows for

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (27)

      eCommerce solutions

      An eCommerce platform needs integration of different types of PIM workflows such as product data enrichment, removal, mass product information update, etc. Credencys has successfully deployed PIM solutions for the eCommerce domain with a built-in product information workflow.

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (28)


      Marketplaces contain more complex product information management workflows. We develop marketplace solutions with built-in PIM workflows that establish transparent communication across suppliers, vendors, sellers, marketplace owners, customers, and other stakeholders.

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (29)

      Catalog creation

      In the catalog creation process, many stakeholders are involved from production, distribution, sales, marketing, eCommerce, and other departments. Creating product information workflow management for catalog creation, we ensure that you share the latest product data with prospects.

      We build product information management (PIM) workflows for


      Services offered by Credencys for product information workflow management system

      Credencys has hands-on experience in developing PIM solutions as per the specific business needs of the organizations. By integrating the product information workflow, we simplify the product-related complex process. To design an effective PIM workflow, our PIM developer offers a variety of services.

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (36)


      When the brands come to Credencys for PIM workflow requirements it is either about just designing a product information workflow or developing and integrating PIM workflow in digital solutions. We understand the requirements. We take interviews of each stakeholder to understand their role in the product information workflow management.

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (37)

      Discovery workshop

      Once the PIM flow requirements are in place, we analyze the requirements and PIM workflow development scopes under the discovery workshop. Based on the analysis, we define required interfaces as per the number of user groups. While creating the roadmap for PIM workflows development and integration, we ensure it automates various product-related operations.

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (38)

      UI/UX designing

      We have a team of skilled UI/UX designers who have proven excellence in designing the user interfaces as per the precise expectations of the brands. We have created a separate interface for each user base as well as deployed a single interface from where every user group can perform their tasks of data addition, removal, update, approval, disapproval, etc. effortlessly.

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (39)


      Under the development phase, we build tailored PIM workflows that are specifically designed as per the requirements shared by the brands. While developing PIM workflows, we make sure all the stakeholders who need to participate in the process of workflow completion are connected in workflow, perform their respective jobs, and receive all the updates about product information.

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (40)


      Once the PIM workflow is developed, we integrate it into the digital solution suggested by the brands. We ensure it runs seamlessly with the other operations related to product data management. Also, we check all the involved users to receive product updates, take necessary actions to keep product data up-to-date, and share only accurate product information.

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (41)


      After integration of the product information management workflow, Credencys applies rigorous manual and automated testing to make sure the workflows work as expected. We perform stress testing and functional testing. Stress testing reduces the PIM workflow downtime. On the other hand, functional testing improves product information workflow performance.

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (42)


      Once the development, integration, and testing part is done, we implement the PIM workflow in the product information management solution or the digital solutions preferred by the client. We also check the product information workflow works efficiently in the real-time technical environment.

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (43)

      Support & maintenance

      Credencys offers support and maintenance services for PIM workflow to maintain its performance. Under support services, we take care of PIM workflow operations, bug fixing, and workflow enhancement. In maintenance services, we ensure the product information management workflows work smoothly in the expected environment on an ongoing basis.

      LET’S TALK

      Industry recognition

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (44)

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (45)

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (46)

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (47)

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (48)

      What we are really proud of is building these great products for world-class brands

      Developed a multi-user digital solution

      Credencys developed a web solution and a mobile app for the client. The web portal allows to manage 30K+ merchants from a single platform. Merchants can add product & service details on the web portal. We have developed a mobile app that allows the merchants to reuse it with limited customization.

      • Client manages multiple users in the web portal
      • Seamless data synchronization between web portal & mobile app
      • Implemented PIM & DAM for effective product data management
      • Integration of product catalog management


      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (49)

      Developed a data aggregator solution for IronList

      IronList provides online sales and auction aggregator platforms for used heavy equipment and machinery. We developed a digital solution that allows the client to manage the suppliers, customers, & product data of heavy equipment and machinery centrally. The frontend of the solution allows the buyers to search and view the product details.

      • Utilized PIM to manage product data
      • Integrated MDM to manage master records of all products
      • Developed DAM to manage media assets in a single location
      • Utilized DXP to manage content, documents, & email templates


      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (50)

      Engineered A Product Information Management Solution

      Kenmare is a premier mine manufacturing company headquartered in Ireland. Credencys developed a product information management solution that allows the client to manage their 40k+ products seamlessly and share the data with suppliers, on-field staff, and other users through the same solution.

      • Developed PIM to manage the product data
      • Integrated MDM to manage the product attributes
      • Implemented CDP for effective user management
      • Data synchronization amongst the client’s ERP system and PIM solution


      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (51)

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (52)

      Hi I’m Sagar Sharma.

      Get a 30 minutes free consultation to understand how with the right product information management you can manage your complex product data effectively and effortlessly.

      LET’S TALK

      Why businesses should consider product information management workflow?

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (53)

      Improved team collaboration

      Integrating PIM workflows, we establish a transparent communication channel across all the internal and external stakeholders to provide a platform for effective collaboration.

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (54)

      Faster product time-to-market

      With the right product information management workflow, you can streamline the product onboarding and leverage the improved product time-to-market.

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (55)

      Better customer experiences

      Create engaging customer experiences by distributing the true product data on different output channels consistently to help buyers make instant buying decisions.

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (56)

      Accelerated approvals

      Built-in PIM workflow allows brands to leverage automated notification features to approve/disapprove product information by tagging internal or external users.

      Our process to build product information workflow


      Requirement Gathering & Analysis

      • Understanding your business
      • Comprehending requirements
      • Drafting proposal document

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (57)


      Wireframes & Design

      • Screenflow strategy
      • Creating wireframes
      • Designing the UI

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (58)


      Quality Assurance

      • Testing the PIM solution
      • Sharing test report
      • Get final approval from client

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (59)


      Deployment & Launch

      • Deploying a PIM solution on the client’s server
      • Launching the PIM solution
      • Post-launch support

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (60)

      Engagement models to build product information management workflow systems

      Credencys has a team of 30+ Pimcore certified developers who have proven experience in developing PIM solutions as per the custom needs of the companies. We excel in creating seamless PIM workflows that automate various product data management-related operations for different internal and external stakeholders. By establishing an accurate workflow, we make sure the data that reaches buyers is complete, accurate, and consistent.

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (61)

      Fixed cost

      It is the right choice for projects that have specific development requirements and scopes.

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (62)

      Time & material

      The engagement model allows you to pay only for the resources and time you use for the project.

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (63)

      Offshore development center

      We set up an offshore development center and IT infrastructure for the ongoing project.


      Tools & Technologies

      Credencys has a team of PIM experts who have successfully addressed the technical complexity of the different products. Our programmers build award-winning digital platforms using advanced technologies to make solutions work seamlessly in the real-time technical environment.

      • Technology
      • Framework
      • Architecture
      • API
      • Database
      • Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (64)
      • Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (65)
      • Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (66)
      • Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (67)
      • Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (68)
      • Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (69)

      Clients who believed in us!

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (70)



      Credencys has been a real partner in the development and launch of my app. The level of professionalism exceeded my expectations. Not only did they implement all of my ideas but they also improved my app by suggesting additional features. The communication and implementation of the project has been great. Even under pressure, they have delivered high quality solution.

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (71)

      Project Manager

      Anand rathi

      Thank you so much to show dedication and prompt support to build product.

      Product Information Management (PIM) workflow

      01What is the Product Information Management (PIM) workflow?

      A product information management workflow is a sequence of tasks for processing product data. It describes how product information can convert from being raw to processes or undone to done.

      02How to create a Product Information Management (PIM) workflow?

      To manage product data accurately, it is very essential to set up a product information management workflow. We identify team members, activities that need to be performed, define the users for each store and assign roles, design a workflow diagram, test the workflow, train your team about the new workflow, and deploy the new workflow in your existing system.

      03What are the core components of the Product Information Management (PIM) workflow?

      To create the right PIM workflow, three components are highly essential that involves input, transformation, and output.

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (72)

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (73)

      Product Information Management (PIM) Workflow | Credencys (2024)
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      Article information

      Author: Duncan Muller

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      Views: 6359

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      Author information

      Name: Duncan Muller

      Birthday: 1997-01-13

      Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

      Phone: +8555305800947

      Job: Construction Agent

      Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

      Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.