Python: Creating a pip installable package (2024)

  1. Introduction
  2. What is pip?
  3. Creating a Python package
  4. Creating a source distribution
  5. Creating a wheel distribution
  6. Testing and Publishing package on PyPI
  7. Uploading to testpypi
  8. Uploading to PyPI
  9. Downloading tarball without install
  10. Example projects
  11. Feedback


This is a quickstart guide to Python Packaging with a particular focus on the creation of a PyPI package, which will enable users to “pip install” the package. The document is broken down into sections so that readers may easily skips parts of the process they are already familiar with. All but the final section (Uploading to PyPI), can be undertaken as an exercise to understand Python packaging and test the process, without publishing a package on the formal PyPI distribution.

For a more detailed reference on package creation, see the official Python Packaging Authority (PyPA) website.

Note: PyPI should be pronounced “pie P I” to avoid confusion with pypy (a Python implementation).

What is pip?

pip is a package management system, specifically designed for installing Python packages from from the internet hosted Python Package Index (commonly known as PyPI). It is the most common way to install Python packages. E.g.

pip install mpi4py

The package can now be imported in Python scripts. You may need to run as sudo if you have root privileges, or append --user to install under your home directory (often this will be under $HOME/.local).

Note: pip3 is used to install Python3 packages, however in some environments the command pip may point to pip3, just as python may point to Python3. You can use which pip to check this. For this document, examples will show the command simply as pip.

Tip: To download a specific version of a package:

pip install mpi4py==2.0.0

Tip: To find out what versions are available:

pip install mpi4py==

This is essentially trying to install a version that does not exist and causes pip to list available versions.

Tip: To see what version is currently installed:

pip search mpi4py

Package information, including install location, can be obtained by running the Python interpreter:

$ pythonPython 3.6.3 |Intel Corporation| (default, Oct 16 2017, 15:28:36) ....>>> import mpi4py>>> mpi4py.__path__['/home/shudson/miniconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mpi4py']>>> mpi4py.__version__'2.0.0'>>> mpi4py.__file__'/home/shudson/miniconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mpi4py/'

Installing pip is easy:

Creating a Python package

This article gives an overview of how to create an installable Python package.

Note on Ambiguity: The term package can refer to an installable python package within a project (a directory containing an file). It can also mean a distribution package which refers to the entire distributed part of the project (as in a source distribution - or “tarball”). Such a package may consist of multiple python package/sub-packages. In most cases the context should be sufficient to make the distinction.

A Python project will consist of a root directory with the name of the project. Somewhere inside this will be included a directory which will constitute the main installable package. Most often this has the same name as the project (this is not compulsory but makes things a bit simpler). Inside that package directory, alongside your python files, create a file called This file can be empty, and it denotes the directory as a python package. When you pip install, this directory will be installed and become importable.

E.g. A simple project may have this structure:

pyexample├── LICENSE├── pyexample│ ├──│ ├──│ ├──│ └──├── README.rst└──

At the root directory, you will need a file, which will govern the installation of your package. The setuptools package is recommended for this (the in-built distutils is an older alternative).

pip install setuptools

The main requirement in is to call the setup routine, providing project information as keyword arguments. A lot of information can be provided, but the following is a minimalist example.

from setuptools import setupsetup( name='pyexample', version='0.1.0', description='A example Python package', url='', author='Stephen Hudson', author_email='', license='BSD 2-clause', packages=['pyexample'], install_requires=['mpi4py>=2.0', 'numpy', ], classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 1 - Planning', 'Intended Audience :: Science/Research', 'License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License', 'Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5', ],)

Further information on setup options can be found at: PyPA packaging instructions and yet more detailed and up to date information at: The setuptools command reference:

The classifiers are not functional, they are for documentation, and will be listed on the PYPI page, once uploaded. It is conventional to include the Python versions supported in this release. A complete list of classifiers is available at:PyPI classifiers list

Having created a, test the install with pip. In root dir:

pip install .

This is recommended in place of the default python install which uses easy_install. If you have an existing install, and want to ensure package and dependencies are updated use --upgrade

pip install --upgrade .

To uninstall (use package name):

pip uninstall pyexample

Note: A reliable clean uninstall is one advantage of using setuptools over distutils.

It is worth noting that the version in your will not provide the package attribute __version__. A common place to provide this along with other meta-data for the package is inside the This is run whenever the module is imported. E.g: may contain:

"""pyexample.An example python library."""__version__ = "0.1.0"__author__ = 'Stephen Hudson'__credits__ = 'Argonne National Laboratory'

If you now pip install again and run the Python interpreter you should be able to access these variables:

$ pythonPython 3.6.3 |Intel Corporation| (default, Oct 16 2017, 15:28:36) .....>>> import pyexample>>> pyexample.__version__'0.1.0'>>> pyexample.__author__'Stephen Hudson'>>> pyexample.__credits__'Argonne National Laboratory' 

This does create the problem of having two places holding the version, which must also match any release tags created (eg. in git). Various approaches exist for using a single version number. See

If you wish to create sub-packages, these should ideally be directories inside the main package (Re-mapping from other locations is possible using the package_dir argument in setup but this can cause a problem with develop installs. The sub-packages also require an in the directory.

Creating a source distribution

It is recommended that all Python projects provide a source distribution.

PyPI has certain required meta-data that the should provide. To quickly check if your project has this data use:

python check

If nothing is reported your package is acceptable.

Create a source distribution. From your root directory:

python sdist

This creates a dist/ directory containing a compressed archive of the package (e.g. <PACKAGE_NAME>-<VERSION>.tar.gz in Linux). This file is your source distribution. If it does not automatically contain what you want, then you might consider using a MANIFEST file (see

Note: A <PACKAGE_NAME>.egg-info directory will also be created in your root directory containing meta-data about your distribution. This can safely be deleted if it is not wanted (despite the extension, this is generated even though you have not built an egg format package).

Creating a wheel distribution

Optionally you may create a wheel distribution. This is a built distribution for the current platform. Wheels should be used in place of the older egg format. Bear in mind, any extensions will be built for the given platform and as such this must be consistent with any other project dependencies. Wheels will speed up installation if you have compiled code extensions as the build step is not required.

If you do not have the wheel package you can pip install it.

pip install wheel

There are different types of wheels. However, if your project is pure python and python2/3 compatible create a universal wheel:

python bdist_wheel --universal

If it is not python2/3 compatible or contains compiled extensions just use:

python bdist_wheel

The installable wheel will be created under the dist/ directory. A build directory will also be created with the built code.

Further details for building wheels can be found here:

Testing and Publishing package on PyPI

Distributing the package on PyPI will enable anyone on-line to pip install the package.

First you must set up an account on PyPI. If you are going to test your package on the PyPI test site you will need to set up an account there also. This is easy.

Create an account on PYPI:Go to: and select Register. Follow instructions.

Create an account on testpypi:Go to: and select Register. Follow instructions.

You will also need a version number. Semantic versioning is recommended (see for details). The standard starting version for a project in development is 0.1.0.

The best approach to uploading to PyPI is to use twine.

pip install twine

IMPORTANT: First you can test your upload using the PyPI test site. It is highly recommended that you do this and test installing your package as below. NOTE: Once you upload a package to PYPI it is possible to remove it, but you cannot upload another package with the same version number – this breaks the version contract. It is therefore, especially prudent to test with testpypi first. Note that anything you put on testpypi should be considered disposable as the site regularly prunes content.

Uploading to testpypi

This section shows how to upload a source distribution of your package.

Further documentation at: This link includes the option of using a pypirc file to abbreviate some of the command lines below.

A source distribution provides everything needed to build/install the package on any supported platform. Testsuites, documentation and supporting data can also be included.

You can now upload your package to testpypi as follows. Assuming your source distribution under dist/ is called pyexample-0.1.0.tar.gz:

twine upload --repository-url dist/pyexample-0.1.0.tar.gz

Alternatively, the following line will upload all your generated distrbutions under the dist/ directory. This may be used if you create wheels (see below) in addition to a source distribution.

twine upload --repository-url dist/*

You will be requested to give your username and password for your testpypi account.

Option: You have the option to digitally sign your package when you upload. You will need a gpg key set up to do this. It should be noted, however, that pip does not currently check gpg signatures when installing - this has to be done manually.

To digitally sign using your gpg key (e.g. for package pyexample at version 0.1.0):

gpg --detach-sign -a dist/pyexample-0.1.0.tar.gz

A file pyexample-0.1.0.tar.gz.asc will be created. Now upload:

twine upload --repository-url dist/pyexample-0.1.0.tar.gz pyexample-0.1.0.tar.gz.asc

Note: --detach-sign means you are writing the signature into a separate file *.asc

The package should now be uploaded to:

Note how the info/classifiers you supplied in are shown on the page.

You can now test pip install from the command line. E.g. To install package pyexample into your user install space:

pip install --index-url pyexample --user

Uploading to PyPI

Once you are happy with the repository in testpyi, uploading to PYPI will be the same command line process, but without having to specify the url arguments. For example, the steps above would simply become:

E.g. To upload all distributions created under dist/

twine upload dist/*

E.g. To upload the source distribution with a gpg signature:

twine upload dist/pyexample-0.1.0.tar.gz pyexample-0.1.0.tar.gz.asc

You package should now be uploaded to:

The package should pip install. E.g:

pip install pyexample --user

It is also recommended that you use virtual environments to test installing dependencies from scratch and for trying out different python versions. Check required flags to ensure your environment is isolated. E.g. For Virtualenv use the flag --no-site-packages. For Conda, set the environment variable export PYTHONNOUSERSITE=1 before activating you environment. Packages that are explicitly linked through PYTHONPATH will still be found however.

Downloading tarball without install

To test downloading a source distribution (no install) with dependencies:

pip download pyexample

Or just the package without dependencies:

pip download --no-deps pyexample

Downloading the source distribution is a good way to check that it includes what you want by default. If not, then consider adding a MANIFEST file, which instructs setuptools what to include in the source distribution.

Example projects


A small sample project using numpy and mpi4py (used as example above).


Note: To run the mpi4py test use at least 2 processors:

  • mpiexec -np 2 python


An Argonne project for running ensembles of calculations.


Related content includes:

  • includes mapping a different source directory structure topackages and sub-packages using the package_dir setup argument.

  • Use of a MANIFEST file to specify source distribution.


Any feedback/corrections/additions are welcome:

  • If this was helpful, please leave a star on the github page.
  • Leave a comment below.
  • Email:
  • Or fork on github and make a pull request

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Python: Creating a pip installable package (2024)


How to make python package installable with pip? ›

Inside that package directory, alongside your python files, create a file called This file can be empty, and it denotes the directory as a python package. When you pip install, this directory will be installed and become importable.

How to make a Python script installable? ›

To make your Python code installable you need to create a specific directory structure with the following elements:
  1. A pyproject. toml file.
  2. A specific directory structure.
  3. Some code.
  4. An file in your code directory.

How to install pip package in Python? ›

Follow the steps below to install PIP using this method.
  1. Step 1: Download PIP Before installing PIP, download the file. ...
  2. Step 2: Installing PIP on Windows. To install PIP, run the following Python command: python ...
  3. Step 3: Verify Installation. ...
  4. Step 4: Add Pip to Path. ...
  5. Step 5: Configuration.
Nov 30, 2023

What is pip install -- editable? ›

Editable installs allow you to install your project without copying any files. Instead, the files in the development directory are added to Python's import path. This approach is well suited for development and is also known as a “development installation”.

How to convert Python code to pip package? ›

Follow the steps below to make your package available as a pip package,
  1. Generate a build of your package python sdist bdist_wheel This will build all the necessary packages that Python will require. ...
  2. Install twine for creating build pip install twine.
  3. Upload package to PyPI, twine upload dist/*
Mar 7, 2022

How do I install a specific package in Python using pip? ›

TL;DR: You can install a specific version of a Python package using Pip by running the pip install <package_name>==<version> command. For example, to install version 1.3. 4 of Pandas, execute the pip install pandas==1.3. 4 command from the Terminal.

How do I make a Python script installer? ›

How do I make a Python executable? A Python script can be converted into an executable with the help of a Python to EXE converter like Pyinstaller or Auto Pi to EXE, which ensures that all the files and DLLs are added into the EXE file. This way, no matter where the script is executed, it will be executed successfully.

How to create a custom Python package? ›

How to Create a Package of Custom Python Functions and Use It With Databricks
  1. (or "Just Enough Python to Be Dangerous") ...
  2. Example Scenario. ...
  3. Step 1: Install Python. ...
  4. Step 2: Create the Proper Directory Structure. ...
  5. Step 3: Define Package Properties in ...
  6. Step 4: Fill in the File. ...
  7. Step 5: Write Code!

How to turn Python script into package? ›

Convert to a Python package
  1. Select a . py file.
  2. Select Refactor | Convert to Python Package.
  3. Inspect the project: the package named as the converted module is created; the file contains all code from the . py file.
Feb 11, 2024

What is the difference between PyPI and pip? ›

pip is used to download and install packages directly from PyPI. PyPI is hosted by Python Software Foundation. It is a specialized package manager that only deals with python packages.

How to import packages in Python using pip? ›

Navigate your command line to the location of Python's script directory, and type the following:
  1. ExampleGet your own Python Server. Check PIP version: ...
  2. Download a package named "camelcase": ...
  3. Import and use "camelcase": ...
  4. Uninstall the package named "camelcase": ...
  5. List installed packages:

How to upload Python package to pip? ›

How to create and upload a package to PyPI
  1. Step 1: Create a project directory. ...
  2. Step 2: Create a package directory. ...
  3. Step 3: Create a module file. ...
  4. Step 4: Write the package code. ...
  5. Step 5: Create a file. ...
  6. Step 6: Build the package. ...
  7. Step 7: Upload the package to PyPI. ...
  8. Step 8: Install the package.

What is the difference between pip download and pip install? ›

pip download does the same resolution and downloading as pip install , but instead of installing the dependencies, it collects the downloaded distributions into the directory provided (defaulting to the current directory).

How to use pip install commands? ›

You can use pip from the command line by typing pip followed by a command, such as install to install a package or uninstall to remove a package. For example, to install the popular NumPy package, you can type pip install numpy in the command prompt.

What is the alternative to pip install? ›

Alternatives to Pip include Rye, Pipenv, Conda, and Poetry. Alternatives provide more robust dependency management, platform independence, and a better integrated workflow for Python package management. The blog post Python Has Too Many Package Managers provides a good overview.

How do I run a Python package from pip? ›

Invoke pip-run from the command-line using the console entry script (simply pip-run) or using the module executable ( python -m pip-run). This latter usage is particularly convenient for testing a command across various Python versions.

How to install Python packages with pip and requirements txt? ›

Simply use the command pip install -r requirements. txt in your terminal. This will install all the packages listed in your requirements. txt file.

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