Qualified Opportunity Zones (QOZ) Explained (2024)

The Qualified Opportunity Zones (QOZ) program was created by the U.S. Congress as part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. The program’s overall mission is to stimulate economic activity in underdeveloped parts of the country by providing tax benefits that encourage long- term capital investment into these designated low-income urban, suburban, and rural areas. This is expected, in turn, to transform communities and boost the local economy. State governors designated over 8,700 census tracts across the country as QOZs, as shown in Exhibit 1. Although many of these zones are indeed underdeveloped, there are also attractive areas that are already gentrifying or located near central business districts.

Investors who develop real estate or fund businesses in these QOZs are eligible for tax incentives — which has led to the advent of private investment vehicles known as Qualified Opportunity Funds (QOF or QOZ funds). These funds provide several tax benefits to their investors, as detailed below. The key tax incentive is the complete elimination of tax on any capital gains generated by the QOZ fund if the fund is held for at least 10 years — this is the primary and most substantial draw of the QOZ program.

How It Works

From a chronological perspective, firstly, QOFs allow investors to defer their existing or current capital gains taxes on appreciated assets until 2026 by selling and rolling their gains into a Qualified Opportunity Fund within 180 days of them being realized. Both return of principal and gains can be rolled into a QOF, however, only the “gain” portion is eligible for tax exemption on any future appreciation.

There is then a sliding scale of tax benefits that can be realized, which is primarily based upon the date an investor committed to the QOZ fund and length of time that an investment is kept in a QOZ fund prior to being withdrawn.

QOZ investors that committed prior to December 31, 2019 are eligible for a reduction in capital gains tax. Once an investment in a QOF is held for five years, an investor benefits from a 10% reduction in capital gains tax on their initial investment amount. After their investment is held for seven years, this reduction increases by an additional 5%, to an overall 15% reduction in capital gains tax. However, this reduction is only available to QOZ investors who committed prior to December 31, 2019, as deferred gains are taxable either when the QOZ investment is sold or exchanged, or, if earlier, December 31, 2026.

While investors committed after December 31, 2019 would not receive the 10-15% tax reduction, they would still be able to defer taxes on capital gains until 2026 and would be eligible for the full tax benefit if the investment is held for 10 years. At that point, any capital gains that have been generated by the investment in the QOZ fund is exempt from taxation.

As a hypothetical example, let’s say an investor owned $1.1 million of XYZ stock, of which $100,000 represents the original cost basis and the remaining $1 million is unrealized capital gains. The investor sold their XYZ position on June 1, 2019 and realizes $1 million in capital gains, which they invested into a QOF within 180 days of the sale — in this example, on June 30, 2019:

  • After five years — on June 30, 2024 — the investor’s basis in the QOF increases from $0 to $100,000 (thereby reducing their capital gain by 10%).
  • After seven years — on June 30, 2026 — the investor’s basis in the QOF increases from $100,000 to $150,000 (thereby reducing their capital gain by a further 5% to an overall 15% reduction).
  • On December 31, 2026, the investor’s deferred gain is taxed. However, rather than applying to the full initial $1 million, the capital gains tax only applies to $850,000 (due to the $150,000 basis increase as described above).
  • After 10 years — on June 30, 2029 — the investor is able to sell their interest in the QOF with no capital gains tax. Assuming that the investor sells their interest for $2.7 million (representing a ~10% IRR), the $1.7 million of appreciation is sheltered from any capital gains tax.

Now, let’s say that same investor sold their XYZ position on June 1, 2023 and realizes $1 million in capital gains, which they invested into a QOF within 180 days of the sale — in this example, on June 30, 2023:

  • The investor would not be eligible for the 10-15% reduction in capital gains tax, given the investor would not be able to hold the investment for five or seven years prior to December 31, 2026.
  • On December 31, 2026, the investor’s deferred gain is taxed at the full initial $1 million.
  • After 10 years — on June 30, 2033 — the investor is able to sell their interest in the QOF with no capital gains taxes. Assuming that the investor sells their interest for $2.7 million (representing a ~10% IRR), the $1.7 million of appreciation is sheltered from any capital gains tax.

QOF Criteria

It is not enough for a fund to simply declare themselves to be a QOF. In order for a vehicle to be designated as a QOZ fund, there is a specific set of requirements that must be followed. Firstly, a fund must invest into either properties or businesses that are located within a QOZ, with 90%+ of their portfolio held in QOZ assets — a threshold that will be tested annually. Businesses qualify by deriving at least 50% of their gross income from the active conduct of a trade or business in a QOZ, or by having a substantial portion of their intangible property used in the active conduct of a trade or business in a QOZ. Further, any company that operated as a “sin or sun business” is excluded, such as liquor stores, gambling facilities, suntan facilities, country clubs, and golf courses.

As for properties, they must either be newly built or, if investing into an existing building, be subject to “substantial improvement” (with more capital invested into the property than its original basis, excluding land) within the first 30 months. A development or redevelopment- oriented approach is, therefore, the most suitable real estate strategy for a QOF, as it’s essential to meeting this former requirement.

Manager Considerations

Although the appeal of the QOZ program is evident, with dozens of managers raising pools of capital to target this space, we would caution investors to take a measured approach. QOZ managers must be assessed on their ability to generate appealing real estate returns, independent of any tax relief benefits that may come into play. When conducting due diligence on managers to partner with, investors should focus on managers with a proven track record in developing and redeveloping their targeted property type (whether multifamily, office, retail, or other) within their targeted geography (whether the Sun Belt states or the Tri-State area, for example). If a manager’s usual sweet spot is last-mile logistics in the Midwest, there is little guarantee that their skills will translate well into multi-family ground-up development in New York.

A deep development arm and track record are usually also indicators of a manager who has not only the ability to source and underwrite attractive properties, but also strong local networks when it comes to construction, design, leasing, and overcoming the myriad regulatory and legislative hurdles that come hand-in-hand with real estate development. QOZ managers who have pre-identified a handful of potential assets for their fund are also attractive, as this not only somewhat mitigates blind pool risk but also ensures that capital is put to work in a timely manner and within the constraints of the QOZ regulation.

Moreover, the time horizon of a QOZ fund is 10years, if the full spectrum of tax benefits is to be achieved, and so investors are choosing a long-term steward of their capital, who will be ultimately responsible for ensuring that the portfolio is appropriately sold at the right time and in a way that maximizes final returns. It remains more important than ever to undertake deep due diligence and underwriting — the tax breaks are a real advantage but are meaningless if layered on top of a poor investment that doesn’t generate significant gains to begin with.

Each investor must also balance exposure to real estate with any timing constraints surrounding the realization of their capital gains. Investors are taking a 10-year bet on a specific city’s or region’s long-term growth and economic prospects. Moreover, due to QOZ regulations requiring either ground-up development or significant redevelopment of assets, investors should be cognizant of the magnified risk-return profile compared to a core or core plus real estate fund investment.


Overall, QOZ funds represent an interesting opportunity — both for local communities who set to benefit from the revitalization that this program encourages, as well as for those investors who can partner with some of the top-tier real estate names for whom QOZ investing is a natural extension of their current strategy.

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Qualified Opportunity Zones (QOZ) Explained (2024)


Qualified Opportunity Zones (QOZ) Explained? ›

QOZs are designed to spur economic development by providing tax incentives for investors who invest new capital in businesses operating in one or more QOZs. First, an investor can defer tax on any prior eligible gain to the extent that a corresponding amount is timely invested in a Qualified Opportunity Fund (QOF).

What is a QOZ Opportunity Zone? ›

Opportunity Zones were created under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (Public Law No. 115-97). Thousands of low-income communities in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and five U.S. territories are designated as Qualified Opportunity Zones. Taxpayers can invest in these zones through Qualified Opportunity Funds.

What is the difference between QOZ and QOF? ›

A qualified opportunity fund (QOF) is a corporation or a partnership that holds at least 90% of its assets in qualified opportunity zone (QOZ) property. QOZ property is QOZ stock, QOZ partnership interests, and QOZ business property.

What are the downsides of QOZ? ›

These risks include but are not limited to: Illiquidity – There is currently no secondary market. Tax status including immediate tax liabilities and penalties. The substantial fees associated with the investment purchase outweighing the tax benefits.

Are qualified Opportunity Zones a good investment? ›

The goal of opportunity zones is to encourage long-term investment in these communities by providing tax incentives for new investment. These incentives include deferral of capital gains taxes, as well as potential elimination of taxes on new investments.

What is the 30 month rule for QOZ? ›

The primary goal of the QOZ program is to stimulate economic development in distressed areas. Qualified Opportunity Funds have 30 months to make substantial improvements to properties. These improvements must be equal to the purchase price of the asset or business.

What is the 180 day rule for QOZ? ›

To defer tax on an eligible gain, you must invest in a Qualified Opportunity Fund in exchange for equity interest (not debt interest) within 180 days of realizing the gain. In general, if you don't defer the gain, the gain would be recognized for federal income tax purposes the first day of the 180-day period.

How long does a qof have to invest in a qozb? ›

B, Investment Timeline, a QOF has six to twelve months to invest in QOZ Property, but the QOZB benefits from up to 62 months if it takes advantage of multiple Working Capital Safe Harbors.

What is the holding period for QOZ? ›

Investors have 180 days to invest the eligible gains when financing the amount of a QOF-eligible gain in qualifying for a QOZ tax incentive. On the first day of the 180-period date, the gain would become recognized for income tax purposes if not elected for deferment.

How do Opportunity Zones work? ›

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 established Opportunity Zones as a mechanism to provide tax incentives for investment in designated census tracts. Investments made by individuals through special funds in these zones would be allowed to defer or eliminate federal taxes on capital gains.

Can you lose money in Opportunity Zones? ›

Because Qualified Opportunity Funds are income tax planning tools and are investment options for taxpayers, these investments may involve risk. Like many other types of investments, the risks may potentially include market loss, liquidity risk, and business risk, to name just a few.

What are the tax advantages of QOZ? ›

The benefit of having a QOZ property is that federal capital gains taxes are deferred until the investor exits the investment totally or if the property is held 10 years or longer (see chart).

What is the biggest problem with Opportunity Zones? ›

Opportunity zones have fewer limits on the range of qualifying investments and fewer safeguards to prevent abuse and revenue loss than other tax-based programs designed to promote community and economic development, such as the New Markets Tax Credit and the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit programs.

What happens to Opportunity Zones after 2026? ›

A: The tax incentive itself does not expire in 2026. Investors in Opportunity Funds that hold investments for at least 10 years will still be able to take advantage of the favorable tax treatment of gains related to the investments into Opportunity Funds, even if realized after 2026.

Can you still invest in QoZ? ›

Yes. You can invest in a Qualified Opportunity Fund if you do not work, live or own property within an Opportunity Zone.

Who benefits most from Opportunity Zones? ›

The Benefits of Opportunity Zones

Opportunity Zones incentivize investment and economic development in distressed communities by providing federal tax benefits to investors for qualified uses.

What does it mean if a property is in an Opportunity Zone? ›

Opportunity Zones are census tracts that are economically-distressed communities where new investments may, under certain conditions, be eligible for preferential federal tax treatment or preferential consideration for federal grants and programs. They were added to the Internal Revenue Service tax code in 2017.

How does a qof work? ›

Qualified Opportunity Funds (QOF)

A QOF is an investment vehicle that files either a partnership or corporate federal income tax return, is organized for the purpose of investing in QOZ property and elects to self-certify as a Qualified Opportunity Fund.

What are the tax benefits of an Opportunity Zone? ›

How do Opportunity Zones Work?
  • Temporary deferral of taxes on previously earned capital gains. Investors can place existing assets with accumulated capital gains into Opportunity Funds. ...
  • Basis step-up of previously earned capital gains invested. ...
  • Permanent exclusion of taxable income on new gains.

Can you 1031 into an Opportunity Zone? ›

While you can use proceeds from a 1031 exchange to purchase property in an Opportunity Zone, the specific tax advantages of the Opportunity Zone program only apply to investments made through a Qualified Opportunity Fund, and the benefits of each program are realized differently.

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