Quantitative easing generates more inflation than conventional monetary policy (2024)

Many commentators argue that quantitative easing (QE) had a significant role to play in the post-pandemic rise in inflation across advanced economies. However, central banks had to ease policy in response to the demand weakness during the pandemic. Would the inflation consequences have been different if central banks had used conventional monetary policy instead?

Although central banks will likely continue to use QE and short-term interest rates as complementary policy tools, the relative inflation effects of these two tools have only been examined in a few studies for the US. The conclusion depends on the study and the method used. Several of these studies find that conventional monetary policy and QE have roughly the same effect on inflation. Wu and Xia (2016) use a shadow rate approach and conclude that conventional and unconventional monetary policy have a similar effect on inflation. Bu et al. (2022) develop an alternative measure, which captures both unconventional and conventional monetary policy shocks, and come to the same conclusion for the US. Swanson (2023) uses factors extracted from the yield curve to find that conventional monetary policy had a bigger impact on inflation than QE. Aruoba et al. (2022) rely on a three-variable SVAR model with an occasionally binding constraint and find that inflation shows a stronger reaction to unconventional monetary policy relative to conventional policy, but upon impact only. Mavroides (2021) uses a similar approach but concludes that unconventional monetary policy is less effective than conventional monetary policy. Overall, these studies come to different conclusions on whether QE has a great impact on inflation than conventional monetary policy or not.

Unlike for conventional monetary policy, the ideal way of measuring and modelling unconventional monetary policy in a vector autoregression (VAR) continues to be debated in the literature. Previous work has proposed at least eight different ways of measuring QE in a VAR model. These include the long-term interest rate (Baumeister and Benati 2013), the central bank balance sheet (Gambacorta, Hofmann and Peersman, 2014), cumulated asset purchase announcements (Weale and Wieladek, 2016), different shadow rate series (Wu and Xia 2016, Krippner 2015), the two-year yield (Swanson and Williams 2014), high-frequency shock series (Gertler and Karadi, 2015), and monetary policy shocks extracted from across the yield with the Fama-Macbeth (1973) approach (Bu et al. 2021). None of these measures of QE is flawless, but they are likely informative collectively.

In my recent paper (Wieladek 2023), I use all of these eight measures of QE to examine the inflation effects of QE relative to those of conventional monetary for the euro area, the UK, and the US. I also study the differences in the transmission mechanisms of these policies. This holistic approach helps to better understand whether QE has greater inflation effects than conventional monetary policy, irrespective of how the policy is measured and which countries are examined. In a sense, the conclusions should be therefore more general than previous studies and less dependent on a specific methodology.

Unlike previous studies, I explore possible differences in transmission mechanisms between these two policies. Aside from the portfolio balance channel, conventional monetary policy and QE affect the economy through similar channels which are designed to ease or tighten financial conditions in response to macroeconomic shocks. The Neo-Keynesian model puts emphasis on the power of monetary policy to affect inflation expectations. The monetarist approach argues that monetary policy affects inflation via the broad money supply. Finally, exchange rate theories rely on both short-term interest rates and broad monetary aggregates as key determinants.

I estimate VAR models using these eight different measures of QE on pre-pandemic QE samples for the euro area, the UK, and the US. The sample therefore does not cover the most recent rounds of QE during the pandemic. This is by design. Including the pandemic-era data risks econometric distortions due to the very large movements in GDP data during the pandemic. Any estimates of QE inflation effects estimated on the post-pandemic sample would be significantly affected by the surge in inflation. This could be a function of the economic environment as opposed to the effects of the QE policy per se.

Estimates from these eight QE VAR models are compared to estimates from conventional monetary policy VAR models, estimated on the pre-global financial crisis decade. Credibly comparing effects in response to the same size monetary policy shock is easier in some cases than in others. A 100 basis point decline in the shadow rate during the QE period can be directly compared to a 100 basis point decline in the conventional policy rate. High-frequency shocks and the Bu et al. (2021) measure are available for both the QE and conventional monetary policy time periods. Inflation effects of QE and conventional policy shocks of the same size can therefore be compared by estimating the models on the QE and conventional monetary policy sample separately. Results from approaches which rely on asset purchases, balance sheets and long-term rates as QE measures are compared to conventional monetary policy by comparing effects in responses to the same size reaction in the long-term interest rate.

The results from this exercise suggest that the inflation effects of QE are two to four times larger than those of conventional monetary policy in the UK and the US. These are statistically significant in at least five out of the eight plausible specifications. But I do not find a difference in effects that is statistically significant for the euro area.

Adding different variables one at a time to these VAR models allows me to examine which difference in the transmission mechanism is responsible for the difference in results. I explore many different variables that previous work has used to tease out the transmission mechanism of monetary policy. For many of these variables, such as output, unemployment, financial variables, wages, or producer price indices, there is no evidence that the effects of conventional monetary policy are different to those of QE. However, I find that QE is associated with a stronger response of the exchange rate, broad monetary aggregates and household inflation expectations. It is plausible that household take a monetarist view of QE and believe that the ‘printing of money’ associated with the policy leads to stronger inflation. This difference in the expectations channel of monetary policy could be behind the results documented in my paper.

The result that QE has a stronger effect on inflation than conventional monetary policy could just be specific to this study. To investigate whether these results are more general, I undertake a meta-analysis of 82 previous VAR studies of conventional monetary policy and QE for the euro area, the UK, and the US. The conventional monetary policy inflation effects are taken from the database presented in Rusnak et al. (2013), while the QE effects are from Fabo et al. (2021). The most challenging aspect is ensuring that QE and conventional monetary policy inflation effects are compared in response to the same size monetary policy shock. For the US, Gertler and Karadi (2011, 2013) and Sims and Wu (2020) both argue that the pre-pandemic QE in the US was equivalent to a conventional monetary policy easing of 200bps. In his last speech as Bank of England Governor, Mark Carney indicated that £360 billion of QE was roughly equivalent to 300 basis points of conventional monetary policy easing. These estimates allow me to convert the inflation effects of QE into conventional monetary policy space. In total, I examine estimates from 82 previous studies of QE and conventional monetary policy. Testing for a difference in means through t-test shows that the inflation effects of QE are two to four times higher than those of conventional monetary policy in the UK and US, but not the euro area (see Figures 1 and 2). The main finding in my paper is therefore also present in all previous studies of this subject.

Quantitative easing generates more inflation than conventional monetary policy (1)

In conclusion, I present systematic evidence that QE has a stronger inflation effect than conventional monetary policy across countries and many different measures of QE. This has important implications for the latest policy debate on how much conventional monetary policy tightening is required to return pandemic-era QE-generated inflation back to target. Public policy should never rely on one academic study alone, although the meta-analysis suggests that the results of this study are also present in 82 previous conventional monetary policy and QE VAR studies. This is why future research may want to revisit the results presented here with alternative econometric frameworks. A second interesting question is why the euro area results are so different from those for the UK and the US. One plausible hypothesis is that the financial distress during which UK and US QE were implemented amplified the effects of those policies. Pre-pandemic euro area QE, on the other hand, was implemented when the financial system was relatively stable. Exploring whether this difference could be responsible for the results presented here remains an interesting avenue for future research.


Aruoba, S B, M Mlikota, F Schorfheide and S Villavazo (2022), “SVARs with occasionally binding constraints”, Journal of Econometrics 231: 477-499.

Baumeister, C and L Benati (2013), “Unconventional Monetary Policy and the Great Recession: Estimating the Macroeconomic Effects of a Spread Compression at the Zero Lower Bound”, International Journal of Central Banking 9: 165-212.

Bu, C, J Rogers and W Wu (2021), “A unified measure of Fed monetary policy shocks”, Journal of Monetary Economics 118: 331-349.

Carney, M (2020), “A framework for all seasons?”, speech the Bank of England Research Workshop on “The Future of Inflation Targeting”, 9 January.

Fabo, B, M Janco*kova, E Kempf and L Pastor. (2021), “Fifty shades of QE: Comparing findings of central bankers and academics”, Journal of Monetary Economics 120(C): 1-20.

Fama, E F and J D MacBeth, (1973), “Risk, return and equilibrium: Empirical test”, Journal of Political Economy 81(3): 607-636.

Gambacorta, L, B Hofmann and G Peersman (2014), “The effectiveness of unconventional monetary policy at the zero lower bound: a cross-country analysis”, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 46: 615-642.

Gertler, M and P and Karadi (2011), “A model of unconventional monetary policy”, Journal of Monetary Economics 58: 17-34.

Gertler, M and P Karadi. (2013), “QE 1 vs. 2. Vs. 3…: a framework for analyzing large-scale asset purchases as a monetary policy tool”, International Journal of Central Banking 9: 5-53.

Gertler, M and P Karadi. (2015), “Monetary policy surprises, credit costs and economic activity”, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 7: 44-76.

Krippner, L (2015), “A comment on Wu and Xia (2015), and the case for two-factor Shadow Short Rates”, CAMA Working Paper 2015-48.

Mavroeides, S (2021), “Identification at the Zero Lower Bound”, Econometrica 89: 2855–2885.

Rusnak, M, T Havranek and R Horvath (2013), “How to solve the price puzzle? A Meta-Analysis”, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 45: 37–70.

Sims, E and J C Wu (2020), “Are QE and conventional monetary policy substitutable?”, International Journal of Central Banking 16(1): 195-230.

Swanson, E and J Williams. (2014), “Measuring the effect of the Zero Lower Bond on Medium-and longer-term interest rates”, American Economic Review 104(10): 3154-85.

Swanson, E (2023), “The Macroeconomic Effects of the Federal Reserve’s Conventional and Unconventional Monetary Policies,” NBER Working Paper No. 31603.

Weale, M and T Wieladek. (2016), “What are the macroeconomic effects of asset purchases?”, Journal of Monetary Economics 79: 81-93.

Wieladek, T (2023), “Does QE generate more inflation that conventional monetary policy?”, CEPR Discussion Paper 18463.

Wu, J C and F D Xia (2016), “Measuring the macroeconomic impact of monetary policy at the zero lower bound”, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 48: 253-291.

Quantitative easing generates more inflation than conventional monetary policy (2024)


Does quantitative easing increase inflation? ›

The findings suggest that quantitative easing has a stronger inflation effect than conventional monetary policy. This has important implications for the debate on how much conventional monetary policy tightening is required to return pandemic-era, quantitative easing-generated inflation back to target.

How does quantitative easing differ from conventional monetary policy? ›

Quantitative easing differed from traditional monetary policy in several key ways. First, it involved the Fed purchasing long term Treasury bonds, rather than short term Treasury bills. The logic was the following: investment spending decisions are typically based on long term interest rates.

How is quantitative easing part of monetary policy? ›

This so-called quantitative easing increases the size of the central bank's balance sheet and injects new cash into the economy. Banks get additional reserves (the deposits they maintain at the central bank) and the money supply grows.

What is quantitative easing Quizlet? ›

involves the introduction of new money into the national supply by a central bank. the main aims of quantitative easing. - to support the level of aggregate demand so that real output can be maintained. - inflation can be kept close to the published target.

Which of the following statements about quantitative easing is most accurate? ›

The correct statement regarding Quantitative Easing (QE) is option b. The Federal Reserve purchases large amounts of treasury securities and mortgage-backed securities in order to expand economic activity.

Does quantitative easing make the rich richer? ›

These findings suggest evidence broadly supports the claim that QE has disproportionately benefited the wealthy and exacerbated wealth inequalities. However, it may only be a small net impact as there are effects in both directions.

Was QE a mistake? ›

There's no evidence that central banks' purchases of trillions of dollars of financial assets helped economies. The great quantitative easing experiment was a mistake. It's time central banks acknowledge it for the failure it was and retire it from their policy arsenal as soon as they're able.

How does quantitative easing differ from other traditional monetary policy tools quizlet? ›

If tight monetary policy seeking to reduce inflation goes too far, it may push aggregate demand so far to the left that a recession begins. How does quantitative easing differ from other traditional monetary policy tools? Quantitative easing manipulates long-term interest rates through the purchase of long-term bonds.

Is quantitative easing a good idea for the economy? ›

Quantitative easing involves a country's central bank purchasing longer-term government bonds, as well as other types of assets, such as mortgage-backed securities (MBS). Economists tend to agree that QE works, but caution that too much of it can be a bad thing.

What is the advantage of quantitative easing as an alternative to conventional monetary policy when short-term interest rates are at the zero lower bound? ›

Thus, the main advantage of quantitative easing is that purchases of intermediate and longer-term securities could reduce longer-term interest rates, increase the money supply further, and lead to expansion.

Who benefits from quantitative easing? ›

Through QE, the Fed has reassured markets and the broader economy. Businesses and consumers may be more likely to borrow money, invest in the stock market, hire more employees and spend more money—all of which helps to stimulate the economy.

What are the negative effects of quantitative easing? ›

The increase in the money supply too quickly will cause inflation. The flood of cash in the market may encourage reckless financial behavior and increase prices.

How does monetary policy affect inflation? ›

With a 2-3% inflation target, when prices in an economy deviate the central bank can enact monetary policy to try and restore that target. If inflation heats up, raising interest rates or restricting the money supply are both contractionary monetary policies designed to lower inflation.

What is quantitative easing easily explained? ›

QE involves us buying bonds to push up their prices and bring down long-term interest rates. In turn, that increases how much people spend overall which puts upward pressure on the prices of goods and services.

What does quantitative easing buy? ›

Quantitative easing (QE) is a monetary policy action where a central bank purchases predetermined amounts of government bonds or other financial assets in order to stimulate economic activity.

What can quantitative easing be described as a means of? ›

Quantitative easing can be described as a means of encouraging consumption among private households. improving credit conditions for government agencies to encourage them to maintain income maintenance programs.

Who controls monetary policy in the US? ›

The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 gave the Federal Reserve responsibility for setting monetary policy. The Federal Reserve controls the three tools of monetary policy--open market operations, the discount rate, and reserve requirements.

How does quantitative easing differ from other traditional monetary policy tools? ›

Key Takeaways. Open market operations are a tool used by the Fed to influence rate changes in the debt market across specified securities and maturities. Quantitative easing is a holistic strategy that seeks to ease, or lower, borrowing rates to help stimulate growth in an economy.

Does quantitative easing weaken currency? ›

Quantitative easing can reduce long-term nominal interest rates, mitigate financial frictions globally, and depreciate the currency of the country that supplies more pledgeable assets. The international effects of foreign exchange intervention depend on the implementing country.

How does QE affect an economy? ›

The QE Effect

Quantitative easing pushes interest rates down. This lowers the returns investors and savers can get on the safest investments such as money market accounts, certificates of deposit (CDs), Treasuries, and corporate bonds. Investors are forced into relatively riskier investments to find stronger returns.

How does quantitative easing affect stock prices? ›

Quantitative easing leads to lower interest rates, which typically results in improved share price performance as risk-on assets become more appealing than saving in a bank.

Did the 2008 financial crisis cause inflation? ›

The failure of inflation to materialize after 2008 was a surprise and might have led many economists to a complacent view that monetary expansion is not inflationary. In reality, some countervailing economic forces neutralized the effects of monetary expansion for a decade, but those forces are now gone.

Does QE increase volatility? ›

Generally, research on volatility heavily utilizes generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) models. Those focusing specifically on QE find that it has a negative impact on volatility.

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