Ray Dalio's Stock Portfolio: A Comprehensive Analysis (2024)

Ray Dalio is a legendary investor and the founder of Bridgewater Associates, the world's largest hedge fund with over $150 billion in assets under management. Known for his risk parity investment strategy, Dalio has consistently outperformed the market and gained a reputation as one of the most successful investors of our time. In this article, we'll take an in-depth look at Ray Dalio's stock portfolio, his investment philosophy, and the strategies that have made him a billionaire.

Ray Dalio's Investment Philosophy

Before diving into his stock portfolio, it's essential to understand Ray Dalio's investment philosophy, which has shaped his approach to portfolio construction and asset allocation. Dalio's investment principles are based on the following key concepts:

1. Diversification: Dalio strongly believes in diversifying across multiple asset classes, including stocks, bonds, commodities, and currencies, to mitigate risk and enhance returns.

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2. Risk Parity: Dalio's risk parity strategy aims to balance risk across different asset classes, ensuring that each component contributes an equal amount of risk to the overall portfolio.

3. Economic Principles: Dalio's investment decisions are guided by his understanding of economic principles, including the business cycle, inflation, and monetary policy.

4. Radical Truth and Transparency: Dalio emphasizes the importance of radical truth and transparency in decision-making, encouraging open and honest dialogue within his organization.

Ray Dalio's Stock Portfolio in 2023

As of the latest 13F filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Ray Dalio's Bridgewater Associates held a diversified stock portfolio worth approximately $18.9 billion. Here are some of the top holdings in Dalio's stock portfolio as of Q4 2023:

1. iShares Core S&P 500 ETF (IVV): With a holding value of $497.55 million, the IVV ETF is Dalio's largest stock position, providing exposure to the broad U.S. equity market.

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2. iShares Core MSCI Emerging Markets ETF (IEMG): Dalio's portfolio includes a $50.03 million position in the IEMG ETF, reflecting his belief in the growth potential of emerging markets.

3. The Procter & Gamble Company (PG): With a holding value of $227.92 million, Procter & Gamble is one of Dalio's top individual stock picks, representing a consumer staples play.

4. The Coca-Cola Company (KO): Another consumer staples giant, Coca-Cola, has a $160.45 million stake in Dalio's portfolio, reflecting his preference for stable, dividend-paying companies.

5. Johnson & Johnson (JNJ): Dalio's portfolio includes a $147.59 million position in Johnson & Johnson, a diversified healthcare company known for its consistent performance and dividend growth.

It's worth noting that Dalio's stock portfolio is highly diversified, with positions in various sectors, including technology, healthcare, consumer discretionary, and industrials. This diversification strategy aligns with his investment philosophy of mitigating risk through asset allocation.

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Ray Dalio's All Weather Portfolio

One of Dalio's most famous investment strategies is the "All Weather Portfolio," designed to perform well in different economic environments, including inflation, deflation, and stagflation. The All Weather Portfolio consists of the following asset allocation:

- 30% Stocks (e.g., S&P 500 index)

- 40% Long-term Treasuries

- 15% Intermediate-term Treasuries

- 7.5% Gold

- 7.5% Commodities

The rationale behind this portfolio is to diversify across different asset classes that tend to perform well in different economic scenarios. For example, stocks are expected to perform well during periods of economic growth, while bonds and gold provide protection during deflationary or inflationary periods, respectively.


What is Ray Dalio's net worth?

As of 2023, Ray Dalio's net worth is estimated to be around $16.9 billion, making him one of the wealthiest individuals in the world.

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How did Ray Dalio make his fortune?

Ray Dalio made his fortune through his successful investment strategies and the growth of Bridgewater Associates, which he founded in 1975 and built into the world's largest hedge fund.

What is Dalio's investment strategy?

Dalio's investment strategy is based on risk parity, which aims to balance risk across different asset classes, and diversification across multiple asset classes, including stocks, bonds, commodities, and currencies.

What is the All Weather Portfolio?

The All Weather Portfolio is a portfolio construction strategy developed by Ray Dalio, designed to perform well across different economic environments, including inflation, deflation, and stagflation.

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What are some of Dalio's top stock holdings?

Some of Dalio's top stock holdings include the iShares Core S&P 500 ETF (IVV), the iShares Core MSCI Emerging Markets ETF (IEMG), The Procter & Gamble Company (PG), The Coca-Cola Company (KO), and Johnson & Johnson (JNJ).

How does Dalio view the stock market?

Dalio has a balanced view of the stock market, acknowledging its potential for growth while also emphasizing the importance of diversification and risk management.

What is Dalio's stance on gold?

Dalio considers gold a valuable asset class for portfolio diversification and protection against inflation and economic uncertainties.

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How does Dalio's investment approach differ from traditional portfolio management?

Dalio's investment approach differs from traditional portfolio management in its emphasis on risk parity, diversification across multiple asset classes, and reliance on economic principles rather than traditional asset allocation models.

What is Dalio's philosophy on risk management?

Dalio's philosophy on risk management is centered on diversification and balancing risk across different asset classes, rather than avoiding risk altogether.

How has Dalio's investment performance been over the long term?

Over the long term, Dalio's investment strategies and Bridgewater Associates have consistently outperformed the market, generating impressive returns for investors and solidifying Dalio's reputation as a legendary investor.

Ray Dalio's Investment Performance and Returns

While Dalio's investment philosophy and portfolio construction strategies are widely acclaimed, it's essential to examine the actual performance and returns generated by his investment firm, Bridgewater Associates. Despite facing some challenges in recent years, Dalio's track record over the long term has been nothing short of impressive.

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Historical Performance of Bridgewater Associates:

- Over the past 28 years (as of 2023), Bridgewater Associates has generated an average annual return of around 11.5%.

- During the 2008 financial crisis, Bridgewater's flagship Pure Alpha fund posted gains of around 9.4%, while most other hedge funds suffered significant losses.

- In 2020, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Bridgewater's Pure Alpha fund posted returns of around 25%, outperforming the broader market.

However, in 2022, Bridgewater's Pure Alpha fund posted losses of around 25%, underperforming the broader market.

These performance figures highlight the cyclical nature of Dalio's investment strategies, which are designed to navigate different market conditions and economic environments. While Bridgewater has experienced periods of underperformance, its long-term track record remains strong, thanks to Dalio's disciplined approach and adherence to his investment principles.

Adapting to Changing Market Conditions

One of Dalio's strengths as an investor is his ability to adapt his investment strategies and portfolio allocations to changing market conditions and economic environments. As markets evolve and new challenges emerge, Dalio has consistently demonstrated a willingness to adjust his approach and seek out new opportunities.

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For example, in recent years, Dalio has expressed concerns about the potential risks associated with rising debt levels and the impact of central bank policies on financial markets. In response, he has advocated for a greater allocation to alternative assets, such as gold and commodities, as a hedge against potential inflationary pressures and market volatility.

Additionally, Dalio has emphasized the importance of geographic diversification, recognizing the growing influence of emerging markets and the need to capture growth opportunities beyond traditional developed markets.

Succession Planning and the Future of Bridgewater Associates

As Dalio approaches his 70s, the question of succession planning and the future leadership of Bridgewater Associates has become increasingly relevant. In 2017, Dalio stepped down from his role as co-CEO of Bridgewater, transitioning to a position focused on mentoring and strategic oversight.

The firm has implemented a leadership structure that involves a team of senior executives, rather than a single successor, to ensure continuity and the preservation of Bridgewater's unique culture and investment philosophy.

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While Dalio's eventual departure from Bridgewater may represent a significant transition for the firm, his lasting impact on the investment industry and the principles he has championed will undoubtedly continue to shape the strategies and approaches of future generations of investors.


Ray Dalio's stock portfolio and investment philosophy offer valuable insights into the strategies of one of the world's most successful investors. By embracing diversification, risk parity, and economic principles, Dalio has built a portfolio that aims to navigate different market conditions while mitigating risk. While individual investors may not have access to the same resources as Bridgewater Associates, understanding Dalio's approach can inspire a more thoughtful and disciplined approach to portfolio construction and asset allocation.

Ray Dalio's Stock Portfolio: A Comprehensive Analysis (2024)


What is Ray Dalio's portfolio? ›

In 1996, he developed the All Weather Portfolio, an investment approach that helps investors protect their assets in any economic situation. Dalio's idea was to build a portfolio that would probably earn less in favourable market conditions but would not lose during a crisis.

What does Ray Dalio say about the stock market? ›

On stocks: “When I look at the equity market, I say it looks a little bit high, and there are big risks. The big risks are political. You could see one side not accept losing and changes in tax rates, capital gains, and unrealized capital gains that would be negative for the stock market.”

What does Ray Dalio recommend investing in? ›

Another key principle is diversification, which Dalio views as the holy grail of investing. This is especially true when it comes to different asset classes – groups of similar assets such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and so on – that don't move in the same way in a given economic environment.

Does the all weather portfolio still work? ›

Does Ray Dalio's "All Weather" portfolio still work? Yes. It was designed to work under all economic conditions, so it certainly still works today!

What does Ray Dalio believe in? ›

Dalio is a big proponent of diversification. He recommends diversifying across 15 or more uncorrelated assets to reduce the risk-to-return ratio. Uncorrelated assets do not move together, either directly or inversely.

What fund is managed by Ray Dalio? ›

Bridgewater Associates

Is Ray Dalio still investing in China? ›

While China is facing a number of headwinds, Dalio said there were still good investments to be made in both bear and bull markets. He said China's problems and risks were manageable and the country's leadership was headed in the right direction.

What is Ray Dalio trading strategy? ›

It's a fund that prioritizes diversification — not just in assets, but in the logic behind each investment. Dalio's fund doesn't rely on the stock market alone; it delves into bonds, currencies, commodities, and more, creating a diversified portfolio that isn't overly dependent on any single market condition.

What is the difference between Ray Dalio and Warren Buffett? ›

Buffett grants his subordinates plenty of autonomy and lets them figure out their own way. Dalio imposes a set of principles that his subordinates are to live by and heavily monitors them. Buffett doesn't give much thought to economic cycles. Dalio's investing style is based on identifying and navigating them.

Where does Ray Dalio put his money? ›

Top Ray Dalio Stocks for 2024
InvestmentPortfolio weight
Alphabet Inc. (GOOGL)4.10%
Procter & Gamble Co. (PG)3.37%
Nvidia Corp. (NVDA)3.22%
Meta Platforms Inc. (META)2.44%
7 more rows
May 16, 2024

Can anyone invest with Bridgewater? ›

Disclaimer & Agreement. Bridgewater Associates, LP is a global investment management firm. Bridgewater Associates, LP advises certain private investment funds and institutional clients, and is not available to provide investment advisory or similar services to most other investors.

What does Warren Buffett recommend investing in? ›

Index funds are best for most people: Despite making his fortune as an active investor, Buffett acknowledges that most people will get better results by investing in a broadly diversified low-cost index fund.

What is the average return of Ray Dalio's all weather portfolio? ›

As of August 2024, in the previous 30 Years, the Ray Dalio All Weather Portfolio obtained a 7.65% compound annual return, with a 7.43% standard deviation. It suffered a maximum drawdown of -20.58% that required 32 months to be recovered.

Does Ray Dalio use leverage? ›

The Ray Dalio All Weather Portfolio 2x Leveraged can be implemented with 5 ETFs. This portfolio has a medium risk, signifying moderate fluctuations in value.

What asset classes does Bridgewater invest in? ›

Bridgewater Associates is an asset management firm serving institutional clients globally, with an AUM of $235.5B. The firm invests across various asset classes, including equities, fixed income, commodities, and currencies, and it has particular expertise in macroeconomic analysis and forecasting.

What is Bill Gates' portfolio? ›

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust's top holdings are Microsoft Corporation (US:MSFT) , Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (US:BRK.B) , Waste Management, Inc. (US:WM) , Canadian National Railway Company (US:CNI) , and Caterpillar Inc. (US:CAT) .

What is the minimum amount to invest in bridgewater? ›

(Bridgewater generally requires clients to have a minimum of $7.5 billion of investable assets.) And they assume that those clients, being “financially sophisticated,” must achieve high returns in the funds they invest in. But that is not the case.

What is Dalio's all weather portfolio? ›

About Ray Dalio's All Weather

Ray Dalio's All Weather portfolio is an investment strategy designed to perform well across different economic conditions. The goal of the All Weather portfolio is to generate consistent returns while minimizing risk, regardless of the economic environment.

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.