React Js vs Vanilla js - Which is best for you? - Tagline Infotech (2024)

Quick Summary: Vanilla vs React js has always been the biggest topic of the debate, as both can be used to develop JavaScript applications. Here in this article, you will get a detailed comparison between Vanilla vs React js and it will include the performance, UI, and many more.

You will see that the usage of web applications is increasing every day and the applications are becoming more complex and dynamic. People often want to find a place where they can get the comparison of vanilla vs to react and here you will get all points including a comparison of reacting vs vanilla js performance. That’s why you will see that developers prefer to use different libraries while creating web applications to increase the development speed. Web applications can be complex and may require a lot of dynamic functionalities and that’s why developers prefer to use different frameworks like React Js, Angular, Vanilla js, and many more. You can easily find the React Js developers that provide various React Js development services.

As you know that web applications are trending now, you may want to hire React js Development Company that provides various React js development services. Here you will get the comparison between Vanilla vs React js that you might want to explore.

Contents hide

1The functionality of Vanilla js vs React js

2ReactJs: How is it responsible for the view layer of the application?

3Vanilla js: Why is it used?

4Vanilla js vs React js Comparison

5Vanilla js vs React js: Comparison based on Popularity

6Learning Curve of ReactJs and Vanilla js

7Comparison of Stack Data Structure in ReactJs and Vanilla js

8Vanilla js vs React js: Performance Benchmarking

8.1Future Aspects



8.4UI/UX performance of ReactJs and Vanilla js

8.5Developer’s Convenience



8.8Cost of Development


9.1Why Choose ReactJs?

9.2Why Choose Vanilla js?


9.4What is the main difference between ReactJs and Vanilla js?

9.5Why is ReactJs better than Vanilla js?

9.6Is ReactJs harder to learn than Vanilla js?

9.7Can a beginner learn ReactJs?

9.8Is Vanilla js worth learning?

The functionality of Vanilla js vs React js

Before we start the detailed comparison of React Js vs Vanilla js, I would like to explain the main difference between these two JavaScript and it will help you understand how React Js and Vanilla js work. If you want to explore the benefits of using React over vanilla js then in this article you will get all the details. Both of them are used to build JavaScript applications.

ReactJs: How is it responsible for the view layer of the application?

You will see that ReactJs is a free and open-source JavaScript library that is being used to build different user interfaces based on the UI components. ReactJs is a front-end JavaScript library and it will provide a way to create user-friendly applications. You will see that ReactJs can be used to build various user interfaces that are specifically designed for single-page applications.

Sometimes you will see that developers use ReactJs to handle the viewing layer for different types of mobile and web applications.

Vanilla js: Why is it used?

Vanilla js is known as plain JavaScript and you will see that developers use Vanilla js to write JavaScript code that can be written without the help of libraries. You will see that Vanilla js is a scripting language that doesn’t set any type of rules about how the developers can define the data in the application. Vanilla js applications sometimes may not provide the best-optimised results for the application.

You will see that Vanilla js is famous among the developers because it is considered one of the lightest frameworks that anyone can learn quickly.

Vanilla js vs React js Comparison

React Js vs Vanilla js - Which is best for you? - Tagline Infotech (1)

If you are thinking about the comparison of Vanilla js vs React then don’t worry here you will find the main points of the comparison. Vanilla js applications usually start with the initial UI that is created on the server like HTML. While ReactJs applications start with a blank HTML and later developers can dynamically create the initial state in JavaScript. If you want to store data in Vanilla js then it will be stored in DOM but in ReactJs applications, data will be directly stored in regular JavaScript variables.

If you are wondering, is React better than vanilla js then you have to understand what is vanilla js and what is react js. The developers can update the UI in Vanilla js with the help of DOM as they have to manually update or remove the elements. But ReactJs automatically updates the UI by using the setting of changing state within the component.

Vanilla js vs React js: Comparison based on Popularity

React Js vs Vanilla js - Which is best for you? - Tagline Infotech (2)

React Js vs Vanilla js - Which is best for you? - Tagline Infotech (3)

Here you will find the details about Vanilla vs React js and which one is more popular so that you can decide which is Best for you.

  • You will see that ReactJs is by far the most popular front-end framework or you can say library. Plus you will see that ReactJs is more loved and famous than other front-end frameworks.
  • There is a saying that the satisfaction of the developers increases with the popularity and features of the front-end framework.
  • In the year 2021, the popularity of ReactJs was more than 40% and it is going to grow. In one survey it has been determined that in the year 2021 more than 49% of developers regularly use ReactJs for development purposes. ReactJs is trending in Google trends so you can imagine how much exposure it gets.
  • The hiring of ReactJs developers is also increasing as the ReactJs framework has gained more popularity than others. You may think that Vanilla js isn’t very popular among the developers.
  • That’s where you are mistaken because JavaScript frameworks won’t be ever fast as Vanilla js web applications. That means Vanilla js is popular among developers because it is fast.

Winner: You will see that ReactJs is a clear winner when it comes to popularity because most of the developers prefer to use ReactJs than using Vanilla js.

Learning Curve of ReactJs and Vanilla js

React Js vs Vanilla js - Which is best for you? - Tagline Infotech (4)

Here you will find the comparison of vanilla vs react based on the time it takes to learn vanilla and react. If you are wondering whether it reacts easier than vanilla js or not then let me tell you that based on the learning curve of both you can get the idea. You will see that ReactJs has an easier learning curve than other frameworks that are available in the market. ReactJs is a framework that is built based on JavaScript. So if the developers know JavaS

cript then they can easily learn ReactJs but if they don’t know JavaScript then ReactJs is hard to learn. Due to the simple design, highly detailed documentation, and HTML-like syntax ReactJs is the best framework or library that will make the process of web development much easier.

If you want to learn Vanilla js from scratch then you can learn it easily without any problem. You will see that Vanilla js provides a lot of documentation so that you can understand how all the available tools work and how quickly you can learn them. Many developers try to learn different frameworks without the knowledge of Vanilla js and that’s why they find it very hard to learn different frameworks. So developers should learn the fundamentals of Vanilla js before learning various frameworks.

Winner: Vanilla js is a clear winner as it is a lot easier to learn for the developers.

Comparison of Stack Data Structure in ReactJs and Vanilla js

You will see that communication between various JavaScript components involves a lot of interfacing via bridges so that you can correspond between both sides. As you know that ReactJs and Vanilla js both are JavaScript frameworks that are being used to develop different web applications.

If you are wondering, the stack data structure between ReactJs and Vanilla js will be different. You are mistaken because both JavaScript frameworks have the same concept. You will see that a stack can be described as an ordered collection of items that follow the principle of Last in First out (LIFO). If you want to remove any items from the stack then the item at the top will be removed first. So stack data structure in ReactJs and Vanilla js is very similar.

Vanilla js vs React js: Performance Benchmarking

You will find many points between the comparison of Vanilla js vs React when you are comparing them on their performance. When you are evaluating ReactJs and Vanilla js, you have to remember that ReactJs is a free and open-source front-end JavaScript library that can be used to build various user interfaces based on the UI components. While Vanilla js is a cross-platform framework and it is used for building powerful JavaScript applications.

Vanilla js vs React performance-basedevaluation can be hard but here you will find all the details. You will see that ReactJs is efficient to handle various UI updates as it has the feature of Virtual DOM. For every update of UI, ReactJs updates it to DOM and then compares it with the Regular DOM frequently. So this way it helps to figure out the changes that are necessary for the regular DOM. Sometimes this entire process is so fast that developers may think that there will be performance-related issues with UI rendering. But ReactJs has a system of workarounds that will solve every performance issue.

You would be surprised but Vanilla js is extremely faster than other JavaScript frameworks. So you can say that it provides better performance than leading front-end frameworks. You will see that Vanilla js initially renders the UI almost 30 times faster than ReactJs and it is one of the main reasons why Vanilla js provides better performance than ReactJs. The handling of UI state changes is a lot easier and faster in Vanilla js than it is in ReactJs.

Winner: If you are doing a comparison based on performance then Vanilla js provides better performance than ReactJs.

Future Aspects

Comparison of React vs Vanilla js for the future is important as it will show you which JavaScript is better for future.. ReactJs is one of the most significant libraries that developers can utilise to develop JavaScript applications. You will see that ReactJs is a framework that can be used to create quick and scalable web applications. In this framework, new plugins are constantly created for future aspects. As the technology is used in various businesses, you can say that ReactJs developers and React js Development Company that provides different React js development services have a bright future ahead. The community of ReactJs is also to grow over time and there will be new updates to the framework.

Vanilla js is also known as plain JavaScript without any additional libraries like jQuery in the past. You will see that some developers use it as a joke to remind the junior developers that many things can be done without using additional JavaScript libraries. JavaScript is the programming language to develop web applications. That’s why you need to understand the main principles of JavaScript and for that; you need to learn Vanilla js. In the future, new JavaScript frameworks will be introduced. But before using those frameworks you require the knowledge of Vanilla js.

Winner: So you can say that ReactJs has a better future but as Vanilla js is necessary for every JavaScript framework so both have a future.


If you are trying to do the comparison of Vanilla js vs React js for testing then it will be hard to choose the winner. You can easily test ReactJs code like you are testing any simple JavaScript code. ReactJs provides different ReactJs testing libraries that can be used for testing. You will see that the ReactJs testing library is a set of helping libraries that will let you test ReactJs components without relying on their implementation details. You can say that this approach of testing ReactJs ensures that it is the best practice to ensure the accessibility of the code. While testing the ReactJs code you also need to set up the best testing environment for all ReactJs components.

Many people don’t know that they can easily test Vanilla js code. The developers need to install Jest and which is a JavaScript testing framework that focuses on simplicity. You can even use this Jest JavaScript testing framework with AngularJS and ReactJs. Testing in Vanilla js is very easy with the help of Jest. If the developers want to test the Vanilla js code in Jest then they need to ensure that npm or yarn is installed on the device.

Winner: Testing in ReactJs and Vanilla js is simple so you can say that both are winners.


You will see that ReactJs is a JavaScript framework that can be used to build web applications. ReactJs has a lesser number of attacking points than other frameworks that are being used to build different web applications. ReactJs is not entirely secure as few security issues have been reported. ReactJs is compatible with various open-source components and due to that ReactJs doesn’t have strong default settings for security. So you can say that ReactJs is vulnerable to some security threats. ReactJs web applications aren’t fully secured as there are some flaws in the security system.

In Vanilla js sometimes you require various credentials for the APIs but this framework doesn’t provide for short-term tokens. You can use the approach of middleman APIs if the developers want to make sure that web applications are secure. Vanilla js is a simple framework that can build some incredible and powerful JavaScript applications. You would be surprised but Vanilla js is also famous among the developers because there are no known security issues till now.

Winner: If you are doing the comparison of Vanilla vs React js for security purposes then Vanilla js is a clear winner.

UI/UX performance of ReactJs and Vanilla js

React Js vs Vanilla js - Which is best for you? - Tagline Infotech (5)

ReactJs is a free and open-source JavaScript library that is being used to build different UI components. Here you can see some of the best React UI frameworks that you can use in your project. Ant Design is the world’s second-most popular UI framework that is being used in ReactJs. You will see that it provides enterprise-class UI design language with a set of some high-quality components of ReactJs UI. The documentation of Ant Design is extensive and with the help of tons of examples and frameworks Ant Design stays up to date. Material UI is a ReactJs UI component that can be used for faster and easier web development. This UI is used by many developers because it is the most popular ReactJs UI framework that provides various material design ideas that are given by Google.

In Vanilla js you will see that there are many UI libraries that you can use to enhance the web applications. Three is a JavaScript 3D library for Vanilla js and it is popular among the developers because it provides great documentation. This 3D library is very easy to use and gives better performance. Cheerio is a UI library for Vanilla js and it can be described as a fast, flexible, and better implementation of core jQuery that is designed for the server.

Winner: For the UI/UX performance ReactJs is better than Vanilla js because in ReactJs the developers don’t have to enter DOM as it happens automatically.

Developer’s Convenience

Comparison of Vanilla js vs Reacts js based on developer’s convenience will be a very tight comparison. You will see that ReactJs is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries in today’s time. ReactJs was launched in 2013 yet it is consistently used by web developers as it is very convenient for the developers. It is one of the best JavaScript UI libraries that can be used to create viewing pages. You will see that ReactJs is more convenient for developers as it is not just a library because it provides JSX and different virtual DOMs. Developers use ReactJs because it provides complete freedom of action to create high-quality interfaces for any application.

Some developers may wonder if Vanilla js is still used or not then let me tell you that of course, it is used. If the developers are writing simple code to manipulate DOM in the browser then why use a huge framework because they can easily do it with the help of Vanilla js. If developers have to create some complex front-end web applications then you can use ReactJs or any other framework.

Winner: Both ReactJs and Vanilla are convenient to developers but ReactJs offers much functionality so many developers prefer to use it.


Maintenance of ReactJs continuously checks and monitors the web application. It will make sure that the security, speed, output, and overall performance of the web applications are good. If you want to keep the application up-to-date, faster, and fresh then developers have to remember that ReactJs provides good maintenance service. You will see that ReactJs provides three main types of maintenance services that are ReactJs startup maintenance, ReactJs professional maintenance, and ReactJs business maintenance.

You will see that developers don’t like to use the Vanilla js framework because of its cost for maintenance. If the developers are coding an eCommerce website using Vanilla js then it will cost more maintenance and development time. You will see that it is one of the main reasons why developers prefer to use various JavaScript frameworks that are available in the market like AngularJS, ReactJs, Vue.js, etc.

Winner: ReactJs is way better than Vanilla js for Maintenance as the developers can easily maintain the web applications.


You will see that ReactJs provides regular updates so that developers can use the updated versions to create web applications. In the recent update of ReactJs, you will see features like automatic batching, transitions, client and server rendering APIs, New Hooks, and many more. So yes, ReactJs provides regular updates and that’s why it is popular among developers to create the latest web applications.

You will see that Vanilla js is a simple framework that can be used to develop powerful web applications. The developers prefer to use various frameworks rather than choosing Vanilla js because other frameworks provide the latest features with constant updates. But Vanilla js doesn’t provide constant updates and that’s why developers learn it before using other frameworks like ReactJs.

Winner: If we are talking about the updates then I would say that ReactJs is a clear winner as it provides constant and better updates than Vanilla js.

Cost of Development

As you know that both are JavaScript frameworks that will save a lot of time to develop web applications. You will see that ReactJs developers can charge 20$ to 40$ per hour to build ReactJs web applications. Vanilla js developers can cost more than 1000$ to build vanilla js web applications. But you will see that in the market people prefer to hire ReactJs developers for web app development as ReactJs web applications are trending now.

Winner: Cost to develop a Vanilla js application can be less but people prefer to hire a ReactJs developer even though it can be costly sometimes.

Is React Faster than Vanilla Js?

If you are wondering if that reacts faster than vanilla js then let me tell you that React isn’t faster than Vanilla js as vanilla js is a simple JavaScript. It is one of the main reasons why many people think about how to use vanilla js in reacting because Vanilla js is faster.

Is Vanilla js Faster than React?

If you are thinking that is vanilla js faster than reacting or not then here you will get the answer. Vanilla js is faster than react as the developers don’t have to learn different functions of React.


If you are still confused to choose between Vanilla vs React js and wonder which is the right framework for your project then from the given points all your doubts will be solved.

Why Choose ReactJs?

  • If you are wondering why use React instead of vanilla js then here you will find all the answers. You can choose ReactJs for front-end development as it is easy to learn and use.
  • ReactJs also helps to build rich user interfaces for the users of the application.
  • You will see that ReactJs provides the option of fast rendering so minor changes will be reflected immediately.
  • ReactJs provides the facility to reuse the elements that you have built once in the project.
  • Developers prefer to use the ReactJs framework for web app development because it has strong community support.

Why Choose Vanilla js?

  • You can choose Vanilla js for web app development even if you don’t have coding knowledge because learning Vanilla js is easier than other frameworks.
  • In Vanilla js the developers can create high-quality code while developing web applications.
  • Vanilla js easily adopt new frameworks and libraries that will increase the development speed.
  • You can say that Vanilla js will stay forever as JavaScript lasts for a long time but frameworks and libraries can be replaced.

If you want to develop huge applications with complex and dynamic functionalities then ReactJs can be a perfect choice. Vanilla js is perfect when you want to build powerful and incredible cross-platform applications.

When you choose ReactJs for development, you may need to find a ReactJs development company that creates the best user interfaces for websites and applications.


What is the main difference between ReactJs and Vanilla js?

In ReactJs, the developers need to break your UI into components while in Vanilla js you can easily structure Vanilla js in any way you think that it will be a perfect fit.

Why is ReactJs better than Vanilla js?

ReactJs provides reusable components that can save a lot of time and that give ReactJs an edge over Vanilla js. It is one of the main reasons why ReactJs quickly become more popular than Vanilla js.

Is ReactJs harder to learn than Vanilla js?

Yes, ReactJs is harder to learn than Vanilla js. If you directly try to learn ReactJs without the knowledge of Vanilla js then it will be extremely difficult. If you know Vanilla js and you try to learn ReactJs then it may seem easy.

Can a beginner learn ReactJs?

Yes, a beginner can learn ReactJs but the process of learning ReactJs will be difficult because beginners also have to learn how to handle state management in Redux.

Is Vanilla js worth learning?

If you want to learn other frameworks then Vanilla js is essential. So I would say that yes Vanilla js is worth learning because it is the main language in which frameworks like ReactJs and AngularJS were built.

React Js vs Vanilla js - Which is best for you? - Tagline Infotech (2024)


Is Vanilla JavaScript better than React? ›

Vanilla JS is faster than other frameworks. It provides better performance than all the other front-end frameworks. Moreover, it renders the UI thirty times faster than React JS. In Vanilla, the handling of the UI state is simple.

Why should I use React over Vanilla JavaScript? ›

One of the main advantages of using React over Vanilla JavaScript is that React uses a different approach to state management, making it more efficient and easier to use. This is because React relies on props to specify how objects should be rendered rather than using traditional methods like set State or callbacks.

What is the biggest advantage of react JS? ›

One of the most significant advantages of React. js is that its Document Object Model (DOM) is declarative. In other words, the UI is adjusted when developers change the app's state when interacting with DOM. Because it uses the declarative approach, it's generally easier to follow and understand the code.

Do companies prefer Angular or React? ›

Is Angular better than React? React outperforms Angular due to its rendering optimizations and Virtual DOM implementation. Also, React developers can access many pre-built solutions for development.

Should I learn vanilla JavaScript before React? ›

You do not need to master “all” JavaScript before moving to React. But, you need to have a solid grasp of the language. If you aim to become a web developer, you should understand Javascript, especially since it's the most popular programming language in this century.

Do I need to learn vanilla JavaScript before React? ›

While we don't believe you need to be a JavaScript Master (™) in order to begin learning about React, it will benefit you to have the core JavaScript concepts and syntax under your belt before embarking on your React journey. Anything you do with React, you can do with “vanilla” JavaScript.

When should you not use React JS? ›

When you are making an app like a game or a demanding creative app, React is not the best choice. This problem stems from the fact that it uses a Virtual DOM. Virtual DOMs, or VDOMs, are layers that help make unoptimized DOM manipulations faster.

Why is React JS preferred? ›

One of the main benefits of using React JS is its potential to reuse components. It saves time for developers as they don't have to write various codes for the same features. Furthermore, if any changes are made in any particular part, it will not affect other parts of the application.

When to use Vanilla JS? ›

"VanillaJS is a name to refer to using plain JavaScript without any additional libraries like jQuery back in the days. People use it as a joke to remind other developers that many things can be done nowadays without the need for additional JavaScript libraries." Or, in our case, without new, fancy frameworks.

What are the disadvantages of React? ›

5 Big Limitations of React
  • It's a Library, Not a Framework. Like other Javascript libraries, React contains pre-written code. ...
  • It Uses JSX. React uses JSX, a syntax extension to JavaScript. ...
  • Does Not Support SEO. React, by design, was not built with SEO in mind. ...
  • Lack of Updated Documentation. ...
  • Fast Development Speed.
Jan 7, 2023

What is the limitations of React JS? ›

ReactJS library Covers only the UI Layers(create reusable components) of the app and nothing else. Which means we can not develop a full fledge front application using ReactJS. But for developing a full-fledged application we need to install other third-party packages like Redux, Mobx, React Router, etc.

Why use React for front end? ›

Front-end development with React results in not only performant but also highly testable applications. React itself makes it easier to create a clean architecture that is friendly to testing, and here is why: If you're working with React, you don't have to do any extra configuration of UI tests.

Is Netflix using React or Angular? ›

Netflix is a globally popular streaming platform that widely uses React especially for low-performing devices. Like Netflix is using Reactjs to improve modularization, increasing the startup speed and runtime performance. So, these are some of the popular use cases of Angular and React from our side.

Does Amazon use React or Angular? ›

Many social media companies use React, including Facebook, Instagram, and Skype. Other companies that have built apps using React include Uber, AirBnB, Netflix, and Amazon.

Who gets paid more Angular or React developers? ›

React developer salary by role and technology

When we compare React salaries to the other popular frontend frameworks, we find that React developers earn around $10K more than Vue. js, Angular, and JQuery developers.

How much JavaScript required to learn React? ›

You don't need to learn all of JavaScript

A very important thing is that if your aim is to become, say a frontend developer (a complete guide on it here), you don't want to spend month after month on only JavaScript preparation. The ideal mix that worked for me is to learn “just enough” to move on to React.

How long does it take to learn React after JavaScript? ›

How long does it take to learn React if you have a good background in JavaScript and functional programming? Redux, the state management library, and the testing libraries Jest and Enzyme may all be learned in an extra 1-2 months.

How long does it take to learn vanilla JavaScript? ›

Generally, it takes around six to 12 weeks to learn the basics of JavaScript. This includes understanding its syntax, data types, operators, and programming concepts. Becoming an expert in the language often requires two to four years of experience.

Should I learn JavaScript or React first? ›

You don't need to be a JavaScript expert to start your ReactJS journey, but just as knowledge of ingredients is a must for any chef hoping to master cooking, the same is true for learning ReactJS. It's a modern JavaScript UI library, so you need to know some JavaScript.

When should I start learning ReactJS? ›

Starting with React should come only after you have an understanding of JavaScript. You do not have to be a JavaScript ninja to start with React, but without any knowledge of JavaScript, learning React will be significantly harder, as you will struggle to figure out a lot of things.

Should I learn Dom before React? ›

Not really. Once you know the basic programming syntax, which can be JavaScript or Python, you should familiarize yourself with manipulating the Document Object Model (DOM). For this, you will eventually need to learn JavaScript.

Does Facebook not use React? ›

Facebook's Departure from React Native: An Opportunity to Explore New Frameworks. Facebook, the social media giant, recently announced its decision to pull out of React Native, the open-source JavaScript framework that was developed and maintained by Facebook.

Can I use React to build a website? ›

A React Single Page Application sends the complete web application to a browser where the individual components are rendered into navigable web pages using the React Router DOM package. Note: This course works best for learners who are based in the North America region.

Is ReactJS still relevant? ›

To summarize, React is still a popular front-end JavaScript library today. Its virtual DOM, component-based design, and declarative coding approach make it a very effective tool for developing large, high-performance web apps.

Is React still relevant 2023? ›

Yes, React Native is still relevant in 2023. React Native has made it easier for developers to create mobile applications, and it is now one of the most popular frameworks for creating mobile applications.

Is React JS in demand in 2023? ›

The ease and optimum results offered by the ReactJS framework have made it the top-in-demand skill of the year 2023.

Is it still worth learning React in 2023? ›

By investing time and effort into learning React, developers can enhance their skills and advance their careers. So, if you're looking to take your career to the next level in 2023 and beyond, learning React is definitely worth considering.

Why is vanilla better? ›

Because vanilla has fewer calories and carbohydrates than sugar, it can be used to reduce your sugar intake. Using vanilla as a sugar substitute also can reduce high blood glucose levels and help you lead a more heart-healthy lifestyle.

Why is vanilla so popular? ›

So what makes us love vanilla so much? The aroma compound that we know and love is vanillin. Vanillin gives off that floral, sweet, creamy scent we go nuts for. Vanilla is one of those flavors that is pretty much universally loved or accepted.

Do companies use Vanilla JavaScript? ›

The ecommerce site for British retailer Mark & Spencer is vanilla JS. Hacker News is vanilla JS, though given how simple their layout is, that's probably not surprising. The Front End Masters website is also vanilla JS, too, and is powered by Hugo to create static HTML files.

Does React have a future? ›

In 2023, React will be the best JavaScript framework for front-end web app development. In addition, Reactjs framework functionalities and features have multiple tools that will make an app the best.

Does React have a good future? ›

In conclusion, React JS is the future of front-end development. With its easy-to-learn and use framework, high performance and efficiency, large and active community, cross-platform compatibility, and strong industry adoption, React JS is well-positioned to continue growing and improving in the years to come.

Why React is so complicated? ›

However, React is also difficult because it deals with advanced concepts like functional programming, compartmentalizing and passing state, using it with backend frameworks, and using it in conjunction with 3rd party software. If you want to learn React, the most important thing is to get started today and don't quit.

Is React SEO friendly? ›

React websites are SEO-friendly when properly optimized during the development phase. Implementing react SEO best practices will higher your rank and the traffic you will receive. Let's know the potential challenges React websites face from an SEO perspective.

Why React is faster than JS? ›

Google is an example of how the usage of simple interface and React-based libraries contributes to the interactive and fast interface. A minimalist UI definitely increases the speed of React-based sites – so this is another reason to say that React is faster.

What is the salary of front-end developer in React? ›

React Js Frontend Developer salary in India ranges between ₹ 1.5 Lakhs to ₹ 16.0 Lakhs with an average annual salary of ₹ 4.8 Lakhs.

Is React front-end or full stack? ›

React is a front-end JavaScript library for building reusable UI components which were created by Facebook. React aids in the creation of interactive user interfaces. Create basic views for each state of your project, and React will update and render the appropriate components whenever your data changes.

Does Apple use React or Angular? ›

Angular is used by such companies as McDonald's, AT&T, HBO, Apple, Forbes, Adobe, Nike, and Microsoft as well.

Does Facebook use React or Angular? ›

#1 Facebook

Their webpage is built with React, as the script that is blended in the application code. The mobile app is also built with a version of React called React Native which is similar, although responsible for displaying the iOS and Android native components instead of the DOM elements.

Is React more in demand than Angular? ›

If we look at Stackoverflow 2022 survey, we can observe that, regarding web frameworks, 42.6% of the respondents prefer React, while 20.3% use Angular instead. Further, this survey also illustrates that, despite being one of the most popular web frameworks, Angular is also considered the most dreaded one.

Why companies prefer React over Angular? ›

Ans: Because of its virtual DOM implementation and rendering optimizations, React outperforms Angular. It's also simple to switch between React versions; unlike Angular, you don't have to install updates one by one. Finally, using React, developers have access to a wide range of pre-built solutions.

Which is better for career Angular or React? ›

React. js is the best choice if you are developing a single-page website. But if you are building a complex project, you should go for Angular. Because of Angular's massive number of constructed functions and React's smaller package size, the former has a steeper learning curve.

Does Google use Angular or React? ›

How Google uses Angular. Angular is used in public-facing applications and sites such as Google Cloud Platform and AdWords, as well as many internal tools.

What is the US salary for React Developer? ›

The highest recorded salaries for ReactJS developers in the US are around $144k/yr and the lowest around $59k/yr. Entry level salaries start from around $52k/yr and senior developers can expect salaries as high as $191k/yr.

What is the highest salary of ReactJS? ›

Reactjs Developer salary in India ranges between ₹ 1.4 Lakhs to ₹ 11.0 Lakhs with an average annual salary of ₹ 4.1 Lakhs.

What is the average salary of ReactJS in us? ›

$92,000 is the 25th percentile. Salaries below this are outliers. $130,000 is the 75th percentile.

Is it better to use vanilla JavaScript? ›

Vanilla JavaScript is Faster: JavaScript libraries come with many pre-written functions and tools that can slow down the application. Vanilla JavaScript, on the other hand, allows developers to write code that is specific to their application, which can make it faster and more efficient.

Is there anything better than ReactJS? ›

Preact is one of the best alternatives to React, as it is significantly faster, smaller (10kB minified), and offers React compatibility.

Can you use vanilla JavaScript in React? ›

Use Vanilla JavaScript to create ReactDOM Root and Create React Element with props.

Is JavaScript easier than React? ›

React JS is easier to grasp vs. JavaScript. Its well-defined lifecycle, component-based approach, and use of plain JavaScript make React JS very easy to learn. You can easily build and support mobile apps and professional websites.

Why is vanilla the best? ›

Vanilla is a universal flavour

It adds a warming, sweet and rounded flavour that compliments anything it's added to. Cocoa on the other hand, will overpower your recipe and taste like nothing but chocolate!

Why is vanilla so good? ›

So what makes us love vanilla so much? The aroma compound that we know and love is vanillin. Vanillin gives off that floral, sweet, creamy scent we go nuts for. Vanilla is one of those flavors that is pretty much universally loved or accepted.

Which JavaScript code is more efficient? ›

4. Which is a more efficient JavaScript code snippet? Explanation: Code 1 would be more efficient. Infact second code will go into runtime error as the value of num will never reach less than or equal to one.

What is replacing React? ›

The Bottom Line: Will Next.js Replace React.

Is ReactJS still in demand? ›

For example, salaries in the technology industry are generally higher than in other industries. Demand for ReactJS developers: ReactJS developers are in high demand, and employers are prepared to pay higher salaries to entice top talent.

Is React still the best framework? ›

ReactJS is the best choice for front-end web development because of the JSX syntax. Programmers can manage and create user interfaces using HTML-like syntax thanks to the JavaScript extension JSX.

Is Vanilla JavaScript pure JavaScript? ›

The term vanilla script is used to refer to the pure JavaScript (or we can say plain JavaScript) without any type of additional library. Sometimes people often used it as a joke"nowadays several things can also be done without using any additional JavaScript libraries".

Is JSON part of Vanilla JavaScript? ›

Vanilla JavaScript does not parse the JSON into an object natively. You need to parse the JSON into an object using the JSON Parse method.

Is it possible to learn React in a week? ›

You should be able to quickly master the fundamentals of React if you dedicate two hours per day to learning it. However, if you only devote five hours a week to learning React, it might take you longer. You might need up to a year to learn the fundamentals of React if you proceed at this rate.

How much time is needed to learn ReactJS? ›

ReactJS Basics

If you are a beginner or already have some programming experience, it will take you one to four weeks to completely master the basics. Rendering components based on conditions.

Is JavaScript and React enough to get a job? ›

It's not impossible to get a job as a web or mobile app developer if you know only Javascript. You may have even come across such developer stories occasionally on the internet. But it's not the norm.

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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.