Recipe: Simple Cool Whip Chocolate Cookies (2024)

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This Chocolate Cookies recipe with 4 simple ingredients will cure your chocolate craving in nothing flat!

Friends, I have to apologize. My brain just isn’t really in cooking mode this summer. No cooking mode = no blogging mode = I’m really slacking on just about everything around this space lately!

Plus I’m on Weight Watchers and cooking = temptation = eating more than I should. It’s hard to be a food blogger and be on Weight Watchers at the same time! I’m better off just not cooking. And not leaving my house, ever, for that matter. I get too tempted in uncontrolled settings. So that’s it… I’m just going to become a non-blogging, non-cooking hermit so I can stay within my Points range each day, ok?

I did finish my 6 mile half marathon training run yesterday, so I had 6 extra Activity Points by 9am. And heaven help me if I was going to let those hard earned Points go to waste! Naturally, the best solution was to make cookies. I was too tired from my run to do anything that required much effort so I made Cool Whip Cookies. I had an extra tub of Cool Whip in my fridge from my Wendy’s Copycat Frosty making day and always have a box or two of cake mix on hand. It was the perfect solution!

I’ve seen this recipe for Cool Whip Cookies around the web for so many years now… I’m not sure where the origination was, but I should probably bow down and thank whomever it was because these are the tastiest cookies, ever. Especially for the ease. It’s so versatile too! From plain vanilla Cool Whip cookies, like Cookies & Cups made to the Lemon Burst cookies from TidyMom, it’s pretty neat to see what deliciousness 3 ingredients can turn into when combined. Well, and Yummy Healthy Easy says her Strawberry version is practically guilt-free… I’m going to go ahead and say her word is gospel, because I may have had more than one 😉

I’m going to give you the recipe, grab another one of these chocolate cookies, and head back outside and enjoy summer! I hope you are doing the same!

Recipe: Simple Cool Whip Chocolate Cookies (5)

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Super Simple Cool Whip Cookies

Cookies don't get much simpler than this. 4 simple ingredients, one delicious cookie!

Prep Time 10 minutes minutes

Cook Time 12 minutes minutes

Total Time 22 minutes minutes

Servings 2 dozen


  • 1 Box Cake Mix any flavor (I used Devlis Food)
  • 1 8 ounce container Cool Whip thawed
  • 1 egg
  • 1/4 cup Confectioners Sugar


  • Combine cake mix, Cool Whip and egg in a large bowl. Stir with a wooden spoon until well combined. Batter will be sticky and thick.

  • Place Confectioners sugar in a small bowl. Drop cookie batter into the sugar by the spoonful. Roll the dough around in the confectioners sugar, forming a ball.

  • Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 10-12 minutes. Remove from oven and allow to cool on cookie sheet for 3 minutes then move to a cooling rack.

Reader Interactions


  1. Recipe: Simple Cool Whip Chocolate Cookies (6)Windy P. says

    I am sooo totally trying these. And simple is good!

    • Recipe: Simple Cool Whip Chocolate Cookies (7)Kristen says

      You totally should! They are some of the tastiest cookies I’ve eaten 🙂

    • Recipe: Simple Cool Whip Chocolate Cookies (8)Joan Cloe says

      I used a small melon baller, made dropping the batter into powdered sugar much easier. Roll it into a ball, makes about 2-1/2 dozen cookies.

  2. Recipe: Simple Cool Whip Chocolate Cookies (9)Meagan @ A Zesty Bite says

    I’m super impressed with 4 ingredient cookies that come out looking amazing.

    • Recipe: Simple Cool Whip Chocolate Cookies (10)Kristen says

      I was too – can’t wait to try them with other flavors!

  3. Recipe: Simple Cool Whip Chocolate Cookies (11)Shawn@ I Wash You Dry says

    I’m right there with you in lacking motivation for cooking/baking this summer. I just want to hang out with my kids and do Summer Bucket List stuff. Actually, baking cookies is one of the bucket list items, and I believe these cookies couldn’t get any easier and kid proof! Keep up the good work with WW, you are doing awesome!! 🙂

    • Recipe: Simple Cool Whip Chocolate Cookies (12)Kristen says

      My son pretty much made these… the sticky dough was a bit tricky for him, but they are so simple!
      Thanks for the encouragement, friend!
      Happy summer!

  4. Recipe: Simple Cool Whip Chocolate Cookies (13)kelley {mountain mama cooks} says

    Who knew you could make cookies from a cake mix and cool whip? That’s crazy and so fun! Nice work sticking to WW!!

    • Recipe: Simple Cool Whip Chocolate Cookies (14)Kristen says

      I’m trying! Thanks for the support 🙂
      I didn’t believe it about the cookies until I actually made them. They are pretty darn good!

  5. Recipe: Simple Cool Whip Chocolate Cookies (16)TidyMom says

    are these just the bomb?! LOVE your pics too Kristen!!!

    • Recipe: Simple Cool Whip Chocolate Cookies (17)Kristen says

      They are so good! I’ve been meaning to try these for years, but kept forgetting about them. They may be my go to cookie from now on though… so good!

  6. Recipe: Simple Cool Whip Chocolate Cookies (18)Jocelyn @BruCrew Life says

    I haven’t tried the Cool Whip cake mix cookies yet, but now that I am staring them down on my computer, I think it’s about time! Of course I just started a new diet/work out program and I’m not supposed to have any sugar…but I think I really need these!!!

    • Recipe: Simple Cool Whip Chocolate Cookies (19)Kristen says

      I bet you could do it all sugar free. See, there you go. Have your cookies and diet too!

  7. Recipe: Simple Cool Whip Chocolate Cookies (20)Chloe says

    I love this simple recipe. Less is more in this case. Thanks.

    • Recipe: Simple Cool Whip Chocolate Cookies (21)Kristen says

      I totally agree, Chloe. Simple is sometimes best!

  8. Recipe: Simple Cool Whip Chocolate Cookies (22)Cookbook Queen says

    I’ve STILL never tried these cookies…and your chocolate version is speaking to me!!!

    • Recipe: Simple Cool Whip Chocolate Cookies (23)Kristen says

      You MUST try these, Kristan!

  9. Recipe: Simple Cool Whip Chocolate Cookies (24)Ashley Bee (Quarter Life Crisis Cuisine) says

    I know what you mean about diets and food blogging–I keep trying to do a low-carb diet and keep getting thwarted. Oy! These cookies look lovely and somewhat low cal though, so it’s a good start!

    • Recipe: Simple Cool Whip Chocolate Cookies (25)Kristen says

      It’s totally not easy… I do really good when I don’t blog and cook though 😉

  10. Recipe: Simple Cool Whip Chocolate Cookies (26)Nikki @Seeded at the Table says

    How have I never heard of Cool Whip cookies?? MUST try! (And, chocolate is definitely first up for me!)

    • Recipe: Simple Cool Whip Chocolate Cookies (27)Kristen says

      You’ve got to try them, Nikki. They are so very good. I was quite impressed!

  11. Recipe: Simple Cool Whip Chocolate Cookies (30)Heather says

    I have NEVER heard of these but YIKES I’m so tempted to make them now!

    I’m not doing WW, but I am still working on losing weight post-baby and I’ve had to start only blogging things that are healthier or send a huge batch of goodness to work with my hubby. Cheering you on girl!

  12. Recipe: Simple Cool Whip Chocolate Cookies (31)Brian @ A Thought For Food says

    Go you with the training!

    So, how did you resist not eating every one of those? They look so perfectly chewy.

    • Recipe: Simple Cool Whip Chocolate Cookies (32)Kristen says

      Thanks, Brian! I’m actually enjoying the training too, which is the crazy part. Who am I?
      Luckily I had lots of eating helpers with these cookies, or I would have devoured every last one!

  13. Recipe: Simple Cool Whip Chocolate Cookies (33)Dorothy @ Crazy for Crust says

    I love these. I’ve been seeing them for awhile now and I MUST make them! And it’s so easy to make them fat-free or sugar-free by adapting ingredients. Score!

    • Recipe: Simple Cool Whip Chocolate Cookies (34)Kristen says

      Exactly – I think there are so many different ways you could do them. I’m going to try fat free cool whip next to see if it works!

  14. Recipe: Simple Cool Whip Chocolate Cookies (35)Judy says

    Also on WW. Would this recipe work with a sugar free cake mix and fat free Cool Whip?

    • Recipe: Simple Cool Whip Chocolate Cookies (37)patricia ryan says

      I have made with Sugar Free cake mix (by Pillsbury) and the low fat cool whip ! Delicious. I too found dough sticky so I just dropped by teaspoonful and sifted powdered sugar over them. Turned out perfect !

  15. Recipe: Simple Cool Whip Chocolate Cookies (39)Joanne says

    I did WW for a while and it was definitely tough to blog during it…let’s just say I ate a lot of soups…and tried to earn a TON of activity points! You can do this!

    These cookies are almost TOO easy to throw together!

  16. Recipe: Simple Cool Whip Chocolate Cookies (40)Tieghan says

    Need to try these cookies! I have never heard of cool whip cookies, but now they are all I want. Yours look incredible!

  17. Recipe: Simple Cool Whip Chocolate Cookies (41)Cathy Pollak ~ Noble Pig says

    My fave kind of cookie! I have been walking five miles a day for that extra bowl of summer ice cream! I love the whole Cool Whip concept going on here too!

  18. Recipe: Simple Cool Whip Chocolate Cookies (42)patsy says

    I need to make those cookies! So many fun ways to change them up and create something different each time! Love this one!

  19. Recipe: Simple Cool Whip Chocolate Cookies (43)tanya says

    I can’t believe how easy this recipe is! Thank you, because I have been very lazy lately and haven’t felt like cooking or baking either. I have felt like eating though, which means I do have to cook. At least now I have an easy, fool proof cookie recipe to bake!

  20. Recipe: Simple Cool Whip Chocolate Cookies (44)Denise @ Creative Kitchen says


    Wow…you go girl! I’m so proud of your half marathon training. One day I hope to get back to that. Last October I got up to 10 miles as my longest run. 🙂 But the timing was not right within my family to continue at the time. Right now I’m happy to get out and walk 1 to 1 1/2 miles and run 1 mile a day for a total of 2 to 2 1/2 miles total. It’s really invigorating, and helps me to combat the weight while on vacation.

    Now I’m back and trying to clean up my eating and drop a few pounds. I only put on 2-3 on vacation…good thing I was running and walking. Once I lose those…I’ll be back at goal.

    Enjoy your kids and your summer!! It’s precious time that’s for sure. 😉

  21. Recipe: Simple Cool Whip Chocolate Cookies (45)Stefanie @ Sarcastic Cooking says

    I contemplated going on weight watchers after Christmas. I give you kudos girl! I couldn’t do it! You are so right, too many temptations!!! I am also in the midst of a summer strike when it comes to cooking. I have been making the same things week after week, but I don’t care because I refuse to operate the oven.

  22. Recipe: Simple Cool Whip Chocolate Cookies (46)Gina says

    I can get on board with these. Simple & they look delish. I’m feeling the pain in your words when it comes to not being able to get in the kitchen without the worry. Maybe if you pass it all to the kids before you get some – but that doesn’t help during the photo process which always results in some sampling of the parts that were in the shot. Because once they have been touched & played with they certainly can’t go in the container with the rest- they just have to be eaten right?!! 🙂

  23. Recipe: Simple Cool Whip Chocolate Cookies (48)Brian says

    It’s funny but chocolate cookies (of any description) are the one sweet eat I just never get bored of eating. Bake me a fresh box of cookies and I’m anyone’s 🙂

  24. Recipe: Simple Cool Whip Chocolate Cookies (49)Nutmeg Nanny says

    Wow! These are super simple 🙂 I love this recipe!

  25. Recipe: Simple Cool Whip Chocolate Cookies (51)Shawn@ I Wash You Dry says

    Just made these with my daughter (she did the sugar rolling). They are so yummy and EASY! LOVE IT!! I keep saying, “just one more… just one more…” Wow, they are so good! 🙂

  26. Recipe: Simple Cool Whip Chocolate Cookies (52)Suzanne says

    I got this recipe through my WW meeting years ago. When you say batter is sticky, you aren’t kidding. Just couldn’t get the cookies right. Might give it another try. If you have any suggestions on how to handle the extra sticky batter, I’m all ears. Also, congrats on training for a half marathon.

    • Recipe: Simple Cool Whip Chocolate Cookies (53)Kristen says

      If I remember correctly I tried to keep my hands slightly wet as I worked with the dough. It was still very sticky, but they turned out great!
      Thanks for the congrats 🙂 It’s in 2 weeks and at this point I’m just really ready to get it over with 🙂

  27. Recipe: Simple Cool Whip Chocolate Cookies (54)Jessica says

    I was hoping to find a recipe to use an extra tub of Cool Whip and was excited to find this one. Unfortunately, it’s probably down to more like 6-7oz or so now…we just used a little as a topping on some fruit. Do you think the recipe would still work out?

  28. Recipe: Simple Cool Whip Chocolate Cookies (55)Deb says

    Recipe: Simple Cool Whip Chocolate Cookies (56)
    I make a gluten free dairy free version with Pamela’s gluten free
    Cake mix and So Delicious CocoWhip. They are amazing!


  1. […] Super Simple Chocolate Cookies by Dine and Dish […]

  2. […] Cool Whip Cookies: I found a recipe floating around Facebook and then I did a little google search. Basically, you take any flavor cake mix you want, add an eight ounce container of thawed Cool Whip, and an egg. You mix it and get a nice cookie dough. You drop balls of dough into powdered sugar and throw them in a pre-heated 350 F degree oven. Then you let them cool and eat up. I made two versions- one using devil’s food cake mix (they taste like Archway Dutch Chocolate Cookies) and the other using white cake mix with lemon and lime zest (they remind me of those evil Lofthouse cookies that I love). I also chose not to throw the dough into powdered sugar. I just sprinkled a little on top before I baked. The results are delicious and since I used fat free Cool Whip, we are talking really light cookies. […]

  3. […] not being friends right now. “Well, how can that be?” you ask. “Aren’t you training to run a half-marathon in October? Didn’t you write out all of these lofty goals on your 39th birthday and said you […]

  4. […] board on Pinterest. I’m not sure where the original recipe came from, but I got it from Dine and Dish. I think everyone calls them Cool Whip Cookies, but they were just so soft and cake-like on the […]

  5. […] the lines!” 2. I had a ridiculous sweet tooth this week…and when I came across this recipe on FB this week…. I just had to try it! They seemed way too easy not to try! SOOOOO […]

  6. […] cake mix and Cool Whip together to make cookies could not be easier! Lemon and Chocolate are the two most delicious flavors to make these […]

Recipe: Simple Cool Whip Chocolate Cookies (2024)


Can you over whip cookies? ›

"Overmixing your dough will result in flatter, crispier cookies," Cowan said. If you overmix, you will end up aerating (adding air to) the dough, which causes the cookies to rise and then fall, leaving you with flat cookies.

Why do many chocolate chip cookie recipes contain baking soda and brown sugar? ›

Brown sugar is acidic, which means its best friend is alkaline baking soda; when combined, they activate, Wonder Twins–style, to produce carbon dioxide. Both sugars are hygroscopic, so they compete with flour to soak up moisture from the dough, but brown more so than white.

What happens if you over cream butter and sugar for cookies? ›

Over-creamed butter and sugar adds in too much air and alters the final texture – typically to be more gummy and dense. Sometimes over-creaming can produce cakes, cupcakes, or cookies that collapse upon baking or while cooling if the mixture is well and truly over-creamed (where it looks like curdled milk).

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.