Register a validator | Terra Docs (2024)

This is a detailed step-by-step guide for setting up a Terra validator. Please be aware that while it is easy to set up a rudimentary validating node, running a production-quality validator node with a robust architecture and security features requires an extensive setup.

For more information on setting up a validator, see additional resources.


1. Retrieve your PubKey

The Consensus PubKey of your node is required to create a new validator. Run:


--pubkey=$(terrad tendermint show-validator)

2. Create a new validator

💡Get coins

In order for Terrad to recognize a wallet address it must contain tokens. For the testnet, use the faucet to send Luna to your wallet. If you are on mainnet, send funds from an existing wallet. 1-3 luna are sufficient for most setup processes.

To create the validator and initialize it with a self-delegation, run the following command. key-name is the name of the Application Operator Key that is used to sign transactions.


terrad tx staking create-validator \


--amount=5000000uluna \


--pubkey=$(<your-consensus-PubKey>) \


--moniker="<your-moniker>" \


--chain-id=<chain_id> \


--from=<key-name> \


--commission-rate="0.10" \


--commission-max-rate="0.20" \


--commission-max-change-rate="0.01" \




When you specify commission parameters, the commission-max-change-rate is measured as a percentage-point change of the commission-rate. For example, a change from 1% to 2% is a 100% rate increase, but the commission-max-change-rate is measured as 1%.

3. Confirm your validator is active

If running the following command returns something, your validator is active:


terrad query tendermint-validator-set | grep "$(terrad tendermint show-validator)"

You are looking for the bech32 encoded address in the ~/.terra/config/priv_validator.json file.


Only the top 130 validators in voting power are included in the active validator set.

4. Secure your keys and have a backup plan

Protecting and having a contingency backup plan for your keys will help mitigate catastrophic hardware or software failures of the node.It is a good practice to test your backup plan on a testnet node in case of node failure.

Register a validator | Terra Docs (2024)


How much Luna do you need to be a validator? ›

Is there a minimum amount of Luna that must be staked to be an active (bonded) validator? ​ There is no set minimum. The top 130 validators with the highest total stake (where total stake = self-bonded stake + delegated stake) make up the active validator set.

Who can be a validator? ›

Can anyone run a validator node? Validator nodes can be run by anyone with hardware that meets the minimum requirements ( 250G storage 8G RAM). However, it is important to remember that if a Validator fails to uphold their responsibilities a portion of their stake will be slashed (fined).

What is the role of a validator? ›

An Assessment Validator (AV) is responsible for carrying out a final independent check to ensure the external assessment is of the correct standard and fit for purpose.

How do I become a Terra classic validator? ›

Only 105 validators on Terra are activated at a time. So, that means, to become a validator, you must stake a lot of LUNA to the validator yourself or incentivize #LUNAtics to stake with yours.

How much do validators earn? ›

Ethereum (ETH) validators might earn 5.3%-7.3% in APR: Model

According to a longread shared by Pintail, the vast majority of rewards shared between Ethereum (ETH) network participants actually come from so-called "MEV" (Maximal or Miner Extractable Value). New article on post-merge validator returns on Ethereum.

How much does a Solana validator make? ›

Validators can earn aproximately a 5% annualized reward rate. Solana's initial inflation rate is 8% annually, decreasing by 15% YOY, reaching a long-term fixed inflation rate of 1.5% annually.

How do I become a validator? ›

Becoming a validator is a complicated topic, but we can boil it all down to three steps: choosing a blockchain network, acquiring the right hardware and software, and running and maintaining your node. The key feature that makes blockchain technology so revolutionary is decentralization.

How are validators selected? ›

Anyone can become a validator on PoS by depositing (staking) a minimum of 32 ether (ETH) into the specific contract. The protocol then randomly selects participants to propose and vote on new blocks.

How much do you need to be a validator? ›

This is due to the 32 ETH rule, which stipulates that in order to become an independent Ethereum validator, a stake of at least 32 ETH is required. Currently, this is close to $90,000, but it has previously topped $100,000. To be able to cover Ethereum gas fees, you should additionally have an extra 1 ETH.

What makes a good validator? ›

A good quality validator should also keep their nodes updated to prevent any loopholes for an attack that could lead to a penalty on their stake. The best validators have a website or presence on social media to provide frequent updates to their delegators.

What are the types of validators? ›

There are 4 main types of validation:
  • Prospective Validation.
  • Concurrent Validation.
  • Retrospective Validation.
  • Revalidation (Periodic and After Change)

How do validators verify transactions? ›

As transactions on the blockchain are initiated by users, they are queued on the network for subsequent validation. Validator nodes then batch individual transactions into a block to verify it. Each blockchain has its own rules pertaining to the number of transactions per block.

Do validator nodes get paid? ›

The role of validators is to run a full node and participate in consensus by broadcasting votes that contain cryptographic signatures signed by the validator's private key. Validators commit new blocks in the blockchain and receive revenue in exchange for their work.

How much Dot Do you need to be a validator? ›

To become a Validator you need at least 350 DOT and make sure to operate a stable infrastrcuture. Anyhow the minimum stake that is necessary to be elected as an active validator is dynamic and can change over time.

Do validators earn reward? ›

Validators will receive staking rewards in the form of the native token of that chain (KSM for Kusama and DOT for Polkadot).

What is validator fee? ›

The validator fee is a % of the total emissions earned by stakers to the node, which is taken by the node-runner to incentivize their operation of a performant, reliable physical node.

How much is a validator node? ›

Ethereum Validator Node Prysmatic Client (For Solo Staking)
Unit typeCost/unit/hourCost/unit over a 365-day contract
ECS Task$0.12$594.00

What are validator rewards? ›

Written by Rocky Rock. When a validator is done validating the Primary Network it receives back the AVAX tokens it staked. Additionally, it may receive a reward for helping to secure the network by validating.

Can anyone become a Solana validator? ›

The Solana network is permissionless, so anyone can become a validator.

How many Ethereums are needed for a validator? ›

You'll need 32 ETH to activate your own validator, but it is possible to stake less. Check out the options below and go for the one that is best for you, and for the network.

How much does a Polkadot validator earn? ›

Earn rewards

By validating blocks, validators receive rewards which are redistributed to their nominators. The current annual yield on Polkadot is around 14%, minus the validators' commission rate.

Can you stake without being a validator? ›

Via an exchange like Coinbase, you can contribute any amount you wish, without needing to purchase or operate expensive validator hardware. Staking is available to most Coinbase customers in the U.S. and many other countries.

How many validators are there? ›

There are a total of 426,000 validators and some 80,000 depositors, while the report also highlights a small group of entities that command a significant portion of staked ETH.

How many nodes does a validator have? ›

On the Olympia release of the Radix Public Network, there is a maximum of 100 validator nodes at a time. These are selected based on the amount of stake XRD token holders have delegated to them. Validator nodes underpin the security of any blockchain or DLT network.

What happens when a validator is jailed? ›

A validator is jailed when they make liveness or Byzantine fault, when a validator is jailed, it will no longer be considered as an active validator until they are un-jailed. Furthermore, it cannot be un-jailed before downtime_jail_duration .

Can I perform validation on my own? ›

Self-validation is a skill that takes practice. It wont be easy at first. To begin, try to do or say at least one self-validating thing per day (see ideas below) and then after youve got that down, strive for two and so on. With practice, it will become second-nature to validate yourself.

Do Ethereum validators make money? ›

When you deposit 32 ETH, you can activate a validator software. The validator is responsible for validating blockchain transactions and managing blocks that will lead to the secure Ethereum; in this process, validators earn ETH as a reward.

How much helium is needed for a validator? ›

Validator nodes are a new entity on the Helium Blockchain that perform consensus group work, including verifying transactions and adding new blocks to the blockchain. To run a validator requires a stake (deposit) of 10,000 HNT and running validator node software in a suitable environment.

How do you pick a good validator for staking? ›

How should I choose validators to stake to? If you want the TL;DR, follow the 5-by-5 rule: Spread your stake across 5 good validators that all have less than 5% of the total stake. First, visit the validator list on the Radix explorer to look at the validator nodes with less than 5% of total stake.

What are the 4 types of validation? ›

  • A) Prospective validation (or premarket validation)
  • B) Retrospective validation.
  • C) Concurrent validation.
  • D) Revalidation.
Jul 17, 2017

What are the 5 types of validation? ›

The following are the common Data Validation Types:

Format Check. Consistency Check. Uniqueness Check. Presence Check.

What is an example of validation? ›

You are simply restating how they are feeling. For example, a friend might say “my therapist doesn't like me.” You might know that's not true however you can validate your friend by saying “you are feeling really certain she hates you.”

How do banks validate transactions? ›

Bank investigators will usually start with the transaction data and look for likely indicators of fraud. Time stamps, location data, IP addresses, and other elements can be used to prove whether or not the cardholder was involved in the transaction.

Are validators also miners? ›

In proof of work (PoW) systems like Bitcoin, validators, also known as miners, solve complex computational math problems in order to win the right to verify transactions and receive rewards for the “work.” In proof of stake (PoS) systems like Avalanche, validators are given rewards as long as they stake the network's ...

How do full nodes make money? ›

While there are no monetary rewards, running a full Bitcoin node comes with its own intangible benefits. For example, it increases the security of transactions conducted by a user. This is especially important if you plan to conduct multiple bitcoin transactions in a day.

Is a validator the same as a miner? ›

A term similar to Bitcoin miners, a blockchain validator is someone who is responsible for verifying transactions on a blockchain.

How many dot do you need to run a node? ›

Usually 0.01 DOT is sufficient. To be elected as a Validator, you need a stake of at least 17,000 DOT behind your Validator, which can come from your yourself or from Nominators. For more details please see the official guide by Polkadot to configure your node and become a Validator.

How many Sol does it take to become a validator? ›

Minimum SOL requirements

There is no strict minimum amount of SOL required to run a validator on Solana. However in order to participate in consensus, a vote account is required which has a rent-exempt reserve of 0.02685864 SOL.

How much Theta do you need for a validator node? ›

The Validator Nodes propose, vote for, and finalize new blocks in the chain, while Guardian Nodes seal blocks and act as a check on malicious or otherwise non-functional Validator Nodes. Currently, the minimum staking requirement is 200K Theta.

Are validator nodes miners? ›

A validation node is a node which validates this information, makes sure it's true, and passes the information along to other nodes, thus enabling the transfer of monetary value from location A to location B. Mining nodes are a subset of validation nodes, because every mining node is also a validation node.

How many validators should I choose? ›

Choose more than one validator

However, there is a risk of getting no rewards if you nominate very few validator candidates and none of them are chosen. Therefore, it is safer to choose as many trustworthy validators as you can (up to 16 on Polkadot and up to 24 on Kusama).

Why do validators need staking? ›

Staking requires users to commit their assets to the blockchain to validate cryptocurrency transactions and ensure integrity of the blockchain. It works with cryptocurrencies that use a proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanism to validate transactions. PoS protocols are an alternative over proof-of-work (PoW).

How many helium do you need to be a validator? ›

Validator nodes are a new entity on the Helium Blockchain that perform consensus group work, including verifying transactions and adding new blocks to the blockchain. To run a validator requires a stake (deposit) of 10,000 HNT and running validator node software in a suitable environment.

How does Terra Luna choose a validator? ›

Evaluation criteria while choosing a validator
  1. Self-delegation. Self-delegation shows what percentage of the staked Luna belongs to a selected validator. ...
  2. Validator commission. Validator commission is one more indicator shown on the Terra Station. ...
  3. Delegation return. ...
  4. Uptime. ...
  5. Delegate to reliable validators.
Jul 7, 2021

How many atoms are needed to become a validator? ›

# Is there a minimum amount of ATOM that must be delegated to be an active (bonded) validator? The minimum is 1 ATOM.

Do validator nodes make money? ›

Validator nodes are the backbone of blockchain, and they make money whether the crypto market moves up, down or sideways.

How much does 1 helium miner make per day? ›

The daily network mining average is currently around 0.11 HNT per day which at a market price of 30 USD/HNT is only $3.30 USD. Earning $3.30 USD per day may not be so appealing to most especially when a decent setup can cost upwards of $1000 USD.

How many dot Do you need to be a validator? ›

To be elected as a Validator, you need a stake of at least 17,000 DOT behind your Validator, which can come from your yourself or from Nominators. For more details please see the official guide by Polkadot to configure your node and become a Validator.

How do I choose the right validator? ›

TLDR: When choosing a validator, you want to delegate to someone with as close to 100% uptime as possible, with low percentage of the voting power, 5%+ commission, with transparent slashing event policy, that is present, vocal, active in the community and participate to the blockchain by providing tools and services.

How do I choose a staking validator? ›

There are, however, some qualities that you should consider when picking a validator:
  1. High Uptime. ...
  2. Reliable. ...
  3. Frequent Updates. ...
  4. Low (But Not Zero) Fees.
Mar 11, 2022

How does Harmony One choose a validator? ›

As a delegator, you should carefully choose validators based on their historical performance metrics such as APR, uptime and commission. In case of indifference or indecisiveness, you should distribute your delegations among multiple validators in order to minimize risk.

How much harmony one does it take to become a validator? ›

For you to create a Validator successfully, it needs to have 10000 ONE tokens plus the necessary fees to create the validator transaction on chain. For this reason, we recommend that you send at least 10001 ONE tokens to your --validator-addr before you continue. For Testnet tokens, check here.

Why do you need 32 ETH to be a validator? ›

Before you can run a validator and start to secure the network, you need to stake 32 ETH. This forms your initial balance. As a validator, you'll need to have funds at stake so you can be penalized for behaving dishonestly. In other words, to keep you honest, your actions need to have financial consequences.

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