Report: Nicaragua Crime Rate Statistics • Gitnux (2024)

Understanding the crime rate in a country is crucial for assessing its safety and security, as well as for making informed decisions about travel or investment opportunities. In the case of Nicaragua, analyzing crime rate statistics provides valuable insights into the country’s public safety situation. In this blog post, we will dive into the key statistics surrounding crime in Nicaragua, including overall crime rates, types of crimes that are prevalent, and recent trends. By examining these data, we aim to paint a comprehensive picture of Nicaragua’s crime landscape, enabling readers to make well-informed choices when interacting with this beautiful Central American nation.

The Latest Nicaragua Crime Rate Statistics Explained

As of 2021, the overall crime index in Nicaragua is 37.70.

This statistic represents the overall crime index in Nicaragua as of 2021, indicating the level of criminal activity in the country. The crime index of 37.70 suggests that there is a moderate level of crime present in Nicaragua, with a higher value implying a higher level of criminal activity. It is important to note that this statistic encompasses various types of crimes, including petty theft, property crime, violent crime, and other offenses. Policymakers, law enforcement agencies, and researchers can use this statistic to assess the crime situation, compare it over time, and develop strategies to address and prevent criminal activity in Nicaragua.

In 2021, the safety index in Nicaragua is 62.30.

The statistic “In 2021, the safety index in Nicaragua is 62.30” means that, based on a specific measurement scale or index, Nicaragua has been assigned a score of 62.30 in terms of safety. This indicates the overall level of safety within the country during that year. A higher score would indicate a higher level of safety, while a lower score implies a lower level of safety. This statistic is useful for understanding and comparing the safety conditions in different regions or countries and can be used to inform decisions related to travel, investment, or policy-making.

Nicaragua has a crime rate of 8.26, making it rank 69th in the world.

The statistic “Nicaragua has a crime rate of 8.26, making it rank 69th in the world” signifies that Nicaragua’s crime rate is measured to be 8.26, which is likely a rate per 1,000 inhabitants or per some other unit of population. This statistic also indicates that when compared to other countries around the world, Nicaragua’s crime rate places it in the 69th position. This ranking suggests that there are 68 countries with higher crime rates than Nicaragua and that the country’s crime rate is relatively moderate compared to the rest of the world.

The homicide rate in Nicaragua in 2017 was 7 per 100,000 population.

The statistic “The homicide rate in Nicaragua in 2017 was 7 per 100,000 population” reflects the number of homicides that occurred in Nicaragua during the year 2017, relative to the country’s population. Specifically, for every 100,000 people in Nicaragua, there were seven instances of homicide. This statistic provides an indication of the prevalence of fatal violence in the country and allows for comparisons of homicide rates between different regions or periods. A lower homicide rate suggests a safer and more secure environment, while a higher rate may indicate a greater risk of violent crime in a particular area.

In 2020, there were a recorded total of 58 homicides in Nicaragua’s capital city, Managua.

The statistic states that in the year 2020, there were 58 instances of deliberate killings, commonly known as homicides, in Managua, the capital city of Nicaragua. This number represents the total count of recorded incidents throughout the entire year. Homicide statistics like this one serve as important indicators of the level of safety and security within a specific area, providing valuable insights into the extent of violent crime within a community.

Nicaragua experienced a murder rate of 6 murders per 100,000 people in 2018.

The statistic “Nicaragua experienced a murder rate of 6 murders per 100,000 people in 2018” indicates that in the given year, there were a total of 6 murders reported for every 100,000 individuals living in Nicaragua. This statistic provides an understanding of the level of homicides in the country relative to its population size and allows for comparison with other regions or years to assess changes in the crime rate.

The town of Bluefields in Nicaragua saw an increase in crime, with 17 murders recorded in 2019.

The statistic indicates that in the year 2019, the town of Bluefields in Nicaragua experienced an escalation in criminal activities, particularly homicides. A total of 17 murders were documented during that period in the town. This statistic serves as evidence of a concerning rise in violent crime within the community, highlighting the need for increased attention and efforts to address and combat this issue.

In 2019, the Nicaraguan police reported a 12.5% decrease in overall crime.

The statistic “In 2019, the Nicaraguan police reported a 12.5% decrease in overall crime” refers to the information provided by the Nicaraguan police department regarding the change in the occurrence of criminal activities in the country from the previous year. According to their data, 2019 witnessed a 12.5% reduction in overall crime compared to the previous year. This figure suggests that there was a decline in criminal incidents and indicates a potential improvement in the state of law and order within Nicaragua during that particular time period. It is important to note that this statistic is based on the police department’s reported data and may not capture all cr

Nicaragua’s perceived level of public sector corruption in 2019 was scored 22 on a scale from 0-100, where 100 means very clean.

The statistic indicates that in 2019, Nicaragua was perceived to have a relatively high level of corruption in its public sector. The score of 22, on a scale of 0 to 100, suggests that the country’s public sector was far from clean, with a higher score indicating a lower level of corruption. Therefore, a score of 22 suggests significant corruption within the public sector of Nicaragua during that year.

In 2019, Nicaragua recorded an estimated 665 cases of drug trafficking.

The statistic states that in the year 2019, Nicaragua reported an approximate total of 665 incidents of drug trafficking. Drug trafficking refers to the illegal transportation, distribution, or sale of controlled substances. These cases may involve smuggling drugs across borders, organized crime networks, or the movement of drugs within the country. The statistic suggests that drug trafficking was a significant issue in Nicaragua during that year, potentially indicating the presence of drug-related criminal activity and the need for further enforcement and prevention measures.

As per 2019, car theft rate is 41 per 100,000 population making it one of the lowest in the region.

The statistic indicates that in the year 2019, the rate of car theft was 41 incidents per 100,000 population. This means that for every 100,000 people, there were 41 reported cases of car theft. Additionally, it states that this rate is one of the lowest in the region, suggesting that compared to other areas, this particular region has relatively low incidents of car theft. This statistic provides valuable information about the frequency of car theft and helps to put it into perspective within a regional context.

In 2017, the kidnap rate in Nicaragua was significantly lower than regional average, with less than 1 case per 100,000 people.

The given statistic states that in 2017, the rate of kidnappings in Nicaragua was considerably lower compared to the average rate in the region. The number of reported kidnapping cases in Nicaragua was less than one per 100,000 people. This indicates that Nicaragua experienced a relatively low incidence of kidnappings in comparison to other countries in the same region during that year.

Nicaragua was rated as the third most peaceful country in Central America in the Global Peace Index 2021.

The statistic states that Nicaragua was ranked as the third most peaceful country in Central America according to the Global Peace Index (GPI) in 2021. The GPI measures the level of peace and stability in countries around the world, considering factors such as the absence of violence, crime rates, political instability, and militarization. This ranking indicates that Nicaragua is perceived to have a relatively peaceful and stable environment compared to other countries in the region.

An estimated 33% of Nicaraguans felt insecure in their country in 2017.

The statistic “An estimated 33% of Nicaraguans felt insecure in their country in 2017” indicates that approximately one-third of the population in Nicaragua experienced a sense of insecurity during that year. The insecurity likely encompasses a range of concerns, such as fear of crime, lack of safety in public spaces, or a general feeling of unease. The percentage is estimated, suggesting that it is a close approximation rather than an exact figure, and it is specific to the year 2017 for Nicaraguans. This statistic sheds light on the prevalence of insecurity in the country during that time, highlighting a significant issue that may have implications for the well-being and quality of life for the affected individuals.

In 2020, overall crime decreased by 12-15% in Nicaragua compared to the previous year.

The statistic states that in 2020, there was a 12-15% decrease in overall crime rate in Nicaragua when compared to the previous year. This suggests that there was a significant improvement in the security situation of the country during this period. The decrease in crime could be attributed to various factors, such as increased law enforcement efforts, implementation of new policies, or changes in socio-economic conditions. It is important to note that the statistic refers to overall crime, which includes various types of criminal activities, such as theft, assault, and drug-related offenses, among others.

There were 6,394 reported cases of violent crime in Nicaragua in 2018.

The statistic states that in 2018, there were 6,394 cases of violent crime reported in Nicaragua. This number represents the total incidents of violent crimes, which include offenses such as homicide, assault, rape, and robbery, among others, that were officially reported to the authorities. It implies that these reported crimes are serious in nature and have had direct negative impacts on the individuals involved as well as the overall security situation in the country during that year. However, it’s crucial to note that this figure only reflects the cases that were reported, and there may be additional unreported instances of violent crime that occurred during the same period.

As of 2020, the theft and assault crime rate in Nicaragua was 24.7 per 100,000 population.

The statistic “As of 2020, the theft and assault crime rate in Nicaragua was 24.7 per 100,000 population” indicates the frequency of theft and assault crimes per capita in Nicaragua in the year 2020. Specifically, for every 100,000 people in the population, there were 24.7 reported cases of theft and assault. This statistic provides an insight into the level of crime in Nicaragua, highlighting the prevalence of these types of crimes and allowing for comparisons with other regions or time periods.


In conclusion, examining the crime rate statistics in Nicaragua allows us to gain a deeper understanding of the security situation in the country. While it is evident that Nicaragua has experienced some challenges in terms of crime, it is important to interpret the data with caution and consider the broader social, economic, and political contexts that may contribute to these trends. The decreasing homicide rate in recent years is a positive development, although there is still work to be done to address other types of crimes such as theft and assault. It is crucial for the government, law enforcement agencies, and communities to continue their efforts in implementing effective crime prevention strategies, improving socioeconomic conditions, and promoting a sense of safety and security for all Nicaraguans. By staying informed and working together, we can strive towards creating a safer and more peaceful Nicaragua for its residents and visitors alike.


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Report: Nicaragua Crime Rate Statistics • Gitnux (2024)


Why does Nicaragua have a low crime rate? ›

Perhaps more important, the Nicaraguan government largely avoided the mano duraanticrime policies so common in the Northern Triangle countries. It placed a much greater emphasis on crime prevention, police reform, community policing, alternative sentencing and social welfare programs.

What are common crimes in Nicaragua? ›

Nicaragua has a high crime rate, including armed robbery, assault and express kidnapping. There aren't many police outside major urban areas. Avoid remote locations.

What country has the highest crime rating? ›

Which country in the world has the highest crime rate? Venezuela has a crime index of approx 83.76, the highest of any country in the world. Caracas, the capital, has faced issues such as robbery, kidnapping, and street violence.

Which crime has the highest reporting rate in the United States? ›

Property crime in the U.S. is much more common than violent crime. In 2022, the FBI reported a total of 1,954.4 property crimes per 100,000 people, compared with 380.7 violent crimes per 100,000 people.

What is the main problem in Nicaragua? ›

Nicaraguans continue to suffer intensified repression, the closing of all democratic spaces, and the forced exile of thousands of journalists, civil society members, human rights defenders, religious actors, and opposition figures.

How safe is Nicaragua for US citizens? ›

Nicaragua - Level 3: Reconsider Travel. Reissued with updates to information on arbitrary enforcement of laws. Reconsider travel to Nicaragua due to arbitrary enforcement of laws, the risk of wrongful detention, and limited healthcare availability. Exercise increased caution in Nicaragua due to crime.

What areas to avoid in Nicaragua? ›

Crime hot spots in Nicaragua

Most crime occurs in the capital Managua, and typically in certain hot-spots. Pickpocketing is common at bus stations, on crowded buses, and in the markets – especially the Oriental, Huembes, and Mayoreo Markets.

What is the main cause of death in Nicaragua? ›

diseases (NCDs) accounted for 75.6% of the total 25,676 deaths in Nicaragua. The leading cause of death among the noncommunicable diseases was cardiovascular disease, with an Age Standardized Mortality Rate (ASMR) of 304 per 100,000 (46.5%). Malignant neoplasms followed, with an ASMR of 119 per 100,000 (18.3%).

Are there cartels in Nicaragua? ›

Mexican drug cartels also have a strong presence in the country. Nicaraguan criminal networks collaborate with counterparts from Costa Rica and Honduras to transport cocaine, generating substantial revenue.

What rank is the USA for crime? ›

Despite being one of the world's most developed countries, the United States ranks 52nd, with a Crime Index of 47.81.

What country watches the most true crime? ›


What state has the most murders? ›

Murder rates in red states were 33% higher than in blue states in both 2021 and 2022. As in 2019 and 2020, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama hold the first, second, and third highest murder rates in the country, respectively.

Which US state has the lowest crime? ›

The safest state in the U.S., according to the U.S. News methodology, is New Hampshire. With a violent crime rate of 126 per 100,000 and a property crime rate of 1,011 per 100,000, New Hampshire enjoys a high rate of public safety. At number two is Maine, followed by Idaho at number three.

Who has the highest crime rate in the United States? ›

The article explores the 10 most dangerous cities in the United States for the year 2024 based on data analysis of violent crime rates, including homicide, robbery, and assault. Detroit, Michigan, tops the list with a staggering violent crime rate, followed by cities like Memphis, Tennessee, and Baltimore, Maryland.

What is the most unreported crime in America? ›

Common reasons for individuals not reporting crime include fear of not being believed, insecurity, and fear of getting into trouble. These reasons are most common for not reporting rape. It is commonly assumed that most of the rape cases go unreported; some estimates go up to or above 90%. (See also Rape reporting.)

What is a country with the lowest crime rate? ›

Countries with the lowest rates of crime, ranked
  • Taiwan. ...
  • Taiwan. ...
  • United Arab Emirates. ...
  • United Arab Emirates. ...
  • Switzerland. ...
  • Switzerland. ...
  • Qatar. Coming in first is Qatar. ...
  • Qatar. Compared to other countries, Qatar has recorded the fewest number of criminal activities.
6 days ago

Is Nicaragua one of the poorest countries? ›

Nicaragua is a low-income, food-deficit country and one of the poorest in Latin America. Agriculture is the main economic activity, contributing 8.1 percent of the country's GDP.

Why is Nicaragua a good place to live? ›

10 Reasons to Live in Nicaragua

Nicaragua is one of the most beautiful countries in the Americas. It boasts a dramatic Pacific coastline; long, gentle Caribbean beaches; and volcanoes and freshwater lakes that dot the hilly inland. Colonial cities like Granada and León offer visitors a taste of days gone by.

Is there trouble in Nicaragua? ›

Foreigners have been affected by violent crime in Nicaragua. Criminals often carry out attacks on people in vehicles. To reduce the risk to yourself and your belongings: keep the windows of your car closed and the doors locked.

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