Rooti Farmaajo (Honeycomb Cheese Bread) Recipe (2024)

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Janet H.

Thank you, Amanda S, for making the recipe and commenting on your results. I wanted to make this recipe VERY much, but found only your notes amongst the cheese-hysteria. I made the coconut version, and it was really delicious. No idea why everyone is so afraid of Laughing Cow cheese, it is sold everywhere in Europe as well as in the US. The rolls came out with a soft mild center with no separation of oil from the cheese. C'mon everyone, relax, Laughing Cow is not poison.

Amanda S

Wow, this is really good! I wanted to try both the condensed milk coconut version and the honey sesame version, so I did half and half and both were wonderful (I think the honey sesame was a little better). A real treat!


For those asking about a cheese alternative, Lebneh would be pretty close texturally speaking. It is simply greek yogurt that has been strained in a cheese cloth. I think mixing with a small amount of cream cheese would dupe the texture and flavor of an original laughing cow cheese.


Hi there! Italian here. Yes there is, italian was even taught (i am not sure of today) in Somalia. Not a happy story, of course, and it left its mark.


If I couldn’t use Laughing cow and wanted to make something my fridge hasn’t got as I also live 130K round trip from a supermarket I’d make my own ricotta and whip it maybe with a bit of feta?I mean the filling really is a license to create I think.


I don't see a honey sesame version with this recipe. Where would I find that?


I had to look up the ingredients to Laughing Cow cheese. Among other things, it's made of emulsified cheddar, semisoft, and Swiss cheeses. I haven't made this recipe, and I'm spit-balling here, but an alternative could be cream cheese, cheddar, and Swiss cheeses mixed together and spooned into the dough. Or, like one commenter suggested, use creative license and fill with whatever you have in your pantry.


Oh, wow, I thought this was amazing. So delicious and so easy. Dough came together with no trouble. I did use a scale to make the little balls (18g each) because I'm terrible at eyeballing things. I also cut each Laughing Cow wedge into five pieces which meant there was some cheese leftover, but I think more would have been too much. This also heats up well-- 20 seconds in the microwave the second day and it was lovely. Don't skip the topping! Oh, and it took 16 min at 350.


I suspect the intention is to repeat the process with the remaining dough. The recipe is unclear, though. Divide in half, roll it, cut pieces, make one ball - and then repeat with remaining dough. Syntax suggests that applies only the that first half. Poor editing.


Suzanne, once the ball of dough is flattened into a disk, put a dollop of filling in the center. Then gather the edges of the disk and pinch the top to seal the filling. It's similar to making wontons and other filled dumplings. Once sealed, rolled the ball in your hands until the pinched part is no longer visible. Use as much filling as you want, but make sure you are able to pinch the disk of dough close.


Use any filling you like since the filling really isn't cooked, only melted. You can use peanut butter, jam, Nutella™, etc. You can even make savory pastries with a meat or seafood filling, e.g. shrimp paste. For safety reasons, it's probably best to precook the meat before filling.


Laughing Cow is quite like spreadable cream cheese, but with a tad less proportion of fats. I suspect it would work fine, as would regular bricks of cream cheese, although that does have a considerably higher fat proportion

Lisa B

Recipe says to repeat with remaining dough.


In Europe: any Swiss spreadable creamy cheese will do. Choose one that will melt nicely. In the DACH countries, “Streichkäse”, the Gerber brand has a lactose-free version if required.


I made this last year with laughing cow cheese. It was delicious. I was reminded of the recipe when New York Times ran it again at the start of Ramadan. This year I decided to skip all the sticky cheese unwrapping that goes along with the laughing cow cheese. I used a local creamy goat cheese in half tsp amounts. It was again delicious!


Love this! Have made it twice already because it's easy and everyone in the house gobbles it up. I skip the sweetened condensed milk because I prefer the savory flavors.

Russ D.

Some mentioned Nutella, l make a prune/ chocolate loaf. I think bits of that combo the same size and weight as the cheese would be fantastic.


I'm making this tomorrow. I plan to use brie cheese because it has the texture of Laughing Cow, but easier to find (and I like it). For those of you questioning where to find the "honey-sesame seed variation", I think it's simply substituting a few drizzles of honey (or even maple syrup) over the baked rolls and sprinkling on lightly toasted sesame seeds. I plan to do this instead of the sweetened condensed milk and coconut.

Brent Miller

Re: cheese quantity - 6 oz. = 36 teaspoons, so using a half tsp. per roll will leave a considerable amount leftover. In any event, I will substitute with raclette.


I intend to make this with farmers cheese, a reasonable in between cream cheese and laughing cow, in my opinion. Will report back!


I divided the dough for 32pc instead 30pc in total. It's a lot easier to make 16pc from half of the dough than 15pc and 8pc cheese x4=32!


This is a lovely, shareable treat to pull out of the oven for guests. I loved the subtle cardamom flavor. I did 50/50 of condensed milk/coconut and honey/sesame seeds. I loved them both. I was unaware of the cheese scandal and used the laughing cow cheese. I'd actually prefer the bread without it, especially as the bread cools. It's such a mild cheese it didn't add much to the dish but it was a fun surprise when the bread was hot. The cardamom bread and toppings are the real star of this recipe!


Wonderful! Made twice with instant yeast and cream cheese, and had to bake 25 minutes for golden brown. Also tried honey and sesame, but need a lot more honey than the condensed milk called for and thus that was not as good. Some say to soak in honey!


I think the 2 teaspoon (6 gm) yeast is a type. 2 tsp would be about 16 gram, which makes much more sense.


I made this with small pieces of fresh mozzarella which melded with the bread. Delicious!


Recipe works perfectly! Delicious.


Followed recipe directions as written, used honey and sesame seeds on top at the finish. Turned out perfect. Only comment was, "more honey"


I’m also in Denver and didn’t get nearly as much rise as expected, @Helen. I always blame my yeast but who knows.


@Helen the issues you had with the rise are probably due at least in part to your substitutions. You used gluten free flour and lactose milk. Substitutions can often affect the turnout of a recipe and may need different proportions or additions or subtractions to work out. If you’re worried about your yeast, test it in a separate bowl before adding it to see if it’s alive. Good luck with your next version!

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Rooti Farmaajo (Honeycomb Cheese Bread) Recipe (2024)
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