RSA Algorithm in Cryptography: Rivest Shamir Adleman Explained | Splunk (2024)

RSA is a popular and secure cryptographic algorithm that encrypts and decrypts data. It provides a secure method for transmitting sensitive data over the Internet. While RSA has some vulnerabilities, it is still utilized for various applications, like digital signatures to authenticate the source of a message.

This article describes RSA, how it works, and its major applications. It also explains the security vulnerabilities of RSA and how to mitigate them.

What is RSA?

Rivest Shamir Adleman (RSA) is a well-known public-key or asymmetric cryptographic algorithm. It protects sensitive data through encryption and decryption using a private and public key pair.

First introduced in 1977 by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, RSA is named after their last initials.

RSA utilizes a private and public key pair. The private key is kept secret and known only to the creator of the key pair, while the public key is available to anyone. Either the public or private key can be used for encryption, while the other key can be used for decryption.

RSA Algorithm in Cryptography: Rivest Shamir Adleman Explained | Splunk (1)

This makes RSA one of the most widely used encryption mechanisms worldwide. However, the computational complexity of RSA makes it a relatively less efficient and resource-heavy algorithm. Hence, it is not suitable for encrypting large messages or files.

(Read our primer on AES, another common encryption standard.)

How does RSA work?

RSA is based on factorizing and factoring large integers. First, you must choose two large prime numbers for the key pair, which is difficult to factorize. Hence, the prime numbers must be selected randomly and with a substantial difference between them. For example, consider the two chosen prime numbers as p and q.

Then, the algorithm calculates their product, denoted by n = p * q. The values of p and q should be kept secret, while n, which is used as the modulus for public and private keys, must be made public.

Next, the carmecheals’ totient function is calculated using p and q, and the integer e, whose value is used as the public exponent, is selected. Then the next step is calculating the value of d, which is used as the private exponent.

How do encryption and decryption happen in RSA?

The public key is the pair (n, e), while the private key is the pair (n, d).

  • Encryption. When encrypting a message, the sender uses the public key (n, e) of the recipient to compute the ciphertext, where the ciphertext = m^e mod n. The m indicates the plaintext message.
  • Decryption. When decrypting an RSA encrypted message, the recipient uses their private key (n, d) to compute the plaintext message, where the plaintext message = c^d mod n.

Applications & use cases of RSA

RSA is used in several information security and cryptography applications. Some of the most widely used applications include:

Digital signatures

A digital signature is a technique that lets the recipient of a message verify its authenticity, integrity and non-repudiation. It proves that the message has not been altered in transit.

When creating digital signatures, the sender starts by generating a hash value of the message using a cryptographic hash function. Then, you sign it by applying the RSA algorithm using the private key, which generates the digital signature as the output. The recipient can then apply the RSA algorithm to the digital signature using the sender's public key.

Additionally, you can verify the signature by matching it with the hash value generated over the message.

Digital certificates

RSA is widely used in digital certificates, such as SSL certificates. These certificates can be used to verify the identity of individuals or organizations behind websites.

Digital certificates utilize RSA to encrypt the digital signature of the certificate issuer, which can be verified using his public key. The digital certificate consists of information such as the domain name and the organization that operates the website, proving the identity of the website to clients.

Secure communication protocols

RSA encrypts communication between two parties over an insecure network like the Internet. For instance, RSA is used with Transport Layer Security (TLS) to establish secure connections between web servers and web browsers. Moreover, RSA aids secure email communication by providing a way to encrypt and decrypt messages.

It is also used in Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). VPNs utilize TLS to facilitate a handshake between two parties exchanging information. The TLS handshake depends on the RSA algorithm to authenticate the identities of both parties involved in the exchange.

Secure key exchange

Another use case of RSA is to have a secure key exchange between two parties who have not previously shared a secret key. The two parties involved generate a public-private key pair using the RSA algorithm.

  • The sender generates a symmetric key, encrypts it using the receiver’s public key, and sends the encrypted key to the receiver.
  • The receiver then decrypts it using the private key.

Both sender and receiver have the same symmetric key, which they can use for secure communication.

Security vulnerabilities of the RSA algorithm

The RSA algorithm is difficult to crack, provided that it adheres to the recommendations. Several vulnerabilities in RSA have been discovered over the past few years. Those vulnerabilities are:

Side-channel attacks

A side-channel attack targets the vulnerabilities that arise when a computer system processes data — such as program execution time, power consumption and electromagnetic radiation — rather than directly targeting the software or its code.

For instance, an attacker can reveal information from the electromagnetic radiation emitted by a computer while performing cryptographic operations.

Power analysis and timing attacks are the two most common side-channel attacks on RSA encryption:

  • Power analysis attacks occur due to the computationally expensive operations of RSA, which can lead to varying power consumption.
  • Timing attacks occur when attackers measure the time a device takes to perform RSA encryption.

Bad actors can use this data to derive the secret key used in RSA encryption. Thus, appropriate countermeasures should be taken to prevent side-channel attacks.

Inadequate key length

The security of the RSA algorithm heavily relies on large, difficult-to-factor prime numbers used for the key generation process. Factoring the product of two large prime numbers is more difficult when the key length is higher.

The key length should be increased as computing power increases. Robust computers can factor large numbers relatively easily and with less time. Thus, they can easily crack keys with shorter lengths.

Once recommended, a 1024-bit RSA key can be cracked and is no longer valid today. Therefore, it is best practice to use a minimum key length of 2048 bits for RSA.

Weaknesses in prime numbers

When we talk about prime number weaknesses, we can break it into randomness and closeness.

The randomness of prime numbers. The RSA algorithm depends on generating random prime numbers in the key generation process, which are then multiplied to produce the public and private keys.

Assume that the organization uses a weak random number generator or an algorithm that generates easily predictable or easy-to-factor random numbers. In that case, attackers can guess the pattern used to generate the primes and factor the keys easily.

The closeness of prime numbers. In addition, the security of the RSA key can be compromised if the two prime numbers used in RSA are too close to each other in value or if one of them is too small. In such scenarios, attackers can easily determine the factors of the RSA modulus, which enables them to break the encryption and gain access to the private key.

Lost or stolen keys

Lost, stolen or compromised keys can be directly accessed by attackers, enabling them to decrypt encrypted messages using the corresponding public key. Therefore, the keys must be managed properly to avoid such vulnerabilities.

RSA Algorithm in Cryptography: Rivest Shamir Adleman Explained | Splunk (2)

Fault-based attacks

Fault attacks are attacks where attackers deliberately introduce faults in the hardware or software used to implement the cryptographic application. For instance, an attacker can use a laser or a bit flip to create a fault in cryptographic functions, resulting in weaker keys with more predictable values.

RSA implementations can be vulnerable to fault attacks if you do not take appropriate countermeasures.

Avoiding the vulnerabilities of RSA

There are several things you can do to mitigate RSA vulnerabilities.

  • Use a strong prime number generator to ensure that the prime numbers are unpredictable and cannot be easily guessed by an attacker.
  • Avoid using weak prime numbers, such as small primes or primes too close to each other.
  • Use a minimum length of 2048 bits for the RSA key.
  • Take necessary actions to protect against fault-based attacks, such as using tamper-resistant hardware.
  • Manage and secure the RSA keys properly using techniques like regular key rotation and different keys for different applications.
  • Keep the RSA algorithm up to date by regularly monitoring for vulnerabilities and updates.

Summing up RSA

RSA is a widely used cryptographic algorithm that was first introduced in 1977. It uses public and private key pairs to encrypt and decrypt data. Though RSA can be used in several applications, its computational complexity makes it unsuitable for encrypting large messages or files. Currently, RSA creates digital signatures and certificates for secure authentication, communication, web access and email messages and key exchanges.

There are several vulnerabilities in RSA, such as side-channel attacks, inappropriate key lengths, weaknesses in prime numbers, fault-based attacks and risks introduced by stolen or lost keys. Thus, it is important to consider the recommendations described in the article when using RSA for your cryptographic applications.

RSA Algorithm in Cryptography: Rivest Shamir Adleman Explained | Splunk (2024)


What is the Rivest Shamir Adleman RSA algorithm based on? ›

Moreover, like Diffie-Hellman, RSA is based on modular exponentiation. Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology made several attempts over the course of a year to create a function that was hard to invert.

What type of encryption algorithm is rivest shamir adleman RSA? ›

Rivest Shamir Adleman (RSA) is a well-known public-key or asymmetric cryptographic algorithm. It protects sensitive data through encryption and decryption using a private and public key pair.

How does RSA algorithm work in cryptography? ›

RSA is a type of asymmetric encryption, which uses two different but linked keys. In RSA cryptography, both the public and the private keys can encrypt a message. The opposite key from the one used to encrypt a message is used to decrypt it.

Is RSA algorithm still used? ›

RSA is a cryptography that continues to be prevalent in many technologies and products. RSA is a public-key mechanism for orchestrating secure data transmission and is one of the oldest key exchange algorithms.

What is RSA algorithm in cryptography in number theory? ›

The RSA algorithm uses two keys, d and e, which work in pairs, for decryption and encryption, respectively. Thus, one can apply the encrypting transformation first and then the decrypting one, or the decrypting transformation first followed by the encrypting one.

What is the mathematics behind RSA? ›

The Mathematics behind RSA. In RSA, we have two large primes p and q, a modulus N = pq, an encryption exponent e and a decryption exponent d that satisfy ed = 1 mod (p - 1)(q - 1). The public key is the pair (N,e) and the private key is d. C = Me mod N.

Is RSA algorithm perfectly secure? ›

This public key encryption is designed so that only the corresponding private key from the RSA key pair can decrypt the ciphertext back into the original plaintext. In public key cryptography, RSA stands out for its strength and reliability.

What are the vulnerabilities of RSA algorithm? ›

Despite its strength, RSA is vulnerable to various attack vectors, including plain text attacks, chosen cipher attacks, factorization attacks, and key-related vulnerabilities. Understanding these potential threats is essential for maintaining effective RSA encryption.

What is the workflow of RSA algorithm? ›

The application of the RSA algorithm consists of three main processes, namely key generation, encryption, and decryption [26] . ... E-business security becomes an important issue in the development of technology, to ensure the safety and comfort of transactions in the exchange of information is privacy.

What is the formula for RSA algorithm? ›

➢ To create an RSA public/private key pair, here are the basic steps: 1- Choose two prime numbers, p and q such that p ≠ q . 2- Calculate the modulus, n = p × q. 3- Calcuate ϕ( n ) = ( p – 1 ) × ( q – 1 ). 4- Select integer e such that gcd (ϕ( n ), e) = 1 and 1 < e < ϕ( n ).

What are the possible attacks on RSA? ›

A Brief Summary of Attacks on RSA
  • Common Modulus Attack # 1: ...
  • Encryption Exponent e is less than the number of recipients. ...
  • Eve asks Alice to sign M. ...
  • Alice chooses a low decryption exponent to save herself work in decrypting. ...
  • Small encryption exponent attack. ...
  • Short Pad Attack. ...
  • Timing Attack.

How to find public and private key in RSA algorithm? ›

Steps in RSA Algorithm
  1. Choose two large prime numbers (p and q)
  2. Calculate n = p*q and z = (p-1)(q-1)
  3. Choose a number e where 1 < e < z.
  4. Calculate d = e-1mod(p-1)(q-1)
  5. You can bundle private key pair as (n,d)
  6. You can bundle public key pair as (n,e)
Jul 2, 2024

What are the principles of RSA cryptography? ›

The idea of RSA is based on the fact that it is difficult to factorize a large integer. The public key consists of two numbers where one number is a multiplication of two large prime numbers. And private key is also derived from the same two prime numbers.

How to encrypt and decrypt using the RSA algorithm? ›

Here's how the RSA encryption process goes:
  1. A trapdoor function is used to generate 2 large prime numbers with a primality test.
  2. The message is assigned a public and private key by factoring the prime numbers created by the trapdoor function.
  3. The message is decrypted with the private key.

What algorithm does SSH RSA use? ›

Algorithms rsa-sha2-256 and rsa-sha2-512 are considered more secure than ssh-rsa . The reason is that the SHA-1 hash algorithm used in the ssh-rsa is cryptographically broken, so SHA-1 was replaced with SHA-2 . EasyMorph continues to support the ssh-rsa algorithm for compatibility with the older sshd\Linux editions.

What is the RSA image encryption algorithm? ›

Image Encryption using RSA Algorithm :- The RSA is an cryptographic algorithm which is use to encrypt and decrypt the data. Here we are Implementing RSA(Asymmetric key Cryptography) Algorithm on an IMAGE to encrypt and decrypt using two keys, Private key and Public Key.

Which SSH version supports the rivest Shamir Adleman RSA and digital signature algorithm DSA encryption standards? ›

There are two main versions of SSH: SSH version 1 and SSH version 2. SSH version 1 supports the Rivest, Shamir, Adleman (RSA) encryption standard for authentication. RSA is a widely used public-key encryption algorithm that provides secure encryption and authentication mechanisms.

What is the crux of the RSA algorithm? ›

The RSA Cipher uses two keys: a private and a public key. The crux of the RSA Cipher is: The knowledge of the public key does not reveal the secret key. The RSA cipher is based on MOD - exponentiation. You are now leaving the zone of easily breakable, historical ciphers.

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