Salmon With Potatoes and Horseradish-Tarragon Sauce Recipe (2024)

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Just made this recipe and turned out excellent. Followed the recipe to the T. Funny that some people complained about cooking the salmon for 20 min. Yes, if you are using a small strip of salmon you cook it for much less time. Look at the recipe again. It calls for a 2 lb salmon ! That’s what I did. It was at least 2 and 1/2 inches thick therefore the 20 minutes were just perfect 👌.

Dan Barthel

Remember 10 minutes per inch of thickness when cooking the salmon. 15 to 20 minutes is way out of the ballpark.


Cooked last night and delicious. Next time I think I would double the potatoes and cook a bit longer , yummy almost galette type potato base for salmon. Sauce was really good.


I would make sure the potatoes were only a few minutes away from being cooked through, then check the fish at 10 minutes. But, as the recipe indicates, it depends on the thickness of the piece of fish.


A tip BEFORE you baste: divide the sauce into two bowls, one for basting and one to serve the sauce at the table. Otherwise when you baste the raw salmon the brush will spread some of the paprika and raw salmon into the remaining sauce that you want to use at the table. Not as pretty and maybe not hygienic.


I made this EXACTLY as written, except substituted dill for tarragon (as our grocery store was out). It was delicious, the salmon (~2 inches thick? at the thickest) was cooked perfectly... wouldn't change a thing (including cooking time). Served with a side salad. Unlike other recipes on NYT that require a lot of chopping (and a lot of time for a novice chopper like me!), this was spot on at a little over 45 min to completion!


Yes! The Canadian fish-cooking rule: 10 min./inch regardless of cooking method.

Chef Carlos

Excellent recipe. I used russet potatoes and they were likely crispier than the golds I suspect. Everything else just as described. Loved the potato crunch and the horseradish tarragon sauce. Nice spring inspired menu. Served with roasted asparagus and Martinelli Bondi Ranch Pinot noir. Another keeper. Rhubarb strawberry crumble for dessert.


I really liked this dish. However, I only cooked the salmon 8 minutes for a 1 inch thick fillet.


Definitely up the potatoes, they're so thin and delicious! Great recipe and a good use of the tarragon I invariably have leftover after another recipe calls for just a Tbsp!

Suzanne Douglass

15 to 20 minutes at 400 degrees seems like it would dry out the salmon. Does the potato base void this? Hate to think about messing with a good piece of fish.


I halved the recipe, but otherwise made exactly as directed. I shingled potato and carrot slices in the bottom of the pan and think 1/4" would have been thin enough (or stick w/ 1/8" and cook for less time). With a nice thick layer of that amazing sauce, my 3/4" thick salmon filet was perfect and moist in 15 minutes. Yum.

Michael Kelly

No, the fat from the salmon doesn't drip down into the potatoes very much.

Peter H

The rule of thumb is cook fish for 10 minutes per inch of thickness, so check how thick the filet is and cook accordingly. No all filets are the same, sockeye is thinner than King Salmon or Halibut while cod depends on the which cod it is. This rule works for all fish.


Based on recent successes with baked salmon I would think a lower temperature would be kinder to the salmon - even coated in sauce and on a "rack" of nearly-cooked root vegetables. I'm going to try turning down the oven after the "potatoes" (in quotes as I will sub since I don't eat them) to finish it with the salmon.


terrific recipe - very straightforward and reliably good each time I've made it! love the bed of potatoes and shallots as well as the horseradish sauce! I actually turn my salmon over - skin side up and broil it the last minute or so. serve with roasted asparagus which I put on a bar pan and into the oven same time as the salmon. yum!

Chef Carlos

This is a keeper recipe. I make it for Two with 12 0z salmon filet. However it’s all about thePotatoes! Use twice amt potatoes, add olive oil on top of potatoes after 15 minutes, then another 15 to crisp. You will want morePotatoes!


I own George Lang's book, so I researched this. It is a mash-up of other recipes in the book, but I saw one that adds thinly sliced peppers and tomatoes. I baked the potatoes for 10 min, sprinked the shallots on top, and baked for another 10 min. I placed the skinless fillets on, slathered the sour cream mix on the fish, then placed hungarian wax peppers and tomatoes on top and baked. Needed the full 20 min. as fish was thick. Fantastic, moist,but we also love horseradish, sour cream & paprika!


Made for Rosh Hashanah dinner and it was a big hit. Used plain skyr for sour cream/Greek yogurt. I baked in a glass pan but next time I think I'd do it on a roasting pan for more potatoes.

Beth R.

At first, I was a little skeptical because I'm not a huge fish person - like, I don't want my whole house to smell like the ocean, ya feel me? I got creative and swapped out the salmon for some pork chops and it was a game-changer. And since I'm trying to watch my carb intake, I said "bye-bye" to those potatoes and used cauliflower instead- delish! But hold up - sour cream in a recipe when I'm lactose intolerant? No way, José. So, I switched it up and used some Mac and cheese. Highly recommend!


I like the idea of the thin potatoes as a prior ground for the salmon but I found the sour cream sauce to be much too heavy and over seasoned


Tarragon: we were stumped about whether to use fresh or dried, then realized that the picture clearly shows fresh leaves


Made this for two of us using halibut which made it very monochromatic. The potatoes were excellent , I was not fond of the sour cream taste but we loved the herbs.


I made this over the holidays with leftover NYT Cooking’s Horseradish Sauce recipe (roasted beef tenderloin) and it was delicious and a great way of using up the sauce.


Really enjoyed this! Sauce has great flavor. Cooked salmon separately in 6 oz portions in the air fryer (skin down) at 375 for 9 minutes.


Sauce has a really great flavor; cooked salmon in 6 oz portions separately in the air fryer (skin down) at 375 for 8-9 minutes


Sauce has really great flavor. Cooked salmon separately in 6 ounce portions (skin down) in air fryer at 375 for 8-9 minutes

John Golden

If not using a mandolin to cut the potatoes ultra thin I use the cuisinart with the adjustable blade at a very thin level. Much easier

Amanda Wilder

Excellent! I subbed parley for the tarragon had to use thinly sliced yellow onion instead of shallots and russet potatoes instead of Yukon. Also used creme fraiche instead of sour cream. Pretty similar to overall spirit of the recipe though and it was quite popular with husband and all 4 teens. Served with side salad and asparagus. Easy and impressive- potatoes kinda, almost stole the show. Would definitely make again.

Trial and Error

I auditioned this recipe to see if it would be suitable for a dinner party, trying halibut instead of salmon, and using the beet coloured horseradish I had on hand. The result was pink fish, which isn't necessarily bad. Next time I would use parchment paper because the liberal greasing with butter did not prevent the potatoes from sticking. I think salmon would be a better choice to balance the flavour of the horseradish.

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Salmon With Potatoes and Horseradish-Tarragon Sauce Recipe (2024)
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Author: Delena Feil

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Name: Delena Feil

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.