Seer Guide and Tips - Apex Legends Guide - IGN (2024)


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The artist and visionary Seer is a Recon Legend that joined Apex Legends in Season 10. Below you'll find information about Seer's backstory as well as tips on how to effectively use his abilities to take over the Apex Games in dazzling fashion.


  • Seer Character Description and Lore
  • Seer Abilities
  • Seer Passive Ability - Heart Seeker
    • Seer Passive Tips
    • Survey Beacons
  • Seer Tactical Ability - Focus of Attention
    • Tips for Seer Tactical
  • Seer Ultimate Ability - Exhibit
    • Tips for Seer Ultimate

Seer Character Description and Lore

Before his birth, it was foretold that Seer would bring pain and suffering to the world--and the night he was born, a meteor barreled across the sky and struck his world's moon. It was considered a bad omen, and when the pale blue eyes of Obi Edolasim opened, his community saw a cursed child. His parents did not; they loved him unconditionally because they saw the true empathic, creative soul of their son. They even supported him when he was drawn to the theatricality of the Arenas, where he could express himself fully.


At first, the crowd felt unsure of him. But over time, with each victory, the power inside him grew, and with it, his strength in the Arena. And as his reputation began to precede him, a strange thing happened... The people in the crowd who were downtrodden, outcast, and forgotten–they saw themselves in Seer. Soon, throngs of people would come out just to see him fight–cheering Seer on as their champion. Now, this legend from the Arenas is making his way to the Apex Games and there isn't a single soul who hasn't already heard his name. The boy born under a bad omen and a terrible myth has taken this tale and created an even greater legend. He is Seer–an icon of the shunned, the unaccepted, and the unabashedly original. [1]

Seer Abilities

As a Recon Legend, Seer essentially has two Passive Abilities. His main Passive is Heart Seeker but Seer can also utilize Survey Beacons to determine where the next circle will land.

Seer Passive Ability - Heart Seeker

Hear and visualize the heartbeats of nearby enemies when aiming down sights.

  • Max Detection Distance: 75 meters
  • Heart Seeker displays in a blue circle around your crosshair when you ADS.
  • If you ADS within 75 meters of an enemy, an orange-triangular pulse will emerge from the circle around your crosshair. The closer an enemy the larger the pulse. But if you ADS close enough to an enemy's direction the entire circle around your crosshair will turn orange.
  • Heart Seeker works through walls and obstacles but enemies must still be within 75 meters.
  • Seer's Passive also comes with audio cues for the heartbeats nearby.


Seer Passive Tips

  • If you want to get the most out of Seer you should get into the habit of aiming-down-sights frequently to scan the area and report any heartbeats to your teammates.
  • Heart Seeker identifies enemies by pulsing in 1.75-second intervals. Take that into account when scoping out your surroundings as enemies may enter your Passive's range during that small delay.
  • Seer's Passive is ultimately picking up on heartbeats. Because of this, enemies that are low health have faster pulses than the standard 1.75-seconds mentioned above.
  • If you find yourself without a weapon or if you have it holstered you can still use Heart Seeker by aiming-down-sights. This is especially valuable in the early game as you can detect and avoid nearby enemies if you hot-drop and miss out on loot.
  • Heart Seeker should always be used to detect nearby enemies prior to using your Focus of Attention Tactical Ability. This is especially powerful during a gunfight where you have inflicted significant damage on an enemy. Heart Seeker's wall-hacks will make it easier to find healing enemies even if they're behind cover and if you hit them with your Tactical it'll mark them as well as interrupt their healing.
  • Lastly, though Seer's Passive shows detected enemies through orange pulses for up to 75 meters, the Passive continues to detect enemies from a bit further range but these pulses will be blue instead.
  • When you ADS you can see the max range of your Tactical as shown by a blue barrier.

Survey Beacons


  • As mentioned above, as a Recon Legend, Seer can use Survey Beacons scattered throughout the map to determine where the next circle will be.
  • Survey Beacons can be used again once the ring closes.

Seer Tactical Ability - Focus of Attention

Seer summons his micro-drones to emit a delayed blast that goes through walls interrupting and revealing enemies.

  • Tactical Cooldown: 30 seconds
  • Tactical Duration: 8 seconds
  • Tactical Delay: 1.6 seconds
  • Tactical Range: 75 meters

Tips for Seer Tactical

  • Remember that Focus of Attention casts in a tunnel so it requires a lot more aiming than other Recon Tacticals such as Bloodhound's Scan.
  • Despite a few changes since his launch, Seer's Tactical still interrupts enemy abilities, revives, and healing. The interruption to abilities is not as strong as Revenant's Silence Tactical but it remains very valuable when battling in close quarters.
  • Focus of Attention reveals the health and EVO shield that marked enemies have for roughly 7 seconds.
  • Seer's speed is slowed by 15% when casting his Tactical. Try to avoid using your Tactical in the open as you're already vulnerable when casting and your reduced speed makes you an even easier target.
  • However, holding your Tactical before casting acts as though you're aiming-down-sights which enables you to use your Heart Seeker Passive to detect enemies before letting your Tactical fly. Try to use your Tactical from behind cover after identifying nearby enemies for the best results.


Seer Ultimate Ability - Exhibit

Create a sphere of micro-drones that reveal the location of enemies moving quickly or firing their weapons within.


  • Ultimate Charge Time: 2 minutes
  • Ultimate Duration: 30 seconds
  • Ultimate HP: 135 HP
  • Ultimate Diameter: 65 meters
  • Exhibit marks enemies that are "moving quickly", meaning that crouched enemies will not be detected until they run or fire their weapon.

Tips for Seer Ultimate


  • Enemies flying through the air will not be marked by Seer's Ultimate. This includes enemies skydiving and enemies that have recently hit an Octane Launch Pad. However, they will be revealed once their feet hit the ground within the dome.
  • Because Seer's Ultimate recharges relatively quickly it can also be used to decide whether you can safely heal or revive a downed enemy. This may not be advisable in the endgame as the strength of the offensive Recon is far greater.
  • Seer's "heart chamber", aka the center point of Exhibit, can be destroyed to eliminate the Ultimate and it only has 135 HP. Prioritize enemies that are targeting the heart chamber to prevent them from eliminating the threat of your Ultimate. When possible place your Ult's heart chamber somewhere it can't be easily targeted without compromising the Recon needed to win the gunfight.
  • You cannot personally destroy Seer's heart chamber by damaging it but the chamber does eat your damage. In other words, if you were trying to shoot an enemy behind the heart chamber and you shoot it by accident the chamber will negate the damage as a wall would. Experienced enemies may even try to use it as a small shield.
  • The number of enemies detected within your Ultimate will appear on the HUD for you and your teammates.
  • Exhibit can be thrown while sliding or sprinting with no reduction of speed.
  • When thrown off surfaces Exhibit doesn't bounce off well and essentially plops to the ground. Don't try to get too creative with your tosses.
  • If thrown off the map Seer's Ultimate does not return like Loba's Tactical Jump Drive bracelet, you will lose your Ultimate and get no charge refunded unlike when Valkyrie gets her Ultimate Skyward Dive cancelled by incoming damage.
  • Enemies that are revealed by your Ultimate will also be revealed on the mini-map for you and your teammates.
  • Seer's Ultimate is one of the strongest in Apex when faced with an endgame situation. Always save your Ultimate towards the endgame so you're prepared to use it against the final few squads.

Want to learn more about Apex's other Recon Legends? Check out our Valkyrie, Bloodhound, or Pathfinder pages or visit our central Legends hub to learn about all of the playable characters currently in Apex Legends.

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As someone deeply familiar with video games and their mechanics, especially Apex Legends, I can provide insights into Seer and the concepts discussed in the article you mentioned. My expertise extends to understanding character backstories, abilities, tactical strategies, and in-game mechanics.

Seer's Backstory and Lore: Seer's backstory is fascinating. He's a character surrounded by myths and prophecies, born under a bad omen. This sets the stage for his unique identity, resonating with the marginalized and outcast. Lore is essential in games like Apex Legends as it adds depth to characters, making them more relatable and engaging for players.

Seer's Abilities:

  1. Passive Ability - Heart Seeker:

    • This ability lets Seer detect enemies through their heartbeat when aiming down sights within a 75-meter range.
    • The visual cues (blue and orange pulses) help players understand an enemy's proximity and position.
    • Utilizing Heart Seeker effectively requires understanding its mechanics, like the 1.75-second pulse intervals and the faster pulses for low-health enemies.
  2. Survey Beacons:

    • As a Recon Legend, Seer can interact with Survey Beacons to predict the next ring's location.
    • This mechanic is crucial for strategic positioning and planning rotations in the game.
  3. Tactical Ability - Focus of Attention:

    • Seer deploys micro-drones that reveal and interrupt enemies through walls.
    • The ability has specific nuances, like the casting delay, revealing enemy health, and its impact on Seer's movement speed.
  4. Ultimate Ability - Exhibit:

    • Seer creates a dome with micro-drones that detect enemies moving quickly or firing within its range.
    • Managing this ultimate effectively involves positioning the dome strategically and understanding its limitations, like not detecting enemies in the air.

Tips and Strategies:

  • Heart Seeker: Aiming down sights frequently can provide valuable information about enemy locations, especially in close combat scenarios.
  • Focus of Attention: Use it strategically behind cover to avoid vulnerability. Coordinate with teammates to capitalize on the revealed enemy positions.
  • Exhibit Ultimate: Save it for critical moments, especially during endgame situations. Be mindful of its vulnerabilities, like the destructible "heart chamber."

Conclusion: Understanding Seer's abilities and strategies is essential for mastering him in Apex Legends. Whether it's utilizing Heart Seeker for reconnaissance, strategically deploying Focus of Attention, or making impactful plays with Exhibit, Seer offers a unique and engaging gameplay experience. As with any character in Apex Legends, mastering Seer requires a combination of game knowledge, mechanical skill, and strategic thinking.

Seer Guide and Tips - Apex Legends Guide - IGN (2024)


Seer Guide and Tips - Apex Legends Guide - IGN? ›

Seer Passive Tips

What is the best way to use Seer apex? ›

As Seer, you should constantly be checking your Heart Seeker for enemies, both ahead of you and around you. A Seer should never be caught unaware by another team sneaking up on you and you should always check buildings to make sure they're clear before entering.

Who is good with Seer apex? ›

Bloodhound is one of the best legends to pair with Seer as Bloodhound can first use their abilities to cast a wide net and figure out the general location where enemies are hiding. Afterward, Seer can use his abilities to pinpoint the enemy squad's exact location. Bangalore is a surprisingly helpful pairing as well.

Why is Seer so good in Apex? ›

Seer's Heart Seeker passive is incredibly strong in-game. It gives you free information without any cooldowns and allows you to sense enemies within 75 meters.

Who is the best duo with Seer? ›

#1 – Bangalore, Seer, and Horizon

Bang is an extremely well-rounded Legend, and we simply cannot overstate that point to you in our articles.

Who is better SEER or crypto? ›

who's currently the better legend? Always prefer to play Crypto over Seer, because Seer has the same "I see your scan across the map" weakness BH has, a little worse since his tactical is smaller scale, and the third party is most likely attacking outside the ult.

Is Seer still good after the Nerf? ›

As for Seer, his tactical is completely useless. You used to be able to track people for a few seconds after hitting them but they killed that. The only real effect it has now is a shorter ping than Bloodhound or Yellow Materia (if you remember that thing's length), and a stun. Its silence is completely useless.

Who is better Valkyrie or Seer? ›

On one hand Seer's hb sensor and tactical makes him a lot similar to bloodhound, but better. Whereas, with Valkyrie I feel like it'd be more fun to fly around, not to mention her ult to get out of sticky places.

How old is Seer apex? ›

Seer (character)
RelativesEgobunma Edolasim (mother) Oluwademilade Edolasim (father)
OccupationArena fighter
10 more rows

Who has the most Seer kills? ›

#Player nameBR Kills
#1Forget Dat100,025
#2Forget Dat100,025
21 more rows

Who is the best guy in Apex? ›

Bloodhound is undoubtedly Apex Legend's best legend and one of the characters always present at the highest tiers of play.

Why is Seer so popular? ›

We have to start with Seer's kit, which is what makes him such a useful character. His best ability is his Passive, which lets him see the location of opponents within a certain radius. It's an approximation rather than a proper wallhack like Bloodhound, but it shows you the direction of your opponents at all times.

Why Seer is better than Bloodhound? ›

The only spot where seer beats bloodhound is on the scan duration, bloodhound scans last 1.5 seconds where seer tactical scans last a whopping 8 seconds.

Is crypto better than Seer apex? ›

I'd say Seer. If used properly his abilities are pretty handy. Crypto I've never really got the hang of and doesn't seem all that useful. His ability to grab banners and respawn is pretty cool though.

How do you use Seer focus of attention? ›

Focus of Attention

Summon micro-drones to emit a delayed blast that goes through walls silencing and revealing enemies. Creates a cylindrical area of effect in front of Seer which, after 1.4 seconds, hits all enemies inside. The cylinder is 60 meters long and has a diameter of 8 meters.

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