Semaglutide Diet Plan | Here Are the Exact Foods to Eat (2024)

Weight loss researchers may be interested in designing an evidence-based semaglutide diet plan.

Semaglutide is a peptide that mimics the effects of the naturally-occurring incretin hormone called GLP-1. Its effects include decreased appetite and slower gastric emptying.

Thanks to its potent appetite-suppressing and satiety-promoting effects, semaglutide has been shown to induce significant weight loss when combined with appropriate diet and exercise. The peptide is approved as a once-weekly therapy in overweight and obesity.

We created this guide to help researchers discover more semaglutide, including information on dosing, safety considerations, and what foods to eat and avoid as part of a semaglutide weight loss plan.

Plus, we recommend our most trusted supplier of semaglutide and other research peptides.

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Semaglutide Diet Plan | Here Are the Exact Foods to Eat (1)

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What is Semaglutide?

Semaglutide is a synthetic version of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) that was developed by global pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk [1].

It belongs to the class of drugs known as glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1-RAs) and is made of 31 amino acids, sharing 94% hom*ology with the active form of the hormone, GLP-1 (7-37) [2, 3, 4].

Compared to GLP-1, semaglutide stands out for its excellent pharmaco*kinetics and extended half-life. This is thanks to several modifications, including the addition of octadecanoic (C-18) diacid moiety at position 26. This renders semaglutide more resistant to degradation by enzymes like DPP-4 and provides it with delayed renal excretion by binding with serum albumin [2, 3, 4].

Semaglutide received its first approval from the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2017 as a treatment of type 2 diabetes (T2D). It was approved as a once-weekly subcutaneous injection at a dosage of 1.0mg under the brand name Ozempic (trade name by Novo Nordisk) [5]. This dosage was amended to up to 2.0mg/weekly in 2022 [6].

In 2020, semaglutide (Ozempic) also gained approval for reducing the risk of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) in T2D patients [7].

Additionally, a higher dose of semaglutide (2.4 mg/week) was approved in 2021 for chronic weight management in overweight or obese adults under the brand name Wegovy. As of 2023, semaglutide (Wegovy) is also approved for use in obese adolescents aged 12 and above [5, 8].

Researchers should note that semaglutide is indicated for chronic weight management in adults and adolescents in conjunction with a healthy and balanced low-calorie diet and exercise regime [5, 8].

The peptide is also available in an oral formulation (Rybelsus), approved in 2019 for therapy in T2D. As of writing, semaglutide is the only GLP-1-RA approved in tablet form [9].

Semaglutide Diet Plan | Here Are the Exact Foods to Eat (2)

How Does Semaglutide Work?

Semaglutide activates GLP-1 receptors in various organs, including the pancreas, digestive system, adipose tissue, and the central nervous system [10].

Its glucose-lowering effects are primarily due to activating GLP-1 receptors in the exocrine pancreas, which stimulates insulin production and inhibits glucagon production in a glucose-dependent manner [3].

Semaglutide’s interactions with receptors in the gut, adipose tissue, and brain are believed to be most crucial to its weight loss potential. For example, the peptide activates neurons in a part of the brain called the hypothalamus that is known to regulate satiety and hunger [11].

The peptide likewise interacts with GLP-1 receptors in the gut to slow gastric emptying by 38% after a meal. It also stimulates the synthesis of Peptide YY (3-36) in the endocrine cells of the small intestine [12]. Peptide YY is a major hunger-regulating hormone with notable appetite-suppressing effects [10].

Clinical data confirms that appetite suppression is the primary mechanism by which semaglutide induces weight loss. For example, one study involving 72 non-diabetic individuals with obesity showed that semaglutide at 2.4mg/weekly over 20 weeks led to a significant 35% reduction in caloric intake during an ad libitum test meal.The test subjects receiving semaglutide also experienced substantial weight loss of 9.9% compared to 0.4% in the placebo group [13].

Semaglutide for Weight Loss

Semaglutide is indicated for chronic weight management based on a series of rigorous phase-3 trials forming the Semaglutide Treatment Effect in People with Obesity (STEP) program [14].

STEP is still ongoing and comprises ten studies (STEP 1-10) investigating the effect of 2.4mg/weekly semaglutide on chronic weight management. Of those already published, STEP-1 is the largest study and involves 1961 nondiabetic but obese or overweight individuals [14, 15].

In STEP-1, semaglutide (2.4mg/weekly) led to an average reduction of 14.9% from baseline body weight over 68 weeks. In contrast, the placebo participants had a 2.4% reduction in body weight. Both groups underwent concurrent lifestyle interventions, including a low-calorie diet [15].

STEP-8 aimed to compare the weight loss effects of semaglutide (2.4 mg/weekly) to another GLP-1-RA that is approved for weight management, liraglutide (3.0 mg/daily). After 68 weeks, the semaglutide group had a significant 15.8% drop in body weight, compared to a 6.4% with liraglutide. This translated to an average weight loss of 33.7lb with semaglutide and 15lb with liraglutide [16].

Apart from the STEP 1-10 trials, there are two more ongoing studies called the STEP UP and STEP UP T2D trials. These assess the weight loss effects of semaglutide at a yet-to-be-approved dosage of 7.2mg/weekly, comparing it to the established 2.4mg/weekly dose for weight loss [17, 18].

These semaglutide investigations, which are set to conclude by the end of 2024, are expected to foster further advancement in obesity treatment and weight management protocols [17, 18].

Semaglutide Diet Plan | What to Eat?

Semaglutide can be highly effective for weight loss and works primarily by suppressing appetite [5, 13].

But the peptide should not be relied upon as the sole method for reducing body weight in research settings. Semaglutide should be administered alongside a healthy diet and prudent exercise regime [5].

Adhering to a low-calorie diet is essential for maintaining a calorie deficit and consequently achieving better weight loss outcomes with semaglutide [19, 20, 21, 22, 23].

To sustain a low-calorie diet, incorporate healthy and satiating foods with low energy density. Include these foods in every meal:

  • Low-fat protein sources
  • Non-starchy vegetables or fruits
  • Whole-grain foods

Subjects should focus on consuming protein at every meal, as doing so is key to protecting against muscle loss during weight loss interventions. Protein also helps with satiety and increases energy expenditure, which can help subjects maintain a calorie deficit [24].

Semaglutide subjects should opt for low-fat sources of protein that are lower calories than their fatty alternatives. Examples of such foods include:

  • Skinless lean meat
  • Legumes
  • Seafood
  • Eggs
  • Low-fat dairy

One exception from this recommendation is fatty fish, which is recommended in every healthy and balanced diet because it contains essential omega-3 fatty acids and is also a great source of vitamin D3 [25]. The general recommendation is to consume at least two 3 oz servings of fatty fish per week [26].

Subjects should also be advised to increase their intake of fiber, another nutrient that is incredibly satiating and helps maintain a negative energy balance. Prioritize the following high-fiber foods [27]:

  • Non-starchy vegetables (leafy greens, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.)
  • Fruits (berries, citrus fruits, etc.)
  • Whole grain products (plain oats, whole grain pasta, brown rice, etc.)

In addition, starchy vegetables such as sweet, red, or white potatoes are also great options thanks to their high satiety index relative to their energy density [28]. Subjects should also be advised to consume nuts and seeds within the recommended 2.5 ounces per week (70g per week), per the American Dietary Guidelines for adults [29]. While nuts and seeds have a variety of health benefits, they are also quite high in fats and calories.

Foods to Avoid When Taking Semaglutide

Apart from prioritizing healthy, low-calorie foods, subjects should also avoid high-calorie foods with low nutritional value. These foods may not only impede the weight loss intervention, but their poor micronutrient content can put subjects at risk of nutritional deficiencies.

Examples of foods to avoid include:

  • High-fat, greasy, and fried foods
  • High-calorie snacks and sweets
  • Sugary foods and beverages
  • Alcohol

High-fat foods to avoid during semaglutide weight loss trials include fatty meats, lard, butter, ghee, coconut oil, chocolate, sour cream, spreads, and mayonnaise, and processed meats such as salami, bacon, and deli meats

Many of these foods may also contain unhealthy saturated fats and/or trans fats, which can negatively affect cholesterol levels and increase the risk of chronic diseases [30, 31]. Certain meat processing methods, such as smoking and curing, are also associated with the formation of carcinogens [32].

Subjects likewise avoid sugary foods, sweets, and beverages that are high in calories but lack essential macro or micronutrients. Examples include jams, jellies, sweetened dairy, and sweetened breakfast cereals, soda, fruit punch, sweetened tea, energy drinks, fruit juices, croissants, waffles, biscuits, pies, candy, and other confectionery.

Notably, sugary food consumption is associated with elevated triglyceride levels, another risk factor for chronic disease [33].

Semaglutide Weight Loss Plan | Full Details!

A proper semaglutide weight loss plan should account for several key factors to maximize its effectiveness. These include:

  • Eating habits
  • Water consumption
  • Physical activity
  • Sleep quality

Here are some tips to improve eating habits:

  • Subjects should consume small portions per meal, eat at regular times, and be mindful during the process. By eating mindfully, subjects can develop a healthier relationship with food and make conscious choices that support their weight loss goals.
  • On the other hand, eating while distracted increases food intake, as shown by a meta-analysis of 24 studies published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The analysis reported a 10% increase in daily caloric intake when subjects consume food while distracted [34].
  • Eating regularly is crucial for maintaining a stable metabolism and preventing extreme hunger or cravings. Consistency in meal timing helps regulate the body's internal clock and promotes efficient digestion [35].
  • Incorporating meals at regular times also optimizes the body’s ghrelin and leptin responses, thus preventing excessive hunger and the temptation to indulge in unhealthy foods [36].

Water, Exercise, and Sleep for Semaglutide Success

Subjects should also consume sufficient water throughout the day. Water requirements will vary depending on physical activity, ambient temperature, and body weight, among other factors. Consuming water before a meal has also been associated with subsequently reduced energy intake [37].

Regular exercise is another vital component of any weight loss plan. Engaging in physical activity increases calorie expenditure, improves cardiovascular health, prevents muscle loss during low-calorie dieting, and boosts metabolism [38]. Subjects should incorporate aerobic exercises, strength training, or a combination of both.

Improving sleep quality is often overlooked but also plays a significant role in weight loss. Sufficient sleep promotes the regulation of hormones that are responsible for appetite control and metabolism. Subjects should be advised to aim for at least 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night to support their weight loss efforts and overall well-being [39].

Semaglutide Dosage Guide

The research peptide is also available as a lyophilized (freeze-dried) powder for educational purposes. The lyophilized peptide must be reconstituted with bacteriostatic water and dosed properly.

The appropriate dosage of semaglutide in research depends on factors such as the study duration and objectives. For weight loss, phase 3 trial data has established the need to start at a low weekly dose and gradually increase it every four weeks [14].

Research also indicates that semaglutide may be administered at 2.4mg/weekly for extended periods without the need for cycling. In fact, some semaglutide dosing protocols span up to 104 weeks, with maximum effectiveness achieved at around week 60 [40].

Here’s the established semaglutide dosing protocol for weight loss:

  • Semaglutide Dose: 0.25mg/weekly for the first four weeks of the study period, followed by an increase to 0.5mg/weekly in weeks 5-8, 1mg/weekly in weeks 9-12, 1.7mg/weekly in weeks 13-16, and 2.4mg in weeks 17 and beyond.
  • Frequency: Once weekly at the same time every week.
  • Study Duration: From 52 to 104 weeks, based on published research.
  • Notes: Missed doses should be administered within 5 days, and any following doses should be delivered according to schedule. Do not exceed the maximum dose of 2.4mg/weekly.

Is Semaglutide Safe?

Semaglutide trials have demonstrated the peptide’s favorable safety record in both diabetics and nondiabetics. Nevertheless, semaglutide is not free of side effects [5, 6, 7, 8].

As a GLP-1 receptor agonist, semaglutide may lead to gastrointestinal (GI) disturbances, like other medications in its class. STEP-1 reported that the most common GI adverse reactions associated with semaglutide were [15]:

  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Constipation

These complaints affected 74.2% of the semaglutide group compared to 47.9% of the placebo group. Although most GI events were mild-to-moderate and temporary, 7% of semaglutide participants discontinued treatment due to adverse events, compared to 3.1% in the placebo group [15].

Serious adverse events occurred in 9.8% of semaglutide participants, primarily due to gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary disorders. Gallbladder-related disorders, particularly gallstones, were reported in 2.6% of the semaglutide group. Mild acute pancreatitis was observed in three semaglutide participants but resolved during the trial [15].

When administering semaglutide injections, researchers should monitor for injection-related side effects at the injection site, including:

  • Pain
  • Itching
  • Swelling
  • Redness

When administered alongside injectable insulin or other anti-diabetic medication, semaglutide carries an increased risk of hypoglycemia [41].

While semaglutide has demonstrated effectiveness and a favorable safety profile in phase-3 trials, it is contraindicated in pregnant and breastfeeding women due to limited safety data [41].

Animal studies suggest a potential risk of thyroid C-cell carcinoma, a risk not yet confirmed in human trials. Nevertheless, semaglutide is contraindicated in patients with a history of thyroid cancer or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2 (MEN 2) [41].

Semaglutide Diet Plan | Here Are the Exact Foods to Eat (3)

Where to Buy Semaglutide Online? | 2024 Edition

Qualified researchers and laboratory professionals requiring semaglutide for experimental purposes may legally obtain it from a reputable online supplier.

Based upon our expertise and thorough evaluation of available retailers, we confidently endorse the following two vendors of semaglutide for research.

Limitless Life

Limitless Life has been our go-to vendor since their inception. They offer semaglutide through their member's only VIP club.

Here are some notable advantages when buying from them:

  • Unrivaled Purity: Limitless Life submits all their peptide products, including semaglutide, to rigorous HPLC-MS testing conducted at an independent laboratory. This meticulous approach guarantees a minimum product purity of 99%.
  • Clean Peptides: Limitless Life research chemicals are genuine and meet the highest safety standards, as they’re sourced exclusively from industry-accredited manufacturers.
  • Prompt Delivery: Researchers can expect to receive their semaglutide within a swift timeframe of 2-3 working days, with the added benefit of free shipping for orders of $350+.
  • Outstanding Support: Limitless Life’s phone- and email-based support team is among the best in the business.

Click the link below to join the Limitless VIP club for exclusive discounts and access to semaglutide. Sign up is instant:

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Research Chemical

The team at likewise endorses Research Chemical for their research-grade semaglutide and related products.

Here are some notable highlights:

  • Lab-Tested Semaglutide: Research Chemical peptides are subjected to comprehensive third-party testing by MZ Biolabs, with Certificates of Analysis readily available online.
  • Fast Checkout: The vendor’s website is user-friendly with informative resouces, and checkout is simple with a range of payment options supported.
  • Efficient Service: Research Chemical’s support and service team is quick to reply by phone and email to help researchers with their orders or answer any product-related questions.

Research Chemical is now offering a 15% discount, applied at checkout. Use promo code “peptides15” to be eligible.

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Semaglutide Diet Plan | Here Are the Exact Foods to Eat (5)

Semaglutide Diet Plan | Verdict

Semaglutide is a potent GLP-1-RA with favorable pharmaco*kinetics and high efficacy in treating type 2 diabetes and chronic weight issues. In the weight loss context, it works primarily by suppressing appetite and reducing energy intake.

To optimize weight loss outcomes, semaglutide trial participants should follow a low-calorie diet with an emphasis on satiating foods with low energy density.

Experts likewise recommend incorporating lean protein, non-starchy vegetables/fruits, and whole grains into their diet.

Researchers looking to procure high-grade semaglutide are advised to visit our top-rated vendor.

Semaglutide Diet Plan | Here Are the Exact Foods to Eat (2024)
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