Send email in a workflow (2024)

Sending an email when a list item was added in some versions of SharePoint requiresmany steps, whose details follow. However, if you are using the most current version of SharePoint, you can add a flow directly from your list. A flow template to send an email when a list item is added includes the basic steps needed to get you started quickly.


  • SharePoint 2010 workflows have been retired since August 1, 2020 for new tenants and removed from existing tenants on November 1, 2020. If you’re using SharePoint 2010 workflows, we recommend migrating to Power Automate or other supported solutions. For more info, see SharePoint 2010 workflow retirement.

  • SharePoint 2013 workflow has been deprecated since April 2023 and will be turned off for new tenants as of April 2, 2024. It will be removed from existing tenants and will be fully retired as of April 2, 2026. If you’re using SharePoint 2013 workflow, we recommend migrating to Power Automate or other supported solutions. For more info, see SharePoint 2013 workflow retirement in Microsoft 365.

Sending email from workflow

  • Send a basic email message from a workflow

  • Dynamically select users or groups to receive the message

  • Include information about the current item

  • Include a static hyperlink

  • Include a hyperlink to the current item

  • Include an image

  • Identify options that are not supported

Send a basic email message from a workflow

Send email in a workflow (1)

By using the Send an Email action in the Workflow Designer, you can set up your custom workflow to send emails to you or to any other specified user or group. The available fields for an emailare To, CC, Subject, and Body. These fields can contain both static text and text that is generated dynamically from workflow lookups.

You can use the Send an Email action to generate many kinds of emails, including notifications when the workflow reaches specified stages or performs specified actions (including the overall starting and stopping of the workflow) and reminders about tasks that are not complete by their due date.

Note:Outgoing email settings must be configured on the server before your workflow can send emails. If you are unsure about the server's current email settings, check with your server administrator. Formore infoabout outgoing email settings, seethe See Also section.

In this example, you will set up your workflow to send you an email notification each time that it starts to run on a new item. Use the version of SharePoint Designer that matches your SharePoint Server version. For example, for SharePoint Server 2010 use SharePoint Designer 2010. And, for all version after SharePoint Server 2010, including SharePoint Server 2016 and SharePoint in Microsoft 365, use SharePoint Designer 2013. Download SharePoint Designer 2013 from the Microsoft Download Center.For more information, seeSee Also.

Open SharePoint Designer 2013 and connect to a SharePoint site

SharePoint Designer 2013 installs as an Office 2013 app. To open SharePoint Designer 2013 and connect to a SharePoint site, follow these steps:

  1. To open SharePoint Designer 2013, selectit on theStartmenu. SelectStarticon>All Programs>Microsoft Office 2013>SharePoint Designer 2013.

  2. On the SharePoint Designer 2013 start page, selectOpen Site.

  3. Enter the SharePoint site that you want to connect to, for example,

  4. To open the site, selectOpen.

  5. If prompted, enter your credentials. (If security is not integrated with the computer you signed in, you are prompted to enter your credentials.) Make sure to use credentials that have access to the SharePoint site.

Create a List workflow based on the SharePoint Workflow platform

  1. In the navpane, selectWorkflows node.

  2. In theNewsection of the Workflowstab, select theList Workflowdropdown.Send email in a workflow (2)

  3. Select the list that you want to associate with the new workflow.

  4. On the Create List Workflow dialog, enter a name and description for the workflow, and then make sure to setthePlatform TypetoSharePoint 2013 Workflow.Send email in a workflow (3)

  5. To create the workflow, select OK.

Now that the workflow is created, you can add Actions, Conditions, Stages, Steps and Loops to build your workflow. These workflow components are available in the SharePoint Designer 2013 ribbon.

Send email in a workflow (4)

Note:If you do not see SharePoint 2013 Workflow as an available platform type, then Workflow Manager is not configured to work with the SharePoint farm. To resolve, see Configure Workflow Manger to work with the SharePoint Server 2013 Farm.

Formore infoabout the available list of workflow actions, seeSee Also.

Create the action to send the an email 

  1. SelectActions, and then selectSend an Email.

  2. In the action, selectthese users.Send email in a workflow (5)

  3. In the Define Email Message dialog, select users from the existing Users and Groups, or enter your own email address in the Tofield.


    • In order to send an email to an external email address. you must be able to retrieve information from the respective email server.

    • The To address of an emailcan either be a specific, static address (for example, NORTHWINDTRADERS\junmin or, or a workflow lookup to variable information. For more info about using workflow lookups to dynamically address emails sent from the workflow instead of using static addresses, seeDynamically select users or groups to receive the message.

    • The sender address of the rendered emailwill always be the email address of the server administrator, unless the server administrator changes the sender address for either the current web appor all web apps. To learn more, read Configure Outgoing Email for a specific web app.

  4. In the Subjectfield, entera subject for the email, or to define a workflow lookup to the text you want here, selectDisplay data binding Send email in a workflow (6).

    Note:For the workflow to compile correctly, you must make some entry in the Subjectfield.

  5. In the large box under the Subjectfield, enteror paste the body text of the email.

    Send email in a workflow (7)

  6. Select OK.

  7. Select Action>Go to a stage.

  8. Select End of Workflow.Send email in a workflow (8)

  9. SelectPublish.Send email in a workflow (9)

For more advanced options tomodifythe contents of the email, seethe following sections.

Top of Page

Dynamically select users or groups to receive the message

If you supply static addresses in the To and Cc fields of your email, then any time that you need to change the recipients, you must open the workflow in the Workflow Designer and make the changes manually. If the addresses will change frequently, it is a better practice to use workflow lookups in the To and Cc fields. Lookups can reference addresses from a field in the current item, from a field in an item in another list or library, or from workflow variables.

Use a custom list to store recipient addresses

If the recipients change periodically, but not often enough that they must be specified on an initiation form each time that the workflow is started, you can create a custom Recipients list that contains one list item for each workflow that references it, and then create columns in which you can store the addresses to which each emailfrom each workflow is to be sent. When the recipients for any workflow message change, all you have to do is change the addresses in the appropriate field in the Recipients list item for that workflow.

Important:The columns in which you store addresses for workflow emails can be either Single line of text, Multiple lines of text, or Person or Group type columns. If you use a Person or Group column, only one entry can be made in each field that the workflow will reference for email addresses. When creating the column, be sure to select No under Allow multiple selections. If you want to use this type of column to specify multiple recipients, you can create a SharePoint group that includes the people that you want the workflow to address the email to, and then specify the group in the field. When creating the column, be sure to select People and Groups under Allow selection of. Formore infoabout creating lists and adding columns,seeSee Also.

Note:When creating SharePoint groups, make sure that each group has at least Read permissions for the site, and that in the Group Settings area of the New Group page, under Who can view the membership of the group, you selectEveryone.

To use a workflow lookup to a custom Recipients list:

  1. In the browser, create a custom list named Recipients with the following three columns:

    • Change the name of the default Title column to Workflow Name. Leave all the other options as is. For more infoabout changing column in a list or library, seeSee Also.

    • Add a Person or Group column named To. In this column, allow selection of both People and Groups, but do not allow multiple selections. Leave all the other options as is. For more infoabout creating column in a list or library, seeSee Also.

    • Add a Single line of text column named Cc. Leave all the other options as is.

  2. In the Recipients list, create a new item, and then do the following:

    • In the Workflow Name field, enterDocument Reviewwhich is the name of the example workflow used here.

    • In the To field, selectAddress Book Send email in a workflow (10) and then, in the Select People and Groups dialog, select a single person or group to address emails to.

    • In the Cc field, enterthe email addresses of the recipients to address copies to, separating multiple addresses with semicolons.

  3. Create a new workflow.

  4. SelectActions, and then selectSend an Email.

  5. In the Action, selectthese users.

  6. In the Define Email Message dialog, at the end of the To box, click Address Book Send email in a workflow (11).

  7. In the Select Users dialog, in the Or select from existing Users and Groups list, selectWorkflow Lookup for a User, and then selectAdd.

  8. In the Lookup for Person or Group dialog, selectthe following options:

    • Data Source: Recipients, or the name of your custom list.

    • Field from source: To, or the field that holds the address you want in the To line.

    • Return field as: Login Name.This decides the "To" field format in the email.

    • Field: Recipients: Workflow Name

    • Value: EnterDocument Review, or the name of the current workflow.

      Send email in a workflow (12)

      This lookup states, "From the Recipients list, select the value of the To field where the Workflow Name equals Document Review."

      The top half of the dialogspecifies the list and the column; the bottom half of the dialogspecifies the row.

  9. In the Lookup for Person or Group dialog box, selectOK.

  10. In the emailabout ensuring unique lookups, selectOK.

  11. To close the Select Users dialog, selectOK again.

  12. In the Define Email Message dialog, at the end of the CCfield, selectAddress Book Send email in a workflow (13).

  13. In the Select Users dialog, in the Or select from existing Users and Groups list, selectWorkflow Lookup for a User, and then selectAdd.

  14. In the Define Workflow Lookup dialog, selectthe following options:

    • Data Source: Recipients, or the name of your custom list.

    • Field from source: Cc, or the field that holds the address you want in the Cc line.

    • Return field as: Login Name.This decides the "To" field format in the email.

    • Field: Recipients: Workflow Name

    • Value: EnterDocument Review, or the name of the current workflow.

      Send email in a workflow (14)

      This lookup states, "From the Recipients list, select the value of the Cc field where the Workflow Name equals Document Review."

  15. SelectOK, and in the warning message, selectOK again.

  16. To close the Select Users dialog, selectOK.

Now, when the workflow sends this email, it sends it to the addresses listed in the To and Cc fields of the Document Review item in the custom Recipients list. To change recipients, simply make the changes you want in the list item.

A single workflow may send multiple emails, and the emails may not all be sent to the same recipients. To store other addresses for additional emails sent by this workflow, you can add columns to the list to store the other addresses. In this case, you may want to name the columns "First message To," "Second message To," and so on.

Alternatively, you can design the list so that you create one item for each emailthat the workflow sends, instead of one item for each workflow. In this case, make sure that the name used to identify each emailis unique, so that the lookups that retrieve the addresses return the unique value that you want.

Use the workflow initiation form to specify recipients

If you want recipients to be specified each time that a workflow is started manually, you can customize the workflow initiation form to collect the addresses from the person who starts the workflow. The workflow can then either simply use the entered addresses directly, or copy them into fields in the current item— where they will still be available for reference after the workflow has completed its current instance. If the workflow is set up so that it also starts automatically, you can specify default addresses in the initiation form for whenever an automatic start occurs.

Top of Page

Include information about the current item

So far, the body text in the example emailis static: Every time the workflow creates an instance of the email, the text will be exactly the same.

It can be useful, however, to include text that changes in relation to the item on which the workflow is currently running. For example, it might be useful to include the title of the document needing review in the body of your email. To include this sort of dynamic information, you use a workflow lookup. Lookups retrieve data from different data sources such as lists, libraries, and workflow data.

To add the title of the document to the emailtext:

  1. Enter or paste the static text within which you want the lookup information to appear.

    Send email in a workflow (15)

  2. Position the insertion point where you want the lookup to be located.

    Tip:After you insert a lookup, youcannot drag itto a new location. (It is possible, however, to "relocate" a lookup by dragging other text around it.) Similarly, it is not possible to cut, to copy, or to paste either a lookup or any text that includes a lookup.

  3. SelectAdd or Change Lookup.

  4. In the Lookupfor String dialog, in the Data Sourcefield, select Current Item, and in the Field from sourcefield, selectName.

    Send email in a workflow (16)

  5. SelectOK.

  6. The inserted lookup appears in the emailbody. Send email in a workflow (17)

  7. To publish the workflow, selectPublish.

When the workflow runs and the emailis generated, the lookup is replaced by the title of the document.

Send email in a workflow (18)

Including the title of the document is useful, but it might be even more useful to include a hyperlink that would take you directly to the document itself. To do this, you include a lookup in the hyperlink.

Top of Page

Include a static hyperlink

To include a static hyperlink— one that always links to the same address or location— in the body of your workflow email, in the upper right corner of the formatting tool panel in Define Email Message dialog, selectthe Edit Hyperlink button.

  1. Enter or paste the static text within which you want the link to appear.

  2. Select the text, and selectEdit Hyperlink.

    Send email in a workflow (19)
  3. In the Edit Hyperlink dialog, enterthe address of the website. Send email in a workflow (20)

  4. SelectOK.

    The inserted hyperlink appears in the email'sbody. Send email in a workflow (21)

Note:Text-based email programs donot render the hyperlink.

To learn about how to use a workflow lookup to create a dynamic hyperlink that points to varying addresses depending on the item on which the workflow is currently running, seeInclude a hyperlink to the current item.

Top of Page

Include a hyperlink to the current item

In the previous section, Include a static hyperlink, the address in the example hyperlink includes no variable information: Every time that the workflow sends the email, the hyperlink points to the same page.

By using a workflow lookup, however, you can create a dynamic link that uses information about the current item to decide which URL to point to.

If the current item is a document in a document library

In the workflow startup notification example, you might want to provide a link to the new document itself:

  1. Enter or paste the static text within which you want the link to appear.

  2. Select the text, and selectEdit Hyperlink.

  3. In the Edit Hyperlink dialog, selectfunction (fx).

    Tip:After you insert a lookup, youcannot drag itto a new location. (It is possible, however, to "relocate" a lookup by dragging other text around it.) Similarly, it is not possible to cut, to copy, or to paste either a lookup or any text that includes a lookup.

  4. In the Lookup for String dialog, in the DataSourcefield, select Current Item.

  5. In the Field from sourcefield, select Encoded Absolute URL, and then selectOK.

    Send email in a workflow (22) Send email in a workflow (23) Send email in a workflow (24)

When the recipient of the emailselectsthe link, the document opens for viewing or editing.

If the current item is a list item

When you create a link to a list item— for example, an announcement or a calendar event— you can choose to have the link open either the display form (DispForm.aspx), or the edit form (EditForm.aspx) of the list item.

To create a link that opens the list item:

  1. In the browser, navigate to the list on which you want to create this workflow.

  2. Open the list item for any existing document in the library, using View Item if you want your link to open the display form, or Edit Item if you want your link to open the edit form.

  3. Copy the address in the address bar from the beginning http: or https: through the first equal sign (=).

    Send email in a workflow (25)

  4. The ?ID= text is a query string parameter that instructs the page to display the form for whichever item in the current list or library has the list ID that follows the equal sign (=)— which in this example will be the list ID of the current item, as identified by the workflow lookup.

    Note:If the current item is a task that is created by one of the three workflow task actions, and if you want the link to open the custom task form (and not the default display or edit form for the Tasks list), seeIf the current item is a custom task form. For tasks not created by a workflow task action, and for the display forms of even those tasks created by one of the workflow task actions, the current procedure is all that you need.

  5. In the Define Email Message dialog, enteror paste the static text within which you want the link to appear, for example - To view the list item, click here.

  6. Select the text, and selectEdit Hyperlink.

  7. In Edit Hyperlinkbox, for the address field, select String Builder.

  8. In the String Builder dialog, paste the address. 

  9. Position the insertion point directly after the equal sign (=), and then selectAdd or Change Lookup.

  10. In the Lookup for String dialog, in the Sourcefield, select Current Item, and in the Fieldfrom sourcefield, selectID.

    Send email in a workflow (26)

  11. SelectOK.

    The final string in String Builder should start with http:// or https:// and end with [%Current Item:ID%]. Send email in a workflow (27)

    Important:While the current item ID lookup is useful in building links to the current list item, the following lookups can present errors in the rendered path, and wedonot recommendthem for inclusion in emaillinks: Path, Server Relative URL, Source URL, and URL path.

  12. Select OK twice.

Your links will appearin blue text with an underline in the email.

Send email in a workflow (28)

If you plan to use the link more than once, continue to the next section.

Store a list item address as a workflow variable

You can store the URL of the display form or edit form of a list item in a workflow variable, so that you can use it in multiple locations in the same workflow.

  1. In the Workflow Designer window, selectActions, and then selectExtract Substring from Index of String.

    Send email in a workflow (29)

  2. In the stage, selectstring,and selectellipses button [...].

  3. In the String Builder dialog, paste the static text portion of the URL (but not the lookup for the current item ID).

    Send email in a workflow (30)

  4. Position the insertion point after the equal sign (=), and then selectAdd or Change Lookup.

  5. In the Lookup for String dialog, in the DataSourcefield, select Current Item, and in the Field from sourcefield, selectID.

    Send email in a workflow (31)

  6. SelectOK.

    The lookup is added to the text in the dialog.

    Send email in a workflow (32)

  7. To close the String Builder dialog, selectOK.

  8. Select 0 in Starting at 0 and replace it with 1.

    Note:When Starting at has a value greater than 1, the final string has characters removed.

  9. Select Variable: substring or Variable: substring1 in Output to Variable: substring.

  10. In the list, selectCreate a new variable and then, in the Edit Variable dialog, entera name for the new variable.

  11. Make sure that Type is set to String, and then selectOK.Send email in a workflow (33)

  12. Select below the action you just created and Add the Send an email action to the Actions, and then selectthese users in the action. Send email in a workflow (34)

  13. To use the new variable in the Define Email Message dialog, enteror paste the text within which you want link to appear into the emailbody. Select the text, and from the formatting menu, selectEdit Hyperlink. Select[fx] button, or selectellipses button [...], and then selectAdd or Change Lookup.

  14. In the Lookup for String dialog, in the Data Source box list, select Workflow Variables and Parameters.

  15. In the Fieldfrom source list, select Variable: name of variable, and then selectOK,and selectOK in the next box.

    Send email in a workflow (35) Send email in a workflow (36)

You can now insert this variable anywhere that you want it in the current workflow.

Top of Page

Include an image

You can include a graphic in your emailby creating a variable and using the HTML image tag <img/> to link to an image that is stored as a JPEG (.jpg) file and uploaded to a picture library in your site.

  1. In the Workflow Designer window, selectActions, and then selectSet Workflow Variable.

  2. Selectworkflow variable, and then select Create a new variable.

  3. In the Edit Variable dialog, entera name for the new variable and make sure that Type is set to String, and then selectOK.

  4. Selectvalue and then select the ellipses button [...]. In the String Builderwindow, enteror paste the URL for the JPEG image file in HTML tag format - <img src ="URL"/> Send email in a workflow (37)

  5. SelectOK.

  6. The inserted Action appears like this. Send email in a workflow (38)

  7. Select below the action you just created and add the Send an email action to the action, and then selectthese users in the action. Send email in a workflow (39)

  8. In the Define Email Message dialog, selectAdd or Change Lookup.

  9. In the Lookup for String dialog, in the Data Source list, select Workflow Variables and Parameters.

  10. In the Field from source list, select Variable: Name of Variable,and then select OK. Send email in a workflow (40) Send email in a workflow (41)

  11. To close the Define Email Message window and publish the workflow, select OK again.

When the emailis sent, the image from the JPEG file appears instead of the link tag.

Top of Page

Identify options that are not supported

We do not support the following options by the current version of the Send an Email action:

  • Specifying an address on the From line. (Emails sent by the workflow always show the email address specified by the server administrator on the From line. Only the server administrator can change this, and it can only be changed for all notifications in the current web app, not per workflow.)

  • Using an embedded cascading style sheet (CSS) to format message content. Text can be formatted by using the style attribute, but we do not support the <style> tag and CSS classes.

  • Using a workflow lookup in either the To or CC box that references a column of the Person or Group type that contains multiple values.

  • Specifying a Bcc recipient for an email.

  • Including another file with a message as an attachment.

  • Embedding image or graphic files in a message. Instead, Include an image.

Top of Page

See Also

SharePoint 2013 Step by step: Setup for Outgoing Email Setting

Introducing SharePoint Designer

Configuring Outgoing email for a specific web app

Configure Workflow Manager to work with the SharePoint Server 2013 Farm

Workflow Actions Quick Reference

Create a list in SharePoint

Create a column in a SharePoint list or library

Change a column in a list or library

Create an alert or subscribe to an RSS feed in SharePoint Online, SharePoint 2016, and SharePoint 2013

Create an alert or subscribe to an RSS Feed in SharePoint 2010

Basic Troubleshooting Tips

The following list of questions may help determine the cause of an issue creating a workflow:

  1. Are you able to create any other type of workflow on the same list? For example, try to create an approval workflow.

  2. Are you able to create the same workflow:

    • on a different list on the same site?

    • on a different site under same site collection?

    • on a different site collection under same web application?

    • on a different web application?

    • logged in with a different account?

    • using a different computer?

Advanced Troubleshooting Tips

If none of the basic troubleshooting tips help determine the cause of a workflow issue, use these steps:

  1. Ensure you have required permissions at site and workflow level. Go to Site Settings>Site Permissions>Check Permissions/List Settings>Permissions for this list, and verify Check Permissions results match the following:

    1. Minimum permissions to design a workflow (save and publish):

      1. on the SharePoint site: Design

      2. on the SharePoint list: Edit

    2. Minimum permissions to start a workflow:

      1. on the SharePoint site: View Only/Read

      2. on the SharePoint list: Contribute

  2. Ensure outgoing email settings are set to the correct Exchange server.

    1. Open Command Prompt as an administrator

    2. Run nslookup <Exchange server address>. For example: nslookup

    3. You should see the resolved IP address of the Exchange server in the output. If not, contact your Exchange administrator and ask for the correct Exchange fully qualified domain name (FDQN).

  3. Send an email to the same person using the SendEmail function of the SPUtility class with SharePoint Management Shell using the following steps.

    1. Open SharePoint Management Shell as an administrator. (Right-click SharePoint Management Shell>Run as administrator)

    2. Run the following script. If the script responds with True, and the user receives an email from SharePoint, SMTP is configured correctly in SharePoint.

    $Site = "Your Site Name"$Email = "User to whom you are sending an email through the workflow"$Subject = "Subject Line with the email"$Body = "Test Email Body"$web = Get-SPWeb $Site[Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.SPUtility]::SendEmail($Web ,0,0,$Email,$Subject,$Body)# Below is the same script with sample data $Site = "http://sp/"$Email = ""$Subject = "Test Email from SharePoint"$Body = "This is a Test Email"$web = Get-SPWeb $Site[Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.SPUtility]::SendEmail($Web ,0,0,$Email,$Subject,$Body)
  4. Using SMTP functionality, send an email to the same user from the SharePoint server. Follow the steps in Use Telnet to test SMTP communication.

Note:By default, SharePoint does not create log entries for outgoing mails. SharePoint never sends email directly. The emails are relayed through the SMTP (Exchange) server configured in Central Administration. For troubleshooting this type of workflow, follow the previous steps.

Send email in a workflow (2024)
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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.