Settlement Analysis on the Geotechnical Information Website (2024)

For comprehensive examples and calculations of settlement, stress analysis and pressure that is provided below, see:

  • Settlement, stress and pressure calculations that are provided below

See below for settlement estimates that includes:

  • immediate settlement of non-cohesive soils, NAVFAC method
  • immediate settlement of non-cohesive soils, Alpan approximation
  • immediate settlement of cohesive soils, Janbu approximation
  • settlement of single pile, Vesic

See below for pressure distribution and stress analysis that includes:

  • Boussinesq theory
  • Total stress
  • Effective stress
  • Pore water pressure

Settlement of Coarse-Grained Granular Soils for Static Loads

Settlement analysis of non-cohesive, coarse-grained soils is usually limited to the immediate settlement analysis. Settlement of these soil types primarily occur from the re-arrangementof soil particles due to the immediate compression from the applied load. Typically, engineers justify ignoring the dissipation ofpore water pressure based on the assumption that these soil types have a large permeabilityrate, thus releasing the excess pore water as the load(s) is applied. Earthquakes and other ground movement such as machinery or blasting, may also cause settlements in non-cohesivesoils, which may be immediate settlements in the future. To learn more about settlements due toearthquakes and vibrations, review "Settlement Analysis" by the USACE in the settlement sectionof the geotechnical publications page.

Immediate Settlement of Non-Cohesive Soils, NAVFAC Method

DHi = 4qB2 for isolated shallow footings and B < 20 ft
Kvi(B + 1)2

DHi = 2qB2 for isolated shallow footings and B > 40 ft
Kvi(B + 1)2

DHi = 2qB2 for deep isolated foundations and B < 20 ft
Kvi(B + 1)2


DHi = immediate settlement of footing (ft)
q = footing unit load, bearing pressure (tsf)
B = footing width (ft)
Kvi = Modulus of vertical subgrade reaction (tons/ft3)

1. For continuous footings, multiply the computed settlement by 2.
2. Non-cohesive soils include gravels, sands and non-plastic silts.
3. Multiply Kvi by 0.5 if groundwater is at base of footing or above, multiplyKvi by 1.0 if groundwater is at least 1.5B below base of footing, and interpolatemultiplication factor for groundwater between base of footing and 1.5B below the footing base.

Immediate Settlement of Non-Cohesive Soils, Alpan Approximation

p = m'[2B/(1 + B)]2(a/12)q


p = immediate settlement (ft)
m' = shape factor
= (L/B)0.39
L = footing length (ft)
B = footing width (ft)
a = Alpan parameter
q = average bearing pressure applied by footing on soil (tsf)

Settlement of Cohesive Soils for Static Loads

Total settlement for cohesive soils are generally estimated by the sum of immediate settlement, primary consolidation and secondary compression, whereimmediate settlement usually constitutes a significant portion of the total settlement.

Immediate Settlement of Cohesive Soils, Janbu Approximation

p = (u0)(u1) qB


p = immediate settlement (ft)
u0 = Influence factor for depth foundation
u1 = Influence factor for shape of foundation
q = footing unit load, bearing capacity (tsf)
B = footing width (ft)
Es = Young's modulus of soil (tsf)

Primary Consolidation

Review free and downloadable settlement publications in our Settlement Analysis Publications

Secondary Compression

Review free and downloadable settlement publications in our Settlement Analysis Publications

Settlement of Single Pile (Vesic)

The following calculations were first derived by Vesic, and can be found in the USACE manual. See USACE EM 1110-2-2906 - Design of PileFoundations.

w = ws + wf + wp


w = vertical settlement of a single pile at the top of pile, m (ft)
ws = (Qp +asQf) L m (ft)

= amount of settlement due to the axial deformation of the pile shaft
wf = Cs(Qs) m (ft)

= amount of settlement at the pile tip caused by load transmitted along the pile shaft
wp = Cp(Qp)m (ft)

= amount of settlement at the pile tip due to the load transferred at the tip


Qp = Theoretical bearing capacity for tip of foundation, kN (lb)
see deep foundations inbearing capacity technical guidance
Qf = Theoretical bearing capacity due to shaft friction, kN (lb)
see deep foundations inbearing capacity technical guidance
qp = Theoretical unit tip bearing capacity, kN/m2 (lb/ft2)
= see deep foundations inbearing capacity technical guidance
L = Length of pile, m (ft)
A = Cross-sectional area of pile, m2 (ft2)
= p(B/2)2 for closed end piles
E = Modulus of elasticity of the pile material, kN/m2 (lb/ft2)
as = Alpha approximation. See referenced manual for long piles in dense soils or flexible shafts.
D = Embedment depth of the pile, m (ft)
B = Diameter of pile, m (ft)
Cs = Cp[0.93 + 0.16(D/B)0.5]
Cp = empirical coefficient: See referenced manual for different soils within 10B of the pile tip.
soil type Driven PilesBored Piles
sand (dense to loose) 0.02 to 0.04 0.09 to 0.18
silt (dense to loose) 0.03 to 0.05 0.09 to 0.12
clay (stiff to soft) 0.02 to 0.03 0.03 to 0.06

Pressure Analysis

Inducing pressure on a soil from structural loads is sometimes important to calculate, especially for settlement analyses. The pressure, or stress, on the soil where the structure is in contact with the soil is simply the structural load. The methods provided below will allow us to determine the additional pressure on a soil at a certain depth below the contact point of the structure. This includes a pressure bulb, and the Boussinesq theory.

Pressure Bulb

Knowing the amount of applied building loads and the designed footing width, we can use charts to determine the additional stress on a soil at specified depths beneath the footing and points beyond the foundation footprint. See the following source from the NAVFAC manual:

  • Pressure Bulb

Boussinesq Theory

The change in soil pressure due to an applied load may be calculated from the following methods:

Circular Foundation

Pv = 3q [1/(1+(r/z)2]-2.5


Pv = change in vertical stress at point z below the center of a circularly loaded area, and point r horizontally from the center of the circularly loaded area, lb/ft2
q = applied stress from structural load, lb/ft2
p = 3.1412...
z = depth below center of circularly loaded area in which a change in vertical stress is desired, ft
r = horizontal distance from the center of a circularly loaded area in which a change in vertical stress is desired, ft

Rectangular Foundation

Dsv = SPv


Dsv = total change in vertical stress due to an applied stress, kN/m2 (lb/ft2)
SPv = summation of all stress components (i.e. Pv1 + Pv2 + .... + Pvn)
Pv = qIs = change in vertical stress at point z below the corner of a rectangular loaded area, kN/m2 (lb/ft2)
If the vertical stress is desired below the middle of the foundation, where the stress is maximum, the rectangular footing must be divided into 4 sections, or quadrants, so that the corner of each section is located in the middle of the foundation. Thus we calculate the change in vertical stress from 4 different sections. The total change in vertical stress is the summation of the 4 different sections.
q = applied stress from structural load, kN/m2 (lb/ft2)
Is = Influence value from Boussinesq chart. Is is determined from chart using m and n values.
m = x

n = y

z = depth below corner of rectangular loaded area in which a change in vertical stress is desired, m (ft)
x = length of foundation, m (ft)
y = width of foundation, m (ft)

Stress Analysis of Soil

The following equations will aid in determining pore water pressure, total stress and effective stress. See examples below for sample calculations.

s' =s -m


s' =s -m, kN/m2 (lb/ft2) effective stress
s =gD, kN/m2 (lb/ft2) total stress
m =gwd, kN/m2 (lb/ft2) pore water pressure (see note below)


g =unit weight of soil, kN/m2 (lb/ft2)
D = depth of overburden, m (ft), or vertical distance between surface of soil to a subsurface depth at which total stress is determined.
gw = 9.81 kN/m3 (62.4 lb/ft3)= unit weight of water, constant
d = depth of water, m (ft), or vertical distance between surface of water table to a subsurface depth at which pore water pressure is determined.

Notes: Capillary rise will increase the effective stress by creating a negative pore water pressure within the capillary zone. Capillary rise above the water table is sometimes calculated as:

hc = 0.15

where D10 = soil grain size diameter at the 10% finer of the particle size distribution

Examples for calculating settlement, stress & pressures

Example #1: The soil profile indicates a soil unit weight of 17.28 kN/m3 (110 lb/ft3) to a depth of 6.1 m (20 ft) below the ground surface. The water table is at 6.1 m 20 ft below the ground surface. A saturated soil unit weight of 20.42 kN/m3 (130 lb/ft3) extends to a depth of 7.6 m (25 ft) below the water table. A capillary rise of 1.5 m (5 ft) was determined to exist above the water table.

a) Calculate the effective stress at a depth of 3.0 m (10 ft) below the ground surface.
b) Calculate the effective stress at a depth of 5.5 m (18 ft) below the ground surface.
c) Calculate the effective stress at a depth of 6.1 m (20 ft) below the ground surface.
d) Calculate the effective stress at a depth of 13.7 m (45 ft) below the ground surface.


  • upper soil profile is 6.1 m (20 ft) deep
  • upper soil profile has a unit weight, g, of 17.28 kN/m3 (110 lbs/ft3)
  • lower soil profile is 7.6 m (25 ft) thick
  • lower soil saturated unit weight, g, is 20.42 kN/m3 (130 lbs/ft3)
  • water table is at 6.1 m (20 ft) below the ground surface
  • capillary rise is 1.5 m (5 ft) above the water table



s =gD
= (17.28 kN/m3)(3.0 m) = 51.8 kN/m2metric
= (110 lb/ft3)(10 ft) = 1100 lb/ft2 standard

m =gwd
= 0 because depth is above influence of the water table

s' =s -m
= 51.8 kN/m2 - 0 = 51.8 kN/m2metric
= 1100 lb/ft2 - 0 = 1100 lb/ft2 standard


s =gD
= (17.28 kN/m3)(5.5 m) = 95.0 kN/m2metric
= (110 lb/ft3)(18 ft) = 1980 lb/ft2 standard

m =gwd
= (9.81 kN/m3)(- 0.71 m) = - 6.97 kN/m2metric
= (62.4 lb/ft3)(- 2 ft) = - 124.8 lb/ft2 standard

s' =s -m
= 95.0 kN/m2 - (- 6.97 kN/m2) = 102.0 kN/m2metric
= 1980 lb/ft2 - (- 124.8 lb/ft2) = 2105 lb/ft2 standard


s =gD
= (17.28 kN/m3)(6.1 m) = 105.4 kN/m2metric
= (110 lb/ft3)(20 ft) = 2200 lb/ft2 standard

m =gwd
= (9.81 kN/m3)(0 m) = 0metric
= (62.4 lb/ft3)(0 ft) = 0 standard

s' =s -m
= 105.4 kN/m2 - 0 = 105.4 kN/m2 metric
= 2200 lb/ft2 - 0 = 2200 lb/ft2 standard


s =gD
= (17.3 kN/m3)(6.1 m) + (20.4 kN/m3)(7.6 m) = 260.6 kN/m2 metric
= (110 lb/ft3)(20 ft) + (130 lb/ft3)(25 ft) = 5450 lb/ft2 standard

m =gwd
= (9.81 kN/m3)(7.6 m) = 74.6 kN/m2metric
= (62.4 lb/ft3)(25 ft) = 1560 lb/ft2 standard

s' =s -m
= 260.6 kN/m2 - 74.6 kN/m2 = 186.0 kN/m2metric
= 5450 lb/ft2 - 1560 lb/ft2 = 3890 lb/ft2 standard


Example #2: Using the Boussinesq theory, calculate the change in vertical stress at 0.61 m (2 ft) below the middle of a 1.2 m x 1.8 m (4 ft x 6 ft) rectangular foundation. The applied building load on this foundation is 167.6 kN/m2 (3500 lb/ft2).


  • z = 0.61 m (2 ft) *See the theory, equations and definitions provided above
  • q = 167.6 kN/m2 (3500 lb/ft2)
  • 1.2 m x 1.8 m (4 ft x 6 ft) rectangular footing


Dsv = SPv

SPv = summation of all stress components (i.e. Pv1 + Pv2 + .... + Pvn). In this case, we analyze the foundation in 4 equal but separate quadrants. Instead of a single 1.2 m x 1.8 m (4 ft x 6 ft) foundation, we have 4 separate 0.61 m x 0.91 m (2 ft x 3 ft) quadrants. This is done so that one corner of each quadrant is located in the center of the footing.

4Pv = 4qIs Since the quadrants have equal dimensions with the same applied load, we simply multiply the equation by 4 (4 quadrants). If footing had varying applied loads or unequal quadrant shapes, then each stress summation must be done separately.

m = x = 0.91 m = 1.5 metric
0.61 m
m = x = 3.0 ft = 1.5standard
2.0 ft

n = y = 0.61 m = 1.0 metric
0.61 m
n = y = 2.0 ft = 1.0standard
2.0 ft

Is = 0.2 Influence value from Boussinesq chart, where m = 1.5 and n= 1.0.

Dsv = SPv = 4Pv = 4qIs

= 4(167.6 kN/m2)(0.2) = 134.1 kN/m2 metric
= 4(3500 lb/ft2)(0.2) = 2800 lb/ft2 standard


Additional pressure on the soil at a distance of 0.61 m (2 ft) below the center of the footing due to an applied building load of 167.6 kN/m2 (3500 lb/ft2) is 134.1 kN/m2 (2800 lb/ft2).


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Settlement Analysis on the Geotechnical Information Website (2024)


What is settlement analysis in geotechnical engineering? ›

In geotechnical engineering , settlement is defined as the vertical movement of the ground, generally caused be changes in stresses within the earth. Subsidence is a term often used to described 'caving in' or sinking of the ground, that may not be associated within changes in soil stresses.

What is the formula for settlement in geotech? ›

Therefore, to determine the settlements, it is necessary to know: the course of vertical stresses σz with depth. The settlement-generating base stress σ1 = σ0 - γ • h must be used, taking into consideration the stress reduction by the excavation unloading for the embedment depth of the foundations.

What are the methods of soil settlement? ›

The overall process of geotechnical settlement is made up of three main components occur at different stages: Immediate settlement (also known as elastic settlement) Consolidation settlement (or primary settlement) Creep settlement (or secondary settlement).

What is consolidation settlement? ›

As noted previously, consolidation settlement is the time-dependent volume change that occurs as the excess pore water pressure, developed during load application, gradually dissipates and is transferred to the soil skeleton. From: Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology (Third Edition), 2003.

How much differential settlement is acceptable? ›

Similarly, American Society of Civil Engineers recommends that total settlement should not exceed 50 mm for residential buildings and 75 mm for industrial buildings, while differential settlement should not exceed 19 mm for residential buildings and 25 mm for industrial buildings.

How to check settlement in soil? ›

2 Methods to measure and calculate soil settlement

Laboratory methods involve testing soil samples in controlled conditions to determine their compressibility, consolidation, and strength characteristics. Some examples of laboratory methods are oedometer test, triaxial test, and unconfined compression test.

How is settlement calculated? ›

The Full and Final Settlement calculation can be tedious with a lot of components involved for calculation. The net payable full and final settlement amount is calculated based on inclusions, which are basically the earnings and deductions, which are deducted from the earnings mentioned.

How to reduce settlement of soil? ›

To reduce soil settlement, various ground improvement techniques can be employed: 1)Compaction: Proper compaction of the backfilled soil increases soil density hence reduces settlement potential. 2)Soil Stabilization: Treat the excavated soil with stabilizers to enhance its strength and reduce settlement.

What is the soil settlement rate? ›

The rate of settlement of a saturated soil is expressed by the coefficient of consolidation (cv). The rate of settlement of a soil, and hence the value of cv, is governed by two factors: the amount of water to be squeezed out of the soil; and the rate at which that water can flow out.

Does clay settle more than sand? ›

Very fine clay particles take far longer to settle out of water than larger sand and silt particles, Brewer explained.

What are the three methods of analysis for soil? ›

The three types of soil testing are physical analysis, nutrient analysis, and microbial activity analysis.

How does ground settlement occur? ›

Ground settlement refers to the process of compacting granular soils due to shear deformations caused by earthquake shaking, resulting in a decrease in the soil's volume and a sinking of the ground surface.

What is settlement in geotechnical engineering? ›

Settlement of the foundation soil is a vertical displacement of the soil surface caused by the workload of the building. During and after the building construction, settlement of the foundation structure is considered normal and acceptable to a certain extent.

What is settlement analysis? ›

A settlement analysis includes the overall settlement of a facility to ensure that pipes will remain intact and any liquid drainage flow paths for leachate, surface water, or waste water will satisfy design requirements after settlement is complete.

How to determine if a soil is normally consolidated? ›

If the current effective stress, s', is equal (note that it cannot be greater than) to the preconsolidation stress, then the deposit is said to be normally consolidated (NC). If the current effective stress is less than the preconsolidation stress, then the soil is said to be over-consolidated (OC).

What is meant by settlement in structural analysis? ›

Settlement is the downward movement or the sinking of a structure's foundation. It is mostly caused by changes in the underlying soil, such as drying and shrinking, wetting and softening, or compression due to the soil being poorly compacted when construction started.

What is the formula for calculating settlement amount? ›

The general formula most insurers use to measure settlement worth is the following: (Special damages x multiplier reflecting general damages) + lost wages = settlement amount.

What is settlement pattern analysis? ›


The broader purposes of these surveys are to measure the long-term evolution of civilizations; to make comparisons for theory building; and to establish long-term research agendas within particular regions.

What is the settlement method? ›

A settlement is the final stage of the payment process, whereby the acquiring bank collects funds from the cardholder's issuing bank, through the payment gateway. The money is then deposited into the merchant's business account, minus relevant processing fees.

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.