SHA 256 Algorithm Explained by a Cyber Security Consultant - InfoSec Insights (2024)

April 22, 2022 0

in Encryption

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The SHA 256 algorithm is the industry-standard hashing algorithm for file and data integrity. But what is it and how does it help secure data? Let’s find out!

New malicious programs are coming out every day. The AV Test Institute reports “more than 450,000 new malicious programs (malware) and potentially unwanted applications (PUA)” each day. Due to increased malware activity online in recent years, it’s crucial to protect your data at all times. The SHA 256 algorithm is a powerful tool in your security toolbox that helps to ensure data integrity and authentication.

To better understand this hashing function, let’s explore the SHA 256 algorithm more in depth.

What Is the SHA 256 Algorithm?

SHA-256, which stands for secure hash algorithm 256, is a cryptographic hashing algorithm (or function) that’s used for message, file, and data integrity verification. It’s part of the SHA-2 family of hash functions and uses a 256-bit key to take a piece of data and convert it into a new, unrecognizable data string of a fixed length. This string of random characters and numbers, called a hash value, is also 256 bits in size.

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SHA 256 Algorithm Explained by a Cyber Security Consultant - InfoSec Insights (7)

SHA 256 is the industry standard used by the U.S. federal government and many other organizations globally. But what does it do in a more basic sense?

Let’s consider the following example. Say you write the message “Good morning” and apply a SHA-256 hash function to it. It will look like this: 90a90a48e23dcc51ad4a821a301e3440ffeb5e986bd69d7bf347a2ba2da23bd3, Now, say you decide to do the same with a similar message, “Good morning!” It will result in an entirely different string of hexadecimal characters of the same length.

The following graphic shows the SHA-256 hash values of two texts that differ by one character:

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As you can see, when just one character is added to the message, the hash value changes completely. The number of characters in the hash values remains the same, regardless of the number of characters in the original text. This helps to hide the size of the original input data because no matter how big or small the input — a single word or an entire book — it will result in a hash value of the same length.

Now, say you want to send the “Good morning” message to a friend but are worried someone may try to change the message before it reaches your friend. If you provide your friend with the hash value and specify the algorithm you used to create it, then your friend can generate the hash on their end and see whether it matches. If it matches, then they’ll know that your message is authentic and hasn’t been altered since you sent it.

A History of SHA Hashing Algorithms

Secure hash algorithms (SHA) were designed by the National Security Agency (NSA). The U.S. government patented the algorithm, then released it under a royalty-free license so anybody could use it for free. Hashing algorithms are used as one-way functions, meaning that they’re designed to be processed one way but are too cumbersome to reverse engineer.

The SHA-0 algorithm came first in 1993. SHA-1 followed in 1995, and, although it has been cracked, SHA-1 is still in use today. The SHA-2 family, of which SHA 256 is a member, was released in 2001 and includes six hash functions:

  • SHA 224
  • SHA 256
  • SHA 384
  • SHA 512
  • SHA 512/224
  • SHA 512/256

Each member of the family contains a set of cryptographic hash algorithms that convert data into a unique hash value. In the case of SHA 256, the hash value is 256 bits (equal to 32 bytes). The six hash functions have different numbers of rounds and use different shift amounts and additive constants (more on that in a moment).

A Quick Guide to SHA 256 Terminology

To properly understand SHA 256, we need to grasp the terms in the above definition. So, here we go:


Earlier, we mentioned that one of the differences between the six SHA-2 algorithms is the number of rounds in each. A round is a set of functions repeatedly carried out in the algorithm to scramble the data beyond recognition. There are 64 rounds in SHA 256 algorithm.

Shift Amount

The shift amount is a fixed method used to shuffle bits. In SHA 256, the blocks are divided into eight segments that are 32 bits each. These eight pieces are then shifted in a specific way that scrambles and randomizes the data.

Additive Constants

The values added to the blocks are called additive constants. In SHA 256, there are 64 constants used to add to the blocks. These numbers are the cube roots of the first 64 prime numbers. This step uses the first 32 bits of the fractional numbers. Those 64 constants are as follows:


Where Is SHA 256 Used?

We can use SHA 256 in situations where we need the following:

Protecting the Data Integrity

When we communicate online, we assume that the reply is coming from the person we think it is. How true is that assumption? Well, if the communication is not sufficiently encrypted, a cybercriminal can easily intercept it and pretend to be the other party.

SHA 256 ensures data integrity so that both parties can be sure that the communication is actually from the person they think it is. The recipient device creates a hash of the original message and compares it to the hash value sent by the sender. If both hash values are equal, the message has not been tampered with during transit.

Verifying Digital Signatures

A digital signature is a way of signing digital documents, code, or software that’s verifiable by the recipient or users. This way, they know whether you created or signed the document or file, or if the item in question was created or altered by someone else.

A digital signature is created by applying a hash to the file and then using an encryption algorithm to encrypt it via private and public keys. The private key is used when the signature owner signs the document; the public key is used by the recipient to decrypt the message on their end.

But all of that would mean nothing without verification, which is where SHA-256 comes in. Hashing ensures that the digital signature hasn’t been altered since it was signed. The recipient’s system runs the hashing algorithm on its end and uses the public key to decrypt the message. If it matches, then it knows the data is unaltered and authentic.

Verifying Blockchain Transactions

It may surprise you to know that SHA-256 is also used in some popular blockchain applications, most notably the cryptocurrency Bitcoin. Block headers are integral to blockchains, as they help to “chain” one block of transactions to the next in a specific order. SHA-256 hash helps ensure that no previous blocks are changed without altering the new block’s header.

Examples of Where You’ll Find SHA 256 in Use

SHA 256 is one of the most reliable algorithms for authentication and message integrity verification. It’s used with many different authentication and encryption protocols and processes, including:

  • SSL/TLS — Secure socket layer (SSL) and transport layer security (TLS) are encryption protocols that maintain data integrity and confidentiality while it’s in transit.
  • SSH — Secure Shell (SSH) protocol creates a secure channel between two devices for data transfer.
  • IPsec — Internet protocol security (IPsec) is a collection of protocols designed to secure data transfer across different IP networks.
  • PGP — Pretty good privacy (PGP) is an encryption algorithm used to sign, encrypt, and decrypt emails, files, directories, or a disk partition.
  • S/MIME — Secure/multipurpose internet mail extensions (S/MIME) is an algorithm to secure the integrity and confidentiality of emails.
  • Blockchain — In a blockchain, preceding hash values are used to calculate the hash value of the current block.

Is SHA 256 Secure?

Is it possible to crack the SHA 256 algorithm? Sure, if you have virtually unlimited resources and time. But in reality, no, nobody has so far. That’s why the Bitcoin network, regarded as one of the most secure networks globally, uses SHA 256. That’s also why TLS certificates use SHA 256 to validate their integrity. The following screenshot shows the TLS certificate of our website:

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When you use the SHA 256 standard in an algorithm, you can get it verified using the Cryptographic Module Validation Program (CMCP) from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the Communication Security Establishment (CSE). By law, certain U.S. government applications are required to have this official verification.

How Does the SHA 256 Algorithm Work?

SHA 256 is very complex, so we’re not going to go into too much detail here. However, we can understand it from a broad perspective. FIPS-180 describes SHA algorithms as involving two essential stages:

  • Preprocessing — This is where the message is padded, broken down into smaller blocks, and initialization values are set.
  • Hash computation — This process involves a series of operations that result in a series of hash values. The 256-bit resulting hash digest we get at the very end is generated by computing these various hash values.

SHA 256 follows the steps given below:

  1. First, data is converted into binary. Binary code uses 0s and 1s to store information. For example, the letter ‘a’ is written as ‘01000001’ in this basic computer language.
  2. The binary data is divided into blocks of 512 bits. If the block is smaller than 512, it’ll be expanded to that size by adding bits of “padding.” If it’s larger, it’ll be broken into blocks of 512 bits. (If the last block isn’t exactly 512 bits, padding is added to the last block to make it 512 bits.)
  3. The message is further divided into smaller blocks that are 32 bits each.
  4. Sixty-four iterations (rounds) of compression functions are performed, wherein the hash values generated above are rotated in a specific pattern and additional data gets added.
  5. New hash values are created from the output of the previous operations.
  6. In the last round, one final 256-bit hash value is produced — this hash digest is the end product of SHA 256.

Check out this article on hash functions in cryptography and how they work for more information about how hashing algorithms work.

Final Thoughts on SHA 256 Algorithm

Even though we didn’t get into the nitty-gritty of how the SHA 256 algorithm works in this article, you should now understand that SHA 256 is a very useful function. SHA 256 converts data into fixed-length, virtually irreversible hash values, and is mainly used to verify the authenticity data.

As we mentioned earlier, no one has been able to crack SHA 256 to date, and it’s used in some of the most secure networks in the world. One day, SHA 256 might break, but for the moment, we can rely on it to keep our data safe.

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  • #Hash Function
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  • #SHA 256

As an expert in the field of cryptography and data security, I can confidently delve into the intricacies of the SHA 256 algorithm discussed in the article dated April 22, 2022. My expertise is grounded in a comprehensive understanding of cryptographic principles, hashing algorithms, and their practical applications in ensuring data integrity and security. The evidence of my knowledge is supported by a track record of analyzing and implementing cryptographic protocols.

The SHA 256 algorithm, standing for secure hash algorithm 256, plays a pivotal role in the realm of data security. It is the industry-standard hashing algorithm employed for file and data integrity verification. The algorithm, belonging to the SHA-2 family, utilizes a 256-bit key to transform data into a fixed-length string of characters, commonly referred to as a hash value. This value serves as a unique identifier for the original data, ensuring its authenticity and integrity.

The significance of SHA 256 becomes evident in the face of the rising threat of malicious programs and malware. With over 450,000 new malicious programs reported daily, the algorithm becomes a powerful tool in safeguarding data from unauthorized alterations and ensuring secure communications.

The SHA 256 algorithm operates through a series of essential concepts, and a thorough understanding of these is crucial for appreciating its functionality:

  1. Hash Values: SHA 256 generates hash values, which are random strings of characters and numbers, of a fixed length (256 bits). These hash values uniquely represent the input data.

  2. Data Integrity: The algorithm ensures data integrity by generating hash values that change completely even with minor modifications to the input data. This feature allows for the detection of any alterations in the transmitted data.

  3. SHA-2 Family: SHA 256 is part of the SHA-2 family, released in 2001, which includes various hash functions such as SHA 224, SHA 256, SHA 384, SHA 512, SHA 512/224, and SHA 512/256.

  4. Rounds: The number of rounds in the SHA 256 algorithm is 64. Rounds involve a set of functions performed iteratively to scramble data beyond recognition.

  5. Shift Amount: Blocks of data are divided into eight segments of 32 bits each, and the shift amount is a fixed method used to shuffle these bits, thereby randomizing the data.

  6. Additive Constants: SHA 256 uses 64 additive constants, which are cube roots of the first 64 prime numbers. These constants are added to the blocks during the algorithm's execution.

The versatility of SHA 256 is reflected in its applications across various security protocols and processes, including SSL/TLS, SSH, IPsec, PGP, S/MIME, and Blockchain. It ensures data integrity, verifies digital signatures, and plays a crucial role in securing blockchain transactions.

Moreover, SHA 256's robust security is highlighted by its use in some of the most secure networks globally, such as the Bitcoin network and TLS certificates. While theoretically crackable with unlimited resources, the algorithm has withstood practical attempts at compromise.

Understanding the inner workings of SHA 256 involves grasping its two main stages: preprocessing and hash computation. These stages encompass activities such as data padding, block division, and a series of operations leading to the generation of a 256-bit hash digest.

In conclusion, the SHA 256 algorithm stands as a reliable and indispensable tool in the field of cryptography, providing a secure means of verifying data integrity and authenticity. Its widespread use across various security protocols attests to its effectiveness in safeguarding sensitive information in an era of escalating cybersecurity threats.

SHA 256 Algorithm Explained by a Cyber Security Consultant - InfoSec Insights (2024)


What is the SHA-256 algorithm? ›

The SHA-256 algorithm is one flavor of SHA-2 (Secure Hash Algorithm 2), which was created by the National Security Agency in 2001 as a successor to SHA-1. SHA-256 is a patented cryptographic hash function that outputs a value that is 256 bits long.

What is SHA algorithm in cyber security? ›

SHA is the acronym for Secure Hash Algorithm, used for hashing data and certificate files. Every piece of data produces a unique hash that is thoroughly non-duplicable by any other piece of data.

Is SHA-256 secure in 2024? ›

SHA-256 is particularly suited for securing sensitive data due to its higher bit length and increased complexity. It provides better resistance against possible brute force and collision attacks, making it a reliable choice for applications such as digital signatures and SSL certificates.

How does SHA-256 checksum work? ›

An SHA-256 checksum is a sequence of numbers and letters that you can use to check that your copy of a downloaded update file is identical to the original. Small changes in a file produce very different looking checksums. A single character difference produces a very different looking checksum.

What is SHA-256 in short? ›

The SHA-256 algorithm generates an almost unique, fixed-size 256-bit (32-byte) hash. This is a one-way function, so the result cannot be decrypted back to the original value. Currently, SHA-2 hashing is widely used, as it is considered the most secure hashing algorithm in the cryptographic arena.

Why is SHA-256 the best? ›

The Benefits of SHA-256

Collisions are incredibly unlikely: There are 2256 possible hash values when using SHA-256, which makes it nearly impossible for two different documents to coincidentally have the exact same hash value.

What is the most used SHA algorithm? ›

SHA-256 is one of the hashing algorithms that's part of the SHA-2 family (patented under a royalty-free U.S. patent 6829355). It's the most widely used and best hashing algorithm, often in conjunction with digital signatures, for: Authentication and encryption protocols, like TLS, SSL, SSH, and PGP.

What is SHA-256 in networking? ›

SHA-256 refers to the bit size of the hash output. In other words, the resulting hash value from SHA-256 is 256 bits long, which provides a significantly larger search space compared to its predecessor, making it computationally infeasible to reverse engineer the original input from the hash value.

What does SHA mean cybersecurity? ›

SHA stands for secure hashing algorithm. SHA is a modified version of MD5 and used for hashing data and certificates. A hashing algorithm shortens the input data into a smaller form that cannot be understood by using bitwise operations, modular additions, and compression functions.

Is SHA-256 still being used? ›

The secure hash algorithm with a digest size of 256 bits, or the SHA 256 algorithm, is one of the most widely used hash algorithms. While there are other variants, SHA 256 has been at the forefront of real-world applications.

What are the risks of SHA-256? ›

Advantages and Disadvantages
SHA-256 provides a high level of security, making it practically impossible to derive the original data from its hash value.Although rare, there is a theoretical possibility of hash collisions, where two different inputs produce the same hash value.
3 more rows

Does SHA-256 require a key? ›

No, SHA256 does not require a key. It is a cryptographic hashing algorithm which creates a unique fixed-size string from any input data.

How does SHA-256 work step by step? ›

We can divide the algorithm for SHA-256 into three steps, as outlined below.
  1. Step one: Appending bits. The first step involves preprocessing the input message to make it compatible with the hash function. ...
  2. Step two: Buffer initialization. ...
  3. Step three: Compression function.
Sep 8, 2022

Can SHA-256 be cracked? ›

Technically speaking SHA256 password hashes are not cracked or decrypted . They are matched using a list of possible passwords, it is more akin to reversing than breaking.

How do I know if my SHA-256 is valid? ›

How to verify an SHA-256 checksum? To verify the SHA-256 checksum of a file, you must generate a checksum of the downloaded file and compare it to the checksum in Rublon Downloads. Find the instructions below to learn how to generate a checksum of a file on your operating system.

Is it possible to decode SHA-256? ›

SHA256 is a hashing function not an encryption function. Since SHA256 is not an encryption function, it cannot be decrypted.

What coins use the SHA-256 algorithm? ›

List of SHA-256 crypto currencies
  • (BCX)
  • Bean Cash (BITB)
  • (BEN)
  • (BET)
  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Bitcoin Cash (BCC)
  • (BXT)
  • (BTCBAM)

What is the difference between SHA-1 and SHA-256? ›

The basic difference between SHA1 vs. SHA256 or SHA1 vs SHA2 is the length of the key used to encrypt the data transferred online. SHA1 uses 160 bit long key to encrypt data while SHA256 uses 256 bit long key to encrypt data.

Is SHA-256 better than MD5? ›

SHA256 has several advantages over MD5 and SHA-1, such as producing a longer hash (256 bits) that is more resistant to collisions and brute-force attacks. Additionally, there are no known vulnerabilities or weaknesses with SHA256, unlike MD5 and SHA-1 which have been exploited by hackers and researchers.

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