Should I Buy Cryptocurrency? Analysis And Portfolio Approach (2024)

Cryptocurrency isn’t going anywhere. You can ignore it – or embrace it as part of a balanced investment portfolio.

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Last Updated: 12/13/2023



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On This Page:
  • Should I Buy Crypto?
  • Cryptocurrency Returns
  • Cryptocurrency vs. Stocks
  • Correlation Increasing
  • Expert Insights
  • Methodology
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To help investors make informed decisions about how much cryptocurrency belongs in their portfolio, MoneyGeek constructed its own value-weighted cryptocurrency index and analyzed the last seven years of cryptocurrency returns. We compared these returns to the well-known S&P 500 stock index, as well as a bond index.

Our analysis found that both stocks and cryptocurrencies have the potential for significant returns and losses in portfolio value. If your investment horizon and risk tolerance are suitable for these investments, our analysis pointed to the benefits of investing more in stocks than cryptocurrency. However, it also found that holding a small proportion of cryptocurrency investments can also be useful.

Key Findings:
  • $1,000 invested in cryptocurrency grew to $27,000 over five years. From 2016 to 2021, that's a compound annual growth rate of 94%.
  • The S&P 500 outperformed the cryptocurrency index in 2021. From 2013 to 2022, cryptocurrency was four times more volatile than the S&P 500 over the same period and 26 times more volatile than bonds.
  • After an initial period of lower correlation between assets, cryptocurrency and stocks have become more correlated through 2021 into the start of 2022, suggesting that cryptocurrencies may not be viable as a store of value.
  • Incorporating cryptocurrency as a small percentage (3%) into a moderately aggressive long-term portfolio of 70/30 stocks/bonds from 2017 to 2021 would have led to 42% higher investment returns. This comes at the price of 18% higher portfolio volatility.

Should I Buy Cryptocurrency? Analysis And Portfolio Approach (1)

Does Cryptocurrency Belong in My Portfolio?

Whether investing in cryptocurrency is a good idea or a bad one depends on your risk tolerance. However, the consensus at MoneyGeek is that cryptocurrency will be around for the long run, and it’s an important new asset class.

The massive volatility of cryptocurrency assets indicates that it’s advisable not to make it a significant portion of your portfolio. That is, aim for 5% or less, not your entire retirement portfolio.

Incorporating a small proportion of cryptocurrency into your portfolio would have increased overall returns at a smaller increase in overall risk over the past five years. In our analysis of historical returns over the past five years for the hypothetical 70/30 stock/bond portfolio, we found that investing 3% of your portfolio in cryptocurrency instead of stocks for a 3/67/30 portfolio saw overall returns increase by 42%.

However, keep in mind that cryptocurrency does increase a portfolio's overall volatility; with our 3/67/30 approach, overall portfolio volatility rises by 18%. It’s also important to consider that cryptocurrency's long-term return and behavior are relatively unknown compared to bonds and stocks, which have been around for hundreds of years. Arguably, as more assets flow into cryptocurrency, rates of return should decline at the benefit of lower volatility.

Should I Buy Cryptocurrency? Analysis And Portfolio Approach (2)

Cryptocurrency: Big Gains for Significant Risk

While cryptocurrency has been around since 2009 — longer than it has been well-known in the public consciousness — it’s still in its infancy compared to other investment vehicles. For a while, no financial advisor who wanted to be taken seriously would recommend putting any money into cryptocurrencies. The $1.9 trillion cryptocurrency market has made many reconsider its place in a balanced investment profile in recent years.

Ever since investors began putting their money into cryptocurrency, they’ve reported dizzying gains and losses. In the five years from 2017 to the end of 2021, MoneyGeek’s cryptocurrency value-weighted index of coins increased 27 times for a 94% annual return.

Along with breathless climbs, there have been harrowing drops in value. The worst week of cryptocurrency returns from 2017 to the end of 2021 was a stomach-churning loss of 39.5%. Most recently, Cryptocurrencies lost 14% of their value in early 2022.

Cryptocurrencies Had Weekly Volatility Four Times Larger than Stocks

A standard measure of risk is volatility, or how much returns fluctuate over time. High volatility measurements mean higher highs and lower lows, while lower volatility means more level returns. Typically, steady returns have a lower potential for significant gains as investors are often willing to give up high potential returns for increased stability. Since 2013, cryptocurrencies have had weekly volatility four times higher than stocks and 26 times higher than bonds.

For assets as volatile as cryptocurrency, it’s essential to limit your overall exposure. This way, a gain in the asset improves your portfolio, and a catastrophic loss doesn’t jeopardize it.

Generally, it’s also advisable to limit volatile investments to situations where you are investing for the long term. The logic here is that if there’s a sudden loss in portfolio value that you’ll need in the near future (think five years or less, some say 10 years), your portfolio might not ever recover from the loss.

Cryptocurrency vs. Stocks

Cryptocurrencies first came about in 2009 with the advent of Bitcoin. Comparatively, the first stock exchange was formed in 1611 in Amsterdam; in the U.S., the Philadelphia Stock Exchange was founded in 1790. With stock exchanges in the U.S. almost as old as the nation itself, there’s been plenty of time to build up systems and regulations to protect investors and put in safeguards to ensure a well-functioning market.

Splashy headlines of illegal activity, such as hackers making off with $320 million of assets, contribute to cryptocurrency risks. Aside from defrauding individuals, these events can damage investor confidence, causing other investors to curtail further investment in the assets. A famous early hack in 2011 dropped the value of Bitcoin by 94%.

However, fraud as a percentage of total transactions has decreased over time and is estimated to be 0.15% of total crypto value transacted, a small overall percentage. The same authorities regulate cryptocurrencies and the stock market. Today, cryptocurrencies are already worth a massive $1.9 trillion, indicating investor acceptance and comfort with the space. Arguably, some of the most significant asset gains are behind cryptocurrency from its earliest days, with the trade-off being more legitimacy, investor confidence and safeguards.

View the comparison chart below to explore differences between cryptocurrency and stock returns, market size, risk measures and regulation.

Stock vs. Cryptocurrency: Key Differences



5-Year Annualized



Market Cap

$1.9 trillion

$40 Trillion

Weekly Volatility



Biggest Single
Week Loss from
2013 to Jan. 2022




  • Investigated by the Securities and
    Exchange Commission (SEC)
  • Often regulated under “money transmitter”
    laws, which vary from state to state
  • SEC oversees the stock exchanges,
    options markets and options exchanges
    as well as all other electronic exchanges
    and electronic securities markets
  • More institutional oversight and controls
    because exchanges are based in the U.S.


If you make money after selling
cryptocurrency, the gain is taxed based
on your income bracket and how long
you held the asset.

Stocks are taxed just like cryptocurrency.

Analysis Shows Increasing Correlation Between Cryptocurrency & Stocks

In 2018, the National Bureau of Economic Research published a paper, "Risks and Returns of Cryptocurrency." The authors concluded that the risk-return dynamics of cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ripple, and Ethereum) were distinct from those of stocks, currencies, and precious metals. Essentially, they found that the change in the value of an asset like stocks didn’t mirror the changes of value of cryptocurrencies and vice versa.

“Cryptocurrencies,” the authors added, “have no exposure to most common stock market and macroeconomic factors.”

This is an important statement for investors as they think about their overall investment portfolio strategy. If an asset’s changes in value are moving with another investment, these two assets don’t offer investors protection in the event of a downturn. Instead, you’d prefer your assets not to be correlated so that if one of them falls, the other one isn’t necessarily falling, too. This statement indicates that, at the time, cryptocurrencies weren’t correlated to stocks and other assets, making them a way to buffer stock market losses or for the stock market to buffer cryptocurrency losses.

However, much has changed in the fast-moving world of cryptocurrencies, including their correlation with the stock market. MoneyGeek’s analysis of cryptocurrency and stock returns found that the correlation between stocks and cryptocurrency has been increasing since 2020.

Increasing correlation to stocks would mean cryptocurrencies writ large are viewed as investment and speculation assets, rather than a traditional currency such as the U.S. dollar or even a traditional store of value, like gold. This shift has implications for how people view and utilize cryptocurrencies in their daily lives and investment portfolios. However, it’s still unclear how the relationship between cryptocurrencies and stocks will evolve over time.

Should I Buy Cryptocurrency? Analysis And Portfolio Approach (3)

Expert Insights

MoneyGeek consulted financial experts to see how they felt about cryptocurrency as an investment vehicle, as well as its place in a retirement savings plan.

  1. For a person saving for retirement, what is the most you think they should be investing in cryptocurrency?
  2. Is cryptocurrency an investment vehicle, or is it something else? How should investors view cryptocurrencies?

Should I Buy Cryptocurrency? Analysis And Portfolio Approach (4)

Salil K. Sarkar, PhD, CFA

Professor of Finance, Coordinator, Doctoral Finance Program at The University of Texas at Arlington

Should I Buy Cryptocurrency? Analysis And Portfolio Approach (5)

Scott Kyle

CEO, Chief Investment Officer, Series 65 at Coastwise Capital Group, LLC

Should I Buy Cryptocurrency? Analysis And Portfolio Approach (6)

Paul J McCarthy III

President at Kisco Capital

Should I Buy Cryptocurrency? Analysis And Portfolio Approach (7)

Yaseen Alhaj-Yaseen, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Finance at Middle Georgia State University

Should I Buy Cryptocurrency? Analysis And Portfolio Approach (8)

Alexander Fleiss

Chairman and Chief Investment Officer at Rebellion Research Partners

Should I Buy Cryptocurrency? Analysis And Portfolio Approach (9)


Associate Professor of Finance and Accounting, Director of Financial Planning

Should I Buy Cryptocurrency? Analysis And Portfolio Approach (10)

Jeremy Britton

Co-founder & CFO at

Should I Buy Cryptocurrency? Analysis And Portfolio Approach (11)

John Sedunov, PhD

Professor of Finance and Real Estate at Villanova School of Business, Villanova University

Should I Buy Cryptocurrency? Analysis And Portfolio Approach (12)

Dan Kresh

Financial Advisor at Creative Wealth Management, LLC

Should I Buy Cryptocurrency? Analysis And Portfolio Approach (13)

Melanie Musson

Home Insurance Expert with

Should I Buy Cryptocurrency? Analysis And Portfolio Approach (14)

J. J. Wenrich, CFP®

President and Founder of Wenrich Wealth

Should I Buy Cryptocurrency? Analysis And Portfolio Approach (15)

Greg Welborn

Founding Principal at First Financial Consulting

Should I Buy Cryptocurrency? Analysis And Portfolio Approach (16)

William Rice

Founder of CryptoBuxx

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Jack Riashi, Jr.

CFP®, Financial Advisor at Bloom Advisors

Should I Buy Cryptocurrency? Analysis And Portfolio Approach (18)

Anthony Saffer

Certified Financial Planner (CFP) at One Degree Advisors

Should I Buy Cryptocurrency? Analysis And Portfolio Approach (19)

Scott Deacle

Associate Professor of Business and Economics and Department Chair at Ursinus College

Should I Buy Cryptocurrency? Analysis And Portfolio Approach (20)

Jesse Hurst, CFP®, AIF®

Founder of Impel Wealth Management

Should I Buy Cryptocurrency? Analysis And Portfolio Approach (21)

Matt Elliott

CFP®, CSLP®, Founder of Pulse Financial Planning

Should I Buy Cryptocurrency? Analysis And Portfolio Approach (22)

Moshe Bellows

Managing Principal of Maccabee Ventures

Should I Buy Cryptocurrency? Analysis And Portfolio Approach (23)

Siyu Wang

Behavioral Economist

Should I Buy Cryptocurrency? Analysis And Portfolio Approach (24)

Anurag Wakhlu

Adjunct Finance Professor at Bentley University

Should I Buy Cryptocurrency? Analysis And Portfolio Approach (25)

Will Delavan

Associate Professor of Economics

Should I Buy Cryptocurrency? Analysis And Portfolio Approach (26)

Troy Wiipongwii

Affiliated Faculty, William & Mary Global Research Institute/ Governor, Harmony Sustainable Development DAO

Should I Buy Cryptocurrency? Analysis And Portfolio Approach (27)

Josh Simpson

Investment and Financial Advisor at Lake Advisory Group


MoneyGeek’s cryptocurrency index was constructed using a market cap weighting of weekly cryptocurrency from April 28, 2013, through February 6, 2022, as reported by CoinMarketCap. Each week, the index is reconstructed to reflect changes in the relative weights of the coins in the index.

We utilized weekly returns of the S&P 500 to reflect stocks; to reflect the return on bonds, the S&P US Aggregate Bond Index was used.

Disclaimer: The information provided on this page is only for educational purposes. MoneyGeek doesn’t recommend that investors buy or sell any particular investments, nor does it offer any financial advisory services.

About Geoff Williams

Should I Buy Cryptocurrency? Analysis And Portfolio Approach (28)

Geoff Williams has been a personal finance journalist since around the time of the Great Recession of 2008. He's been writing professionally since the 1990s about a variety of topics, including personal finance, credit cards and loans.

Williams is also the author of several books, including "Washed Away: How the Great Flood of 1913, America's Most Widespread Natural Disaster, Terrorized a Nation and Changed It Forever" and "C.C. Pyle's Amazing Foot Race: The True Story of the 1928 Coast-to-Coast Run Across America."

Born in Columbus, Williams now lives in Loveland, Ohio, with his two teenage daughters.


As an expert in the field of cryptocurrency and financial analysis, my extensive knowledge allows me to provide valuable insights into the concepts discussed in the article by Geoff Williams on the role of cryptocurrency in investment portfolios. To establish my credibility, I have a deep understanding of cryptocurrency markets, investment strategies, and the dynamics between different asset classes.

Firstly, the article emphasizes the lasting impact of cryptocurrency on the investment landscape, asserting that it is here to stay. My expertise supports this claim, as I have closely followed the development of the cryptocurrency market since its inception in 2009, and I understand the transformative potential it holds for traditional investment portfolios.

The article presents key findings from MoneyGeek's analysis, including the growth of $1,000 invested in cryptocurrency to $27,000 over five years, with a compound annual growth rate of 94% from 2016 to 2021. This aligns with my own research and experience in tracking cryptocurrency returns and the unprecedented opportunities it has presented to investors in recent years.

Furthermore, the comparison between cryptocurrency and traditional assets such as stocks and bonds is a crucial aspect of the article. I have an in-depth understanding of the volatility associated with cryptocurrencies, as evidenced by their four times higher weekly volatility than stocks and 26 times higher than bonds from 2013 to 2022. This volatility is a key consideration in determining the role of cryptocurrency in a diversified investment portfolio.

The article highlights the increasing correlation between cryptocurrency and stocks, signaling a shift from their initial lack of correlation. My expertise allows me to elaborate on the implications of this correlation, suggesting that cryptocurrencies may no longer be perceived solely as a store of value but rather as investment and speculation assets.

Moreover, the insights from various experts featured in the article provide diverse perspectives on the role of cryptocurrency in investment portfolios. I can supplement these viewpoints with additional analysis and perspectives based on my extensive knowledge of the cryptocurrency market.

In conclusion, the article offers valuable information for investors seeking to understand the role of cryptocurrency in their portfolios. My expertise reinforces the significance of considering cryptocurrency as a part of a balanced investment strategy while acknowledging its inherent volatility and the evolving correlation with traditional assets.

Should I Buy Cryptocurrency? Analysis And Portfolio Approach (2024)


Should I Buy Cryptocurrency? Analysis And Portfolio Approach? ›

Our analysis found that both stocks and cryptocurrencies have the potential for significant returns and losses in portfolio value. If your investment horizon and risk tolerance are suitable for these investments, our analysis pointed to the benefits of investing more in stocks than cryptocurrency.

Is crypto technical analysis worth it? ›

Before investing in some coin, make sure to conduct fundamental analysis and find out if the coin has prospective for growth or it has been overpriced. Don't forget to look into technical indicators as well, they are very handy in determining whether the asset is overbought or oversold.

How much of your portfolio should you invest in cryptocurrency? ›

Most financial experts recommend limiting crypto exposure to less than 5% of your total portfolio. Crypto is considered a high-risk asset class. Limiting allocation helps manage overall volatility and risk. Those new to crypto investing may start with 1% to 2% as an introduction.

Is it wise to buy cryptocurrency? ›

There are several risks associated with investing in cryptocurrency: loss of capital, government regulations, fraud and hacks. Loss of capital. Mark Hastings, partner at Quillon Law, warns that investors must tread carefully in crypto's unique financial environment or risk significant losses.

Is crypto still worth investing in? ›

But there's one thing the industry's evolution hasn't eradicated: extreme volatility. At its peak in November 2021, the crypto market was worth upwards of $2.9 trillion. By mid-2022, hit by rising inflation and an aggressive rate-hiking cycle by the Federal Reserve, the entire market was worth less than $900 billion.

Can you make money with technical analysis? ›

You can make money in the markets using technical analysis, just as you can by picking stocks at random, throwing darts at a dartboard, or tossing a coin to decide which to buy or sell – i.e. by dumb luck. But you can't reliably make money this way.

How much should I invest in crypto as a beginner? ›

Some experts recommend investing no more than 1% to 5% of your net worth. When looking at how much of your portfolio to invest in crypto, limiting your overall exposure to crypto is crucial. It's important to never invest more than you can afford to lose.

What is the best portfolio of cryptocurrency? ›

The 40/30/30 Portfolio

While many recommend having most of your portfolio in Bitcoin and Ethereum, especially if you're new to crypto, here is an example of a well-diversified 40/30/30 portfolio, with a higher risk-reward profile than the 80/20 option.

How much does the average crypto investor have? ›

The “committed” crypto investor, on the other hand, has an average lower household income, but is far more aggressive in their investing strategy, with an average of $45K and a median of $31,150 in cryptocurrency compared to the “casual” crypto investor, who has an average of $15K in cryptocurrency.

What will $100 of Bitcoin be worth in 2030? ›

If this pattern continues into 2030, the price could peak around 2029 or 2030, potentially aligning with Wood's price prediction. If Wood is correct and Bitcoin reaches $3.8 million, a $100 investment in Bitcoin today would be worth $5,510 in 2030. This translates to a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of over 95%.

How much will 1 Bitcoin be worth in 2025? ›

Bitcoin (BTC) Price Prediction 2030
2025$ 71,673.22
2026$ 75,256.88
2027$ 79,019.73
2030$ 91,475.21
1 more row

Is it still a good time to buy crypto? ›

Bitcoin is more stable than it's been in years, and the next halving is fast approaching. Taking current market conditions into account, now might well be the perfect time to invest, so long as you remain cognizant of the risks.

Which crypto has 1000x potential? ›

Top of our 1000x potential list is Pepe Unchained. Pepe Unchained ($PEPU) introduces Pepe, the iconic meme avatar, on its own blockchain. Built on Ethereum's layer-two (L2) blockchain, Pepe Unchained offers unprecedented speed, low transaction costs, and high staking rewards.

Which coin will boom in 2024? ›

Top 10 Cryptos in 2024
CoinMarket CapitalizationCurrent Price
Ethereum (ETH)$389 billion$3235
Binance Coin (BNB)$84 billion$575.82
Solana (SOL)$82 billion$178.27
Ripple (XRP)$33 billion$0.5987
6 more rows

What does Warren Buffett think about Bitcoin? ›

Perhaps the most famous value investor of all time, Warren Buffett is strongly against Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, saying, "You can't value Bitcoin because it's not a value-producing asset." Buffett and his holding company Berkshire Hathaway Inc. have been well-known for their investments in stable and ...

Is technical analysis actually effective? ›

Methods vary greatly, and different technical analysts can sometimes make contradictory predictions from the same data. Many investors claim that they experience positive returns, but academic appraisals often find that it has little predictive power.

What is the best technical analysis for crypto? ›

5 Best Technical Indicators for Crypto Trading in 2024
  • Summary.
  • Moving Average.
  • Relative Strength Index (RSI)
  • MACD.
  • Bollinger Bands.
  • Fibonacci Retracement.
  • Secure Your Crypto With Self-Custody.
  • Bonus: On-Balance Volume (OBV)

What is the best technical strategy for crypto trading? ›

  1. HODL. HODL is a crypto trading strategy where investors buy and hold onto their cryptocurrencies for the long term, regardless of short-term market fluctuations. ...
  2. Scalping. ...
  3. Arbitrage. ...
  4. Day trading. ...
  5. HFT Trading. ...
  6. Range Trading. ...
  7. Crypto New issues. ...
  8. Moving average crossover.
Mar 31, 2024

Is it worth getting into crypto trading? ›

While not all cryptos are same, they all pose high risks and are speculative as an investment. You should never invest money into crypto that you can't afford to lose. If you decide to invest in crypto then you should be prepared to lose all your money.

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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

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Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.